And where is PETA now?

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I'll take: Too busy hating Donald Trump for 500.

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has the group come out with Derangement Syndrome adds or positions?

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Was USAID helping PETA? Was PETA on that list?

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Probably most government agencies used the aid scam.

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Note that PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) is not a government agency. This alleged 'animal welfare' non-profit organization has been caught & documented numerous times acting contrary to their supposed mission.


In a word, they are a group of hypocrites.


PETA has played on the concern most Americans have for the well-being and actual humane treatment of animals to rake in millions in donations.


In a word, it's a scam.


RETA headquarters used to be in a several-story glass block office building in Norfolk, Va., right on the ocean. With a private dock.


Does that sound like an efficient use of funds donated to help animals in need?


It's been a few years since I've looked into PETA, (any of O'Keefe's citizen undercover journalists here?), but a couple decades back or so, PETA operated ONE shelter. One.

O'keefe Media Group's mission: To empower people to uncover wrongdoing & bring facts to light.


A vet in the area called PETA to pick up a litter of healthy kittens someone found along a rural road, figuring they could do a better job finding good homes for them. When a vet tech from the vet's office called a couple days later to adopt one, the tech discovered the litter had been destroyed.

PETA was in the news when trash bags containing dead animals were found in a dumpster at a strip mall near the Va. - N.C. state line. The odor was the tip-off. Witnesses & security cameras showed a PETA van & revealed two employees had been killing pets in the van in the parking lot, disposing of them in the trash. PETA tried to claim it was not involved... but their claims were not believable.

PETA has recruited & trained countless 'activists' to harass animal owners around the U.S. over the decades. CAFOs began putting up razor wire & security cameras - leaving small, family operated farms, ranches, & 'homesteaders', pet owners - even those who actually rescue animals the focus of PETA & similar groups.

The kind of farms we all wish our food came from have been increasingly attacked by groups like PETA, HSUS (long a mouthpiece for PETA) and departments of health & agriculture departments.

In addition to the devestation of being attacked by the state for doing nothing wrong...and having their animals taken from them BEFORE & often WITHOUT any due process of law- most people cannot afford a legal battle to prove their innocence & get their animals back. (Unlike large corporate factory-farm CAFO operations that kill thousands of birds by suffocation & heatstroke.)

Local & State authorities usually offer to drop all- almost always bogus- charges if the owners sign over all rights to their animals. That's extortion.

'Rescue farms' & animal 'sanctuaries' are given custody of the animals & routinely charge excessive fees IF the owners can afford to fight in court. These 'sanctuaries' are tax-free, have volunteer help, get donations & have been caught selling animals at livestock auctions for slaughter.

What can we do?


Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund - FarmtoConsumer.org

Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance - FarmandRanchFreedom.org

Buy as much food as you can from independent farm, market gardeners, orchard & homesteaders/ smallholders in your area. Check the Farm & Garden section of Craigslist for farms too small to have a booth at the Farmers Market or a website.

While we still have a choice.

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All leftist heart string pulling is a scam.

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it is most definitely not a gubmint agency...

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Good question but I seriously doubt it.

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As we saw with all the Marxist Communist organizers, organizing [for their own cause!] Groups like Women's Suffrage, Anti-War tune in turn on Hippie movement! The godless anti-American commie Leftists use causes like PETA PTA etc. to gain political power & influence! PETA probably cared more about defeating Trump or making money than stopping evil bird saluting [to help control the food supply] as done in India, causing much harm and death!

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Good and just causes get co-opted, and even our best intentions can be used against us.

Historical note: Women in some States were voting long before 1920. According to constitutional attorney Krisanne Hall, due to election issues, some States had taken the right to vote from women before Amendment XIX was ratified in 1920.

Readers may enjoy her documentary 'Noncompliance' - about the founding of our country, and the rightful authority which We the People have over our State governments, and over the government of our federation of States, constituted by agents of the People from each State-the People who "ordained & established this Constitution for the United States of America".


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Maybe what got "co-opted" was God's plan for Women to serve Man (As God Jesus served & serves Mankind) I.e. Man & Women becoming flesh to build a Church Home & Family environment to raise children, with the Man being the boss and women being the servant as Jesus served his children! I.e. in a one Family, one vote, environment, I.e. not a She votes Dem He votes Repub. If you can consider, why anti-American Communists led & promoted the women's lib movement, it wasn't to build a stronger Home & Family America! It was to bring chaos to divide & conquer! Just look how well it's working, from a once strong Church & Home environment to our now broken home drug-infested Hell on Earth environment! What better way to conquer & enslave a nation? Satan is not stupid!

