Meanwhile Starmer is promoting government forced murder aka assisted dying.

As for the previous government, Boris Johnson is a globalist as is Starmer , so there is something phony sounding about this. Do they adjourn to a back room and laugh at the idiots who elected them? Makes me wonder if Trump said the T word to Starmer, whose Labor Party Govt we can expect will be mandating that people change diets, reduce flying, stop driving,walk or stay home. https://www.weforum.org/people/keir-starmer/


The inheritance tax is really a ploy to get rid of farmers to stop them growing food so the government can bring in Bill Gates or some other depopulationist to start the great murder spree. Listen to Starmer at Davos in 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9rRsdwj3Cg (start at the 3 minute mark). I expect that if Starmer is allowed to stay in office much longer, England will be turned into a WEF colony of 15 minute concentration camps.

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Complicit medical murder, robbing farmers of their property, covering the most fertile and beautful land in solar panels, making cars a moral outrage, and calling male rapists in skirts "she and her" and housing these violent males in women's prisons... England's demise is well past the slippery slope stage and now straight into the gates of hell!

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It seems that way, but don't the millions of quick petition signatures indicate some kind of awakening?

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It’s theatre. They all work to the same globalist agenda. It’s a case of good cop, bad cop. You take the blame for this and we’ll take the blame for that. It always works on the stupid people… even now!

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Interesting desperation here. They've done so much wrong and they likely did not anticipate the blow-back. I cannot help but to think it is related to the incoming Trump administration. The clever bad guys are trying to get their ducks in a row and align -- at least superficially -- with policies held by Trump.

The weasels are forced to take note of, and sometimes even mimic, what the biggest guy in the room is doing.

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What's missing is what the Nazis destroyed on Day 1 of the Anschluss when they raides the Vienna home of Professor Ludwig von Mises and burned his book collection. Inside weeks he was living in New York, staying alive by tutoring kids

The big problem was that von Mmises conclusively proved any government can manufacture poverty by printing more money.. The politicians buy stuff at the origijal prics. As the printed money absorbs in the maekets, prices keep rising.

Hitler wanted Germans to believe he could perform an economic miracle by printi f sime money then stopping. Why the Nazi economic policy worked, was a secret until 1991 when the World Jewish Congress got access to Pollamd's bank records, and proved that what the Nazis actually did was steal the retirement savings of people preselected to die in the Holocausf.

The Modern Monetary Theory backed by Germany's Nazis and the British and US Progressives was simply false. The living cannibalized the dead but did not realize it in time to barf.

So this bizarre fascination with persiading the elderly to hurry up and die, was beat explained by Michigan murderer Jack Kevorkian in the book he wrote: Dead people stop consuming Medicare and Social Security benefits.

Since a lot of politicians reached in and stole from the retirement cookie jar, and destroyed more cookies than they can ever bake, we're faced with two stark choices.

1. Kill the elderly and keep spendimg what's left of their money until it is gone. Or

2. Fire the bureaucracy, stop manipulating other nations that elect their own governments, let international bankers go bankrupt if they lent money abroad that they cannot collect (The US Marine Corps is not a debt collection agency) Stick to governing Americans who vote the US Government into power and encourage other nations to do likewise, and get a sufficiently massive cut in the federal budget that we can borrow another $100 trillion or so, and actuallly KEEP the promise we made to workers when we soaked them for a Social Security and Medicare Tax.

If we try being honest again for the first time since November 22, 1963, a weird thing is going to happen. The rest of the world will look at that restored honesty and start trusting us again, to keep our word.

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It’s a long road back from 63. I hope we Americans travel it. Crooks was the bookend to an era. Will we ever face the covert takeover of the American experiment?

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Question: was it taken over long before '63? Oil depletion allowance. Pay farmers not to grow. Pearl Harbor. Federal Reserve Bank. Spanish American War. and on and on.

