There needs to be a mass tax revolt in the United states. I believe it was Alexander Hague who said 'let them protest all they want so long as they pay their taxes'. Starve the Beast and the Beast dies.

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I used to think this was a crazy idea, but not anymore.

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Desperate times call for desperate measures.

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Sorry about the misspellings. I was speaking into the phone. It should be United States (states capitalized) and Alexander Haig.

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You may still be able to edit your original comment. The three dots to the right of "Reply Delete Collapse" allow that.

Although a number of us have been noticing the "edit" capability here on substack seems to expire at a certain point. (I don't happen to know if that is consistent...a bug or a feature or what, but editing has been possible in the past.)

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I’ve noticed the edit fn is hit and miss

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Very similar to my writing.

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It feels so nice when someone gets my humour. Thanks

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Yes it is, at best.

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I never see edit on the app. I can edit if I open with the online link from the email. I can edit on the comments on the browser article. I don’t use the app much because I can sort from new to top there as well. Can’t do that on the app.

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When I clicked on the three buttons, it did not give me the option to edit.

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The app does not give the edit option and never has. You must go to website. I speak from personal experience. I make many typos and only catch them after posting.

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You can only sort comments from new to top also on the website. I like that on sites that have a lot of comments so new is right there. Scrolling through 500 comments to read the new ones at the end is a drag 🤪🤨The app needs some work.

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It’s definitely not user friendly.

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Sometimes refreshing the screen will allow the three dot edit trigger to start working for Epoch Times comments. Don’t know about others.

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That is strange. My comment from 35 minutes ago still shows the edit capability.

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I’ve never been able to edit from my phone

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Opening the wanted substack online website has more options. The app is pretty basic. I can never edit from the app that I can find.

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You've had that problem, too?! I just got my edit capabilities back yesterday after not having it at all for a week. Edit didn't used to expire. You could go back months later and still edit.

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Unless this is very recent (within the past two or 3 days) I'm not sure the edit function's actually expiring, just that it moves very s-l-o-w-l-y at times. I just now checked twice and was able to add this last sentence on edit.

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The dots disappeared. There was no way to get to the edit function, at all.

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hmmm... sounds like a glitch in the software or some kind of speed problem. On one substack recently-- I think it was Steve Kirsch's-- I couldn't post at all. I'm a paid subscriber there and the danged thing wouldn't let me post even Mary Had a Little Lamb. Steve has a junkyard dog who patrols his substack but it seems kind of random. One time the guy, calls himself "WayneBGood," got himself in the middle of a tussle I was having with a really vicious troll, someone called "organ player," or something like that-- very obviously a baiting troll. Wayne, in a fit of "power display," threw me out for something like 12 hours. Whatta jerk. Probably a former cop. Or D.A.

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Yes, I've had that problem, although I don't necessarily view it as a problem. (I have no interest in going back to my old comments and editing.)

As long as we're trying to 'think' like the enemy, it might be worthwhile directing that function at substack. Who runs this place? Who funds them? And what is their overall agenda?

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I try and proof read, but miss things. I edit when I find spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors.

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I think it's too late.

That was the path I had pursued for over a decade, with good justification. However, once Brandon got inaugurated, I came to a new and honestly horrifying realization - the #GreatReset is upon us.

Get out of the cities. Now. There's still time.

Network. Pray.

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Forget the suburbs - first - all of the young wealthy libs who can't want to vax their kiddies have fled the cities and are now in the process of destroying our rural suburbs - woke bullshit is here in a town that was so fiscally conservative and quiet that we were unnoticed. Now it's woke to own more than two acres and vote accordingly, giving us Hochul the Yokel who tried to legalize quarantine camps in NYS but was sued by a Dem lawyer who won. Only problem is the assholes who live in my town voted for her big time and she won and is NOW APPEALING the decision. She bypassed the constitution by placing it in the hands of the health department - they can yank you or any member of your family out of their homes without proof - including your children and place them wherever they want - the judge asked her - how does a person get out? The answer by the attorney general? Well...you could hire a lawyer...she also has pledged 80,000 housing units (when hundreds of thousands of high earning New Yorkers have moved to Florida) by bypassing local zoning laws by mandating 50 units per acre within mile of a train line. Wonder how Hillary Clinton feels about that? We MUST fix the cheating for the next presidential election or all is lost. In my opinion, we need change in every single segment of our government to undo the murderous damage. Margery Taylor Greene was recently taken apart for suggesting we split the country in two but I think that's already happening - people are voting with their feet. Florida welcomes over 800,000 people. But we must stand and fight and REFUSE the jab for our babies and children - but my daughter, a pediatric dentist, claims tons of well educated parents are jabbing their kids. God help us. Here's the website with all of the information - again, she is appealing the court's decision.


