Get your kids out of government schools!

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Get government schools out of the U.S.

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It's pretty much too late already for the GMO Vaxxed kids. But for the ones still uncomtaminated, yes, absolutely GET THEM OUT! They do not need to get exposed to any more shed spikes from the masses of the contaminated!

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Nor to be exposed to the school/gov't's social engineering programs

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Unfortunately, all parents don't have the means to do it.

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True but maybe small community based schools can sprout up.

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I have heard about small community schools. Hope it increases+ For the sake

of our Children.

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Vouchers. Scholarships. Home school.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

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Change can happen within the educational system , if there is WILL.

Parents have to be peeved enough to take action and get involved to FORCE the change.

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When I was working, I had a married client who got together with one other married-with-children professional couple. They each took one day off per week to home school the 4-5 kids - that's both husbands and wives took one day off per week. That equals 4 days of home schooling and 1 day of who-knows-what.

It seemed to work very well for them. Children are our most precious treasures. Hard to trust them to strangers. Especially now.

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Excellent advice, SAMO

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Yes, Lynn, they did…and yes, all parents do have the collective resources—it’s just a gross mismanagement of unfair taxes by both Republicans and Democrats. Have you ever watched the John Gatto 5 hour video about American’s education system? It’s as if this guy read my mind as a child and adult. Just break it down into one hour views. It’s a mind-opener: https://youtu.be/28uPtl5sWVI

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Sorry, you had to go through that. I'm not one to cause trouble. I was in a music class in Junior High and some friends and I were talking during class. We weren't talking loud. I didn't see this coming. All of a sudden, the music teacher, a man threw a book at me for it. I told my Mother and she told my Father. He was going to talk to that teacher, but I told my Mother to tell him not to do it. That was a mistake on my part. That teacher had no right to do such a thing. Thanks,

Jeffrey for the link. I will check it out. ;-)

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My first reaction, too. But we really do need both, private and public—with the students in full power—not the bloody school boards and worthless teachers (who stop being evolving students) in control. I always hated being told I was a “child” so don’t think…as “they” smacked me across the face for “not thinking right.”

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Unfortunately it also happens to teachers. I was told repeatedly to “don’t think, just do, it’s what we pay you for”. Those teachers fought silently, were written up (a badge of honor IMO), or said to hell with it and retired or left the profession.

I’m so sorry this happened to you.

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Don’t be. I have relatives who were also teachers, including my mother—for a short time. To be fair, I also had several great teachers, but mostly not until I entered into high school. The problems with education all these years has everything to do with Rockefeller’s interferences starting way back in the 1800’s—his controls over schools, health education and the pharmaceutical industry. To this very day, there’s still a gross misunderstanding about autism, as well as attention deficit disorders (ADD) and what causes it. Nobody wants to admit, still, the toxicity of aluminum, mercury & fluoride added to vaccines, mediations, teeth fillings, water and food, and now mRNA vax gene-modification protocols, plus unfiltered water with tons of pharmaceuticals we dump and pee right into the toilet, then enters our water supply—which treatment facilities do not remove. Then there’s the extreme dangers of GMO’s, glyphosate, artificial food colorings and additives… The list goes on and on, and all of it was and still is responsible for impossible situations in school, then afterwards, (poor mental health) and I’m now certain all of it has been intentional all along so “they” can profit off “treating,” not preventing, disease we can never overcome (poor mental health and metabolic disorders like diabetes, heart disease & cancer). The teachers, students and parents are all victims, and our governments have been intelligently-responsible, left and right—none of whom are our own—but belong to and work for the monsters; Monsanto and Big Pharma.

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All good points. Many never make the connections you have.

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Was it a nun?

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No, actually, at least I don’t think so. But they were present most of the time. By 3rd grade—after transferring out of Catholic school to public—when I was first told I was autistic-retarded, or retarded-autistic, it got even worse. They never liked my questions, same with the Army much later…and of course now that I’m much older still questioning “everything,” such as the origins of lab-created viruses within the U.S. and the ridiculous mislabeling and misuse of vaccines turned mRNA gene-therapy…the Good times continue. It’s funny, however, you mentioned nuns. People always assume it’s the nuns. The plain-clothed teachers were even more infuriated with me than the nuns, mostly because it was alway them I was repeatedly asking and never getting answers (other than a slap across the face) “why don’t the nuns ever fly about??,” all because of the stupid TV program “The Flying Nun,” I believe with Sally Fields. Not sure, but that name pops into my head whenever I think about it.

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Yes. That's it. Sally Field, the Flying Nun. She was so embarrassed by that show years later - I saw her interviewed - but it did get her noticed. LOL!

I cannot imagine a teacher EVER slapping anyone across the face. Ever. Just shaking my head.

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I always wished Sally’s nun character would just throw her arms up every time a gust of wind came along to carry her off so she’d lose her flying nun gear leaving her totally nude. Seriously, I just hated how she’d hold onto her stupid hat and start flying. I would have watched every episode, if only…

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The teachers really didn't smack you across the face, did they?

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This is totally illegal.

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All of the agencies who were envolved in the Pandemic protocol, lied about safety and eficacy of the vaccines to get mass vaccination. Depopulation is in full swing and the agenda is in high gear.