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The big problem with LBJ is that he owes the KKK big, for every win he had in Texas. To pass the 1965 Voting Rights Act required a tradeoff with Senator Byrd of WV who'd been a Klan leader. The deal was, Justice Blackmun made up something called Qualified Immunity and legislated it from the bench. Basically it gave Selma cops immunity for beating voting rights protesters half to death, and with that, , Byrd let Black Americans have back the voting rights the KKK took from them in 1876 by passing Segregation as a public health law based on junk science (same trick was tried on everybody during COVID...steal freedom but blame it on a disease). To keep re-electing Klansmen, the new trick was to destroy the Black family with payoffs...a Mom who said Dad moved out, got money from LBJ. So we now have a bigger prison population than the Soviets had under Brezhnev...mostly young Black men who never saw their Dad and got no advice from a man's experience. Black American entrepreneurs are discovering they have common friends in the small business community and a common adversary in what's left of the Klan party.. In sheer numbers, more Black Americans have been harmed by these anti-family policies, than actually worked as slaves during Slavery....the population grew but that brief window of liberty from 1865-1876 just did not last long enough for freedom to become accepted as normal.

When I see Neocons and RiNOs following the LBJ path and leading the rest of us to the same places they built to entrap Black Americans I get enraged. We need to remove these scoundrels from power, and I think we already did aell just by finishing the Election. Now the real work begins. Our Republic depends on voluntary action and people stepping up for what's right. Let's see more of that.

Oddly, Lincoln's greatest support came from White folks who knew Europe's history, and saw a real risk that slavers would begin making slaves of Whites. To make more profit,, slavers needed more slaves...it went on in Europe since Julius Caesar. Lincoln's opponent had a wonderful gaffe in a debate, in which he nearly admitted it: "Look around you! Not one man in /0 thinks for himself". The quote became graffiti quickly, the Dems lost the 1860 election, and then the country split into a war.

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Hope you're right. This may be our only chance for survival. But Trump must practice what he preaches, unlike our former administration and many others.

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Thank you.

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Yes, the critical question here - not one any Corporate media "journalist" would ask - is, OK so if this was a deliberate policy, why? What was the rationale for the policy? There must have been one if was a deliberate policy?

That starts to get us closer to the truth of the matter so it can be out in the open.

Starmer will NOT change anything. He's a Trojan horse - a member of the Rockefeller/Brzezinski Trilateral Commission and regular Davos attendee, How can such a man represent the interests of the working man as "leader" of Labour?

The Globalists are exploiting progressive socialists as useful idiots to implement their agenda and Starmer hides behind what appear to be socialist policies but are, in fact, part of the same agenda as open borders : to divide and dilute cultures and national pride so as to weaken resistance to the introduction of their glorious NWO. In which a small group of ultra-wealthy oligarchs and Corporations will rule the world with "management" delegated to a technocratic class ("The experts"). The rest of us will be captive 24/7 in a digital surveillance control prison and will "Own nothing and will be happy" - if not we will be cut off from everything.

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In the internationalist paradigm, treason is a misdemeanor.

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for them its a good deed, worthy of a merit badge

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I imagine this change of stance by Starmer is related mainly to the two MILLION signatures that recently appeared on a petition for a new snap election in the UK. Starmer has, of course, specifically said on TV that he prefers Davos to Westminster, so I also imagine that he was told BY Davos to make the above speech. Re immigration, yes this is definitely part of the Davos agenda -- it also shot up in NZ during Davos-Young-Global-Leader Jacinda Ardern's Prime Ministership (she who realised she was so hated in NZ that she was certain to lose the next election, so resigned and ran away towards the end of the covid debacle). So yes, the WEF (aka Davos) globalists are obviously feeling the heat. But (fortunately from their point of view, but unfortunately from ours) the more technocratic branch of their cult, in the persons of Musk, Ramaswamy, Vance and Thiel, is well positioned to take over from the old-fashioned Young Global Leaders. So sorry, but no rest yet for the wicked (us). Just fresh and new problems, which many of us don't yet see.

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Globalists play the long game, the very long game. An apparently opposed administration for four years is a mere bump in the road on their drive towards absolute victory.

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Very true. But who's going to stand for the Democrats at the end of the Trump administration? I can well imagine that Hillary Clinton might like to. Bernie Sanders might like to too. But both of them are nearing the end of their shelf life (and Bernie was never a dedicated globalist anyway). I guess we just have to wait and see, grateful for an extra four years (assuming Elon, Vivek and Vance can be tamed -- I don't like the look of those robot dogs shown patrolling the pavement outside Mar a Largo)!

