Thanks for standing up for medical freedom and body autonomy.

This is an Epic battle we're in... Team Humanity vs Team Transhumanity... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/transhumanism-is-the-extermination

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Good summary, Dr. Nass. I am sorry that the board is doing this to you. I am also fearful of these wretches that run the WHO and WEF. Thank God for your strength and you for your commitment.

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What a legal nightmare and total disregard of physician discretion. And to proceed with this nonsense even with what we know by now, they can't just admit they're wrong. Always doubling down on stupid and nasty.

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Oh my! This interview is a FANTASTIC SUMMARY!

Everyone please listen to this interview and pass it on to those who are uneducated.

Dr. Nass, you are beautifully articulate.

The one thing, if I may humbly suggest, would be to use the word " capture " a number of times as " they "do, so that people comprehend the intent to capture ( and hold hostage ) the individuals within the population with their methods.

Many, many blessings.


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Wonderful interview. I've managed to entirely shun the EMR in my private ambulatory practice too. I caved on NYS mandate to implement E-Rx software several years ago because it was likely I'd have no patients if I could not prescribe any pharmaceuticals. I didn't like submitting to this but pharma was already logging every paper script written by every doctor in the state. The E-Rx just mad it easier for them to do. You are a national treasure. Thank you for all your work alerting the public to the threat to health and freedom posed by the W.H.O.

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Here's another great reason to NEVER put any trust of the WHO with our health as they are sloppy and believe what is right for one is right for everyone: https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/childhood-osteoporosis-diagnoses-doubled-1999-2014-distressing-pediatric-impact-w

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All of this has got to stop. Look at this presentation of facts: The Full Recording of the Briefing with Massachusetts Legislators and Expert Panel, January 22, 2024 https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/full-recording-of-the-briefing-with

Elizabeth Hart notified Australian health officials in 2015 about conflicts of interest.https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/is-this-actually-about-creating-a

She has worked closely with avn.org.au who have been standing up for medical freedom in Australia since 1992.

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Dr Nass. Could you please reach out to African nations regarding the WHO.

Based on my understanding, they have majority of votes.

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Thank you for sharing your story with us and not giving in to the bullies.

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Meryl consider the facts: 1. your body, mind, spirit, flesh, blood, soul being is a woman in the de jure original jurisdiction, Only if you declare this properly and have two witnesses. A sovereign ( https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/bouvier/bouvier.htm ) from that position you can expatriate to any other jurisdiction such as US citizen or State national or peaceful inhabitant of belligerent warrior, my favorite, you really need to get this with front of mind awareness. 2. there is no Article III court available to you. Only Article I and it cannot find remedy for you. It only serves the ALL CAPS person. 3. we have a lawful Grand Jury , trial court of Article III Amendment VII Civilian Court of record and thru our social compact ARTICLE I Section 1 the provisional government on Oregon. and with our de jure Constitution you have full faith and credit.

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Excellent video will distribute to lots of the folks who seem to be coming out of a daze. You may have spun out but you haven't hit the wall. It's a long race and we can do it!

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I had no idea how many definitions the phrase "spun out" has.

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Ah, race car terminology. You loose traction in a fast turn and spin. Often hitting the wall, which usually destroys your chances. More often than not you get a little push from a competitor, to induce the spin. Certainly your situation!

You spent your time in more meaningful pursuits than me. Many winning racers, tended to cheat. The excellent ones used all the setbacks and dirty tricks used against them, as motivation. Just like you!

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Now this is a real warrior heart!🥰

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If my question is misguided or answered in video just say so, but I remain puzzled by the CHD article on your two cases. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/meryl-nass-maine-medical-board-violation-first-amendment-rights/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20240122 The state case is to restore your license. The Federal case is to claim violation of first amendment rights, but (1) relies on a dicey distinction between supposedly unprotected investigatory activity that leads to protected adjudicatory activity; and (2) seeks no monetary damages. What could be the purpose of establishing a right to free speech the violation of which is opposed on principle alone without claim of monetary damages? We know you have a first amendment right that was violated. How does establishing this in federal court without claim of monetary damages do anything but demonstrate that any M.D. without unlimited energy and the financial backing of CHD had better keep quiet? Is the point to provide protection for MDs in future who then could sue for monetary damages because there would then be an established published federal decision?

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I don't know anything about monetary damages on any of the cases.

One case (the original suspension) is in play still because theState's lawyers who wrote it up made a bunch of errors and asked if they could redo their homework. We said no, as there is no legal justification. The hearing officer will decide.

The second case is merely an appeal of the guilty verdict, which occurred because the board decided to ignore all the testimony and facts in the case and found me guilty of things (like inadequate records) that the Board's own witness admitted were adequate. I would like a judge to read the record and then rule whether they acted fairly or arbitrarily and capriciously in finding me guilty and imposing fines and long suspensions--which btw are unprecedented for the so-called crimes I am alleged to have committed.

The third case is a "1983" case which we brought to federal court that says I have been abused by the board which decided to threaten and punish doctors for activities that were way outside their jurisdiction, egged on by a board chair who herself had promised her trade organization to carry out their policies, which she did with vigor.Speaking my mind in interviews is protected speech and perfectly legal. Did the board go after me because of viewpoint discrimination? Lack of equity perhaps?

Those are the cases

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Targeting behaviour imo Meryl. Question; can they provide evidence of any other case where the accused has had to wait this long?

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One of your lawyers running the lawsuits made plain that he is not seeking punitive damages: "Tyler J. Smith, an attorney representing Nass, told the court the federal lawsuit is 'not a claim for damages but, instead, a response to the BOLIM’s effort to 'retaliate against disfavored speech,' in violation of the First Amendment." I then absolutely fail to see the point of pursuing it because--unless it paves the way for future MD's to seek damages by establishing precedent that lifts qualified immunity--its political message is the dismal one that unless an MD has inordinately deep pockets or politically powerful and rich friends to come to his/her aid, one had better obey. Without damages now or in future it is toothless. It is hardly a strategy for brewing revolutionary fervor. These people have no principles or morals and there is no point in litigating a federal lawsuit just to show what is already patently obvious. Sometimes the establishment controls the message even when we do our best.

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I'll ask to see if this was misreported or what the story is

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There is a solution available at www.orsja.org

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With the next imminent vaccination project looming, please share this with all parents so that we do not harm children. https://miri.substack.com/p/open-letter-to-national-newspaper?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-restack-comment&r=zjt6q

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I don't want to download *another* app to download & listen to the podcast. Is there another way to hear it?

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I heard it on my computer where no app needed. I hate apps.

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You know your talking to us simple folk is very endearing and without a paywall to boot! Answering our questions and even taking our humble suggestions to check out this or that.

I am a not local but it seems your patients have not raised much of a ruckus over this whole medieval board bruhaha. Imagine how busy they, the bored, would be if they focused on protecting public health, instead of attacking life saving doctors. Well on second thought they'd get fired if they actually did their jobs.

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All the letters that patients and the public sent to the Board were withheld from them by the Board staff, who are the real people who created the Nass hornet's nest. And mismanaged it. And now want their homework returned to them because with 3 months to write it they still could not get the Order against me right.

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