h/t Jeff Childers. Mike Benz has explained parts of this story. Required reading if you want our freedom back. This is real dot-connecting and modern history.
Yes, I've pointed that fact out to the little people who told me their excuse: that they didn't want to acknowledge the truth for fear of losing their alleged "friends..." with friends like that, well, you know the rest ;-)
One might argue the core of wars is about lies vs truth....
As this piece does, if tis still the same thread....I get lost of course after the strands are broken off, the cat spins the yarn and claws my arms to draw blood
You are right; she has so called scratchier, fancy soft Mexican cactus, but prefers a wood wall baseboard. I will make a board covered with a sandpaper,
I despise any mutilations, surely transgenderism, although it's so fashionable.
Maybe the wood wall baseboard is a better sharpener, soft Mexican cacti not being likely to be.
It is academic if you don't care about her using the baseboard. If you do, get her her own piece of baseboard and drench it in catnip. Sadly, most people who get their cats declawed fail to understand that it severely mutilates the paws of cats.
My heart goes out to you!! There is nothing worse than being falsely accused when speaking TRUTH!! The Devil is working extremely hard to discourage those of us who "care" or who "dare" to uphold Truth!! Kind Regards, Carla. QLD, Australia.
You can ready the first 100pages of Grasshopper's Appeal
Which is in my substacks for the truth.
Wish I could get the next thirty pages typed in, but I can't get a spare several hours lately...
Wrote that in 2010.
Tis so much worse now as a mass psychosis than merely a personal cancellation from ScKamala.
Now ScKamala and scQammalina beurbock types and their washing machines are the law, the law of lawfare.
Every day is continuing terror and torture for everyone now, in SF, except the selext Safeway elite like Nazie pelosie and Joe bidendiaper s stunt dead double Diane feinst defenestration feinsteer the walking corpse flesh
If that's what our CONgress looks like it explains alot
I think this is worse than censorship, the excising of unapproved viewpoints. It’s also about implanting little mind worms that accumulate to create associations and memories the subject is certain they always had, but actually didn’t. And vice versa.
For the life of me, I can’t remember who the financial advisor/author/blogger is that wrote of a disturbing experience he had. I’m paraphrasing from memory but the point is important. He was at an illusionist’s show and at a certain point in the show the illusionist asked him to think of 3 numbers. He was going to guess the numbers near show-end. The author chose numbers attached to very personal life experiences that only he would know, for example his wedding anniversary, birthdates of significant people in his life. Only he could know the personal stories driving his chosen numbers. Guess what. The illusionist guessed the numbers correctly! Woven through the earlier part of the show he subliminally placed numbers throughout his narrative. Our guest internalized it and when prompted to, he conjured up numbers he was certain came from within his own personal experience and not from the outside. But shockingly the opposite was true and his subconscious worked to find events to fit the implanted numbers under the illusion of having full agency over his choices. The rest of the article explores the ramifications of this in a tightly controlled media environment. It was quite a revelation to read about that kind of an intimate psyop. I’m convinced this is going on regularly now via print and video, social media newsfeed manipulation, and Hollywood films.
I’ll continue to look for the source article, and if anyone else remembers it please share a link!
Regardless, I suspect this is where the AI is being aimed now. Creating elaborate realities out of whole cloth.
Zelensky’s former right hand man Arestovich had sage observations on this, that a viciously propagandized people no longer have a brain, but am inert gas that is so suggestible that it’s quite something to behold.
Everything you said, including that this is where AI is aimed! I would add, it has already, feebly, falteringly lurched there via various means.
Whenever you hear some "alternative" pundit- or researcher-type pooh-pooh even the possibility that nanotech in the killshots is already creating a feedback loop of one kind or another with thought police, you know you're watching what it's like to have the narrative controlled at the front end. Which is why we're generally not 'allowed' to consider the possibility of being controlled from the back end, so to speak. And it's not just in the shots. We're swimming in nanotech, at this point.
Perhaps everything is being developed to enable the final victory to one being: one Final Victor, behind whom an army of Quislings is now sniffing. Bowing before their Fear, vying and scheming for a long term position.
Surely, do they toss and turn at the notion of their pending betrayal and arrest. The final march into the very ovens they themselves designed?
