As I follow you on Substack Dr. Nass, I often think that they sure let a tiger loose when they went after you and suspended your license to practice!! That one immoral, unethical and unjustified act set you off on this path and I for one will be eternally grateful!

You have the unique ability with your background, degrees, intelligence and work ethic to jump into the foray and sound the alarm back to other professionals and your audience and you have single handedly at times shown the light on the antics of the WHO, NIH, FDA, CDC, FDA and all the others who rather than obey the charge mandated to them have been bought and sold to sell us all down the river. Our health care system was a much better place before the government & Bill Gates got involved. It was also a better place with you in it and I am positive that that injustice will be righted through the courts.

With gratitude for all you do.

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Amen, sister! Godless politics is a disease that infects the WHO, NIH, FDA, CDC, FDA, then in return infects the US and the world! How sick is that?

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Yes indeed!!

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It was better also before 0care. We lost tons of independent docs as they were forced under hospital umbrellas, and notice, we now have medical buildings on every block. They payouts must be very nice. My doc, before he retired due to this, said, the payout from {+} to vent, was over $100,00 per death. C. Justice Roberts was part of the scam, as he altered the orginal submission of 0care to the SCOTUS instead of having the application altered by the applicant, whomever that was who was acting for 0bama.

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Meryl LOL they are scrambling like roaches in the dark, because Trump turned on the light LOL.. Now they are running around in circles saying The Sky is Falling, The Sky is falling LOL, because the light is on now.. They are probably having all kinds of emergency meetings to figure out their next move LOL.. Trump is appointing all his own loyal people to all their captured and paid off agencies, so they have no access with their EVIL tentacles into those organizations anymore LOL.. Goodbye FDA, ABIM, CDC, WHO, HHS totally and all of Falsies criminal organizations.. I am hoping trials are on the horizon, then hangings and prison and inject them with their poison over and over and over again. Lock up Gates and close his organizations GAVI, Eco Health and Daszak and Collins and so many EVIL people..

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gostin reminds me of little Zaches in search for his end in the nightpot

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Thank you, Dr Nass. Your perseverance is amazing! You are worth more to humanity than all the gold in the world.

Boy, the Globalists must regret it dearly that they made an enemy out of you!!! And you do it so gracefully, with such ease!

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I am sorry, but somehow Gostin makes me think of this:

Elizabeth Nickson explains the currency of evil. Thank You, Eleni. A Radical Opening: A Terrible Evil

Western Civ cannot survive unless we fix it. We have to remove their fuel.

This past week a video emerged of a girl running across a park in Vancouver, shouting that there were people locked in shipping containers in Vancouver’s vast port. This began a new movement which is called “open the shipping containers”, because, reportedly, one of the reasons for the threatened port strike was that people were locked in said shipping containers and port workers could hear them banging against the walls. There are, apparently, sections of every port where access is barred. But workers can hear the banging and the shouted appeals for rescue.

Vancouver, Canada, is essentially run by a consortium of Asian criminal cartels, who have purchased the city via its lawyers, politicians and pet corporations. They move a great deal of Chinese fentanyl through the city’s massive port facility, the chemicals assembled into pills in factories outside the city, where white police don’t go (because equity). The cartels launder a great part of the continent’s drug money through the casinos in the city, and buy as many politicians as they can. Last week, the RCMP finally released a report that China was up to its neck funding its puppets in the last federal election, pushing 41 candidates, many of whom won...

..Despite that, this week, The Hogue Commission sealed the records of Beijing’s interference in Canadian politics for 99 years. It is just that bad. Sealed, I suspect, because so many of the country’s permanent bureaucracy were bribed. Asian gangs have infiltrated every institution, especially immigration where compromised bureaucrats have eased the entry of the most ferocious cartel members, people who should be in a SuperMax prison...

..Vancouver is the second or third most expensive city in the world, because so much drug and trafficking money is washed through its real estate, bidding up prices. Houses that sell for $2 million in Florida and $500K in Cleveland, sell for $10 or even $20 million in Vancouver’s West End... Those politicians not bought are asleep at the switch. They let this happen.

Are the people from the shipping containers being harvested for their blood, their organs, their value as sex slaves or workers? Are their factories run by immigrants that make the drug, and are considered off-limits because immigrants get legal passes - again equity? I’d put money on it...