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How can you possibly think voting will fix issues? The 2 opposing camps are given to the peasants to keep them HOPING that once their chosen candidate gets elected things will be different. While they are HOPING they are not ACTING. Both sides are owned. The steady deterioration of rights and the growth of the State has been evident no matter which camp is in power. This is where voting led us. It is madness to believe that voting will get us out. Not to mention that if the Constitution has *any* power how can any administration bypass it and do unconstitutional things?? Where are the Justices stating “this is unconstitutional and cannot be done!” Where are the much touted “checks and balances”??? It is madness to think that doing the same think will yield different results.

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💯 agree

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Love this. Watched a great video with Naomi Wolf with the authors of the 4th Reich . Talking about strategies moving forward.; What do we do now?

Worth sharing


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Just watched it and shared with everyone. I'll follow those two guys as well - thanks so much

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Thanks Nancy - love all the great people who support Dr. Nass!

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PROVE that Hochul (Cuomo) won an election--or a Democratic primary, for that matter. I'll wait.

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I hear you - what's worse is Maricopa county - and Kari Lake - everyone knows they screwed with republican parts of the state - and now there's talk the drug cartels were involved. Who's doing what about it? 2000 Mules told the truth - it should be played on every single network.

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I think this is the correct interview -


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Feb 26, 2023
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I'm thinking its not enough just to not buy it because these pieces of human debris have placed it on the vaccine schedule for babies and children and if my state and others make it mandatory for school that's when we're really going to have trouble - just this morning alone two comments on a substack from parents who lost sons from the vax and one who lost a sister with three kids. It's all disjointed and maybe we need a national demonstration in DC so that the world can see the numbers of people who have lost loved ones or have family that were maimed - what's it gonna take to get these people on trial world wide?

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South Africans have been muttering about a tax revolt for aeons. And we've been drowning in corruption for a long time. We are already on our knees with a collapsing economy and buckling power grid - and yet the talk of tax revolt remains just that. Talk. It's the last bridge that our overlords seem to know that people are wary of crossing. Yes, there is a "parallel" economy where money simply changes hands and bypasses the taxman, but on the whole, people are too law-abiding to take that final step of actively defying the taxman in their tax returns.

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You're right. People are scared shitless of the now armed IRS agents.

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Hey, no sweat, they all got fired recently ;-)

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Feb 26, 2023
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If you don't have anything to say that adds to the conversation, why don't you run along.

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A few defying the tax man lands them in jail.

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More likely it would mean a garnishment of wages. The federal government doesn't want people in jail. Then you have to give them three hots and a cot. They want that money.

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Most jails are privately owned and those owners use the prisoners as free laborers. Cheaper than shipping stuff to China to assemble. It is an extremely profitable enterprise. Also please note, that we are all in an open air prison with digital fences where the state tracks your movement, your consumption, your opinions, your medical data and your social interactions. Literally every aspect of your life is monitored and if you have undesirable views/actions that actually threatens the Empire YOU ARE DONE FOR.

The state tells you if you are “essential” or “non-essential”, if u can move freely or not, if u must show papers or not, if u must take a toxic sludge to be able to keep your job or not (and the list goes on). THE EMPIRE dictates every aspect of our lives. So yeah... open air prison. With digital fences.

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It's funny how you start seeing that panopticon so clearly now that our attention has been drawn to it....

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Yup. Amazing how I did not see it much sooner. Then again, I grew up in a communist country so all I wanted to see was “the land of the free”.

