The “authorities” would not have fought tooth & nail to ban IVM & HCQ if they were not effective against a pathogen. IVM & HCQ stood in the way of their trillion-dollar injections.

What was the pathogen? I don’t know. But I’ve seen the documentation showing the GofF work in the WIV, funded by the US & managed by Daszak & Baric. Something was engineered & released/escaped. (Released IMO).

What was covid? I don’t know. People who tested ‘positive’ told me variously that they just had:

headaches; a cough with loss of their sense of smell; vomiting & fatigue; classic flu symptoms; just a dry scratchy throat.

“Covid” seemed to have many different effects. Some had blood clotting. Usually, we classify a disease by its symptoms. It’s a strange disease that can have clusters of disparate symptoms.

However, whether the globalists come up with an imaginary bird flu, an engineered bird flu or some other plandemic, we need to stay focused on:

Opposing mandates;

Opposing digital ID including ‘vaxx passports’;

Opposing programmable money.

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They fought tooth & nail due to the fact that if any alternative protocols were able to be used then NO " vaccines" could be given a clear pathway. Big dollars to be made by people who had shares in the jabs as opposed to the cheap alternatives that were off patent & allegedly only cost a few cents, which, by the way, are now being recommended & vigorously promoted via some of the self proclaimed freedom fighters, for BIG bucks. Must be a story in that scam. Charlatans play both sides.

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*no vaccine would have been greenlighted under Emergency Use Authoritation, and that is why HCQ and IVM had to be discredited and even demonized.

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Exactly!! Doesn't mean there was a virus to cure

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Nobody can corner the market on IVM bc it's out of patent and can be manufactured anywhere in the world by any of a hundred companies. The reason for inflated prices is that governments target international orders for "inspection" and confiscation.

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Before covid 19, Ivermectin was available over the counter for less than $5.00 a box of 100 tablets. We will never win this war against the cabal with those kind of word Roc ¨Must be a story in that scam. Charlatans play both sides.¨ We have to stay united.

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If you describe someone as naive, you think they lack experience and so expect things to be easy or people to be honest or kind. Stay united only with people who are fairdinkum old mate.

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The authorities fought tooth and nail on that point for reasons of profit and the necessities of rolling out their new product- the mRNA technology. Had nothing to do with any "effectiveness" narrative and all to do with the exigencies of the EUA.

Documentation showing GoF "work", slush funds of Daszak-Baric and all the rest prove nothing other than money laundering. It absolutely DOES NOT prove anything about release/escape let alone transmission of anything. That is a logical fallacy you have made there.

Adding to the falsities, of this most up voted comment, the alleged release/escape of the alleged pathogen proves nothing whatsoever about the "deadliness" of alleged pathogen and in fact the voluminous documentation provided over and over by Rancourt, Panda, Hockett et al show that there is absolutely ZERO evidence for a pathogen causing mass harm.

FURTHER even more evidence from Italy, UK, Scottish Covid Inquiry, NYC data and on and on tell us EXACTLY what did happen. It was MASS MURDER in hospitals via protocols. Are you not aware of any of this evidence that is being provided day in and day out?

This is what is called real evidence and documentation not ideologically driven speculation.

Those who are ignoring such evidence and continuing to promote the lab leak risk-additive are he problem as they are covering up the iatrogenic slaughter that happened in the hospitals all over the world in 2020.

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GoF requires a "virus" to gain function on. The GoF studies do not begin or end with a "virus". The evidence is simply not there. They are keeping you mentally locked into the "germ" nonsense that leads to all manner of harmful reactions.

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It doesn't matter if it's a virus or not. It is a bioweapon made in a lab. Which part of this sentence you don't understand?

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What part of "SARS-COV-2 has never been found in anyone on the planet and all the tests are impossible to validate" do you not understand? If I'm wrong, go ahead and cite valid scientific evidence (not patents, emails or pseudoscience).

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Since there is no evidence for viruses or germ theory, the question remains: what would you do if your son ended up in ICU with a severe case of pneumonia?

Would you disagree with the doctor who would recommend treating your son’s pneumonia with antibiotics? How about putting him on ventilator if his o2 saturation dropped below normal levels?

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And then of course there’s Rabies…..

I’ve asked many in the “ no viruses” crowd to honestly tell me what they would do if they were bitten by a rabid animal. Would they take the vaccine for the Rabies virus?

The answer in all cases was exactly the same …..crickets. No answer at all.

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I would understand there is nothing to "catch" and the poor dog is likely malnourished and dehydrated . I would not fear the dog bite and attempt to help the dog get water and food. www.VirusTruth.NET many books on this topic. So NO Im never taking ANY shot ever again nor any drugs ever again!

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The “no virus crowd” is probably right that the viral model, as it stands today, is probably wrong. But, they have gone too far by making wild claims that viruses don’t exist. They can’t prove that viruses don’t exist, just like no one can prove that God doesn’t exist. You can’t prove negative. It’s a logical fallacy.

Another problem I have with them is that no virus crowed totally rejects germ theory based on the real fact that both the sick and the healthy subjects often have the same germs. Therefore, it must be the terrain that makes people sick not the germs is their conclusion. However, they have no evidence that both the sick and the healthy subjects have different terrains. This is just a wild speculation.

Rabies? They are probably right that the virus supposedly causing rabies has never been isolated but it doesn’t mean that some people bitten by wild animals will not get symptoms of what is called rabies… What causes it? I don’t know.

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It matters! There is no virus! Nothing needed to "treat" this lie keeps big pharma very happy with sick customers and babies getting jabbed with needless dangerous poison cradle to grave shortening life if they dont die of SIDs . We need a paradigm shift in understanding yesterday! www.VirusTruth.NET Read book Contagion Myth by Dr. Cowan md and other books on this site.

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Perfectly expressed 🎯🎯🎯

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Dr. Nass could have addressed this all directly to you, right over your air filled head though.

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Resorting to insults instead of citing valid evidence.. yawn.

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Yeah you don't look like you've had any excitement ever. You have to convince a virologist there is no such thing as a virus, you failed. You can't convince Dr. Nass what chance have you with convincing me?

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You're still confused I see. The onus is on those making the positive claim. And still resorting to childish insults since you and Meryl have zero valid evidence. Yawn.

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Yeah that is what got her those invites to testify all around the world, zero evidence. You know boredom is no one fault but your own. Google it, even they know that much.

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I'm starting to wonder if you are "AI" employed for the purpose of wasting my time. I'll not waste any more.

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Others are asking thee same question of Frankly

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But since you are on to "me" so be it. bye for now sweetie pie

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Just cite some evidence

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I would like to see Nass doing this. The thing is she can't because she does not have evidence she is asked for.