..Human trafficking is far more lucrative than drugs. People are used as regular slaves, the young as sexual slaves. Once worn out they can be sold for ritual sacrifice, or organ donors. Or ground up and put in the food supply; there are lists of products that contain human remains including fetal remains, which of course are in vaccines. The drug “ambrosia” or “gold juice” or adrenochrome, is made from the blood and essence of terrified people, preferably children and babies. It is thought to be used by celebrities for energy and to reverse aging.

Here is testimony of a victim put into a shipping container by her pimp to scare her into compliance. She was 14 at the time...

..You need a lot of terrified, adrenalin-rich people to make this drug and the demand is sky high. Making and selling it is done by members of the disgusting amalgam of secret societies that have so many names, they would fill this page, so let’s just call them Luciferian.

Nick Bryant, the most reputable journalist following the wholesale trafficking of children, said that Damian Williams, the same attorney who squelched much of the Epstein case, is about to do the same for Diddy. Combs, like Epstein, was running a blackmail bank for a (who knows what) covert operation and had compromised thousands of powerful people with these parties. The United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Damian Williams, will, if not stopped, cover up the full impact of the Diddy case as he did for Epstein...

..(The worst is) the wholesale trafficking of children in Child Protective Services, migrant children, and worst of all children bred to be trafficked. The number of missing migrant children from the four years of Biden’s open borders is thought to be about 325,000. Combs, like Epstein, will go to jail for a long time (if he’s lucky) and his estate will be gutted by the young victims he predated, but the wholesale human trafficking he and Epstein facilitated won’t be touched...

..In the private sector, there are dozens of independent organizations, mostly Christian and mostly ex-military, who rescue children all across the States, but Attorneys-General, in general —the Attorney-General, in particular—do nothing. Why?...

..The Sean Combs case, if properly aired will do more than put a disreputable character away. It blows the lid off a deep deep shame, a societal cancer, a hidden plague that corrupts us all. And despite official slow walking, evidence accretes, most reliably first from a bodyguard who witnessed a lot of what happened. Names are being named and all Hollywood is engaged in crisis management, first claiming they only went to the nice parts of the parties, not the bad ones...

..Courtney Burgess, a hip hop producer, came forward with videos of eight celebrities, all under the influence, three of them minors having sex with Sean Combs. The videos were given him by the supposedly murdered mother of Comb’s children, Kim Porter...

..Will Smith’s daughter is publicly accusing him of repeatedly raping his son, her brother, throughout his childhood. Smith was a regular at Diddy’s as was his wife. In fact, think of a star that presents as a thoroughly friendly chappie (Hanks, Will, Cosby) and you find this...

..In its most reduced essence, what the celebrities, politicians, sports stars and senior bureaucrats compromised at the Diddy parties were up to was a form of Satanic Ritual Abuse. A procession of rooms greeted participants, each having a different purpose and a different more powerful drug... These acts are supposed to feed the demons, to feed Lucifer, who then confers blessings on the perpetrator. Later, an even more exclusive invitation: deep underground, actual human sacrifice, and eating of the human, usually a child. Aside from the act itself bringing a perverted surge of energy, as does the blood of said child, human sacrifice is meant to confer worldly success beyond imaginings...

..All the stars named so far have lost millions of followers, leaving their various industries flattened. The rage, the hunt for justice is not coming from the top, it is coming from the “fans”, their clients, their audience. All the reporting is for the most part, citizen reporting. They know what’s been happening and they feel betrayed and very very angry....

..What this indicates is that our cultural product is almost entirely Luciferian and our “stars” and the people working in the so-called arts, abuse children as recreation and fuel. This ‘religion’ is global in its reach...There is an interactive map of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse)... Behind each dot lie multiple first hand victim testimonies...

..In Hollywood, the head of the snake is said to be Clive Davis. Worldwide, the head of the snake, the Phoenix who rules over the entire world, Lucifer’s agent, is said to be Barack Obama. He is the new Mother of Darkness, taking over from George Soros... The world is divided into quadrants, each quadrant has a Mother of Darkness who confers directly with Satan...

..MKUltra or mind control was sourced in Satanic ritual, itself sourced from Sumer and Egypt by the Nazis, imported into the U.S. by Allan Dulles after Nuremberg, and spread throughout the schools from the 60’s onwards, via the ‘gifted’ program...

..The second purpose was to create “alters”, unknowing split personalities capable of performing specific tasks — sex operatives, assassins, psychics, political geniuses, math geniuses on command...

..This monster we just defeated in the U.S. is not what you think it is. https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/a-radical-opening-a-terrible-evil

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VERY, very few things are "what we think they are! This is Satan's sandbox, and whether or not we know it, we are in it, sharing the space with monsters so hideous they defy description.