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Yep. Most of us don't have a choice, as it is, as our employers zap it off our paychecks for Mr Taxman every month, anyway. Therein lies the rub. The ones who ARE revolting against the taxman and not paying a dime - are those elites who know how to evade and avoid him. So we carry the double burden of being effed over twice - once for ourselves, and then again for the elites.

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The corporations which own & run the jails for their own private profit certainly want peeps in jail.

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...and if you stop paying your property taxes, their seize your property.

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Been thinking the same thing. We don’t seem to be reaping the benefit of OUR taxes.

Taxes withOUT representation… now wasn’t there previously a revolt about that…hmm.

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Totally agree. I've proposed tax revolt many times. Unfortunately, no one I know is willing to go to jail. Of course, this COULD work if everyone did it ALL at once, ALL on the same day, ALL in 2023!

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Rubbish--the gov't just BORROWS from the banksters (making for exceedingly happy banksters), & then that interest gets added onto your tab.

Try again.

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How do you envision getting a significant percentage of people to do it?

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That's The $64,000 question, isn't it?

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Yes, and I haven't seen anyone seriously try to answer it.

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Here's an interesting article where this is discussed in the context of South Africa:


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That needs to be organized.

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An idea whose time has come.

Furthermore: Don't feed the trolls and THEY DIE!!!!

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The closest thing to a general strike was the refusal to agree to the poison by so many; its a measure of awakening. A tax revolt may be underway despite biden’s attack on taxpayers... how would we know, and how soon?

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"I have used the trick of trying to think like the enemy"

Ms. Meryl is a stone cold gangsta...

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She is. And gives me a little hope.

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You vile, filthy, arrogant, disgusting -and did I say vile yet? Deep Staters just made the same error the vile, arrogant, disgusting types always do: It's called Overreach. Operation Barbarossa. The Schliefen Plan. The Napoleon invasion of Russia.

Truth is, you vile fasco-Marxists Mssrs Schwab, Soros, Gates, ad nauseam have already failed. Guess you failed to learn garbage in (here, your data, your lack of ethics, your hubris) garbage out. Same thing with your idiot Chat GPT

Yes, you are just like your fellow Nazis (where Nazi is the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz, exactly as Mussolini defined in his definitive 1932 The Doctrine of Fascism) who got as far in 1943 so as to maybe see the domes of the Kremlin, only to be driven back to oblivion.

Truth is, you are too utterly arrogant to read CS Lewis' That Hideous Strength, which detailed to a perfect "T" 75 years ago precisely what you are doing now. And, oh, BTW... unbeknownst to them, they were actually being directed by demonic forces or macrobes... just like you. You are also not that dissimilar to the evil Prof. Weston in the prior book of Lewis', Perelandra. If you read it, you would be warned of what you are doing- which indeed will send you to a literal Hell, and last I checked, eternity is a LOT longer than the extra dozen, 50 or 100 years you eke out of your Kurzweilian transhumanism gig you think it will.

Truth is, this was all tried before at Babel. and it failed. I know for a fact you think that is a myth... which you will continue to believe in your deluded tecnocracy Meta world, not that different from Hitler moving his imaginary divisions around in his bunker in 1945, until the walls cave in on you. Hitler moving imaginary divisions around on a map in 1945... you WEF types moving your imaginary power around with your Meta googles as people line up with pitchforks outside. Now that should be a scary thought... only in your arrogance, you will never see this. After all, you are smarter than God... or so you think. All we need from you now, Mssrs. Gates, Soros, Schwab, et al is for you to say about your tech "Even God Himself (Herself, Zirself? Dirself if one is to self-identify as a dolphin?) couldn't sink her."

Truth is, as Swiss theologian/philosopher Francis Scheaffer said, God is there, and He is not silent. We all know you think He is silent, but like countless other tyrants in history have found out, too late, it is not so.

You could have done good with all your money and power, but you chose evil. As in your little visits to Epstein Island, right, Mr. Gates?

Mssrs. Gates, Bezos, Schwab, Soros... all of this based on your IDIOT Malthusian overpopulation nuttiness... which wasn't true in Malthus' day, or in the Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894 (you might learn something if you had the intellectual honesty to look it up), or in the Julian Simon/Paul Ehrlich wager, which your buddy Paul lost.