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Hmm. Had to look up AOC. Her "Campaign Website" has a lot of what USED to be genuine Democrat policies, but still pushes "Green New Deal" and LGBTQ++ nonsense. Depends how Americans feel after the next 4 years, I guess.

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I don’t understand what you are saying about Musk, Vance, Trump etc.

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I am NOT saying Trump is a member of ... this https://www.audible.com.au/pd/Technocracy-The-Hard-Road-to-World-Order-Audiobook/B07X2JNRFQ

What I am saying is that Trump has been skilfully surrounded by people who ARE technocrats: namely JD Vance, Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy and (particularly) Peter Thiel. However, in this respect I am greatly amused and heartened by the news that Trump has nominated Alex Jones as his press secretary! Alex Jones and Patrick Wood are the main people who have "out"ed Technocracy over the years. This is a very large -- and largely unknown -- area, which I recommend to all who agree with Dr Nass.

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Also in Canada:

Year Total population Number immigrants

2018 37,065,084 321,040

2019 37,601,230 341,180

2020 38,007,166 184,370

2021 38,226,498 405,330

2022 38,929,902 437,500

2023 40,097,761 471,550


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Plus the 4.5 MILLION temporary student visas they issued and which expire Dec 31 2025. Trudeau admits they don’t track if the students leave. Its on the honour system! That’s not incompetence. That’s by willful design. 100% coordinated by the One World Govt. Watch Joe Rogan interview with Silicon Valley Billionaire Andersson. We are getting closer to understanding what they have in mind for us..

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Open border policies are an extinction of the age-old, Satan-inspired, Fabian Socialist’s Chaos policy! I.e. their credo. “For Out Of Chaos Comes Change.” First destroy Godley capitalists nation [by using chaos/ mass immigration dollar collapse etc. then implement Godless Marxist socialism, that to date has killed over 110 million and enslaved a billion, AND failed its promises! But they keep on trying even if they have to kill everyone! Satan wouldn’t have it any other way! Remember, “The wages of sin [& Marxism] is death.”

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Oh how I wish that somebody would simply ask a few of the boat people what they have been told. I suspect they have been told that the border is open if they can make it there by themselves. Same thing in the US. So why is the border open? Well, it is obvious, isn't it? Slave labor is an essential resource. Somebody has to do the donkey work. But unlike the realistic Saudis who have a guest worker system with rules - I know I worked there - we have tied ourselves into hypocritical knots and have to pretend we are being humanitarian about our slave consumption.

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Remember Cameron’s campaign promise to cut immigration? A couple of years into his premiership I happened to be scanning online publications in North Africa and found the ads which are probably still going- “Come to the UK. Bring your family”.

It’s the left’s job to take the blame for enabling them. Both sides (with the help of the big trade unions) feed them to the multinationals, and the Tories kick them a few out now and then to assuage what THEY think is a public that is just as racist and venal as they are.

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Exactly. What an obvious scam. I notice even Nigel since he got in seems to have gone rather quiet on this. My take is that somebody in the CS probably tells them that the system simply cannot function without a million slaves every five years. Very simple. All the white ones are used up so who does that leave? And no, robots are no good as they cost to much go wrong all the time.

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I have long said that when we were needed in the mines and mills our children ran barefoot. We are no longer needed. That should worry everyone.

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I'm always trying to get people to remember this. They insist on buying into the "we the empire" myth, instead of recognising that they were fodder too. That's why they put so much effort into racism. At first, we oppressed fought side by side. Now, we fight each other while continuing to enrich the predator class. Most Brits don't even know when we got the vote and fondly imagine it's something to do with the Magna Carta. It's a very effective strategy, unfortunately.

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Farage hasn’t got a clue how to solve Britain’s problems. None of them have. The solutions are local, including rebuilding our local economy with local businesses and rebuilding the public services, most of which began as civic initiatives. Coming soon in my newsletter when it’s finally launched.

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Getting government off your back so entrepreneurs can go to business again?

