I learned a basic fact from Sandra Day O'Connor and the Declaration of Independence during my recent trip to Monticello
The purpose of government is to preserve your rights. That's it. US government power derives only from the consent of the governed.
If you prefer to look at an easier to read copy, go here:
When in the course of nefarious events the loss of basic freedoms and sovereignty is derived from an scamdemic Harmacide perpetrated upon the good peoples tis the solemn duty of Womanity to oppose further loss and reverse lawfare cancellations , such that the freedom to be free from coercion and fear , viruganda and needlerape mandates, as well as skypainting and being spied upon, lied to, actively maimed and killed physically and economically, gaslamped, ....said nefarious behavior must be abolished and rendered intolerablr and unthinkablr hereafter amen may it be so
Amen!! Let us not forget -- a Republic, IF we can keep it.....