Whom the gods would destroy, they first make drunk with power said the Greeks. You might want to bone up on the language, because you will be needing it.

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When you're talking about hybrid warfare and what is essentially the weaponization of words and even thoughts and emotions, using the right words is crucially important.

You wrote: "governments aren’t legitimate because of the vote scams."

For one thing, election theft isn't mostly accomplished through vote scams. There are multiple, inter-related ways to attack and corrupt an election, and vote tabulation is where most of the battles are won and lost.

Even more importantly, governments aren't legitimate because they lie all the time. Making people think and do things against their own and most other people's best interests because they're fed a steady diet of bogus and completely misleading nonsense.

Exposing, re-balancing and correcting one-sided gaslighting is how an information war can be won.

That's what the other side doesn't want you to even think about! (And why they have to rely on emotional manipulation and appeals to patriotism and instinctively understood platitudes so much. Critical thinking, clearly and concisely expressed is their kryptonite.

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Mike Kostich

Spot on!

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I LOVE this! I have to admit I think we need to figure out what the "elitists" have knowledge of regarding antidotes. When I took a terrorist training course with my local fire department, they said then that the last terror technique that would be used would be bio-terrorism because they could not protect themselves from the fallout. Or could they? So spreading pandemics and so on..HOW do they protect themselves and their rugrats and so on.?

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I was raised by a mother that was diagnosed with multi personality disorder in the 80s, generally referred to as a psychopath now...the ultimate narcissist.

What I find most pecular is the WEF is acting as if the fourth industrial revolution exists...robots are in mass taking over and thus mass random killing of humans is fine as everything they need will be done by robots. This is normal for a Psychopath, they can not tell the difference between something that exists and something they desire the most. My current thinking is the Globalists will kill billions, then themselves as no one depends on complex social structures than Klaus and the Ketchup man, etc

Those that outlive this unbelievable drama will be the winners. Not the Globalists Psychopaths. Every one of us comes from stock that survived pandemics, wars and famines. Suck it up buttercups.

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"The meek shall inherit the earth," we read, but when? I say when enough of the rest of us get fed up enough NOT to take "their" abuse or play by "their" rules on "their" crooked playing field. We're very close to that now, I'd say.

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MPD is not the same as a psychopath, although one of the personalities might have those characteristics. People with MPD had severe trauma and dissociated personalities as a survival mechanism. Therapy and integration is possible.

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Right on !!!

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Love this post, Dr. Nass.

For some concrete steps to fight The Empire, go to Global Walkout: https://globalwalkout.com/steps/. Then, Strike Back using as many steps as you can.

Summary of Steps (from the website):

STEP 1: "Keep Cash Alive"

STEP 2: "Reignite Farming"

STEP 3: 'Reignite MSM'

STEP 4: 'Supporting Smaller Banks'

STEP 5: "Share Your Flag"

STEP 6: "Community dinner tables around the world"

STEP 7: "No more self-checkouts or QR codes"

STEP 8: "Watch the new doco, The real Anthony Fauci"

STEP 9: KEEP CASH ALIVE - Business Edition

STEP 10: Recap steps 1-9

STEP 11: Boost your vitamin D

STEP 12: Curriculum awareness week

STEP 13: 'Withdraw and reach out'

STEP 14: 'Digital ID awareness'

STEP 15: 'Let's Protect Our Data More​'

STEP 16: 'Conscious Buying'