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Frankly and Meryl don't believe in citing evidence. It interferes with their abandonment of the scientific method 😃

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Now, now, frankly. Just cos you have no evidence no need to get your knickers in a twist

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My main take-away is this: Do NOT trust "the experts."

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Tim Truth is challenging ivermectin-pushers to a debate at the end of this post:


I challenged people to cite valid scientific evidence of safety and no one could. And no one could possibly show evidence of effectiveness against an imaginary "virus" that is fake-detected with fraudulent tests.

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And exposing the virus lie from which all the tyranny stems

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Have you ever heard of a limited hangout? Government wants to do X so it puts out people who only discuss 'A' or 'B' so plan X continues unbated. There is no data to support a very deadly novel RNA virus (replication incompetent) circulated the globe killing people. There is data (and more importantly hidden data) which shows that intentional policies killed people and attributed death to a new cause. (I will concede it is possible that a toxin was released locally on top of the policies to have some very ill people.) Elderly and very ill people have always had repercussions from infections.

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You can't gain the function of something that Doesn't exist. Please cite a paper with a valid control for a virus that has had its function gained.

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You just don't get it do you, plain English.

"If there is much more of this, I may have to call it a day and give up on the human race. Why are we falling into the traps of the hate-mongers? Why can’t we put some of our truly unimportant differences aside in order to save the species and avoid becoming many fewer chipped robots?"

No Dr. Nass, the simpler fix is to show them the door. If you were taking a PHD level course, paid money for and some nit wit in the front row kept jumping up and down screaming in a foreign language, but obviously insulting everyone there, would you want a refund? You directly address them at length and depth, they still Please Cite all over the place.

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I get that you, Nass and others are unable to substantiate your own claims.

Also appeal to authority and genetic logical fallacies.

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You don't get much do ya chump? Paid maybe, not even that, work for the devil for free, it's part of the high you get from belonging to a cult. On a mission. To enslave the world.

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Like ad hominem, straw manning and red herring are going to help you to win the argument.

But keep coping.


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Just cos you can't cite any evidence for one of the greatest frauds perpetrated against mankind, there is no need to get your knickers in a twist.

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Rand Paul talked about how to take a virus and combine it with another virus to make that virus twice as bad, it "gained function", I believe him.

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Explain how does Rand Paul know that viruses are real?

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Please add to this: oppose and end the W.H.O. They are not what they seem. Most of us know this.

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100% agree!

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Astragale, I agree if only we could keep the focus on what matters😞

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Hi Dr. Nass.

In the spirit of "arguing about arguments," I'd like to address certain claims you've made in this post, from the perspective of someone who has spent 2+ years researching the New York City spring 2020 mass casualty event.

1. You ask what people were dying from in NYC. You may not be aware, but the U.S. federal government has not substantiated the NYC event death toll with any proof of any kind. Americans should be deeply disturbed by that fact, seeing as the city was used to justify all manner of harmful measures against the populace and coerce a harmful shot onto hundreds of millions of people. A 27K-death increase in 11 weeks is the equivalent of ten World Trade Center disasters. Where are the bodies? Where are the death certificates? How about a list of names? Is the curve we are presented with fraudulent? I strongly suspect it is. https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/the-f-word

2. I have shown repeatedly and in numerous ways that NYC hospitals were not overrun with patients. Public agencies are also hiding key data and/or saying basic metrics are not available. You are correct that the Travel Cadre arrived post death spike, but your assertion about patient volume is not supported by available data. In my opinion, some of the “outside” doctors and nurses were mobilized and brought in for the purposes of either making it look like or “confirming” that a spreading disease had seized the city.

3. You said, "My son and his wife were caring for people who they knew (doctors and nurses) at NY Presbyterian Hospital and they thought they died from COVID in March 2020." I'm not clear as to who you're saying worked at NYP, but none of the NYP hospitals had high activity. (Here's ER visits & inpatient admissions at NYP Columbia https://substack.com/@woodhouse76/note/c-55256830?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=jjay2)

.4. You said, "they thought died from COVID." Does this mean you're leaving room for the possibility that healthcare workers were effectively misled into thinking there was a new disease, via PCR tests and protocol directives? If so, I agree. Related: https://sanityunleashed.substack.com/p/new-york-it-was-widespread-well-before

5. You asked, “…why did the episode stop so quickly?” One uncomfortable possibility is because a strategic federal euthanasia operation had achieved its purpose of “sinking the damaged ships.” https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/the-allegory-of-the-damaged-ship But without proof of the timing, magnitude, and total number of deaths, we can’t do much more than speculate based on the evidence we have, however flawed or limited.

6. Regarding ventilators, we don’t have the data to be able to blame the staggering and suspiciously high hospital toll on the machines or use thereof. https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/we-still-dont-know-how-many-people

7. Regarding Midazolam, one study of medication use in 47 New York hospitals shows very high doses of drugs like Midazolam relative to the ICU census. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32712675/ You’re probably aware that shortages of that drug were reported worldwide very early in the emergency period -- too early -- including in the U.S. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/drugshortages/dsp_ActiveIngredientDetails.cfm?AI=Midazolam%20Injection&st=c We might ask why the attention on use of the drug has been limited to the UK. Did nursing homes in the U.S. use such injections? To what extent?

8. You mentioned Governor Cuomo “sending sick patients back to nursing homes to spread it to the elderly and infirm.” Patients sick how? Sick with what? “It”? What’s “it”? FYI, the Nursing Home Policy canard doesn't make sense with the mechanics or timing of what occurred. (See related thread: https://x.com/Wood_House76/status/1706320465604591632)

9. You said “over 80% of deaths in many locations occurred in nursing homes”? 80% of what deaths? COVID-attributed deaths? This is not true. Federal data show that most deaths and most COVID-attributed deaths in the U.S. in spring of 2020 occurred in hospitals, NOT in nursing homes & LTC facilities. Unfortunately, we STILL have no idea how many nursing home residents died in 2020, irrespective of cause of death or setting of death – either in NYC or in the U.S.

10. I’m not sure what you mean by "COVID". I’ve haven’t read, heard, or experienced anything to that which persuades me that “COVID-19” is a unique, remarkable, or risk-additive illness. Regarding “spread,” can you point me to the “evidence” that shows “COVID” spreads from person to person? The WHO was apparently conflicted about “spread” early on. (See thread: https://x.com/Wood_House76/status/1751821820964024767) The first case in the U.S. spread to no one, and the first “person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2” is, in my opinion, no such thing. https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/questioning-the-first-known-person?utm_source=publication-search

11. Re: Wuhan and Lombardy, I refer you to these two articles, respectively:

https://pandauncut.substack.com/p/revisiting-china https://pandauncut.substack.com/p/were-the-unprecedented-excess-deaths.