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Steve, Your rhetoric here sounds like a reincarnation of the despised J. Edgar Hoover. Please focus on the ISSUES.

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NO it's your 1950's Brain-washing & McCarthyism crap floating up from the cesspool of fake news! You most likely weren't told of the FOI 1940's Vennone intercepts, [released in the 1970,s] Telling us that socialist Democrat FDR knew of the over 200 Commie/ Russian spies working the State Dept for A-Bomb secrets! History and Truth is you-people worst enemy! B.S. & corruption is the "ISSUE" then & now! You've been lied to & don't know it!

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Ignorant posts like Steve Mitzner's really discredit the very wise and important alternative health movement that RFK and Meryl are greatly contributing to (although your quote from Henry Kissinger below is right on target). Stick to the subject and not to foolish false categorizing of "Marxist Communist organizers", opposing Women's Suffrage and anti-war movements. And, if you have something positive to contribute re: Bird Flu, please provide links and alternative studies that challenge the "official story".

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Look you people can’t hide from history and truth! [fact] [IF?] you need some education on "Marxist Communist organizers",(Organizing, not opposing) the Women’s movement, and Hippy generation, and Catholic syminear’s (As Marxist communist organizer, Bella V Dodds book, School Of Darkness reveals, where she got 1200 homos and Leftist into Catholic seminaries, I.e. to help bring down religion/ destroy Church and Home, to promote Godless Marxism! See: CPUSA.org

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Don't lecture Steve. Come on.

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I asked the same question. They're bought and paid for, just like the farmers who took money to ruin their own livelihoods.

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Essentially all the eggs & poultry in supermarkets comes from CAFOs- confined animal feeding operations. A handful of big corporations own these birds & control how they are housed, fed, and managed.

The land these operations are located on may belong to farmers- people trying to figure out how to pay the bills and hold onto the land for future generations, as increasing regulations make it more expensive & difficult for independent farmers to market their products, and all costs continue to increase.

When alleged diseases that are claimed to be transmissible to humans are supposedly detected among farm animals, state and/or federal government agencies usually ORDER the farm to be de-populated, the animals culled.

Destroyed, not harvested, even of their is no evidence of any danger from consuming the eggs, milk, or meat from those animals.

'Big Chicken' corporations no doubt got most of the money paid for the culled poultry. They were probably told, 'Accept the compensation now, or lose them all to 'bird flu'.' In some areas, the total de-population culls may have been ordered. Unless the 'scam-demic 2.0' is stopped, total culls will be ordered across the U.S. - first poultry, then dairy cattle, then beef... Not just the industrialized CAFO operations, but every independent family farm, homesteader, and backyard flock.

Why 'scam-demic 2.0' ? To the best of my knowledge, the SARS CoV2 virus was never "purified" (what we think of as isolated) & gene-sequenced, nor proven to cause COVID-19. It only exists "in silico"- in a computer model. PCR cannot diagnose active cases of any disease. It can be 'rigged' 3 different ways to give the desired results, including the excess cycles of amplification we've all heard about.

This documentary explains how new viruses are identified & why PCR can't diagnose a case of any disease:


PCR, aka NAAT (nucleic acid amplification test), are being used FRAUDULENTLY to "prove" that healthy animals - and people - are 'asymptomatic carriers' of a disease that only one person in the U.S. alleged;y died of. Or did that person die "with" bird flu? Or just have a "positive" PCR / NAAT result?

The CDC reportedly just began requiring hospitals to test all patients for 'bird flu'- not just those with any particular symptoms. Are we going to fall for this again?

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There is no bird flu, Arrested, USDA Inspector Phyllis Fong, a 22-year Deep State operative, is one of the key players behind the artificial inflation of poultry and egg prices in the U.S. She ordered the culling of MILLIONS of healthy birds, using the FAKE excuse of “mutating bird flu.” But here’s the TRUTH: There was NO pandemic.

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“Henry Kissinger warned us when he said: “Control the Food, control the People. Control the Energy, control the Continents. Control the Money, control the World.”