STEP 17: Ditch the loyalty cards

STEP 18: Delete that time-sucking app

STEP 19: Keep Cash Alive #2

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I truly appreciate your shared musings here as the enemy may think. We must do this and try to make sense of how madmen process information. Not easy as they are indeed psychopaths. I read something during the last week wherein the writer alleged that the global elite had most likely discovered the fountain of youth and a way that they could live forever. Because of this "they" needed to cull us off to ensure resources for themselves and their progeny. If I would have read something like that 3 years ago, I would have immediately dismissed such as coming from a complete & total nutter. Not any more. My point is that "they" always seem to be a few steps ahead of us in planning and there is a distinct pattern "they" have of telling us in advance, i.e. the John Hopkins Event 201 tabletop game that precipitated the scamdemic and many other examples. One of the latest being Bill Gates warning of an impending WORSE viral pandemic. I think "they" delight that many have become mesmerized by propaganda and divided politically and otherwise. " They" have planted many seeds that have grown bad fruit in the populace. What gives me the greatest sense of urgency is the speed/acceleration of "their" evils coming to fruition simultaneously. Geoengineering/ChemTrails, Captured Governments and Alphabet Agencies, Directed Energy Earthquakes/FAKE Weather. Chemical attacks (Ohio Train Derailment, etc.) Food Supply Poisoning & Explosions of processing plants. Supply Chain Sabatoge, Abdication of Power by Congress. I could go on & on. The impending UN/WHO Pandemic Treaty ... It is ALL happening SO FAST. These are just some thoughts from a 60 year old Midwest lady that works in the commercial construction industry. What to do?? When I feel overwhelmed by all of this (often) to regain balance I pray for more ordinary people like me TO WAKE UP. I pray for more whistle-blowers to find courage to come forward and for a wall of protection to protect those that have. Sometimes I feel small and helpless and then I realize that is what "they" are counting on. That fear makes us paralyzed and/or scrambles us. The only way I see to set this straight is to reach a critical mass and that means more people must wake up in the USA & worldwide. We must each one-- reach one. In closing, thank you again for this stack. Blessings to you!

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Who needs nukes when the Stepfordized, Stockholmed, Milgrimized collective majority of the global population is digging it’s own grave? Vigorously.

Isn’t it odd that Kary Mullis,Luc Montagnier, Admiral “ Ace” Lyons,Peter Pry, Dr. Richard Epstein’s wife,Phil Haney, Jim Kallstrom, Shinzo Abe, Jeffrey Epstein,Fox News foreign correspondents in Ukraine, a plane carrying Zelenskyy’s exiled cabinet members,a plane carrying independent investigators to Ohio both “ crashed” - all the aforementioned died at such strategically timed , inexplicable circumstances and received no mention? Where is the Uranium One whistleblower? Bill Binney? Jack Ma?

Why has Fauci’s near half century of once heavily reported cover ups, fraud, mass murderous sociopathic history suddenly escaped all memory? Mueller, Wray,Baker,Rosenstein, Weissman, Comey, Barr, Panetta,Petraeus,Cofer-Black, Clapper,Brennan,Frum,Boot,Kristol, Bush, Cheney,Fitzgerald, Biden, Dhimmi Carter, Kerrry, Bolton, Volker,McStain, Menendez,Flake,Warner,Durbin,Mitt,Mitch, Lindsey Graham, Liz Cheney,Koch, Soros, Gates… responsible for such misery suddenly beloved across the Establishment duopoly?

Perhaps the global population has already transitioned to transhumanism. Perhaps the Great Reset has already been implemented while we are righteously indignant about Taylor Swift’s over-sold concert tickets, Hannity versus Maddow, the Murdaugh trial , pronouns, the modern day Churchill, Zelenskyy, MLK in whiteface, Biden , decomposing in plain sight, racist roads and bridges, who is the better Christian? Pence,Pompeo,Laura Ingraham, Franklin Graham or Tate Reeves?Who is the most victimized target of the White Supremacist patriarchy? Ilhan Omar,AOC,Rashida Tlaib,Cory Bush,Rachel Levine,KJP,Lori Lightfoot or Scott Weiner?

And who are the greatest threats to democracy? Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk,Ron DeSantis,Larry Elder, Byron Donalds, Asra Nomani, Lee Zeldin,Seymour Hersch, Matt Taibbi,Joe Rogan, Enes Freedom,Jonathan Turley,Jeffrey Tucker, Carlos Gimenez, Drs. McCullough, Risch, Makary,Battacharaya , Kuldorff, Levitt, Cole, Ladapo,Atlas, Ionnides, Yeardon, Gold… and you!

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Wow! Just, Wow! Agree 100%

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Thank you, Lisa. I’ve absolutely had it with both parties and the media in it’s entirety.

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Alex Jones, can't leave him out!

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The thing about conspiracy theories is most turn out to be conspiracies.

