I believe these are all GREAT suggestions. The only problem I see going forward is the fact that our policitians have all been bought and paid for or blackmailed or threatened by the global parasites to go along with this insanity and they no longer give a crap about what we the people say or think. As long as they can save their arses a…
I believe these are all GREAT suggestions. The only problem I see going forward is the fact that our policitians have all been bought and paid for or blackmailed or threatened by the global parasites to go along with this insanity and they no longer give a crap about what we the people say or think. As long as they can save their arses and their families from harm or death by playing along, that is what they are going to do! Please tell me I am wrong and we still have enough patriots and America loving politicians in our government to make a difference.
I keep writing that "all the important organizations are completely captured." I view this grassroots' campaign led by Dr. Nass and other patriots as a test of this maxim. If this agenda is defeated, I guess this would mean that all important organizations might NOT be "completely" captured. We know (I think) the WHO is captured, but if this treaty and amendments are defeated, that would show these delegates still respond to old-fashioned "democratic" push-back. That would be an encouraging sign for "our side."
Then again, such an outcome might show that these captured organizations can be defeated or occassionally thwarted by the will of the people. This might set a precedent that our rulers don't want to allow to happen. In other words, this "success story" for "team freedom" might embolden other grassroots' movements to come after and defeat other parts of their agenda.
This makes me think our Shadow Rulers might want to show they can't be stopped and are going to get this ratified anyway they can. This outcome (this treaty gets rammed through despite this great effort to defeat it) could actually end up being demoralizing to our side and, perhaps, make more people give up fighting these powerful groups?
To me, It's a coin toss whether this will pass or not. I can see reasons why it won't ... and reasons that it still will. I will say, at one time, it was probably a 99.9 percent certainty this would pass ... so a current "50-50" proposition is a great improvement and a positive sign of hope.
You have excellent analysis and prediction skills, and I'd bet on a horse you picked, truly, but what we are up against is so beyond an ordinary adversary, that we have to rely on the existence of forces and powers, maybe material, as in behind the scenes not public people who want what we want, and maybe spiritual, and maybe just a sort of letting go and trusting that the proverbial arc of justice is long, but is bending.
Maybe it isn't even necessarily spiritual, but part of the cosmos that we don't yet and may never understand. Butterflies in Brazil, emergent phenomenon, black swans, and perhaps spiritual forces. So one foot in uncertainty, the other girded for battle. Predict but don't assume the outcome. If we co-create the cosmos, as some theologies and philosophies theorize, then we need to not get fixated on outcomes, letting the imagination of God or the cosmos row us out to a new horizen.
Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times; but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.
Work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed.
Re: My analytical skills, they rarely jibe with those of other analysts. I just try to start with a few "known knowables" and start extrapolating from these known observations.
With this treaty, I simply know that it must be very important to very powerful people. They wouldn't have gone to this much trouble and obfuscation if they didn't want this treaty/amendments to be implemented.
I also pretty much know these people get what they want (Covid times tell us this). Another "known knowable" .... These people and organizations don't fight fair and they are quite brazen by now (since they know nothing bad is going to happen to them).
I also know, or assume, that they went to all this trouble to capture all these organizations for a reason. That reason is to use these organizations to get what they want. They also had to create the entire Censorship Industrial Complex to kill or throttle potential dissent that might stop their plans. (This also shows us how committed these people are to getting what they want).
All of this to say ... I don't think they are going to give up now. Or they are not overly worried about efforts to stop them.
Still, this "treaty" might not be a done deal. They've captured all of what they think are the "important organizations." But, they haven't captured Substack completely or some key elements of the alternative media. Since these might not be "important organizations," this might not be enough to stop this WHO treaty plan. But if our side does prevail in this particular battle, I'll make yet another prediction: They are going to be pissed off and do more to come after Substack and the alternative media (so this doesn't happen again).
As for myself, All I can do is ... all I can do. "Giving up" or "letting them do what they want" isn't an option for me ... or for a lot of us who have found each other on Substack.