No one on the 'home team' survives this technocratic apocalypse. A.I. will make sure that there is only one person standing, as designed. Recent history shows that humans cannot easily be turned against others, to slaughter. You need an efficient system that will follow a simple set of instructions and kill mercilessly with total ambivalence. Humans cannot compete with robots, for following instructions. War after war has demonstrated this clear fact.
This bent core, this deep malevolence that cannot be but Chaos, is about to confront perfect harmony, balanced order. In joyous unison and unanimity shall it be consumed like so much buttermilk. Imagine what that is. Perfect harmony completely consuming the dark disharmony. What was foul, is no more.
Above all else, the Creator is a flawless mathematician. It staggers the mind to think of what that means.
"The crime is the routine violation of Americans’ rights by unelected officials who secretly control what individuals can think and say…." - They cannot control what we think. If they could do that, there would be nothing left to fight for.
We have the potential to think for ourselves, but we must avoid mind toxins and feed ourselves from the trough of real life, based on love and collaboration and community, faith and the web of life that supports us. They are fighting for control of our minds because they must overcome our innate abilities, and those who do not take care, or trust too easily, and turn off their critical thinking may well succumb. We must maintain our social and mental health to keep them at bay.
I got booted off Reich's substack because I pointed out that we're now living in an Inverted Totalitarian Technocracy and that Dr. Reich, whose Inequality soapbox I support, is perhaps behind the times in seeing this.
re 'It is one to commit to memory.' Do we still have them?? Reading a book about memory, called The Guardian of all Things, by Micheal S. Malone. The history of our memory as humans is worth a look, from prehistoric times through to now. It's been a long journey already, with clay tablets and scrolls of papyrus to paper and books, to the oratories of Cicero. Make it your task to memorize something of value today, you will have it always.
Yes, the songs are my memory palace prior to the full-on betrayal of SF, and even now there hereafter
So lonely.
Easy country, easy reggae
Big easy song...
Face each other reckoning, and
Honestly there is snippets of my struggle in ally songs, like razor blade baby or the rule of freedom, but the thing I wish to present is their strength and perseverance of art and God.
Maybe I can play one or two and post In. To YouTube and share on my stack.
Then songs like Maxxine and thanksgiving are merely shadow banned but not adequate to get me kicked off YouTube, but transevil likely would....
I need a better more freer platform, but I didn't like the ones I saw, maybe if it was Russian....
oh I agree so, GK. I keep threatening to write a book of my songs, all by hand, while wearing a wool monks costume in a dark cave. Except for the last 2 parts I am managing, (I do live in Portland so maybe I have achieved the cave ?) .... in scattered forms yet mostly digital. thanks for the book mention, art of memory....hmmm...in early music, I love how the quarter notes are wide diamonds when done with a wide pen nib, a la old organ music from some adolscent century. I think we might need to go back to pencils, ink is for the long copies only...you dont start out with ink, you start out with pencil...or a stick....or a song......they are indeed memory holes of the original kind....best
Deeply appreciated Dr. Don. You made my day. Joni def put a dent in my ear, as did singers Jane Siberry and from Americans Suzanne Vega, Chrissy Hyde, so many. Lets chat at my email, my name @pm.me, would love to hear you too.
I have a bunch of my things on Soundcloud for free, (search my name there) but it's more a personal library for me than anything else. It's like snapshots of places I have been, but with sound and words. Combining words and music is about the most powerful memory tool we have. Best from OR
Yes, there’s a great book about Giordano Bruno by Frances Yates called The Art of Memory and a related book called The Dream Palace of Matteo Ricci (a Jesuit who lived in Chiba) that also explains the classical memory practice called “the art of memory”.
The concept is pretty simple and illustrated by churches where the iconic saints are in statues with their own windows built into the buildings, a literal reminder not to sin....
But then gets more complex as needed, if one is able to practice.
