When in the course of nefarious events the loss of basic freedoms and sovereignty is derived from an scamdemic Harmacide perpetrated upon the good peoples tis the solemn duty of Womanity to oppose further loss and reverse lawfare cancellations , such that the freedom to be free from coercion and fear , viruganda and needlerape mandates, as well as skypainting and being spied upon, lied to, actively maimed and killed physically and economically, gaslamped, ....said nefarious behavior must be abolished and rendered intolerablr and unthinkablr hereafter amen may it be so

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Amen!! Let us not forget -- a Republic, IF we can keep it.....

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As a non_American I have always been in awe of your Constitution and Bill of Rights. To me, it represents the pinnacle of human achievement.

Which makes it even more ironic and disgusting that your Government and "elites" spend most of their time trying to either circumvent it or destroy it.

"We've all come to look for, America" (Paul Simon)

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I have always loved that bittersweet song of Simon and Garfunkel's.

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From my “Article for Independence Day: The American Revolution and Health Tyranny” originally written in 2014 (if you do a Google search on Age of Autism website hey presto it will not appear):

“I have always been drawn to United States history so I hope it will not be taken amiss if I offer an Independence Day perspective of a British citizen: we are, of course, all heirs of that revolution one way or another across the globe: more so today than ever perhaps. Immediately speaking there are two striking facets (I just had to correct the typographic error “strifing”): the incredible historic dynamism of the nation created by this event but also the great amount of thought that the founding fathers went into trying to prevent the re-emergence of the tyranny which they had just escaped. Perhaps never has so much thought gone into avoiding “oppressive government” even if many of the leading participants in the new republic still regarded it as their right to own slaves.

“Nearly two and a half centuries on it is possible to see that powerful interests can buy their way into every aspect of a nation’s life defying almost every measure that was ever laid out against oppressive government...”


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Citizen Grand Juries

The only way to stop the tyranny is to begin at the local level


We're not in Kansas anymore, are we?

Oz is the abbreviation for ounce, the standard measure used for gold.


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The old saying "Might makes right" applies here. Under what authority and with what force do citizen grand juries operate? Where is our police force/prison system? How are offending politicians removed from office?

It's a grand but toothless idea at this point in time.

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Read the docs.

Petitions with enough signatures force grand juries to be called. Jurors and trials then proceed like other grand juries.

They're not toothless, but if you're a regime troll, it probably would be your job to call them toothless.

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'Force'? How would that get enforced? A people's grand jury could meet and hand down a verdict complete with arrest warrants but there is no power that I know of to execute such warrants or judges/juries/prisons to adjudicate and incarcerate or force a change in laws. It appears to be toothless to me.

I have no job. I read, I think and I communicate. I am firmly in your column but I am deeply concerned about the direction in which we are headed and our apparent inability to change course in the face of powerful cartels.

Sorry, I'm a pessimist/realist who is overjoyed when my pessimism is proven unfounded. Feel free to ignore me.

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"How would that get enforced?"

If such a petition was successfully gathered, and I believe people would be risking their lives to gather signatures and be legitimate heroes for doing so, it would be such an overwhelming accomplishment that the regime would be forced to back down and let the jury be convened and use its powers of subpoena and discovery, which would then rip the lids off the cans of worms that have been festering in government. Then there would be many such juries, one for each "vaccine" death.

Remember the impact the Canadian truckers protest had, *worldwide*, it effectively ended the "vaccine" mandates.

Above all, remember that the evil people that are perpetrating the "Great Reset" are cowards. They sit in banks on piles of money and they have no love or morals or courage. They don't have too much sense either. Only greed.

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"Oz is the abbreviation for ounce"

You might get an argument from the folks down under. lol

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I should have said "an abbreviation", not "the abbreviation"

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

And the whole point of the Second Amendment is for the People (both collectively and, more importantly, as individuals) to be able to resist and destroy home-grown government tyranny. That is: kill tyrants. Full stop. Most state constitutions are more clearly-written as to the individual's right to own and bear arms. (And thus through implication, those arms must be of equal technology to the ones possessed by [potentially tyrannical] government.)

My state (Maine) has the best example: Article 1; Section 16: "Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned."

This of course *should* mean that if someone even *questions* my right to own guns, they are violating my Maine state constitutional rights and are liable for whatever legal penalties.

