Encouraging to learn that only 7% got 2nd boosters. It sounds like people are waking up. I hope the new boosters sit on the shelves and rot.

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Yeah, except that we all bloody well paid for them to sit on shelves and rot. Would that we could opt out of paying for them in the first place.

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Yes, it really does seem like just another case of "money laundering" w/ this bunch in power. The CDC (and other agencies) deem it necessary and good and puts in their order for the jabs without our consent. Big Pharma makes the stuff. Then, we "receive the Bill" via higher taxes and inflation (because of the printed money). Then, Big Pharma donates huge $$$ to those in power to keep them in power. Criminal!

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That pretty much sums up the way it works!

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And I’m guessing the 7% all live here in the loony state of Washington.🙄🤪

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Or here in California

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...and let's add most of New England, where I raised my family, for thirty years; off-the-wall, looney tunes there now, given their Covid stance.

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excellent rewording

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I appreciate your outlining the differences in liability for the latest "covid booster shots". Even my husband had enough after the 1st "booster" and is refusing any subsequent ones. Professionals like you, Dr. Nass, have been valued voices of truth and reason throughout this long nightmare of propaganda and lies. Thank you!

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Speaking of, I would love your and everyone else’s assistance with trying to get this [satirical!] piece to every parent in the world:

• “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the)

Meryl, I know you’re connected with Children’s Health Defense. I think this is a piece they may be interested in running—would you be able to share it and/or connect me with the appropriate person? The president of the Oregon Chapter is a subscriber and has graciously posted some of my articles at the Oregon site (https://or.childrenshealthdefense.org/news/), but I’d love to see this featured at the main CHD site so it can reach as many parents as possible.

The response so far has been extraordinary, and I think we have a chance of tricking Covidian parents into reading it with hopes of affirming their confirmation bias :-)

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Thank you so much, Meryl!

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Excellent piece, Margaret!

My only issue is with the target audience...I doubt that folks that read CHD (or Substack posts) intend to get their kids jabbed. I may be wrong but critical thinkers have already concluded these jabs are garbage...dangerous garbage.

I would like to see your piece in the NYT!

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Thank you, Mckeekitty! My ultimate intended audience is Covidian parents as well as anyone else who is considering jabbing their kids (as I describe in my intentionally pro-vaxx–sounding tweet, which went viral: https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1566439797622591489), BUT I need awakened people to share this widely as that is how I reach the people I cannot connect with directly due to MSM censorship. So CHD represents a huge number of people who could potentially share it within their own networks.

This has already reached hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of people thanks to so many people sharing, and I want that to multiply exponentially so we have a chance of getting this to every parent in the world—that’s my modest goal, anyway ;-)

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Wow! Margaret! Amazing piece of writing!! I wish I had had this ammo back in mid-June when an intelligent, holistic, young mom I know posted to Facebook that 3 of her 4 kids are participating in the under-5 Pfizer trial. Mind-boggling.😲

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Thank you, TeacherLori! And I am so sorry to hear that a mom would willingly sacrifice up three of her four children—mind-boggling is an understatement.

Please do share widely to help save other children before it’s too late. The response so far has been amazing, and I can only hope it will save some lives, children and adults alike.

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Maybe the title should be reworded -

50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot- (or not)

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I intentionally made it sound pro-vaxx partly because this is a piece of satire but mainly because it is the only way I can get Covidians to click on it and fall into the trap of being presented with truths they have been blinding themselves to for two+ years now. It also has been working beautifully to circumvent social media censorship.

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That is a great piece. Unfortunately FB would instantly ban me if I tried to share it. I just finished a 30 day ban. :(

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Haha, thank you! And I understand re: FB. I think it will be three strikes and you're out next time for me :-)

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I’m just curious on how tainted our blood supply is. If people who have at least one shot or more donate blood is it contaminated with the mRNA? And if I need a transfusion will I, as a person who hasn’t gotten any shots , now have it in my blood stream?

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Thank you. This is a subject that needs addressed. Not much info re this. I’ve been asking the same question for well over a year.

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Scientists Warn That Vaccinated Blood Is ‘Tainted Blood’


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Sadly, it doesn't matter too much whether people have had 1 or 2 boosters; if they got their first shot of spike protein, that protein is rampaging throughout their bodies and doing the damage it was intended to do. If they received their 2d shot, more rampage. By the time they get their first booster, they are well on their way to the grave. Passing on the 2d booster may give them a few more weeks, months or, potentially years of life, but the spike will do what it does, and they will eventually take the dirt nap TPTB intended for them to take. Harsh? You bet1 Reality, that, too.

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what is your view on shedding?

passing along another link that might be of interest ... will be good to see what you think, for a layman like me this is sophisticated talk ... https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/is-the-spike-protein-transforming

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I haven't researched shedding enough to know much about it. The potential is frightening, especially for the unvaccinated.

Thanks for the link.

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Well, licensed perhaps but not real liability....it's through the kangaroo court of VICP which is extremely difficult to win settlements in and the awards are capped. So not true liability.

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That’s the best 7% low score I’ve ever seen and I’m so proud to hear about. I hope it stays there and people “Won’t get fooled Again”

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Thanks Meryl - Another great article and thanks for all your hard work. Big Pharma and gov't all working hand-in-hand. Sad days indeed!

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The Names of The Bilderbergers Who’ve Played a Role in The Covid Event


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It's good news, but what is going to happen when the next round of shots gets mandated like last year (yes, it was only last year!)? We all remember when you couldn't go to work, fly, or take your child to the rec center (depending on where you lived) if you didn't submit!

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It's still sad to think over 20 million people are still buying into the fear narrative. Those people may never go back to regular lives.

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And that's just in the US. Still people all around the world buying into it. And they're trying to change these so people can just breath them in or shoot them up the nose. Once it gets to that, I can see them trying to spray cities, like they spray crops.

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I notice them pushing needle hard, at the gas station, on the weather report, can't escape that Damm viruganda

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The corruption surrounding this jab is so blatantly obvious and dangerous! The FDA has zero interest in protecting people. They are a disgrace and need to be removed and prosecuted immediately!

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Wait! 7%? What booster are we talking about?? 3 or 4? 4 right?? Is there a link to that? Not that I don't believe you. I’d love to have it to show my dad.

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click on the number 7%: 23 M doses, 334 M people in the US

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Oh! Thank you!!

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It’s a nightmare. And a metaphor of sorts of how broken everything is now. Where will it all go?

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