I think SF may be a memory palace for my songs , of sorts, although I don't necessarily literally walk in to many of those skanky dives anymore, or they kicked me out for lack of vaxxxxport ssic
When the electoral choice given us by "the system" is between Awful and Terrible, the proper answer is a defiant NO! We demand more viable choices. We insist on removal of the numerous bureaucratic obstacles to 3rd, 4th, 5th parties and coalitions thereof. As the Declaration of Independence rightly states, we have not only the right, but the duty to"throw off such government" that is abusive of he purposes intended and to "institute new government."
1984 has come true. Its here with us now. Facts are no longer real. The Government working through NGO's and private companies will throttle any dissent anything that goes against the narrative will be destroyed. FIAO request's will only catch a few and the courts even if they rule in favor of freedom and the constitution will take years for them rule and even after they do the Gov will change tactics and just continue to do it because there will never ever be a serious consequence to those that are caught. I pray that I am old enough that I never see the ultimate tyranny. It will take time for the swamp to pull this fully off.
Power and control in the hands of psychopaths is not just a tool or means to an end but the end goal itself and everyone and everything is expendable in achieving that goal; certainly hard to imagine until we understand that Satanic forces actually exist in the world...and always have.
Please SIR, may I have another covid crisis with all its jabs and draconian lockdown/restrictions! Trump can NEVER be POTUS again! Orange Man, BAD and so are his deplorable truth-tellers and truth seekers. FEMA CAMPS FOR THEM, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
Quite right and as Detrick Bonhoeffer once wrote: the inability to be open to reason or facts is a "human defect", a "collective stupidity"; he added that "the inner liberation of man begins by living responsibly before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome."
Thank you for the link. I was about to search for this after reading Jeff Childers’ stack. el gato malo did a stack this week discussing the role of the IC in MSM. I’m looking forward to reading this.
“The aide (Rowe) said that guys like me (Suskind) were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off.”
“That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.
And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.
We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Let`s have a look into the crystal ball then:
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
“LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian (l)eadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback
CLEVER TOGETHER – A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues
HACK ATTACK – An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge
SMART SCRAMBLE – An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems”
Neither of these four scenarios we should seek – instead we might come to our senses and end the tyranny which kept and keep us servants and slaves for ages.
Rosemarie, at this point, you have nothing more to lose, truth-spam her for the rest of your life. Start sending her Dr Naomi Wolfe's latest writings, some may sink in. She has to wake up or she will die complying to this fascists regime. #DONOTCOMPLY
I must tread lightly for my grandsons. I have given her all the information that I can right now. It has been presented in a rational and calm way. I think she has heard some of it. Her husband may be the problem.
Dear GOD, Please enlighten Rosemarie's daughter and son-in-law. I pray they don't assault your grandchildren with the regime''s bioweapon/miocarditis jabbs. Horrid fact: Dr PETER MCCULLOUGH, said before the last bioweapon jabbs, miocarditis happened to young boys/men at 4 in a million rate. After the bioweapon jabbs it is now 25,000 per million. This is criminal. The bastards need to be tried for assault with a deadly weapon and more likely with attempted murder. May GOD BLESS you, Rosemarie.
The initial mistake in this as in most critiques is that the US is a "democracy". It was founded as a Republic where an individual has inalienable rights from a creator to personal property and the use of it. In this democracy, the puppet masters moving the majority can transgress this for whatever good sounding reason wins acceptance. It should surprise no one that the result is forced injections (rape by other means), sanctions or other violations abound when the individual is denied. Ignoring this will not result in freedom which is an individual thing. The whole construct around us is to deny the individual "for the greater good" of course. You cannot "win" in their created system which is why was created. Defund the government so that "we the people" who are mostly good, honest citizens can spend our money and support where we decide. That would make freedom and its results great again.
(Anticipating a slavery objection, it should be realized that only a small percentage (6%) of only wealthy people had slaves in the US, a brush with which we are all tarred with. I object and so should you.)
One needs to figure out how a family could be supported by one worker in 1960 but now both parents have to work to live the same so that the children can be brought up by the government school system. It has to do with the debt based private monetary system and government interference and weakening via taxation, rules, regulations, treaties, U.N., WEF, etc., etc. etc.. Reversing this would cure the whole mess which is why it will never be allowed. We are a subjected people about to become serfs again. At least, those of us who live on. Make all individuals great again and not just trannies and other favored "victims". True equality.