It's been years since being shown the truth about the horrors which go on continually in the depths of the Roman "church." But now, these atrocities have boldly spread throughout. It's really hard to imagine the depth of evil which motivates those involved, and the wide spreading of such things! It's not safe for anyone to dwell on such darkness, for it stains the mind and influences the heart of the recipient. But we should ALL pray for them even tho we do not know the victims personally.

Which brings out the point I wanted to touch on: That if WE being mere mortal and human, repel from such wickedness, how, then must the Father of creation be effected with it all, especially over the horrors the sweet, innocent children are put through. It is for the purpose of having the Heavenly Father intervene, as He has done so in the past, when His "children" were abused and had sent prayers of hopeful deliverance to Him. He heard their prayers. The Bible is replete with that same theme and so, why not lean on the concept in our day? Instead of never mentioning the God of heaven to these demon worshipers, why not boldly speak out on His behalf, pointing to the victims, and assure them of their complete destruction by God, which is sure to come upon them in swift judgment. What this will do is solicit a haughty response, and a direct mocking from them regarding a God who they deem mute, un-responsive. This tactic is sure to bring them justified unto some sort of slaughter. We cannot contend with Satan and his well-established war machine, but God is able and very willing to put the screws to at least some of his dirty plans, so as to make it known to the world that there is a God in Heaven, and His right arm is not slack nor restrained in matters such as this would present.

Just a "war-room" plan. Not sure if it would work though.

You seem to have done plenty of home work on the subject of secret societies and the darker side of things like child sacrifice. Ronald Bernard gives us an insider's view of just a little of it. Do you agree that the Jesuits are behind "all" of the bloodshed and wars of the past? Their history if known, holds them accountable for so very much~! They control the subservient organizations like the Freemasons, etc. So they occupy the near top of that famous pyramid, which speaks volumes, to me, anyway.

God bless you and yours,


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Thank You.

The provision of human-anguish as "food" to evil entities seems to be at the core of the drive to evil in humans on this path.

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Satan is focused, repaying the merciful kindness from Christ, with unbridled wickedness, revenge, terror, and every species of horror to mankind because God loves his creatures, and Satan hates anything God loves. There are few things which stir the heart more than the hurt of children, but this is apparently not sufficient for the demonic captain, and so to actualize the spirituality of the "indulgence" (the eating) of the pain of God's children, Satan makes it physically as personal as it gets and coaxes his "elite" followers to indulge in the actual eating of the flesh! That's difficult to even write the words!

What depths of sickness the saved will someday be witness to learn of.


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The Ethical Skeptic explains anguish-as-demonic-food here:

What Is "Loosh"? https://theethicalskeptic.com/2023/11/25/what-is-loosh/

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As an adendum to your post, is this. The movie, Eyes Wide Shut, directed by the brilliant Stanley Kubrick, suggested without speaking, these parties of masked beautiful people, wandering around some grand environment in some event that was never described. Only through the power of symbolism and suggestion does the viewer know that sexual activity is rampant in this film. Interestingly, he "was dead" the night before the final scene was to be shot. It never was clear how the scene was altered, and the opinions I read, one version was he was mocking the middle class for being so blind, the other opinion was he was trying to tell us what was going on. Either way, he was dead. As a note to this, each and every X-files episodes, all directed by Matthew Carter, and one of my fave shows, was the result of an independent FOIA request. One episode was Scully, stunned to find out, the federal govco had created a jxxine that killed after it altered the DNA of the person taking, you know, "the thing." I believe we are living through the utter destruction of the beast system, back to Jesus. Anunaki, Sumerians, Ba'al, Python principality. etc. All Biblical.

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Keep exposing them, Meryl. The extent of the deception is unbelievable to most people and I hope we see justice in the courts for these experts in the art of betrayal.

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Thank you Dr M.N…

I applaud your devotion to the telling and heightening the awareness of truth, especially in outing these nefarious stooges, filth, flotsam, they are amongst the very worst exemplar of human detritus, certainly these reveals give pause, causes one to stop and consider at what point do you sell your soul, sell out lose your humanity extolling knowingly treatments you know and understand, that the science confirms is injurious, ruinous to those unto whom it is administered, equally disturbing the revelation of how truly disturbed and concerned many of his colleagues, undoubtedly hand reared 8n Africa, Asia, Europe the WHO are, given the future 47ths pronouncements and appointments, likely because they know they will be publicly shamed, outed, no longer able to hide behind their public anonymity, most citizens unaware of how nefarious these people actually are.