There's no need to give up on the human race. :) There's a need for honest, open debate - preferably in person and face to face - not only in writing, in virtual groups, and via Zoom.

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Excellent points hope to see read some feedback from Dr Nass.

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G‘luck with that!! She won't even cite a paper to back up her viral claims. Feedback would be good though

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Please go back and read the three articles I wrote in my anthrax vaccine blog that cited plenty of evidence

Then grow up Or go somewhere else

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I have looked in the Method section of each paper that claims to have isolated a particle they call a virus- nothing there. The Title might make the claim but where is the Beef? please show us - they never separate a particle from the snot or toxic soup they create. The Break down of tissue and cells by the antibiotics and stains is CAUSING the Cytopathic Effect aka cell break down. The PROCESS is KILLING the tissue / CELL ! Not a Virus!

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You have just nailed the viroliegists pseudoscientific methods. How Meryl cant see this is remarkable.

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First, this from Dr. Nass:

"Can we get back to arguing about arguments and stop attacking people for holding those positions?"

And then this after Jessica Hockett logically shares her arguments?

"...Then grow up Or go somewhere else"?

Dr. Nass, you only succeeded in convincing me that you may not be really interested in arguing about arguments or stopping attacks on people but I'm a newbie to this discussion, especially as it relates to that crazy NYC data, and may only require a bit of direction. As far as the "person-to-person" evidence that Jessica requested, I am familiar with the anthrax blog (https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/) but would benefit from a clearer understanding as to how the anthrax experience equates to the coronacrisis experience and what those three studies you referenced (exactly which ones, I have yet to discover) would help. Or are you just getting tired (which is okay) and merely wish to treat Ms. Hockett as merely a troll? Your subscribers would obviously be good, btw, with either explanation.

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Hello, please can you send me a link to those articles. It would be greatly appreciated.

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Please send me the link.

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What are titles of those articles?

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The graph you posted about patient volumes in New York Presbyterian Hospital supports what I said. And yes, my son and his wife were medical providers there.

There was a surge in March and April 2020 and then it disappeared and volumes went down to way below the baseline rate. And they treated doctors and nurses they knew Who were hospitalized with a severe Illness And my son also caught it In early March 2020 and had a severe infectious disease with temperatures over 102° Which appeared to respond to hydroxychloroquine I insisted he take

The article in late 2020 providing data on all the Northwell NY hospitals showed an 88% death rate in those ventilated with a diagnosis of Covid


I appreciate the fact that you have provided evidence You are a serious person

However, there are those like myself who also look at evidence, and in addition have the experience of treating hundreds of patients who had a new disease and appeared to have similar syndromes which we never saw before

I too was sick 3 times with something I think was Covid though I never got tested because I considered the PCR test entirely unreliable

The upshot of what I am trying to convey is that there is a lot of evidence, much of it contradictory, and there is no reason for people to be shouting at each other When many of us have valid things to say, and they could probably be resolved We simply spoke to each other politely as you have done

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Thank you for responding and for observing that I'm a serious person.

Respectfully, the graph does NOT support what you said, because you implied that high volumes were experienced in March and April 2020. ED visits were higher in January 2020 than at any point thereafter. Did your son and his wife report to you how busy they were in January?

Doctors and nurses they knew were "hospitalized with a severe illness"? Which severe illness? Which doctors and nurses? Are you suggesting nosocomial infections?

Your said your son caught "it" in early March 2020? What is "it"? He caught "it" "and had a severe infectious disease"? Which disease? Was he diagnosed? Was he hospitalized? He was sick for a period and then went to back to work at NYP?

Yes, I know the Northwell study very well and have written about it, but how does that fit with the COVID ICU intubated data, which show a peak census of 2,700? The excess NYC hospital inpatient death toll was ~15,000. Almost all of that increase attributed COVID-19 as underlying cause. Do you see how the census data don't allow us to blame 88% of hospital inpatient COVID deaths on ventilator use?

I'm not familiar with the Canadian data. Does that data say WHERE nursing home residents died? Can you explain what that has to do with the U.S. data? Can we agree that the U.S. should immediately disclose how many nursing home patients have die each week, regardless of cause or setting of death -- going back as far as such data exist?

You said you "treated hundreds of patients who had a new disease and appeared to have similar syndromes which we never saw before." What does "a new disease" mean"? When you say "appeared to have similar syndromes," are you expressing doubt/uncertainty? (I have no judgement about such doubt/uncertainty, by the way.)

When you say you were sick 3 times with something you think was "Covid," what do you mean? Why did you think it was "Covid" versus another illness? (FYI, I notice you typed Covid in this reply, but COVID in your original post. Can you explain this choice?)

Finally, I agree that there's no need for shouting. I did not take Dr. Yeadon to be shouting at Dr. Lawrie, did you? I notice you used all capital letters in your reply above when writing about Canada. Did you mean to shout or was that simply for emphasis?

Again, thank you for replying.

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It was your graph. it had highest patient volumes in April 2020 which is what my relatives saw. Why are you arguing with me about a graph you provided for inpatients at ny presbyterian? which I am simply reading from?

The PCR tests were unreliable and being unlicensed we could not obtain basic information about them such as the number of cycle thresholds, probes, primers and reagents used. Nor how they compared to the other 325 EUA PCR tests that FDA had authorized.

so we doctors used our hands our eyes and ears and dammit most patients responded to treatment very well.

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Dr Nass, forgive me, but this is the graph I referred you to in my initial reply. It is inpatient admissions and ER visits at NYP Columbia from Jan 2019 through Dec 2020. https://substack.com/@woodhouse76/note/c-55256830 The 2020 peak for both was in January 2020. These data do not show an increase or high levels for either data point in March or April 2020. If you are looking at a different graph, please advise.

Regarding PCR testing, I'm not sure what question or issue you are addressing with your response. The tests were "unreliable" therefore...? What are the implications for the spring 2020 event, particularly in New York City -- which I believe is the focus of our exchange?

While I'm not offended that you're frustrated and swearing at me, it seems very much at odds with a desire to be civil and respectful.

I'm still not sure what patients were being treated for, or what the new disease was.

Thank you.

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Same graph. According to it the ER volumes were highest them but inpatient was stable. Maybe that was because essentially all inpatient beds were filled before as well as during those bad 2 months? That is how it works in many urban hospitals in the US--in fact, the number of beds available in the US has decreased over the last 3 decades on purpose to keep hospital s at peak capacity as much as possible because the bean counters think life is more efficient and profitable that way.

Swearing at you? Get a life.