Here's something we all need to know if you haven't already .. the world "government" means mind control. It is etymologically originated from the ancient Latin language. It Splits into two words:1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”. SO GOVERNMENT MEANS “TO CONTROL THE MIND” and read TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE
Social Engineering the Masses
the true story of the BILDERBERG GROUP by Daniel Estulin
"The forest kept shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced them that since his handle was wood, he was one of them" West Asian Fable
As you've experienced, the truth will get you unemployed, dare you speak it
Truthful speaking caused me to go to jail, when I ran against Gavin in 2007, and ScKamala considered me so dangerous they put me in solitary.
In 2020,they put you in solitary too, and they stole my tongue forever,mostly, except in occasional substacks
the truth will get you unfriended too, but with friends like that.....best GK
Yes, I've pointed that fact out to the little people who told me their excuse: that they didn't want to acknowledge the truth for fear of losing their alleged "friends..." with friends like that, well, you know the rest ;-)
It doesn't sound like an encouragement for the truth tellers.
One might argue the core of wars is about lies vs truth....
As this piece does, if tis still the same thread....I get lost of course after the strands are broken off, the cat spins the yarn and claws my arms to draw blood
My cat brings home mice and cleans her claws on walls.
The other one thinks wars are to grab /steel the land and depopulate planet.
She isn't cleaning her claws, she is sharpening them.
Buy her a claw sharpening block at a pet supply store, if you don't want he to use whatever she can find. Thank you for not declawing her.
You are right; she has so called scratchier, fancy soft Mexican cactus, but prefers a wood wall baseboard. I will make a board covered with a sandpaper,
I despise any mutilations, surely transgenderism, although it's so fashionable.
Sandpaper is for grinding down sharps, not sharpening them.
Maybe the wood wall baseboard is a better sharpener, soft Mexican cacti not being likely to be.
It is academic if you don't care about her using the baseboard. If you do, get her her own piece of baseboard and drench it in catnip. Sadly, most people who get their cats declawed fail to understand that it severely mutilates the paws of cats.
Right? Was it always so? Greedy parasite liars spreading festering steaming piles of half truths.
I would rather be a hurt truth teller than the fascist liars of the current USA regime that constantly bombards us with lies.
Unfortunately it isn't just the current USA regime doing it, it is all the regimes that our military occupies, as well.
My heart goes out to you!! There is nothing worse than being falsely accused when speaking TRUTH!! The Devil is working extremely hard to discourage those of us who "care" or who "dare" to uphold Truth!! Kind Regards, Carla. QLD, Australia.
Thanks for your bravery and efforts!
That’s appalling! Can you please provide a news link to what happened to you?
You can Google my name to get the lies.
Grasshopper Kaplan.
You can ready the first 100pages of Grasshopper's Appeal
Which is in my substacks for the truth.
Wish I could get the next thirty pages typed in, but I can't get a spare several hours lately...
Wrote that in 2010.
Tis so much worse now as a mass psychosis than merely a personal cancellation from ScKamala.
Now ScKamala and scQammalina beurbock types and their washing machines are the law, the law of lawfare.
Every day is continuing terror and torture for everyone now, in SF, except the selext Safeway elite like Nazie pelosie and Joe bidendiaper s stunt dead double Diane feinst defenestration feinsteer the walking corpse flesh
If that's what our CONgress looks like it explains alot
The goal of all employment should be to eliminate the likelihood of unemployment by creating your own.
I think this is worse than censorship, the excising of unapproved viewpoints. It’s also about implanting little mind worms that accumulate to create associations and memories the subject is certain they always had, but actually didn’t. And vice versa.
For the life of me, I can’t remember who the financial advisor/author/blogger is that wrote of a disturbing experience he had. I’m paraphrasing from memory but the point is important. He was at an illusionist’s show and at a certain point in the show the illusionist asked him to think of 3 numbers. He was going to guess the numbers near show-end. The author chose numbers attached to very personal life experiences that only he would know, for example his wedding anniversary, birthdates of significant people in his life. Only he could know the personal stories driving his chosen numbers. Guess what. The illusionist guessed the numbers correctly! Woven through the earlier part of the show he subliminally placed numbers throughout his narrative. Our guest internalized it and when prompted to, he conjured up numbers he was certain came from within his own personal experience and not from the outside. But shockingly the opposite was true and his subconscious worked to find events to fit the implanted numbers under the illusion of having full agency over his choices. The rest of the article explores the ramifications of this in a tightly controlled media environment. It was quite a revelation to read about that kind of an intimate psyop. I’m convinced this is going on regularly now via print and video, social media newsfeed manipulation, and Hollywood films.