What he omits to say is that Africa has woken up to the true intentions of these people, of their underhanded agenda to inflict harm… to surreptitiously I troduce their Mengelesque eugenics into third world and vulnerable nations, what truly alarms is those from those States involved in Science, who ostensibly support these agenda’s… that is truly sick, how they can be that far removed from the plights of their peoples, their nations they will perpetrate such…. the epitome of evil.

I live for the day that science will prove the deleterious impact and effect resulting from the actions and behaviour of these people who in lieu of the lure of the dollar, took the coin, selling out humanity and their colleagues in science, their actions setting science, a publicly owned phenomenon and actuality gestated over millennia, setting it back decades.

What trust once enjoyed, now long lost, broken…. those involved, together their NGO’s, Intelligence Agencies, Militaries, U.N officials…. have done irreparable harm to a once noble and great human development, our Science, the damage they have caused, inestimable when considered against what we know science endured to get to the point of public acceptance….

Enduring the biases, the many pogroms, practitioners burned at the stake as heretics, such appalling treatment meted out to scientists in ages past and it is this, this understanding and recognition of the long arduous journey science has completed to gain full acceptance…. until, greed, together with those of truly loathsome behaviour, devoid it seems of morality, of humanity, coalesced and came together in order to usurp and subjugate this great gift to humanity, science, developed as we know it has been by the strongest of partnerships, the best of both God and man… man applying his vast talents to delve ever deeper into the unknown….

I believe if Kennedy and Trump, together Gaetz as A.G, the GOP House, can in the first two years of the new administration, complete the tasks we are cognisant of as being essential, being needed THENST we will see those responsible called and held to account, publicly, no sweeping under the carpet any of this shitzen… full disclosure, then and only then following the much needed reveals sought by the public, that will result, will science recover and assume its pre eminent role…

Until then, we are at least served a masterclass by yourself informing us, interpreting the myriad complex data that we less educated than yourself, would have little hope of ever getting our heads around, in doing so and as I have opined previously, in your doing so, the education received from you is priceless, as you go about building your army of support, an army that will stand behind you and every call, or for that matter every recommend you might ask us to support you on, or that you require our input into, no nation has been untouched by the actions of these vile people… I for one will always be grateful to receive your posts, the education now prized that you sustain with your writings… never apologise nor seek permission, it’s not needed, do what you do, it will always be gratefully received… in return, I will support your every call.

Best to you always

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Lord HELP us! All these people are just going along with it.. Africa should know by now to refuse injections as genociders want Africa's resources and a disabled easy to control population; same in USA

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Love you Doc!

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Amen, Did you know the word Doctor (once) meant Teacher? NOW the new definition is,

[A mindless Godless cog or pimp for the industrial medical complex!]

Apostates will be delicensed and cast out, or crucified!

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Everyone, please CALL AND WRITE TO YOUR SENATORS and members of Congress to urge them to support RFK Jr's nomination. There could be no better use of our time, and it takes just a few minutes. Please do it repeatedly. So much is at stake, and so much is possible like never before.

Here's how to find your elected officials' information:


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This slime even looks like a snake. Actually ,that's insulting snakes. RFK Jr. needs to sue this a**hole.

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Meryl, I love your translations of Gostin's illiterate ramblings! With reference to his photograph, funny how evil often materializes in the faces of evil people. One look at Gostin and I saw Gollum - the evil little character in the movie 'The Hobit'. Check this out and tell me they're not twins! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/18/e0/28/18e0286e977cfc6bf13de7021f48cb3f.jpg

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Great that you called out Gostin his name is on or with nearly every Public Health policy paper since MSEHP Act was released in 2001. I’ve read where at least parts of it have been woven into policy and law in all 50 states and national government laws too. He’s a critter akin to Fauci but he remains in the shadows pulling lots of strings.

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> “Believed to be” means “we are hoping it is.”

Not in science. It means either (a) “we don’t know AND we do not want to know” or (b) “it’s far higher, but we won’t disclose raw data”.

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Thanks for sharing this information. Its good to know the names of those who are promoting this global $Moneypox crisis. I will remember the name Gostin...and hope he gets the "rewards" he deserves for the harm he is doing spreading erroneous information.

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What scamdemic plandemic pox will they put out next for Stupid Steeple to accept? Transhumanism is what you you get from the Lunatic shot addicts

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Satan wouldn't have it any other way!

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They get paid a nice little stipend for EVERY "committee" they are on, present or not. Greedy little bastard. Socio/ psychopath.

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