According to this story things were chaotic then. You have a graph issued by an organization called NY statewide planning and cooperative system (I never heard of them) which could be correct, and I have the information from 2 medical providers who were on the scene. Maybe both are correct? Why is it necessary for me to be wrong?

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Thank you for continuing to engage.

The graph is not issued by NY SPARCS. I created the graph from data published by that entity. Both the state of NYS health department and NYC DOH have told me daily hospital admissions data for hospitals aren't available via FOIA, so I've had to seek out those data where I can find it.

Admissions were not steady - they dropped. I removed ED visits from the graph so that admissions are easier to see. https://substack.com/profile/32813354-jessica-hockett/note/c-55354691?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=jjay2

We do not know the inpatient census ("how many beds were filled") in this or any NYC hospital for earlier weeks/months because the state's facility dataset begins March 26, 2020 - the day after the CARES Act was passed. (Earlier data aren't available, per my correspondence with NYS.)

Like restaurants and hotels, hospitals need to operate at a certain capacity in order to pay the bills and make money. Regarding March/April 2020 in NYC specifically, the point is that available data are counter-narrative and counter-perception: hospitals were not overrun were patients.

"According to this story, things were chaotic then" - according to which story? Can you clarify?

You have what information from 2 medical providers on the scene?

I didn't say you were "wrong". I am presenting you with information that challenges your assertions. I would be happy to speak with your son and his wife about what they experienced. Colleagues and I interviewed an NYC doctor last year: https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/new-york-covid-19-hospital-frontline

I'm not sure why you're telling me to "get a life" when your original post was calling for mutual respect and a focus on the substance of argument vs. personal attacks.

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Dammit is a swear word according to Christians

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Hi Meryl!

Thanks for standing up for truth against Jessica's made-up claims that COVID wasn't a novel pathogen that drove excess mortality.

Did you know that Jessica believes:

- COVID was not a novel virus & didn't cause increased mortality anywhere in the world.

- She questions whether viruses are real & whether you can infect another person via a virus.

- She claims there was a global conspiracy to fake a pandemic.

- She claims all-cause mortality was manipulated and faked

- She claims the Department of Defense may have brought human bodies into NYC to fake the numbers

- She claims strategic chemical poisoning by the government may have occurred in NYC instead of a virus that led to mortality

- She claims the CIA may have been involved in NYC to stage the fake pandemic

- She claims COVID isn't real but instead the "name of a covert operation involving death reclassification"

- She claims the US government sponsored mass murder/euthanasia in NYC hospitals in March of 2020

- She claims the flu shot delivery may have been part of the mass murder scheme by the government

- She believes a "localized point-release of an agent" may have occurred as directed by the government to kill people

- She believes the government "activated the equivalent of a bomb/chemical attack live-exercise simulation that staged sudden spread of a deadly agent" in NYC

She also blocks and censors most who challenge her and never offers substantive responses when debunked.

Many of her claims debunked here:


Many of her cohort's claims debunked here:



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Dr Nass, It's admirable that you, your son and his wife were all on the Covid front lines! As I'm not very familiar with your substack nor your work overall, where were you treating patients in early 2020? How many patients overall versus COVID patients did you encounter as the health care systems were swept over? Maybe a percentage guesstimate?

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I was a hospital doc until 2012 and treated outpatients in 2020. Because I was one of a handful of doctors in my state willing to prescribe HCQ, IVM, etc. I developed a practice that was 90% covid during peaks of covid activity in my state. In Maine the hospitals never went crazy with covid because patients with everything else stayed home.

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Canadian data is clear. There was no pandemic. People have been dying at more or less the same rate every year. We had a bit of influenza related deaths increase in 2017-18 flu season at nursing homes and hospitals but not during so called pandemic.


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Great reply.👍🇦🇺

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How do you not know what "new disease" means considering Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2) is a strain of coronavirus that causes COVID-19, the NOVEL respiratory illness responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic & main driver of excess mortality since 2020!

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“ I too was sick 3 times with something I think was Covid though I never got tested because I considered the PCR test entirely unreliable.”

Why didn’t you test yourself for influenzas? You too bought into the propaganda that it completely vanished worldwide?

Didn’t your buddy Peter McCullough admit on Joe Rogan that the covid-19 kit CDC sent at the beginning of the pandemic couldn’t distinguish covid-19 from the flu? How did you know you had covid-19 3 times and not the flu even once?

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No need to get on your high horse. I said I thought it was covid. When you don't have a reliable test you make clinical diagnoses. You try treatments and judge the response. Granted there is a lot of anger at doctors but I did my best, took detailed histories (no matter what the Board claimed, and always have for 42 years). Snarky commenters who have never treated a patient are unlikely to grasp the many clues we doctors use to make probably diagnoses during hard times.

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If it wasn’t covid, what else could it have been?

Don’t get nasty Meryl. Why did you start this post? Is it perhaps because you would like some kind of closure? Peace?

If yes, to achieve this try not to avoid answering simple questions. Do you have too much pride or a big ego? If yes, I’d better do something else…

People want to know the truth and rightly so….

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A million different reasons cause people to Detox- just change the word disease to Detoxification Process. Everyone is exposed to different chemicals every day some got flu shots , many take Pharma, eat fake food, drink poison soda the list is endless. STRESS can make a person sick! FEAR of Death and a non existant virus can do it to. www.whatreallymakesyouill.com and www.VirusTruth.NET

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Give me few reasons that can be proven by the scientific method with controls…

I hope you realize the magnitude of the problem to prove your theory?

I have heard the no virus supporters say that living next to 5G towers will give you covid-19 symptoms but that didn’t materialize because only a handful of people living next to the 5G tower go the symptoms. The same with stressed and not stressed people, eating well and not, drinking soda and not smoking and not…

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AND your last sentence makes precisely the point Dr Nass is making in her post.

I support Dr Nass staying on track with WHO not chasing more answers that take eyes off the ball.

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How many people do you think would support or go along with the WHO plans or any other "virus"-related plans if they knew that virology is baloney and no "virus" has ever been shown to exist? And why do you supposed that Meryl took eyes off the WHO ball to publish yet another rant about no-virus people who are simply pointing out the reality of virology?

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I suspect Dr Nass wrote this post because there is increasing pressure on RFK influencer-supporters around holes in their arguments about COVID, early treatment, the events of early 2020, etc.

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Keep up the great work, Jessica, and thank you. Once I saw that the "virus" evidence is a joke, I lost all patience for analyzing the obviously-fraudulent stats. Grateful that you are showing how fake it all is even without the "virus" paradigm.

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Thanks, Christine.

I appreciate the direct dialogue and your courage to speak under your real name (as you've been doing the whole time).

I think it concerns influencers who continue to support the Govt's Core Story about a novel sudden-spreading risk-additive coronavirus from Wuhan or wherever that not all anti-mandate/freedom-loving people agree with them -- and are willing to stand up and say so out loud.