I’ll continue to look for the source article, and if anyone else remembers it please share a link!
Regardless, I suspect this is where the AI is being aimed now. Creating elaborate realities out of whole cloth.
Zelensky’s former right hand man Arestovich had sage observations on this, that a viciously propagandized people no longer have a brain, but am inert gas that is so suggestible that it’s quite something to behold.
Everything you said, including that this is where AI is aimed! I would add, it has already, feebly, falteringly lurched there via various means.
Whenever you hear some "alternative" pundit- or researcher-type pooh-pooh even the possibility that nanotech in the killshots is already creating a feedback loop of one kind or another with thought police, you know you're watching what it's like to have the narrative controlled at the front end. Which is why we're generally not 'allowed' to consider the possibility of being controlled from the back end, so to speak. And it's not just in the shots. We're swimming in nanotech, at this point.
Exactly right!
Perhaps everything is being developed to enable the final victory to one being: one Final Victor, behind whom an army of Quislings is now sniffing. Bowing before their Fear, vying and scheming for a long term position.
Surely, do they toss and turn at the notion of their pending betrayal and arrest. The final march into the very ovens they themselves designed?
No one on the 'home team' survives this technocratic apocalypse. A.I. will make sure that there is only one person standing, as designed. Recent history shows that humans cannot easily be turned against others, to slaughter. You need an efficient system that will follow a simple set of instructions and kill mercilessly with total ambivalence. Humans cannot compete with robots, for following instructions. War after war has demonstrated this clear fact.
This bent core, this deep malevolence that cannot be but Chaos, is about to confront perfect harmony, balanced order. In joyous unison and unanimity shall it be consumed like so much buttermilk. Imagine what that is. Perfect harmony completely consuming the dark disharmony. What was foul, is no more.
Above all else, the Creator is a flawless mathematician. It staggers the mind to think of what that means.
It's perfect. He is perfect.
Very insightfully stated!
"The crime is the routine violation of Americans’ rights by unelected officials who secretly control what individuals can think and say…." - They cannot control what we think. If they could do that, there would be nothing left to fight for.
We have the potential to think for ourselves, but we must avoid mind toxins and feed ourselves from the trough of real life, based on love and collaboration and community, faith and the web of life that supports us. They are fighting for control of our minds because they must overcome our innate abilities, and those who do not take care, or trust too easily, and turn off their critical thinking may well succumb. We must maintain our social and mental health to keep them at bay.
Robert "Third" Reich.
I got booted off Reich's substack because I pointed out that we're now living in an Inverted Totalitarian Technocracy and that Dr. Reich, whose Inequality soapbox I support, is perhaps behind the times in seeing this.
re 'It is one to commit to memory.' Do we still have them?? Reading a book about memory, called The Guardian of all Things, by Micheal S. Malone. The history of our memory as humans is worth a look, from prehistoric times through to now. It's been a long journey already, with clay tablets and scrolls of papyrus to paper and books, to the oratories of Cicero. Make it your task to memorize something of value today, you will have it always.
Reminds me of a truism I heard once many years ago:
> We are only 2 generations away from complete illiteracy.
Yes, the songs are my memory palace prior to the full-on betrayal of SF, and even now there hereafter
So lonely.
Easy country, easy reggae
Big easy song...
Face each other reckoning, and
Honestly there is snippets of my struggle in ally songs, like razor blade baby or the rule of freedom, but the thing I wish to present is their strength and perseverance of art and God.
Maybe I can play one or two and post In. To YouTube and share on my stack.
Then songs like Maxxine and thanksgiving are merely shadow banned but not adequate to get me kicked off YouTube, but transevil likely would....