No child at such a young age has any experience or ability to understand their body chemistry, Healthcare implementation, or safety of any vaccine.

This is the decision of the parents and not the govt.

The govt. Is not out to protect us or adhere to our Constitution.

Biden isn't adhering to his oath of office.

We know the WEF, WHO, and other elites are pushing the agenda upon the people for their own gain.

God bless America 🇺🇸

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Since when aren't there local nurses and doctors and PE teachers, etc., to take care of local children? Not to mention caring teachers, if we leave them alone to do their jobs? Since when does all of this have to come from the central authorities?

I have a better idea: stop abusing our children. It'll cost nothing.

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Anita Hoge tried to warn people about this years ago. Anita and I partnered in an organization called “Child Abuse in the Classroom: A Legal Case to Repeal ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) and restore FERPA. Anita proved that ESSA was not an education bill but a mental health bill and she warned that eventually schools would become medical centers treating our children and billing medicaid. This is big money folks. But as usual no one would listen. Now here we are and I know for a fact there are schools right here in TN that are already billing medicaid for mental health services. They want parents out of the way. Free meals at school for all children was the start. Now children looks at the government as the caregivers and now health care?? Get your kids out the public school system or just resign yourself to the fact that you will not have control over your own children as a matter of fact they will teach these children to hate you.

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Love this comment.

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I see that 'family engagement' is dead last on the CDC's list. no surprise there.

as the mom of a developmentally disabled teen who is not able to communicate to us, the details of his day, it has been crucial for me to maintain communication with everyone involved in his education and care. they KNOW I expect to be contacted if anything outside of the ordinary has occurred. its beyond troubling to think what can now happen when parents are less involved with their special needs student (I was horrified to find out that there are parents that don't even attend IEP meetings,) with these 'on site' clinics... god only knows what they will get away with, with students that cannot make decisions nor communicate.

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The "Vaccines for Children's Program" pushed on "minorities" and the "poor." Mandated for children to attend school. God help us.


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Commies gonna fascist. Trans all the things!

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This 'bypass-parents-and-directly-mess-with-the-lives-and-minds-of-kids' CDC program sounds like one of the prongs of the new Chinese military strategy called "intelligentized warfare" -- which has been described as “integrated warfare waged in land, sea, air, space, electromagnetic, cyber, and cognitive arenas ..."

Who is it that is setting recent US policies?


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As long as your child is engaged in the CDC's vaccination schedule, your child is already captured and being destroyed.

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It looks benign until you find out the truth!

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"Your children are not your children", assumes a new and sinister meaning.


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Thank you Meryl! I've passed this info on to a LOT of people.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

It's weird, isn't it? It's like a cloud of darkness and confusion enveloping the planet, with the majority of humans caught up in the Stockholm Syndrome-Mass Formation-Hypnosis. But not everybody! Some of us can't be hypnotized and we seem to be immune.

Who knows how all of this is going to turn out, but: "You can't fool ALL of the people ALL of the time"!

I am quite certain that the EVIL ONES will be defeated, if only because they are so incredibly stupid and disconnected from reality. I mean, really???: They actually believe they can "upload" their consciousness to an AI "cloud" or something in digital format? My God ARE THEY IDIOTS! Consciousness has nothing to do with brain cells, and it CERTAINLY can't exist in a computer chip or memory module. How dense can they get? I guess PRETTY DENSE!

So that is the "elite" group who wants to run the world? Geesh! We can run intellectual circles around them in our sleep! How can people that moronic even find their way out of bed in the morning? Lol!

Remember— only 3% of the American colonists won the war against the much better armed- and supplied British— the army and navy of the most powerful empire the world had ever seen. And we are just up against a few hundred (or a few thousand?) of the most narcissistic, stupid, disconnected-from-reality evil morons the world has ever seen.

Yes, they have their plans, and they "got the jump" on us because we were not aware of what they were up to. But now we are. We are WATCHING THEM. There is NO WAY they are going to pull

off their agenda now. Oh yes, they will keep trying to the "last man". But the jig is up. All higer consciousness beings in the universe are aligning against them. "When the light is turned on, darkness flees".

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The elitists, the WEFfers, the Wicked Men are arrogant and full of hubris. The arrogance and hubris make for huge blind spots that we can exploit with some work, planning, wiliness and cunning and gaming it out. We have to stay on our toes and continue network with our kind (I'm using the term 'our kind' for want of a better "more inclusive" one at the moment - being older now, I sometimes have brain glitching over word choices). Guerilla warfare tactics, courage in the face of extreme hardships, persistence and perseverance during the Revolution against King George III and of course, ultimately it was God's Hand that brought the Americans through. And so it is now.

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Anita Hoge tried to warn people about this years ago. Anita and I partnered in an organization called “Child Abuse in the Classroom: A Legal Case to Repeal ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) and restore FERPA. Anita proved that ESSA was not an education bill but a mental health bill and she warned that eventually schools would become medical centers treating our children and billing medicaid. This is big money folks. But as usual no one would listen. Now here we are and I know for a fact there are schools right here in TN that are already billing medicaid for mental health services. They want parents out of the way. Free meals at school for all children was the start. Now children looks at the government as the caregivers and now health care?? Get your kids out the public school system or just resign yourself to the fact that you will not have control over your own children as a matter of fact they will teach these children to hate you.

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