This collusion could be seen early on just from the initial coordinated response to the “pandemic”. Come on folks - some of these countries can’t even get clean water to all its citizens. Coordination like this means a globally directed play. And this current play is both laundering assets via pharma payments (and further shifting of wea…
This collusion could be seen early on just from the initial coordinated response to the “pandemic”. Come on folks - some of these countries can’t even get clean water to all its citizens. Coordination like this means a globally directed play. And this current play is both laundering assets via pharma payments (and further shifting of wealth to drive poverty) , in addition to continuing the depopulation. The goal is to get all the land and all future generations into slavery. Prepare now for food and water. Arm up.
This collusion could be seen early on just from the initial coordinated response to the “pandemic”. Come on folks - some of these countries can’t even get clean water to all its citizens. Coordination like this means a globally directed play. And this current play is both laundering assets via pharma payments (and further shifting of wealth to drive poverty) , in addition to continuing the depopulation. The goal is to get all the land and all future generations into slavery. Prepare now for food and water. Arm up.