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Vandana Shiva said "The difference is that the first Green Revolution was public sector driven. It was driven by government agencies and the government agencies controlled the research. The second 'Green Revolution' is driven by Monsanto; it is a Monsanto-driven revolution. The second big difference is that the first Green Revolution did have a hidden objective of selling more chemicals, but it's first objective was providing food, it was food security... The second Green Revolution has nothing to do with food security. It's not about food security, it is about returns to Monsanto's profits, that's all it is about. - They've always said that genetic engineering is the way to get to patenting, but patenting is the real aim. If you look at Monsanto's research agenda, they're testing at this point something like 20 crops with BT-genes in it. There's nothing they're leaving untouched. The mustard, the okra, the brinjal, the rice, the cauliflower. - Once they have established the norm that seed can be owned as their property and royalties can be collected, we will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow.

***If they control seed, they control food, they know it, it's strategic. It's more powerful than bombs, it's more powerful than guns. This is the best way to control the populations of the world.***

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This is simply disgusting. Under so called health they are killing our food supply!!

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I can visualize liberating these flocks into forests to let them fend for themselves. There would be some foxes, wolves, coyotes, and cougars that would vote for such plan.

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I like that profuse use of the word "depopulation" which has been the catchphrase of our Club-Of-Rome Malthusian Overlords for the last 50yrs. Getting us used to the euphemism for slaughter or genocide. So, in actual fact, Hitler "Depopulated" the Jews in Europe.

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Hmm good point

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...and millions of other people, too often forgotten.

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They are trying to normalize killing. Animals, babies are culled. Healthy adults will be next. I wouldn't be surprised, if they put laws in place that once you turn 30, you can choose how you want to die. To these people we are just human livestock to be culled.

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In Canada, it's Okay for doctors to kill big healthy kids, if they are not 100% "normal."

How Satanic is that?

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Very much so.

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What the hell ? Is this true ?

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MAID in Canada is paving the way.

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It's terrible 😞

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It's criminal.

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It's Nazism coming back to life!

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It's the spirit of molech. It would only be more obvious if they built an altar on which to do the killing.

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This is NOT the right analogy. It's communism.

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It was the perversion of communism that ironically became fascism.

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Never died, just dormant.

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They don't need us past 65 or so. Killing us all at that age helps them with avoid paying off their liabilities to us. Probably should stop paying into "their" pension funds, all it does is give them an incentive to kill us.

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The immorality of this culling is heart breaking. I am reminded of Bobby Kennedy's poetic and passionate reminder that disruption of nature compromises our ability to sense the divine.

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Trump's appointment of that WEF/WHO/Pharma-funded vaccine-pushing "One Health" veterinarian science guy to be in charge of Pandemic Preparedness for the future (planned) bird flu scamdemic is a very bad sign.

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Favorable coverage by CBS News is usually imho a bad sign too:

"Trump taps Gerald Parker to be new head of pandemic office as bird flu threat grows"


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Trump Is Not To Be Trusted

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While appreciating the good thing he has done... I agree.

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I RF, Jr. is confirmed as Secretary of the Dept. of HHS, that should help balance things out.

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Any idea of the identity of the farms 'receiving' the money for the slaughter? Are they corporate? If so this could be a money grab.. by individuals or by hedge funds picking up additional assets and restructuring. Disgusting but when I was in farming in the 1980-1990's the USDA money was keeping many of the corporate (not family corporations) farms afloat while they bought up the family farms (usually by estate sales when inheritance taxes were due).

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We know the powers that be, do not care about our health, give us our eggs back!

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With RFK confirmed I wonder where he can strike first to make the most impact?

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RFK Jr. has not yet been confirmed as the Secretary of the Department of HHS. The Senate committee just voted to send the issue of whether to confirm his appointment to the whole Senate for a vote. No date has been set, but is expected to happen before the end of February.


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I really like that sentiment!

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Can he?

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Of course he can!

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I hate these demonic people.

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Gassing is the most common in production plants. It is also how they make them sick, doctor the water or feed. Out of 8 hens, lost 1, it was a runt, and the bigger hens got most of the food. I use both feed and any seeds along with leftoavers not night shades. Includes the left over pots of dry beans. Don't forget the 101 factory fires, truck spills, and a $40 K hiest of eggs.