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Why don't you guys get a room and safe the fake aren't we clever BS for the after party.

You have not addressed the many and serious issues Dr. Nass raises. Your contentions support the efforts of Big.

Dr. Nass is not threatening the world.

Big; War, Gov., Pharma, Health, Banks, Tech, Mob.

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Honestly who cares about the details. Bottom line we banter about the bits while they are filling in the blanks on a rule book to enslave us all.

Okay there is no such thing as a virus, can we get on with denying the globalists the right to use our children in any way they like?

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Pretty hysterical that you've omitted all the actual no-virus people from your list. Hmm I wonder why.

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"This HTML file consists of my comments to people who claim that the deaths attributed to COVID were not caused by a virus." I'm not remotely interested in anyone's comments. Cite valid scientific evidence if you can, anything else is hot air.

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Wrong speculation. I wrote it after Ia conversation with a good friend About how counterproductive the carping is—at the brownstone Institute meeting in Spain Over the past few days

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Brownstone has republished some of my articles over the past few years, including one I wrote with colleagues on the NYC 2020 data.



May I ask what "carping" was being discussed?

Thank you.

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Jessica Hockett is a well-known conspiracy theorist who has made many outrageous claims over the past few years.

These include false claims such as:

- COVID was not a novel virus & didn't cause increased mortality anywhere in the world.

- She questions whether viruses are real & whether you can infect another person via a virus.

- She claims there was a global conspiracy to fake a pandemic.

- She claims all-cause mortality was manipulated and faked

- She claims the Department of Defense may have brought human bodies into NYC to fake the numbers

- She claims strategic chemical poisoning by the government may have occurred in NYC instead of a virus that led to mortality

- She claims the CIA may have been involved in NYC to stage the fake pandemic

- She claims COVID isn't real but instead the "name of a covert operation involving death reclassification"

- She claims the US government sponsored mass murder/euthanasia in NYC hospitals in March of 2020

- She claims the flu shot delivery may have been part of the mass murder scheme by the government

- She believes a "localized point-release of an agent" may have occurred as directed by the government to kill people

- She believes the government "activated the equivalent of a bomb/chemical attack live-exercise simulation that staged sudden spread of a deadly agent" in NYC

This only scratches the surface of her conspiracy theories.

She also refuses to engage with doctors who can challenge her claims. Instead she blocks anyone who questions her.

And yet many of her claims are easily debunked here:


And yes, she blocked the writer who debunked her too!

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Superb 👍👍💥✌️🔔🕺

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superb!! Bravo!! 👍👍🌈🌈🎯🎯😃

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The deaths in NYC are indisputably verified. These are real people with real families you're exploiting for your agenda. Please do better.

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What if Jim Haslam is right: “SARS2 is a self spreading ANIMAL vaccine

created by Baric, developed by Munster in Montana shipped to Dani in Wuhan for testing on local bats where it leaked…”.

…Accidentally or nefariously?


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HAslam has a lot of evidence and billions of dollars have been spent by the so-called bio defense industry to work on Things I have always called viruses

What else could they have been working on if it wasn’t viruses And bacteria ?

I have a large collection of yearly reports from Fort Detrick And historical studies on biological warfare dating back to World War I

So if scientist from countries around the world were not studying viruses, what were they studying?

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"What else could they have been working on if it wasn’t viruses And bacteria ?"

Exactly. What really they have been working on if they have been really working on something?

A lack of proper knowledge about it does not prove existence of biological viruses or pathogenic bacteria.

And how any report itself does irrefutably prove existence of anything?

Exactly. What so-called scientists were really studying if they were really studying anything?

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I am so thankful for your brilliance applied in these past 4 years. I am an RN and was assigned to the Covid unit in a large metro area from the very beginning. I have witnessed a lot at the bedside, most of which I have to take to God as the faces and hands and hearts of patients are ever with me. Realizing so many wrong things were at work while going through each day was a harsh reality. Covid injury followed by injection injury was like two floods to me and the injury continues to this day.

Most difficult for me is the silence of the physicians. I believe this is still at the core of the terrible fruits we have reaped. Those who endeavored to speak up in a large hospital system were quickly sent packing.

I am thankful for each and every one taking a stand with courage. It is important to be on solid information and reasoning to the best of our ability. May God continue to teach and direct us. Thank you Meryl for your labor of love and expertise. Your life has been a gift and a comfort to many.

Keep speaking. Shatter the Silence.

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Top shelf post. Heart, soul, clear practical reality. Thank your Nurse Nancy. Too many docs in it for the status, nothing in their code of ethics allows what they have.

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You are so right as always Meryl. Yesterday we had another example of professionals creating unnecessary arguments.

Dr Breggin unhappy with Dr Desmet and Dr Malone.

It just damages all the good work they are doing.

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How a lack of valid evidence of any alleged biological virus is an unnecessary argument?

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And shows that acting like preschoolers not getting their way in the sandbox exists on all sides.

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So far it is you and others like you who act like preschoolers.

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That's why he/she is a tired citizen.

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It's is like being incapacitated and coughing profusely in a smoke-filled room while hearing firefighters walking about freely with their Scot-packs but are arguing about who gets to sit up in the front of the fire truck for the ride back to the station.

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You clearly do not know what you are talking about.

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LOL 😃😃

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And then there’s the Malone/Desmet—Breggin rift.

But all of these are second order concerns.

The important and hard first-order task is to stop the globalist agenda through practical steps to subvert it any way we can, and a number of groups are working on aspects of this. In this mult-faceted attack on us there will be disagreements over exactly what happened but one thing we can agree on: some entity is trying to impose a global socialist/fascist tyranny using powerful technologies, some of which are unknown to us. A (fraudulent) concentration of wealth to people who believe they’re the global elite and should have power enables this.

Turning back state power over individuals is key. Decentralized power and individual sovereignty are the goals. After that there’s still a lot of work to unwind the damage.

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We should all send Breggin and Malone this post by Dr Nass and insist they read it …and every comment.

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Exactly right. I'm sick of everyone fighting with each other, but especially the rift you mentioned above. People do that and I'm done with them. We don't need it just like we don't need fake actors like Drew Peters and Candace Owens.

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How quiet should one be when sued for millions by a supposed good guy for no valid reason? I would have a hard time with that.

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The fight over the truth is very important.