I need a better more freer platform, but I didn't like the ones I saw, maybe if it was Russian....
oh I agree so, GK. I keep threatening to write a book of my songs, all by hand, while wearing a wool monks costume in a dark cave. Except for the last 2 parts I am managing, (I do live in Portland so maybe I have achieved the cave ?) .... in scattered forms yet mostly digital. thanks for the book mention, art of memory....hmmm...in early music, I love how the quarter notes are wide diamonds when done with a wide pen nib, a la old organ music from some adolscent century. I think we might need to go back to pencils, ink is for the long copies only...you dont start out with ink, you start out with pencil...or a stick....or a song......they are indeed memory holes of the original kind....best
Deeply appreciated Dr. Don. You made my day. Joni def put a dent in my ear, as did singers Jane Siberry and from Americans Suzanne Vega, Chrissy Hyde, so many. Lets chat at my email, my name @pm.me, would love to hear you too.
I have a bunch of my things on Soundcloud for free, (search my name there) but it's more a personal library for me than anything else. It's like snapshots of places I have been, but with sound and words. Combining words and music is about the most powerful memory tool we have. Best from OR
I read an interesting work called the art of memory a while back, I believe it was titled....
Yes, there’s a great book about Giordano Bruno by Frances Yates called The Art of Memory and a related book called The Dream Palace of Matteo Ricci (a Jesuit who lived in Chiba) that also explains the classical memory practice called “the art of memory”.
That is it, that's right. Hope I still have it.
The concept is pretty simple and illustrated by churches where the iconic saints are in statues with their own windows built into the buildings, a literal reminder not to sin....
But then gets more complex as needed, if one is able to practice.
I think SF may be a memory palace for my songs , of sorts, although I don't necessarily literally walk in to many of those skanky dives anymore, or they kicked me out for lack of vaxxxxport ssic
When the electoral choice given us by "the system" is between Awful and Terrible, the proper answer is a defiant NO! We demand more viable choices. We insist on removal of the numerous bureaucratic obstacles to 3rd, 4th, 5th parties and coalitions thereof. As the Declaration of Independence rightly states, we have not only the right, but the duty to"throw off such government" that is abusive of he purposes intended and to "institute new government."
Well said!
1984 has come true. Its here with us now. Facts are no longer real. The Government working through NGO's and private companies will throttle any dissent anything that goes against the narrative will be destroyed. FIAO request's will only catch a few and the courts even if they rule in favor of freedom and the constitution will take years for them rule and even after they do the Gov will change tactics and just continue to do it because there will never ever be a serious consequence to those that are caught. I pray that I am old enough that I never see the ultimate tyranny. It will take time for the swamp to pull this fully off.
"They" seem delighted that contrary to his purpose, Orwell has provided them with an operations manual of how to control populations.
And Himmler!
All of this is true, but control of information is a tool, a means to an end.
What possible end would justify blinding and gagging everybody in the world all at once?
Power and control in the hands of psychopaths is not just a tool or means to an end but the end goal itself and everyone and everything is expendable in achieving that goal; certainly hard to imagine until we understand that Satanic forces actually exist in the world...and always have.
Again, what end is enabled by blinding, gagging and isolating the people of this world?
I feel like there may be a specific end to these means.
Maybe history has clues.
Hi Dr. John, to add to these valuable responses, arrogance and self-deception also contribute to whys of this matter.
Thanks Larry. What crimes and injustices might be carried out upon a world of people who are blinded and kept from communicating with each other?
What might be the intention of humans who blind, gag and isolate animals, for instance?
"They" already know what they are doing.
The thought-question is for us.
Living Among Morons
- While Tedious ...
Is Never So Fascinating
As When They Kill Themselves
By, With, And Because Of
Their Own Stupidity.
Please SIR, may I have another covid crisis with all its jabs and draconian lockdown/restrictions! Trump can NEVER be POTUS again! Orange Man, BAD and so are his deplorable truth-tellers and truth seekers. FEMA CAMPS FOR THEM, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
Quite right and as Detrick Bonhoeffer once wrote: the inability to be open to reason or facts is a "human defect", a "collective stupidity"; he added that "the inner liberation of man begins by living responsibly before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome."
