"The vaccine does not prevent infection", but it likely enhances infection, mutation and death - quackcine requirements met.

Please go for it!!!

This is a “Change you can believe in” .

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Fantastic deep dive! Thank you for the critical thought provoking research. I feel safeguarded with the wisdom you offer and am ever so grateful you are on the non experiment team.

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Thank you, Dr. Nass. I saw my primary doctor today and was able to explain the Jynneos moneypox vaccine issues, the smallpox ones, the Portugal findings etc. thanks to you making me smart. I was able to speak well, and we had a good discussion. I also gave proper attribution.

I didn't know about the diluting the Jynneos? WTH! Wow. Deliberate sabotaging people's compromised immune systems!

Is this diluted dose (still going to be unsafe!) going to create an ADE situation? I'm asking without thinking it through yet, I apologize. There are some foreseeable immune system problems with such a strategy that you can see, aren't there...?

And when those immune systems encounter the mutating lab created one, is there going to be the problem similar to what happens with kids vaccinated for polio in Africa - who were immune by age 5 but then inoculated where they encounter a wild polio and recombination happens and they get really hammered? (I think those are gates' Decade of Vaccines/gates foundation ones)?

I don't know if you have spoken on this but the NY State health department head doctor has been plain about how many people are exposed by one polio case. She is however recommending everyone get polio vaccines. I'm thinking Oh Oh, that might not be a good idea. I haven't taken a look yet but am wondering if favipirivir will be helpful with treatment.

THANK YOU for your work and educating us.

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The other benefit of EUA is that you don’t need that pesky informed consent requirement.

see page 10 footnote 11 bottom paragraph of legal memo to President


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Sadly, there is no legal informed consent requirement for taking a licensed vaccine...it is debatable whether vaccination is a procedure for which consent is needed... and you don't even require a vaccine information sheet be given to recipient unless the vaccine is on the childhood schedule.

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This is a major important difference here in Canada! I'm not sure if it's statute, regulatory practice, or otherwise, but the legal insurance fund up here (CMPA) requires it of their insured member/healthcare provider:


"As with other novel treatments, special care should be taken when obtaining informed consent to disclose all of the known risks, side effects and discomfort that might be encountered (regardless of how remote the risk might be). In addition, it is generally expected that the patient will be informed if there may be other risks not yet known and the anticipated benefits may not be achieved."

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Am confused. Is it experimental or approved. Unless they changed the law, to protect themselves, emergency authorization means you are willing to be an experiment, and must sign a release.

It's all such bs. The definition of a vaccine was changed to cover the mRNA

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Very interesting.

I wonder what diluting the vaccine will do. It might make it safer and less bioactive. Or it might render it unable to work at all and still have all the same risks associated. Or new adjuncts are added with xyz effect completely unknown.

But why take it at all with such a low CFR associated with moneypox. It seems like it is all risk and has no real benefit.

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They just hope you don't read the fine print.

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Dr. Meryl Nass doesn’t know if monkeypox virus or SARS-COV-2 really exist, but writes about them (and “vaccines”) anyways.

August 8/9 2022: My email exchange with Meryl Nass wherein she utterly failed to provide any science whatsoever re "virus" existence, and exhibited complete indifference to the matter:


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Thank you for sharing Meryl Nass, I do not have time to research Monkeypox with all this COVID-Madness that is going on still, your time is very much appreciated.

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Jeffrey Sachs is now calling for an investigation into Covid origins:


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Ever heard of CYA?

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I got it now: Cover Yuval (Harari)'s A**

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with a mask that is ....

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jokes aside ... it is irresponsible (probably legally responsible) not to warn gay community on the dangers of this illness and the way it is transmitted. there was someone in NY health department that was transferred to another job for raising this issue.

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I wonder if monkeypox has anything to do with sexual behavior, or if its just a diagnosis to cover injection injuries.

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interesting indeed

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This is all bullsh*t to sell fear and Rockerfeller snake oil .

No such new disease as " gay monkey pox".

(One of the effects of 5G is " the pox"symptom aka skin blisters.)

Another big lie like convid19. The exact same cold and flu symptoms rebranded( so no new disease) and the fraudulent misuse of PCR test to create fake cases .

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Dr. Nass,

Thanks you for your fight against vaccines--I do not believe that any are "safe and effective." However, I see that you link to virology which is a junk, fake science which arose in 1954 at the height of the polio scam. Poliomyelitis was not a "virus" at all. It was never isolated by Koch's Postulates in a lab experiment to determine if microbes causes a disease. Polio was caused by DDT from 1945--1955--before that by lead/arsenate pesticide going way back into the 1700's.

