It has been going on for decades. Just that the technology to control us is finally here. I am sure lots of old evil world leaders would have loved to have this kind of technology.
How much money $$$ from USAID does The Weather Channel get to be a GoreBull Warming propaganda outlet? You tune it see an update on the current snow storm and blizzard and you get a ScareYouMentary about hurricanes and flooding.
In one report a few years ago I saw photographic evidence of how the culling of 'infected' birds in an industrial size battery hen farm in the US was really being carried out, no matter what they say in mere written reports.
In one photo, a man was standing in a heat-proof suit literally playing a flame thrower over stacks of healthy-looking chickens still constrained in their cages, and the number to be culled was truly vast.
The suffering that those chickens went through is unimaginable, those imposing it were without any conscious spiritual connection to God.
What is actually happening is more like black magic ritual blood sacrifice designed to produce as much agony and terror in the victims as possible.
Those posing artificially as the leaders of many nations today by means of deception almost the world over seem to follow the same barbaric sadistic murderous agenda in how they address all species of life in this dimension.
Why wouldn't they let the virus run its course and then take the ones that survive and make them breeding stock? I thought that is how we selectively breed. Or throw some chlorine dioxide in the water... lol... that will be the day!
The photo in the first slide / image is misleading. With the exception of a very few independent farms, and the Amish, essentially zero commercially raised poultry ever have the opportunity to get out on pasture, scratch in the dirt for bugs & worms, eat weed seeds, and greens - and express other natural behaviors.
Even eggs from 'free range' hens sold in your supermarket are from hens raised in warehouse type buildings with a small opening that few of the thousands of hens ever find. if they do, it almost always leads onto a small concrete apron - nothing like the photo.
The hens pictured are also heritage breeds, which have not been raised in the big industrialized CAFO poultry operations for fifty years or more. These heritage breeds can be profitable when farmed traditionally, especially when moved to fresh pasture frequently, with chicken houses mounted on wagons. This practice dates back a thousand years or so, and was revived half a century ago by Joel Salatin.
Many heritage breeds are also ideal for backyard flocks.
In addition to their beauty, preserving the genetic diversity of various heritage breeds of poultry from around the world which are adapted to various climates is an important aspect of ensuring food security.
Thank you, Dr. Nass, for keeping us updated on bird flu issues, and the needless destruction of a significant portion of our food supply- needlessly, and in indefensibly cruel ways.
Horrible and Unthinkable! How did we ever get here?
It's called putting too much trust into a criminal government and being complacent!
It has been going on for decades. Just that the technology to control us is finally here. I am sure lots of old evil world leaders would have loved to have this kind of technology.
Better question, how did THEY ever get there?!!!
They did it while we were sleeping.
by normalizing killing and eating animals?
Bill Clinton.
Arkansas and Perdue and Tyson Chickens ? Just a rumor of course some say.
Disgusting!!! And evil
Satanic pedophiles love their blood sacrifice.
Indeed they do. However who that agrees with this eats dead animals?
And exactly how does that differ...
Hitler tactics
How much money $$$ from USAID does The Weather Channel get to be a GoreBull Warming propaganda outlet? You tune it see an update on the current snow storm and blizzard and you get a ScareYouMentary about hurricanes and flooding.
USAID was VERY involved.
I love animals , so sad for no earthly reason I am sad to hear that farmers approve of this
They are not farmers.
Well I do too, mostly. That is one good reason not to eat them. Just saying
All the people involved in this cruelty will have a lot to answer for in their next life!
I hope they answer for it in THIS one!
Disgusting 🤮
Large scale farming is definitely the culprit here. The big boys are in bed with
the corporate agenda. What a bunch of sick animals humans have become.
These humans are not animals. They are demons.
Absolutely disgusting.
In one report a few years ago I saw photographic evidence of how the culling of 'infected' birds in an industrial size battery hen farm in the US was really being carried out, no matter what they say in mere written reports.
In one photo, a man was standing in a heat-proof suit literally playing a flame thrower over stacks of healthy-looking chickens still constrained in their cages, and the number to be culled was truly vast.
The suffering that those chickens went through is unimaginable, those imposing it were without any conscious spiritual connection to God.
What is actually happening is more like black magic ritual blood sacrifice designed to produce as much agony and terror in the victims as possible.
Those posing artificially as the leaders of many nations today by means of deception almost the world over seem to follow the same barbaric sadistic murderous agenda in how they address all species of life in this dimension.
Hey, when I went out to plant green beans just now, it occurred to me that the Fed'ral Gubmint could SAVE MONEY by not paying for all these culls.
So sad no respect for life
Why wouldn't they let the virus run its course and then take the ones that survive and make them breeding stock? I thought that is how we selectively breed. Or throw some chlorine dioxide in the water... lol... that will be the day!
Sickening to think about the animals who suffer for no reason, sickening 🤨
The photo in the first slide / image is misleading. With the exception of a very few independent farms, and the Amish, essentially zero commercially raised poultry ever have the opportunity to get out on pasture, scratch in the dirt for bugs & worms, eat weed seeds, and greens - and express other natural behaviors.
Even eggs from 'free range' hens sold in your supermarket are from hens raised in warehouse type buildings with a small opening that few of the thousands of hens ever find. if they do, it almost always leads onto a small concrete apron - nothing like the photo.
The hens pictured are also heritage breeds, which have not been raised in the big industrialized CAFO poultry operations for fifty years or more. These heritage breeds can be profitable when farmed traditionally, especially when moved to fresh pasture frequently, with chicken houses mounted on wagons. This practice dates back a thousand years or so, and was revived half a century ago by Joel Salatin.
Many heritage breeds are also ideal for backyard flocks.
In addition to their beauty, preserving the genetic diversity of various heritage breeds of poultry from around the world which are adapted to various climates is an important aspect of ensuring food security.
Thank you, Dr. Nass, for keeping us updated on bird flu issues, and the needless destruction of a significant portion of our food supply- needlessly, and in indefensibly cruel ways.
And using totally UNRELIABLE testing methods to justify this slaughter.