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YES! Gun grabbers belong in Jail, Not pimping in the media! As history tells us! I.e. one for example! The Ottoman Empire – 1911

The Ottoman Empire existed in the region of current-day Turkey. That government slaughtered millions of Armenians who were native to the empire. A short history of the slaughter was published by the University of Michigan. The university’s report noted that in 1911 the empire achieved full gun confiscation. Between 1915 and 1917 approximately 1.5 million Armenians (out of a total of 2.5 million) were murdered by their government. This mass murder has become known as the Armenian Holocaust. (And remember, there were many more!

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Yet our federal government questions and limits that right every single day. Maine should secede over that issue.

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Where does the Constitution say a private monopoly can create fiat money and Congress enforce use of it???

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Exactly right! The Declaration is a profound statement of the relationship between government and the people that hasn’t been duplicated in any formative document on government anywhere else. Thus deserving the description of “Exceptional.”

The alarming comments by progressives disparaging the text and the author shows a complete misunderstanding of the importance of the text or an overt aggression to undermine its meaning.

I am heartened by this single article representing one more person’s understanding of the significance of the Declaration in our founding. May that understanding spread like the wildfire of understanding of 1776 in our hour of 2024 when we need it so desperately.

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Understanding and action are two different things.

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Everyone here would benefit from researching American State Nationals-AnnaVonReitz.com. Contact your assembly and fully engage in self governance to ensure peace and tranquility

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Be careful--some of these organizations are designed to capture patriotic citizens a la Jan 6. I don't know about this one and the site did not come up for me. But please don't get trapped into thinking you can't get jailed for participating in an alternative US government or state government. You can and they will.

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The problem with Jan. 6 is that 'we the people' didn't rise up and oppose the government's evil deeds. We let them get away with their oppression.

Our problem is not a rogue government, it's an 'us' problem. Complacency binds. This is why they keep us divided.

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Thank you Meryl.

Unfortunately, Thomas Jefferson wasn't present at the the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. He was in France. Meanwhile emerged the seed of corporate American government in the United States Constitution, later to be codified in the 1930's. What we as a society did receive was the Bill of Rights as Amendments, a necessity inclusion after the fact, to obtain passage by the States. The Constitution is an efficient system of corporate law that now supersedes the Rule of Law. This is very dangerous and has resulted in many wrong actions. The court system is also a corporate body and can produce a pit of dangerous abuses. The Medical Freedom Amendment is a necessity more than most realize. https://www.themedicalfreedomamendment.org/

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I’ve never understood why people do what government says to do even if it’s wrong and just because everyone else is. Didn’t your parents ever say to you “if everyone jumped off a bridge would you?” Be responsible for yourself and the souls in your care (ie children) and mind your own business. The Bible even says to be ready to answer all who ask you

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that is almost exactly what my mother did say to me, only it was a cliff. thank goodness she did. I think that is EXACTLY what needs to be conveyed to the next generations.

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We do it for the same reason you do. Because they have the power to literally ruin our lives if we don't. That's not the way it should be...but it is - and it's getting worse as the dollar slowly dissolves in front of our eyes and CBDC/NWO rears its ugly head.

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I, along with the masses, have only just begun to wake up. I didn’t comply with the Choax and that was my greatest awakening. Born in the 60’s and the TV generation, I’ve been immersed since birth. It’s not an excuse but I never thought the rest of the population was as stupid as myself but apparently there are alot of people on that boat

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Lots of great insights are shared here, but yours addresses the $64000 question and is at the root of our problems.

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The USA ended in the year 1999. While we were asleep, one man with the knowledge, stood up and saved us and the flag! His name is : Russell-Jay: Gould. Watch documentaries on War-Castles on YouTube and Last Flag Standing.com. The Constitution and all Declarations ended in 1999 as well. Government actors simply continue to act. That's the only thing they can do. Theatrical performance 🤡😎🤡

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When they fail, we can keep them responsible through a People’s Court. There are 2 in the world now. One of them is The People’s Court of Terra Australis. They work internationally.

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Constitutional republic 🙏

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The majority of the giverned are not very in tune with this. The Transnational captured MSM makes sure of it.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

Toward the latter third of the following October 9, 2024, video, attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Joseph Sansone address this issue of we citizens preserving our rights, while the owners of this world have agreed to kill 7 billion of us and have already initiated that action.

Weather Warfare, Marburg, and Targeted Individuals


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