Germ theory is 100% false and has never been proven true at all--contagion is also a myth, as no one has ever been "contaminated" with germs or viruses which is the most common scare tactic. 'The Contagion Myth," by Dr. Tom Cowan, MD, is a great read and will challenge current propagandist thinking learned from the Fake News media--and Medical Schools which about 1/2 is misinformation.



Cold, flu, and respiratory symptoms are the body's attempt to expel toxins as we can see from the green/yellow mucus that's expelled. We need to support the body in it's attempt to heal with nutrition, pure water, vitamins, sunshine and rest. Don't put drugs or vaccines back in which may have caused the symptoms in the first place. The real causes are chemical exposure, food poisoning, 5G wifi and electrical radiation, which is why people in the same house thinks it's contagion.

Monkey Pox is not any "virus." It is again the body's attempt to expel toxins such as vaccines and when going through the skin can cause lesions which is falsely claimed to be a virus so they can sell more deadly vaccines to cause serious injury and death for Herr Fraudci and Herr Gates as they once again depopulate the planet.

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Yes, Chemtrails do matter:

'Susceptibility of Monkeypox virus aerosol Suspensions In A Rotating Chamber':

" ... Furthermore, this reemphasized the ongoing the ongoing concern regarding the potential of the potential use of MPXV agents or other poxviral agents such as variola virus for nefarious purposes. ..."


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Thank you, Dr. Nass for all your great research and information! It appears to me that Jynneos has been under the CICP since it was licensed in 2019. https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/jynneos The CDC Vaccine Information Sheet says it's under CICP (and it's dated June 1, 2020). The CDC is also pushing the shot onto pregnant and nursing women! It says in bold on the VIS "If you have been recommended to receive JYNNEOSTM due to an exposure to monkeypox virus, you should be vaccinated regardless of concurrent illnesses, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weakened immune system." https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/smallpox-monkeypox.pdf

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The EUA Fact Sheet is dated August 9 discussing it being under EUA. https://www.fda.gov/media/160773/download

Bernadette, can you show me where it was under CICP before that?

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I found this "A Rule by the Health and Human Services Department on 08/16/2021" that appears to make a variety of smallpox therapeutics covered countermeasures. But the way I read the law, fully licensed products were to be designated EUAs if used for a purpose other than what they were licensed for. Of course the USG long ago gave up following its laws...

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It is shown on the CDC's Vaccine Information Sheet dated June 1, 2022 https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/smallpox-monkeypox.pdf

And in September 2019 in the FDA's approval letter it says "MATERIAL THREAT MEDICAL COUNTERMEASURE PRIORITY REVIEW VOUCHER

We also inform you that you have been granted a material threat medical countermeasure priority review voucher, as provided under section 565A of the FDCA. This priority review voucher (PRV) has been assigned a tracking number, PRV BLA 125678. All correspondences related to this voucher should refer to this tracking number." https://www.fda.gov/media/131079/download

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So, when was it declared a covered countermeasure? Some government authority has to do so. This designation is not for ordinary diseases, only for pandemics and bioterrorism. So when did the authorities decide this was not an ordinary outbreak?

I guess what I am getting at is if it were used for smallpox, that designation would fit...but for monkeypox?

fwiw, the priority review voucher is like a "money back coupon" that FDA gives to manufacturers of certain designated countermeasures, worth upwards of a million dollars. Bavarian Nordic said in a press release they would be selling the coupon, which guarantees an FDA priority review for a product that would not otherwise qualify for that review.

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Why on earth are they allowed to sell such coupons? Insanity. I'll dig into the documentation, but since Jynneos is licensed for smallpox, which is considered a potential biological warfare threat, then I'm thinking the product is covered under CICP no matter what it is used for. I don't think it can be under CICP for smallpox and the manufacturer be liable for monkeypox for the same product.

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All the FDA documentation is here: https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/jynneos I haven't gone through it all yet.

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It appears to me that Jynneos has been under the CICP since it was licensed in 2019. https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/jynneos The CDC Vaccine Information Sheet says it's under CICP (and it's dated June 1, 2020). The CDC is also pushing the shot onto pregnant and nursing women! It says in bold on the VIS "If you have been recommended to receive JYNNEOSTM due to an exposure to monkeypox virus, you should be vaccinated regardless of concurrent illnesses, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weakened immune system." https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/smallpox-monkeypox.pdf

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The VIS I printed out is dated 6/1/22. But I agree that it is not likely under EUA for one thing but not another...yet the EUA was announced 8/9/22 by Becerra. So can a licensed product be under CICP prior to an EUA designation? That is my conundrum.

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Apparently, they can and do. The following are now under CICP:




Nerve Agents and Certain Insecticides (Organophophorus and/or Carbamate)


Pandemic Influenza


Acute Radiation Syndrome

Botulinum Toxin



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Countermeasures for these conditions all were under CICP but not sure they all still are. This is an area with many unresolved questions, never litigated.

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