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It’s very obvious to me that there was no Covid, as in, as a contagious virus. I could cover each of your points if you wish but the information is widely available. People were sick but with radiation sickness symptoms and mostly immediately after the vaccine rollout. If Covid was real why did they have to use a fake test that’s was not fit for purpose, as confirmed by its Nobel winning inventor who died late 2020, but used a method by the results were easy to manipulate and control. Why did they fake so many cases and want to deign every death a Covid one? And most importantly for me, why were our politicians having karaoke parties? They knew it was a lie. Just started following your writing but I would say you aren’t as informed as I originally thought. The answers to all of this are very much established now.

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There was a "bug" of some ilk (like there is every flu season). But PCR test inventor, Dr. Kary Mullis, died conveniently in August of 2019 (supposedly of pneumonia), before Event 201 in October 2019; before the CDC's changing the definition of a viral case in December 2019 (to include "testing positive"TM on a PCR test); and all the rest. You are correct though. The over-cycled PCR test only ever picked up fragments of the virus-to-blame, much of which are essentially naturally occurring (common cold), for lack of better vernacular on my part. Also, remember how they called it a "novel" Corona virus at the start? It wasn't; Bill Gates' Pirbright Institute had already patented the CONvid virus back in 2011 or '12, if memory serves. The propaganda was idiotic, of course, and akin to: You better put on rubber boots so that people already wearing rubber boots don't get their feet wet! Whatever CONvid was / is /wasn't / isn't is pure noise to me, however; I am focused on the crimes committed (and on-going) by "authorities" and the sell-out medical establishment, et. al and want their blood. (It reminds me of the No Planes camp in the 9/11 Truth movement (I've been a Truther since 2003.) versus the There Were Planes guys (well... not at Shanksville or the Pentagon)... it is all divisive and distracting.) Plus, no one seems to care at all about all the violations of the 1974 Privacy Act and HIPAA laws by employers when everyone went all bat-shit cray cray about demanding their employees get the "vaccine"TM and or disclose vaccination status. Is there not juicy potential for lawsuits galore there, since it is the private sector (versus people trying to sue DoD or the un-sue-able vax makers)?

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Have you Mullis’s book? Dancing in a Mindfield? A fun read with some harsh words for pharma, Fauci etc. His death was truly convenient for them. I agree with your point that the conversation must be productive however I do feel that getting to the bottom of this particular issue is key. If there can be no contagious spread of killer virus then there can never be a case for quarantine, passports or any measures. Although that doesn’t seem to bother them…

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I appreciate your point(s). No, I haven't read his book. Thanks for that! I will seek out a copy.

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Check out Dr David Martins patent history breakdown.

2001 apparently for this patented unnatural sequence.

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He's come out recently and said there is no SARS COV2 virus in an interview with Alec Zeck. Martin has even put that statement on record in a court case. I've read his patent record and there is a disclaimer early that he takes no responsibility for the language used in the official patent record. He was simply trying to use the language of corrupt actors against them to build a criminal case. Didnt work so now he's public that there are no viruses.

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He's come out and said there is no virus causing COVID

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He went to court in Utah and put in his deposition that there is no SARS COV2 virus. His work on patents has a disclaimer that hes not responsible for the language used in patent applications.

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I thought I heard him say in one of his talks that that was because it was actually the same as SARS COV1. Context?

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No, he sez viruses don't exist. There is no SARS COV2 and NO SARS 1.

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Wow. OK, thanks.

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Exactly right. Stop focusing on this tree or that tree and focus on the proverbial forest. Stop getting caught in the minutiae that DON'T MATTER NOW

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Ok let’s say there was no “Covid.”

People WERE sick.

They were sick with something.

A flu then.

Still needed to be treated.

And the “vaccine” was given as a cure, which instead created more sickness.

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For me, whether it’s contagious or not is very important. And to a lesser extent, whether it’s something new. We can get sick due to our own personal environment or body being toxic in some way and that includes what we eat, drink, any medications or injections we have in our body. It also includes radiation. Loss of taste and smell is a classic radiation sickness symptom and that was a very common experience for people. I don’t know the cause but it’s an important conversation to have. My point being, it’s the contagious part of the story that is the excuse for the tyranny.

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May 1Edited

Good grief. I'm in my sixties. Been getting colds and flues all my life. Seen them travel through close family members. Got a bad cold last fall, first since 'covid,' that had unique symptoms, vomiting for 3 days followed by standard cold symptoms, nose, throat, cough. Recovered quickly. Had daughter and sil over for dinner once recovering well, and one week later they get a bad cold with unique symptoms, vomiting for 3 days followed by... Get it? I didn't give her radiation for crying out loud. I could go on and on. Decades of giving colds and flues to family members, each with their own unique symptoms perfectly passed on to them. There will always be contagious 'whatever' going around, and I'm sorry that criminals love to use that to justify their crimes, but maybe you're letting your fears overcome your reason here. I get that COVID2 could have been SARSCov1 or even the regular flu. I am not in the league to determine that, but our main message needs to be, yes, there are contagions, but they can be managed just fine without resorting to experimental drugs and oppression.

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No one has proven that so-called flus and colds are infectious or are caused by alleged viruses. Existence of alleged viruses has not been proven as well.

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Imagine for a moment that there was something toxic in or around your home. Your body would detox (hopefully) I.e coughing, vomiting, these are all signs of the body trying to remove something. Your family visit and then they have the same symptoms. It could be something in the environment and not necessarily passed from person to person.

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Sorry, I've lived long enough to see viruses pass even around towns. Your argument is ridiculous.

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I am describing a scientific theory and have provided a further reading source. My intention is to explore ideas and hoping to learn something. We live in a very strange world!

One last point, a town is a shared environment. Never seen Erin Brocovich?! ;) But who knows! All the best 👍

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Are you claiming that you have directly seen alleged viruses in real time?

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The question is whether the condition that many experienced in 2021 (most had a very unusual loss of taste or smell, fatigue, nausea, as I understand and also experienced myself) was a contagious virus. Catching colds or bugs is a different issue. There is a popular book ‘Bechamp or Pasteur’ by Ethel Hume on that subject which I have on my reading list! I completely agree that the experimental drugs and oppression are totally unacceptable regardless.

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Well, the experts who can't seem to agree can spend the next three years arguing whether what we went through was a virus or something else, after which by that time, we'll all be enslaved eating bugs and showing our digital under-the-skin vaccine passports to buy bread...or we can get to work fighting for our freedoms right now. I believe all this distraction is purposeful, and you can consider your role in this.

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Having facts that affect our health and human rights established is important in my opinion. As is discussing ideas. I don’t understand people who go onto discussion boards and complain about people having discussion!

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FYI people who were sharing information that no virus has ever been proven in history of virology in the beginning of 2020 also warned people that it is all about control of the masses by usurpers-parasites.

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There was no excess death during the Scamdemic cos there was no virus killing people. The excess deaths followed the Kill Shot roll outs. People get sick all the time but not from viruses. They don't exist.

