Meryl Nass, MD and super sleuth. So great that you figured out what's going on so the rest of us know what's really going on. Good luck on the 11th. We are behind you and can't believe the bullshit you endure from these creeps. xo

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They're screwing with you, Meryl. And the person doing it, is a coward. He (she) knows that he is anonymous, and so is insulated from negative consequences. Truly, it is like terrorism.

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Google is so evil and pervasive I don't bother trying to avoid them will be like not breathing bad air, ....

Google is evil


Google Google is evil, if you want


Google is their own God word.

The first amendment was destroyed when Gavin the emperor signed AB 2098,if not long prior

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Google is CIA. Everyone needs to leave Google tomorrow.

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Truth does strike fear into liars. Tech is in bed with liars.

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Thank you ■ May the Spirit of God give you strength and the words that you need; may his angels campus around you, because of wisdom knowing him and understanding to flee evil.

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I am using <OPERA> as browser and do the search via <FreeSpoke> ...so far seems to be better than other software! Thank you for your integrity and info!!! We are with you and all the doctors who chose to stand for what is RIGHT, TRUTH and HUMAN!!!!

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This is beyond maddening to read this censorship MUST end. People need to learn the truth.

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Graeme Macqueen, who shared a left forum panel on anthrax with you once told be he was shocked that big brother reached into his computer and changed wording.

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Google is probably one of the biggest enablers to the devastation that has been playing out in the last few years. Not only do they need to be called out, they need to be destroyed. I removed ALL of Google’s products from my life: no apps, no databases, no search engines. Similarly, I left PayPal after 20+ years. You need to vote with your wallets. Keep the good fight going Dr. Nass!✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

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How can we move away from the big tech giants? Is their ad revenue so much of a draw that people simply cannot move away from google and twitter? When will we reach the point where censorship is not front page news? We know these people will censor, yet we continue to rely on them for posting content. If we accept that anything we post can/will be censored, is it not time to stop posting on platforms that are rife with censorship? What in all this am I missing?

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My biggest question is why? What is the end game? What's the payoff?

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Don't post anything bad about Bill or Hillary. People that identify the evil deeds that they commit end up dead.😢

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very popular outlet i used to write for was always top of the page on google when you searched for what it was and where it was located. in april of 2020 they made the mistake of referring to the "coronavirus scare" and were promptly disappeared from google. now they don't even show up on a google search page, i tried 50 deep and nothing.

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Sorry to hear this Dr. Nass. All I know is that I've seen from some truth advocate people for years now that Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. and all US and BBC legacy mainstream media is deep state tech. If you get kicked off, shadow banned or censored on any of it that's a pretty sure sign it's deep state tech. Also Whitney Webb pointed out in her recent video interview Financial Rebellion w/Catherine Austin Fitts, Polly Tommey & Carolyn Betts (55:39), which is on CHD, that Rumble is funded by some billionaire psyop scammer named Peter Thiel. I know you already know this but some of these psyop scammers who scam us are not even what they say they are as they profess and suggest to us their supposed beliefs. When I discovered Proton email https://proton.me/ a while back I thought to myself, well at least there's a 50/50 chance it's not deep state tech like all this legacy mainstream media sure seems to be so I switched to it from Gmail. Proton mail says it's secure encrypted email and has a built-in Proton VPN for online privacy. They recently came out with Proton Drive for storage too. I've had no problems with it so far. For blogs all I know is substack at this time.

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