Thanks for another great quote from a great leader?
Thank you for the link. I was about to search for this after reading Jeff Childers’ stack. el gato malo did a stack this week discussing the role of the IC in MSM. I’m looking forward to reading this.
... I may add:
The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State
... introducing "A New Book by Simon Elmer" - an excerpt here:
Why Did the Left Fail So Utterly to Resist the Global Biosecurity State?
An article with a question ...
DISCUSS: Are they prepping for Plandemic 2.0?
Aug 22, 2023
... and my comments:
Two short stories from history:
„You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you didn’t think you could do before.”
Rahm Emanuel (chief of staff for president-elect Barack Obama) on the Opportunities of Crisis – Wall Street Journal CEO Council in Washington, D.C.”
„Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush”
… an excerpt:
“The aide (Rowe) said that guys like me (Suskind) were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off.”
“That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.
And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.
We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Let`s have a look into the crystal ball then:
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
The Rockefeller Foundation – May 2010
4 different scenarios - Page 16+
“LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian (l)eadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback
CLEVER TOGETHER – A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues
HACK ATTACK – An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge
SMART SCRAMBLE – An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems”
Neither of these four scenarios we should seek – instead we might come to our senses and end the tyranny which kept and keep us servants and slaves for ages.
I've been censored by my daughter.
So very sad for you! 😢
And I've been censored by my son.
I am sorry for you. I fear there are quite a lot of people like us.
Rosemarie, at this point, you have nothing more to lose, truth-spam her for the rest of your life. Start sending her Dr Naomi Wolfe's latest writings, some may sink in. She has to wake up or she will die complying to this fascists regime. #DONOTCOMPLY
I must tread lightly for my grandsons. I have given her all the information that I can right now. It has been presented in a rational and calm way. I think she has heard some of it. Her husband may be the problem.
Dear GOD, Please enlighten Rosemarie's daughter and son-in-law. I pray they don't assault your grandchildren with the regime''s bioweapon/miocarditis jabbs. Horrid fact: Dr PETER MCCULLOUGH, said before the last bioweapon jabbs, miocarditis happened to young boys/men at 4 in a million rate. After the bioweapon jabbs it is now 25,000 per million. This is criminal. The bastards need to be tried for assault with a deadly weapon and more likely with attempted murder. May GOD BLESS you, Rosemarie.
Thank you, TruthSeeker 1951.
The initial mistake in this as in most critiques is that the US is a "democracy". It was founded as a Republic where an individual has inalienable rights from a creator to personal property and the use of it. In this democracy, the puppet masters moving the majority can transgress this for whatever good sounding reason wins acceptance. It should surprise no one that the result is forced injections (rape by other means), sanctions or other violations abound when the individual is denied. Ignoring this will not result in freedom which is an individual thing. The whole construct around us is to deny the individual "for the greater good" of course. You cannot "win" in their created system which is why was created. Defund the government so that "we the people" who are mostly good, honest citizens can spend our money and support where we decide. That would make freedom and its results great again.
(Anticipating a slavery objection, it should be realized that only a small percentage (6%) of only wealthy people had slaves in the US, a brush with which we are all tarred with. I object and so should you.)
One needs to figure out how a family could be supported by one worker in 1960 but now both parents have to work to live the same so that the children can be brought up by the government school system. It has to do with the debt based private monetary system and government interference and weakening via taxation, rules, regulations, treaties, U.N., WEF, etc., etc. etc.. Reversing this would cure the whole mess which is why it will never be allowed. We are a subjected people about to become serfs again. At least, those of us who live on. Make all individuals great again and not just trannies and other favored "victims". True equality.
Very astutely stated!
Here's something we all need to know if you haven't already .. the world "government" means mind control. It is etymologically originated from the ancient Latin language. It Splits into two words:1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”. SO GOVERNMENT MEANS “TO CONTROL THE MIND” and read TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE
Social Engineering the Masses
the true story of the BILDERBERG GROUP by Daniel Estulin
* the word "government" 🫣 😬
Wonderful essay Dr Nass. It needs to be required reading throughout the world.
"The forest kept shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced them that since his handle was wood, he was one of them" West Asian Fable