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I grew up in a nation of small and medium sized businesses. They didn’t call themselves entrepreneurs 🤔

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Absolutely. But there seems even less of hope of that these days with AI enhancing the power of every big and little tin pot dictator you can imagine. Covid 19 would not have been possible even a decade ago. God knows what will be possible a decade from now. That is why we plan to live on our old boat in the West Indies. If all hell starts up again we can sail away quick and live cheap. It was the insane lock downs and vaccine mandates to travel that really spooked us the most about it all. They did it so easily. Everybody just accepted it. Very scary. At the same time AI is addicting the young to an endless diet of trash. When I tell my kids to ask me what music to listen to and what movie to watch and not let AI decide for them their eyes glaze over. We tried hard to get our children off those "stupid" phones but failed pretty miserably. We are unprepared to make enemies out of them over it. Back in the 70s we were able to develop some sort of political consciousness from the main stream media in the UK - can you believe that?. Not any more. So we have government on steroids with AI and our young populations virtually and literally illiterate. Not good. Not good at all.

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So, if I have this right, Radical Labor Keir Starmer is blaming past globalist Tory/Conservative PMs for open immigration policies that the Labor/Progressives fully support. This is the equivalence of the radical leftist Democrat Biden/Harris administration blaming Republican RINOs for open borders in the United States. The deceit of Starmer's argument is in avoiding the facts of the collusion and shared globalist foundation of them all! It is the Patriots in Britain and the MAGA Republicans in the United States who seek to preserve the national sovereignty of their respective countries.

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No doubt - because this wretched country lacks a constitution - that traitor can't be impeached. He is actively working against the good of the British people, and even makes it blatantly obvious, denying pensioners their winter fuel allowance when energy prices are still obscenely high, while sending weapons and money to the Zelensky clown and, by allowing UK-made missiles to be aimed into Russia, making us an even bigger target than before. He is already more hated than Thatcher. Even here most ardent critics recognised that she had principles. New Labour likes the kind of immigration that, as in the Blair years, drives wages down. Labour is trying very hard to be as repellent as the "Democratic Party".

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They All knew about it & have signed up to teh UN Migration Replacement agenda. The imigrants coming across teh channell in boats is not the only & main issue but the legal Migration Replacementthat they have sigend up to & that's why the numbers are what they are. EVERY UK Parilment politicians knows about it inclduing Starmer


& To understand it fully : Listen to it in details explained & referenced by : Simon Elmer


It's all laid out on on Simon Elmer's website but you can see it in snips on twitter ( X ) @SimonElmer2022

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Just...wow. The patent falsehood of party-blaming when it's every single party including his own that's responsible and zero mention of global mass migration pattern like Meryl said aside, just, wow, the 'punishment,' just wow.

"You big bad businesses that conspired with the Tories (and us) are going to have to pay for what you did! We're going to make sure you 'must' train and care for the cheap labor force you've long dreamed of importing and training but had no idea how you'd get them all here so quickly. You, bad, bad businesses! Take your punishment!"

Businesses: "Oh Starmie, punish me harder!"

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It's the same old masonic Kalergi plan: weaponization of migration to kill nations


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Of course it was policy.. WEF/NWO/UN policy. Trump makes one phone call to the POMEX and the border is closing. It was policy in the USA obviously, yet no one brought it up. This wasn't an open border, this was an active importation program

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This is typical leftist projection. As sickeningly unconscionable as AOC , in her usual state of dramatic hysteria , labeling Tulsi Gabbard a warmonger who is going to instigate global conflict… to help Putin and Assad. And they get away with this crap.

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Projection. I am gobsmacked by how often it appears to work.

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It works because our propagandized, Stepfordized, incurious, conditioned, comatose society has been sleepwalking into slavery. The Brave New World.

In a 1961 appearance at Berkeley, Aldous Huxley warned of where we were heading if the elite powers that be weren’t thwarted….” You will own nothing, have no privacy and love your servitude”. Sound familiar?

“ You will own, nothing, have no privacy and be happy”… Klaus Schwab. The Great Reset

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Hi, you asked who else has been destroyed: GERMANY

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Yes, and Europe. UK next. The U.S. wants a new trans-pacific alliance and it’s not planning to share it with the rest of the west.

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