Jul 6Liked by Meryl Nass

Those safe food handling tips, separating your meats and fish and eggs from your other groceries IN YOUR GROCERY BASKET is straight outta the height of covid terrorized obsessive-compulsiveness. To get a library book in Livonia, you ordered online, parked in the lot, wearing a mask, and a plastic gloved masked library person would come outside with your book in a plastic or paper bag and hand it to you from three feet away. All returned books would be decontaminated by being set aside for four days. FDA is trying to keep the hygiene hysteria train on the rails, AND, I read they just ever so mysteriously refused to allow further trials of MDMA, which has an 80 per cent improvement rate when used with PTSD veterans and first responders. The whole bleeding agency should be put in a large plastic bag and decontaminated for as long as it takes.

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I purchased a rotisserie chicken last week at Sam's Club. It was still mostly in the fridge (one breast was cut out). My wife says she won't eat a 1-week old rotisserie chicken. I said, I will. She forwards me a FDA notices saying it's bad to eat it after a few days. (checking myself after having it for the last few days.... sniffing the air) I feel fine. The FDA is all about consumption and spending lots for it - courtesy of their benefactors who help pay half their budget.

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at least you could GET a book. during the convid, my local (large city) library was completely closed for 8 months, briefly reopening with similar system as you relate and then closed again, because one of the staff MIGHT have had covid and they had to decon the entire building... which supposedly took 4 months. when they DID finally reopen, I was verbally reprimanded by a teenage-looking 'security guard' for not having my mask up over my nose far enough. it was 5 minutes after they opened in the morning and I was one of maybe 5 people in the whole building! omg, for some reason, the library was the MOST tyrannical of all institutions.

never. effing. again.

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Remember in the old movies when women hauled off and slapped somebody and whatever provoked it didn’t happened again? That needs to happen now.

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Good one!! Boy, do I miss those good ole days. Feel like we're living in a nightmare horror futuristic dystopian straight outta hell movie, but unfortunately we're living it. Thanks for the mental image of a good time in human history. A time when people couldn't just get away with anything they wanted to because they'd be taken to task and fast.

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Corrections were made back then, but nowadays everyone is too entitle to be corrected. Today. if you slapped a deserving jackass, YOU would be charged with assault and jailed.

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Yesssss!!! BITCH SLAP all the Generals and HANG the heads of the alphabet agencies.

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GHB also suppressed fraudulently. PTSD sufferers cannot avail themselves

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Avoid misinformation…. Don’t bother looking at agency web pages they are chock full of bull ecrement. Of course you look at them knowing that, and point out how stupid and ridiculous they are.

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Jul 6Liked by Meryl Nass

The thing most seem to miss here, is what was taken from us, the agencies that protect us, and the trust we once had decades ago when the agencies actually did their jobs.

That's what was stolen from us.

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The FDA never did their job because they were corrupt from their inception!

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I looked into that, I would say initially it was a good thing considering what they put in food, and medicine.

Of course that depends on what data you are willing to believe.


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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Meryl Nass

The instruction on how to snitch on your neighbors to turn in "misinformation" criminals is scary. They don't care that they are acting like characters from the novel 1984 ... or Nazi Germany.

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Jul 6Liked by Meryl Nass

We're back to the 1950's! Where our health "authorities" showed us pictures that came from Norman Rockwell idyllic versions of the perfect family and with captions telling us to be dutiful, obedient, authority compliant idiots. And of course, with verbiage used to teach 5-year olds because we all were THAT stupid. (Apologies to 5-year olds).

But the comment about the safety of processed milk is a DIRECT lobbed volley at the small family farms that produce raw milk in this country. There is a very active campaign by the FDA to wipe out these farms by making it seem as though the only safe milk is from Big Agra. Just check out the Weston A. Price Foundation, who has a lot of info about this topic!

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"Inaccurate information spreads widely and at speed, making it more difficult for the public to identify verified facts and advice from trusted sources, such as the FDA."

Makes my skin crawl. How do we know the FDA is trustworthy? Because they say so.

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You have "Fact Check," you just need to reverse what they say, to find the truth!

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Shared on FB and immediately taken down as "spam"

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Or misinformation! You can only trust the 60 billion in fraud fines, big pharma!

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Yes, unfortunately.

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Jul 6Liked by Meryl Nass

wow. posted on FB, removed ASAP, contested and it was restored. Miracles do happen.

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The FDA, along with most of the other alphabet agencies, needs to be wiped out, discarded, dismantled, sold for parts, banned, etc. It and the others are about as useless as tits on a boar hog. (But I’m sure some out there will think the boar hog has rights and if it thinks it is female nothing wrong with tits on it. Go figure.)

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The FDA and most other alphabet agencies are unconstitutional. Read Amendment 10.

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Got to post something to justify their phony-baloney jobs and pensions!!🤪👍

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The FDA says CBD is a clear and present danger obviously to their overlords drugs cartels profits and that round up is perfectly safe so anybody that bothers to even mention anything about the FDA gets both barrels. I remember George Carlin said Americans panic easily.

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And horse past & HCQ will kill you! It's not blessed by the 60 billion in fraud fines cartel!

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Sad reality but could someone please name me one - just one - public institution in the Western world that is not captured by big business and therefore corrupt to the core. Just ONE.

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Sorry, I can’t help you!

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There isn't ONE!

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The unchecked rogue nanny-state.

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The FDA is criminally attempting to limit the food supply by creating recalls of products every day, based solely on conjecture and assumptions. Who is paying them to destroy products?

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Bill Gates, of course ;-)

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Measles was good enough for the Brady family!

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I was watching an episode of "Father Knows Best" from the late 50's and the youngest daughter came down with Measles. The whole family hovered over her bed while she was sick. No masks, no worries of getting sick themselves. She was sick for a few days and got better. Even tho its a fictitious tv show, it told me so much about how they have changed the narrative to make it scary enough for people to be willing to inject whatever they are told to.

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Me: "Hey Mum the FDA is at the door." Mum: "Tell them to bugger off I'm feeding the chickens."

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