I believe these are all GREAT suggestions. The only problem I see going forward is the fact that our policitians have all been bought and paid for or blackmailed or threatened by the global parasites to go along with this insanity and they no longer give a crap about what we the people say or think. As long as they can save their arses and their families from harm or death by playing along, that is what they are going to do! Please tell me I am wrong and we still have enough patriots and America loving politicians in our government to make a difference.
Well, 49 Senators said no, several states are saying no, and we head a group of AGs will be saying no this week. So some are seeing the light!
This is meant primarily for those overseas politicians who have been asking how they can help
I keep writing that "all the important organizations are completely captured." I view this grassroots' campaign led by Dr. Nass and other patriots as a test of this maxim. If this agenda is defeated, I guess this would mean that all important organizations might NOT be "completely" captured. We know (I think) the WHO is captured, but if this treaty and amendments are defeated, that would show these delegates still respond to old-fashioned "democratic" push-back. That would be an encouraging sign for "our side."
Then again, such an outcome might show that these captured organizations can be defeated or occassionally thwarted by the will of the people. This might set a precedent that our rulers don't want to allow to happen. In other words, this "success story" for "team freedom" might embolden other grassroots' movements to come after and defeat other parts of their agenda.
This makes me think our Shadow Rulers might want to show they can't be stopped and are going to get this ratified anyway they can. This outcome (this treaty gets rammed through despite this great effort to defeat it) could actually end up being demoralizing to our side and, perhaps, make more people give up fighting these powerful groups?
To me, It's a coin toss whether this will pass or not. I can see reasons why it won't ... and reasons that it still will. I will say, at one time, it was probably a 99.9 percent certainty this would pass ... so a current "50-50" proposition is a great improvement and a positive sign of hope.
You have excellent analysis and prediction skills, and I'd bet on a horse you picked, truly, but what we are up against is so beyond an ordinary adversary, that we have to rely on the existence of forces and powers, maybe material, as in behind the scenes not public people who want what we want, and maybe spiritual, and maybe just a sort of letting go and trusting that the proverbial arc of justice is long, but is bending.
Maybe it isn't even necessarily spiritual, but part of the cosmos that we don't yet and may never understand. Butterflies in Brazil, emergent phenomenon, black swans, and perhaps spiritual forces. So one foot in uncertainty, the other girded for battle. Predict but don't assume the outcome. If we co-create the cosmos, as some theologies and philosophies theorize, then we need to not get fixated on outcomes, letting the imagination of God or the cosmos row us out to a new horizen.
Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times; but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.
Work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed.
Vaclav Havel
Re: My analytical skills, they rarely jibe with those of other analysts. I just try to start with a few "known knowables" and start extrapolating from these known observations.
With this treaty, I simply know that it must be very important to very powerful people. They wouldn't have gone to this much trouble and obfuscation if they didn't want this treaty/amendments to be implemented.
I also pretty much know these people get what they want (Covid times tell us this). Another "known knowable" .... These people and organizations don't fight fair and they are quite brazen by now (since they know nothing bad is going to happen to them).
I also know, or assume, that they went to all this trouble to capture all these organizations for a reason. That reason is to use these organizations to get what they want. They also had to create the entire Censorship Industrial Complex to kill or throttle potential dissent that might stop their plans. (This also shows us how committed these people are to getting what they want).
All of this to say ... I don't think they are going to give up now. Or they are not overly worried about efforts to stop them.
Still, this "treaty" might not be a done deal. They've captured all of what they think are the "important organizations." But, they haven't captured Substack completely or some key elements of the alternative media. Since these might not be "important organizations," this might not be enough to stop this WHO treaty plan. But if our side does prevail in this particular battle, I'll make yet another prediction: They are going to be pissed off and do more to come after Substack and the alternative media (so this doesn't happen again).
As for myself, All I can do is ... all I can do. "Giving up" or "letting them do what they want" isn't an option for me ... or for a lot of us who have found each other on Substack.
You don't hear the Attorney General of Connecticut coming out against this WHO stranglehold, do you?
Or of New York for that matter. Guess the democrats are all in on this abomination.