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Great piece. I wish I has written it. One more - I would see that there is overlap among people who figured out the Covid propaganda and the Ukraine war propaganda and would worry about unity between left and right people awakening, the Rage Against the War Machine post partisan rally, people transcending the archaic, dualistic, dysfunctional Republican and Democratic parties, and plans for alliance between health freedom and anti-war, to challenge and expose what Ray McGovern calls MICIMATT, Military Industrial Congressional, Intelligence, Academic Think Tank complex .

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This is a good exercise...

We first have to guess what their ultimate goal is. It is obviously not about amassing wealth. They already have that and can continue to amass without having to hurt people.

Certainly they feel that there are too many people on the planet, however indiscriminately killing people would leave gaps as you mentioned. Who is going to run the place if all the techies are gone?

Let's assume for a moment that they are shooting for something like what was inscribed in the Georgia Guidestones--a population of 500 million tops. How different would the world be for them? Not much imo. They aren't fighting traffic or waiting in lines anywhere. Doesn't matter if there are 500 million or 10 billion of us crammed into immense coastal cities.

This is about their own security. It's not easy to preside over an entire planet without being discovered. They must know that at any point there could be a planetary awakening, a widespread understanding of what the f**k is really going on. It was relatively easy just a few hundred years ago when the center of influence (at least in Western cultures) was the church, who had the exclusive control of "the facts", the power to punish or excommunicate dissenters and conveniently monitor subversive thinkers through their confessionals. Not so easy with the internet and upstart substack authors now...

They want, ultimately, to completely control the way humans think and react. This is the currency of their realm, the power to command others to do their bidding WILLINGLY. Anything short of that is an inherently unstable situation as the rise and fall of empires have proven.

The first thing they have to do is to shut off our ability to think critically. This isn't so hard. We are wired to shut off those pathways when we are afraid, and it's not so hard for them to engineer catastrophic events and the interpretation of them through the media platforms they control. False flags, pandemics and "natural" disasters are all weapons in their arsenal. We can expect more of these, however people are slowly beginning to understand the true nature of these events.

Control of our response to these things has to happen from within our own chemistry. The Pharma industry is very important to this endeavor and one could argue has been very successful in dumbing and numbing us down. They are keen on creating an interpretation of reality that will drive people to their solutions of SSRIs, as well as six packs and TikTok videos. Injectables like vaccines are also useful so we can guess that will continue as well.

If I were to guess at what the next new thing will be I would venture to say it will the manipulation of the Extraterrestrial story. It's being slowly introduced into mainstream thinking as we speak. Once we are convinced that powerful, ET species are not only extant but here, among us, all they have to do is engineer an attack on humanity and blame "the aliens".

We will then be told that they are amongst us and look like us. In order to preserve humanity we will need to be tagged for our own safety. That's when the fun begins...

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Power, subversion, and control is the name of their game. Without achieving their goals their Satanist ways will brought to light!

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As Catherine Austin Fitts keeps pointing out, They figure They only need 20% of us for doing Their dirty work for Them.

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"The vaccine passport plan failed, since the vaccines didn’t protect and Americans won’t go for it now"

That's one of the reasons why ALL Governments want to turn it all over to WHO. So they can say, "It's not us but we have Treaty obligations and vaccine passports are required by WHO"

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There's a huge push to regulate and censor the internet. If that fails, I would worry about entire or partial shutdowns.

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Epic piece.

No joke...It’s no kidding time. What’s Next? Will enough people finally wake up? Will enough be willing to stand up and step up when the time comes?

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Meryl, I follow your material avidly, and hope you are able to prevail over the nonsense about licensing in your home state. Criminal it is. I just read this overlord piece, and it made me think of Martin Armstrong's outstanding tool, Socrates, which initially was built to analyze capital flows worldwide, using cyclical patterns, and make predictions that could be used fro investing. It was expanded and now is supplied with geopolitical material and other economic information, and from this it make predictions about governments, markets, assets, and other large issues. You might find it interesting to take the basic paid subscription for Socrates, and see what Martin's tool has been predicting about the Humpty Dumpty of the 4th Reich, Klaus Scwab, and his YGL minions (people like Trudeau, Ardern, Kaag, etc.) in government positions around the globe. Its inexpensive, and fantastically enlightening.

Keep up the good fight.

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