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May 2
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Hello. If Meryl doesn't want pushback she shouldn't go on public rants against those questioning the pseudoscience of viroliegy. Her last message of 2023 was such a rant. Would you like the link?

Observation?? This just reiterates the paucity of evidence the ‘virus‘ crowd has. You can't have contagion of something that doesn't exist. All contagion studies to date have failed to infect a single individual, most notably Roseneau 1918, and the British influenza unit which ran contagion studies for decades without a single success story.

Meryl is a big girl and you‘re not her mother. She is more than capable of standing her ground, shaky though it is. If you can cite one valid study with a control to show the isolation of a virus, I will shut up. I'm guessing you can't.

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Check out JJ COUEY then...you will not be disappointed...... :) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2108979485?filter=archives&sort=time

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Very interesting thanks.

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You are very welcome..... :)

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Well said!!👍👍

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How is this a comment that gets voted up? A fake test? Inappropriately used sure but fake?

It's a very powerful device. Ban this poster and all of those who upvoted it.

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What is the issue? I left this comment for Cleo....is there a problem here.....

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Yeah go start your own no such thing as a virus site and leave Dr. Nass in peace.

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If you don't like free discourse get off Substack and peddle the virus lie on Facebook. They like the lie there. You will fit right in.

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You gang up on a nice lady who has saved patients lives, I don't expect you can feel shame but if you could, you would.

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Btw, Meryl is the reason I'm even bothering to post. I had made the decision to stay out of this heated public arena perceiving legions of aggravation. That all changed after reading Meryls New Years Eve rant against those calling out Viroliegy‘s many deceptions. If you're gonna do that as a farewell message you'd better have evidence to back you up. She doesn't. If she doesn't want push back then she should refrain from ridiculous rants. Now, I'm glad she did. Her rants help Team Viroliegy is BS immeasurably 😀✌️

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What is your problem..... different opinions and facts should not hurt your feelings...... don't like a comment, then move on..... I don't tell you what to think or write about on your substack...

You’re Only For Free Speech If You Defend It For People You Hate

We should protect people physically, not emotionally https://public.substack.com/p/youre-only-for-free-speech-if-you

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Frankly is a free speech abolitionist, dedicated to not citing any evidence for the existence of a virus. Frankly, keep digging that hole for ya‘self. “Hello down there!!“

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Ok I'll bite, evidence for virus. There are university courses that offer courses and a title called Virologist. Dr. Nass has observed them under a microscope, do you have one?

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typo.... abolitionist

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I am indifferent, hate is a luxury I rarely embrace. There is an important conversation to be had and this flight of fancy is not moving things forward. Dr. Nass explains it brilliantly here, but apparently most of the no virus type may read but comprehending is out of their league.

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We understand one thing you will never grasp: The importance of not peddling the very lie that keeps the sociopaths at the World Homocide Organization in business.

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This was your first comment to my comment that was not even directed at you, "Yeah go start your own no such thing as a virus site and leave Dr. Nass in peace." doesn't sound kind or friendly....almost has a twist of hate there.....I agree that there is an important conversation and this includes hearing things that are uncomfortable or hard to hear.....

Responding to Meryl Nass's Claims About the New York City Event and "COVID" https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/responding-to-meryl-nasss-claims

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Everywhere we go, in literally every domain of society, polarization is being fomented. We MUST push... and push HARD against this. Strive to find a point of agreement with the person you're arguing with, and go from there. Coming to blows with each other is the agenda of those who want to control us and draw our attention away from what needs to be exposed. We can't lose the plot now, folks.

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Should we push hard against everyone opposing the official narrative too, and strive to find a point of agreement with the perps?

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I applaud you for saying this. This bitchy infighting has really made me despondent at times since it casts a long shadow over the prospects of ever righting this ship and sailing towards a better world. Enough of this egoic crap. Don't make needless enemies out of each other or we're effed in the A.

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Easier said than done.

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There is no righting of this ship

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Divide and conquer really works, doesn't it.

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"The world-class psychological warfare purveyors managed to turn the world into two camps that hated each other."

I did not read Meryl's whole piece. But just this first part is not true. Yes for some it has been so. But not for all.

There is never an all.

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Who said it was all?

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She could have said many or some, into two camps, but she wrote the world into two camps. It bears thinking about, it can stoke hatred such black and white wording or thinking. And how one can take the pulse of this I think is fairly impossible.

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It's implied by the words used. Not my thinking, not my words.

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Exactly. There's some sort of logical fallacy going on here, lol, not to mention plain 'ol putting words in mouths.

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She could have said many or some, into two camps, but she wrote the world into two camps. It bears thinking about, it can stoke hatred such black and white wording or thinking. And how one can take the pulse of this I think is fairly impossible.

(one could also ask why I took it that way, generate a conversation, a discussion, instead of your response.)

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It's implied by the words used. Not my thinking, not my words.

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I didn't see this. I had almost the same exact comment.

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Beautifully said!

And consistently the voice of reason, Dr Meryl 💜 Thank you!

Allowing or contributing to being fractured hurts us in so many ways and we don't have this 'luxury'.

We can debate our differences without collapsing relationships, accusations, etc.

In WWI, I imagine the men (and boys) in the trenches looking to their left and their right and saying, "They have my back and I have theirs. Our enemy is in front of us." Let's be more like them.

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Slowly slowly people are revealing the flaws in ALL our thinking. The ones who saw through the scam to begin with might think they’re immune, but none of us are immune to the fundamental unconscious illogicalities we all participate in on a daily basis.

All each of us have to go on is our own personal experience. Those experiences are as unique as each of us are and the variables that impinge on each context we each find ourselves in are a combination of common and unique factors. We are trying to derive the common factors - and only the common factors - from billions of individual experiences. This is one of the major flaws of the scientific method. The insistence on replicability biases us to the common every time, dismissing the unique as insignificant simply because it’s not common. This is ludicrous since life can always take multiple pathways to the same end result. This means we progressively eliminate more and more of the relevant variables and in doing so, lose sight of the processes altogether. Hence the current replicability crisis ...

The world is an insanely complex place, the number of variables are literally infinite, and we simply don’t have the mental capacity to come even remotely close to understanding a fraction of it, let alone modelling it. (Forget AI. It can’t do it either since it’s just an aggregator of our collective stupidity.)

So we simplify the world to the point we can get our tiny heads around it, making the fundamental error of losing sight of that action of gross simplification and instead trying to make the world fit into ever more simplistic models of it. It won’t. And it can’t. The damage we’ve done to the biosphere should already make this blindingly obvious to us. (And I’m not talking about the ‘climate crisis’ but our destruction of functional ecosystems.)