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yep, its a land mine system, central tanks of two parts, like making acetylene welding gas with carbide pellets, only its a chlorine powder specially formulated for benzenes of some sort, liquid VOC, once it enter the air stream, it being a VOC, volatile and organic, it is absorbed or adsorbed, adsorbed into the body and slowly sickens the living entities.

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Does anyone know how they are testing for bird flu? Is it using PCR with a high threshold to get false positives, similar to what was being done with Covid? If this is being done, is it to scare people into getting a bird flu vaccine?

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IMO One Health. This was apparent during the covid scam too. Vaccines in animals are a model and so in many cases the legal mandates. the cancers and the clotting. Annual rabies every year for pets….no or next to little risk today. Big harm never studied….a hunch. All part of program …the zoos used mrna vaccines on multiple species….you know the human vaccine. Whatever happened to those animals? Not a word. It was insanity ..

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Some interesting observations.

According to the CDC, there has been a "decrease in human deaths from rabies from over 100 per year in the early 1900s, to fewer than 10 annually since the 1960s..."

They attribute this to mandatory rabies vaccination of dogs & cats, "animal control programs", and "use of rabies-related medical care, called post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)".

This is interesting, as the CDC also says, "In the U.S., around 4,000 animal rabies cases are reported each year, with more than 90% occurring in wildlife like bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes." Bat populations have declined in many areas across the country, but skunks and foxes are thriving, and raccoon numbers in towns, suburbs, even cities have been increasing.

There have been some wildlife vaccine programs, but the vast majority of these animal are NOT vaccinated.

It's also interesting that the CDC doesn't mention coyotes, as their numbers have been increasing, and they are now common throughout the East, including suburbs and towns. There are rumors that they were introduced to the eastern States to control feral cats and raccoons. As opportunistic predators, it seems strange that they would not also be on the CDC's list of reported wildlife rabies cases.

Aren't we are told that viruses generally become less pathogenic over time as they circulate? Is it even less of a threat now than it was 100 years ago, when ~100 people a year were recorded as dying from rabies? With millions of pets getting rabies vaccines each year, or every 3 yrs, and almost zero marketing costs for the manufacturer, will this possibility ever be studied?

We had heard that some of the zoo animals "vaccinated" for COVID-19 had died, but also have not heard anything since.

This small, but well controlled study, published in 2020, demonstrates that protection conferred by rabies vaccination of dogs lasts well beyond 3 years. It seems likely that the duration of protective immunity would have lasted even longer if the vaccinations had been administered when they were older than 12 & 15 weeks, due to immature immune systems.

Like other programs that sound good at first, 'One Health' is apparently yet another tool for taking more control away from the people, and reducing human population.


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Can someone please explain the rationale for culling flocks or herds?

Where did the virus come from? Wild birds most likely. Are they going to kill all the wild birds? Do they even know what species of wild bird infected the flock? How would they know?

This has probably been going on for since forever & us not knowing about it.

Did anyone not learn anything from the fustercluck that was the Plandemic?

The updated boosters were always a day late and a dollar short, just stimulating more escape variants that could not be predicted.

Don’t science reporters have ANY relevant scientific, medical, or veterinary background? Or are they just stenographers?

Shut down all the bio security labs; shut down the CDC. Until logical answers can be given as to why they need to be reopened ( that satisfy Rand Paul—I don’t care about or trust anyone else’s opinion @ this point.

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None. Nothing L

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its mostly by contaminating the air with liquid to air VOC, BTEX or industrial solvents as it were, they add some mixture of chloring, chlorophenyl i 've been told, this pressurizes the system into stand alone land mines, they encircle farms or they are land grabbing farms or others as targets, watch with cams who is doing this, you can see how they operate, refilling and releasing, in and out of their houses when gas is on and off. lots of them, getting paid accourdingly by an accountant program using the ptech software, same guys who demolished the towers, same exact system, only it about raw solvent fumes and skin contact as to small to see particles that quickly off gasses the 'load' chloro hydrocarbon adsorptive fumes.

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You wrote '$841 million paid for the culls up to last July--with over 50% more birds culled since then' This came up. Part of the indemnity program.

So the big guys got paid to cull. Then Raise Prices.

How U.S. Taxpayers Bailed Out the Poultry Industry, and Helped Entrench Avian Flu

The U.S. has failed to contain bird flu. The $1.46 billion industry bailout is one reason why.


Links and graphs of the big producers.

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