In my view, we HAVE to acknowledge complexity and our own inadequacy to comprehend it to resolve this.

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That’s why I am a Conservative in the classical sense. We hardly know anything. Don’t shoot the messenger. Biotech is a complete failure and genetic sequencing even down to the cell level has led to no therapies yet it’s hyped with the new savior AI.

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That complexity shows who God is and what HE created.

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It’s an important distinction and what must happen is discussion. If pandemics are not possible, we must know that and we must know it as soon as possible.

My Brother was very ill at the beginning but what he got was not what I got. He said he felt like he had been poisoned with a toxin rather than having a respiratory coronavirus.


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Thank you Meryl - you have put into words what many of us have been observing. Many people are questioning what they were taught and believed about the world (be it biology, human health, climate, the physical world, politics, history, religion, past events....). This in itself is good - we have been lied to and many of us failed to question things. This went from a humbling experience to admitting being bamboozled to adamantly claiming to have the answers and dismissing any evidence which questions the new belief.

There is the part of human nature that makes folks seek out others who subscribe to the same beliefs and form tribes - then to defend against those that don't share your beliefs. COVID became a religion and many folks that questioned the official narrative were excommunicated. Those that were, naturally sought others for support. The more followers they received in their narrative resulted in greater self-confidence. Then like any organization - others started gaining support and formed new tribes. You can compare this to the number of religious sects that forms all stemming from the main central belief but all professing theirs is the only way to salvation.

Whether the illness came from a virus, a synthetic bio-weapon or something else - people were affected and various prohibited drugs and natural remedies improved their condition, while certain government prescribed countermeasures and treatments led to higher morbidity and mortality. Based on everything I have read and experienced, I am of the belief that all of this was planned and controlled. But if someone could provide me with evidence contrary to this - I am more than willing to listen.

I fear that many of these folks that now acknowledge that their understanding of things which they once adamantly defended were incorrect are now making the same arrogant mistakes i.e., throwing out everything that does not fit with their new found belief system. The formation of these competing groups may be a spontaneous or controlled. I don't know. What I do know is that no one group has all the pieces of the puzzle and I don't think anyone knows what the actual puzzle looks like. But while we sit here distracted forcing things to fit -the global parasites are laughing as we play into their hands, yet again.

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Yes! Long ago a government agency determined that only 13 % of the population could think critically. Great odds for control. And now we have all these scientific arguments meant to confuse. Spike protein in the air and inhaled: bad. Spike protein in syringe injected: good.

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It absolutely was planned and war gamed. Look up Event 201 sponsored by Johns Hopkins in the Fall of 2019. I also used to think the anti-vaxx people were nuts and wrote about that many times. I was 100% WRONG. Many people have woken up. (the true use of that word btw), but it just gets disheartening to still see people wearing a mask FOUR YEARS LATER or see the look of panic if you cough (because it is pollen season in the SE) or hand them something. I went to a lunch meeting a week ago. Someone asked me to pass them something on the table. I did. "please put it down on the table." I thought what the heck?! Then I realized when she asked for something else, she didn't want to take it from another person directly. It is sad to see the mental insanity that has descended on so many, but as I wrote earlier God told us these days would come. Just so hard to see how fast and how hard.

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Well said, I agree with your assessment.

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The "no Covid" group are often misunderstood. "No virus" doesn't equate to "no pathogen" so surprised you basically miss this huge distinction. You are 99% down other rabbit holes like the WHO treaty now, but I have listened to thousands of hours of all sides and the "no virus" arguments are full of subtleties and nuances which they could do a better job at verbalizing. Should really be thought of as "Covid is a pathogen but not a virus" because i only hear hand waving arguments to their excellent points (e.g. "we see 'viruses' under a microscope" but what if it is just an exosome our body produces in response to a pathogen exposure?)

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Who cares then? Why bring it up to argue about it at all then? It's silly and divisive. I think it's 5G warfare in action to divide and slow us down. Because it's just not that important. Re-read Cloe's postings. She is most worried about whether or not it's contagious because that is what is being used to abuse us. Obviously, for some it is fear that makes them want so desperately to believe that contagious pathogens don't exist. (If it's not contagious and can be proven, then the cabal can no longer use that as an excuse to inject/mask/lockdown us, etc...)

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If viruses as we were taught don't really exist, then the potential lack of contagion is huge point that could reduce fear! Finding the real truth could take their fear power away, lead to more people waking up and finally putting 'vax for everything' goals to bed forever!

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People clearly point out that such things as biological viruses have never been proven. It is not a belief. Ignoring this fact is stupid. Also it does not mean that something absolutely does not exist because absolute non existence of something can't be proven. The thing is that the burden of proof is on those who make positive claims about existence of something. So where is a proof that viruses are real and based on it vital decisions can be made?

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Word salad worth gagging on.

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Typical projection from someone who does not have valid arguments.

But keep coping.

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Kordelas, frankly never tires of serially revealing his ignorance

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Agreed. If this infighting gets any worse we will see the general public supporters disappear. That’s the last thing we need. Everybody, drop your ego. Nobody, but nobody, agrees 100% with everything one of their heroes thinks or says. That goes for everyone we know. The childishness is off the charts.

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Completely agree. The entire point is to get us against each other. STOP IT. Stop acting like preschoolers fighting for the same toy. GROW UP AND STOP IT

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ChIldish?? Like asking for evidence. Hhhm

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Their are many who ignored what to me is one of Dr. Nass' best articles. If they carry on in spite of what she wrote, they are on an agenda that is not pro human. Ban em. Let them make a sub stack of their own.

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Frankly, if Meryl is going to attack those calling out viroligy‘s BS she should expect some blowback. Stop moddy coddling her. Are you her nanny?

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Honestly who cares about the details. Bottom line we banter about the bits while they are filling in the blanks on a rule book to enslave us all.

Okay there is no such thing as a virus, can we get on with denying the globalists the right to use our children in any way they like?

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No virus!! Marvelous!! Sure, we can deny those sociopath globalists!! Time for The World Homocide Organization to go!!

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Can I still put iodine in my saline rinse after sharing a car ride with a symptomatic person?

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What articles?

Name them.

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Man an AI mistake. This article numb nuts, the one you didn't even read.

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Anyone who is serially this rude is probably a deeply self-loathing creature.

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It is her and her followers who ignore valid arguments. You can't create something properly with unreasonable and illogical people.

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The competing and ever-evolving narratives surrounding ALL aspects of the "COVID" scaredemic are a multi-headed hydra spawning new offspring by the minute -- as we speak.

The essential point is that the advocates of whatever-theory are cannibalizing one and another.

It is divide and conquer -- perhaps the most effective tools of the oppressor in human history.

One must step back several levels to see the forest for the trees.

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