“there’s no evidence of vertical germline transmission of those edits,” translation "We have purposefully not looked for evidence of germline transmission so of course we haven't found any"

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Whether it is in the eggs or tissue around them, I wouldn't want it on my breakfast plate, and I certainly don't want it in the body of my wife, any daughters, and any women who my sons may marry, and on...

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if someone says you are crazy ... i would worry about them ... seriously.

peace :-)

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Just because I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean”they” aren’t trying to kill me…😆

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Remember one thing folks...God will NOT be mocked.

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Just because we can… well, you know the rest. We are not gods and should stop pretending we are or do what we can to stop this and more lunacies created by those who believe themselves to be gods.

Thanks for bringing this latest monstrosity to light. And I hope you win your lawsuit if for no other reason the losers have to lower their already inflated lifestyles.

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Dan Sirotkin has an interesting take on that very point. https://harvard2thebighouse.substack.com/p/first-come-the-warnings-then-comes

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There is no safe way of laboratory based gene editing...animal, plant, bacteria, or viruses.

“ ..life (ie biochemistry) is complex [and] self-organized. It’s not a Word program that you can cut and paste with no consequence.” In editing one gene, 1,500 other genes get destabilized.. " VS

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Not crazy at all with the 3-prong, including leprosy, shots coming. WEF are now telling people BEFORE 2030 there will be no driving, no eating meat, dairy and ice cream. All attempting to continue to FUEL the climate DECEPTION.

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We need to collectively tell WEF to go to hell where they belong.

Who voted these despots into power?!

NONE of US. It’s time to tell them loudly to shut their demon mouths IN JESUS NAME!

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Yes, and I blame the Sorasses the most or at least as much as Gates. Alex is supposed to be worse than his father.

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This IS the generational curse.

To continue doing evil instead of good.

Soros has said on record he is like a god. He enjoys his power.

He leaves devastation wherever he “invests” …. Darkness and torment is his legacy.

We all decide to do good or evil. He has clearly chosen to serve self and be an agent of darkness .

Gates Senior was on the national board of “Planned” parenthood -

Ie. abortion clinic program.

So, just continuing Margaret Sangers eugenists agenda - nothing to see here…


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They also won't let him back in Czechoslovakia. Unless they build an uncharted desert island surrounded by many man-eating jaws and whales, we are stuck with them both.

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😆. I like the visual of the island with jaws and whales!

Even soro’s country of birth - Hungary have told him to stay out.

They know how he comes in to destroy nation states with his “programs of destruction.”

I also remember reading China banned him years ago for the SAME reason, yet our paid off traitors roll out the red carpet for him,

as he systematically dismantles the USA constitutional protections, bit by bit.

He’s a strategic chess player with BILLIONS to spend.

He or his many NGO think tanks and lawyers have realized they need to PENETRATE (per WEF Schwabs boast) local law and allow chaos to reign.

Just look at SKYROCKETING crime and murders are due to his bought for DA’s in all Blue states in USA.

(NY , Chicago, San Francisco) is an open toilet and junkie nightmare!

That’s the plan for the whole country.

Chaos is when UN private military can be brought in!

It must not be allowed to happen.

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Off Topic per se but you might be very interested in this gentleman. Dr Angus Dalgleish Professor of Oncology at St George's Hospital, University of London, warning of aggressive melanoma's and other cancers showing up after Covid boosters.


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Scientists have always acted defiantly, building systems and narratives to support their reckless unleashing of natural forces and mechanisms so complex that humans cannot proceed with foresight, even if that were their priority. Some speculate that misanthropic, democidal or genocidal malice may be involved. These three hypotheses, frankly, cannot be dismissed out of hand, but warrant serious intellectual consideration and examination.

What is now different is the ramifying effects, both planned and unplanned. The consequences of their actions are global, total and permanent in a manner that was feared, but has so far been fully realized in the case of nuclear weaponry.

In the case of genetic weaponry, the alterations present prospects of an ominous future for most human lineages. It appears that, in the opinion of the self-appointed select, their genetic makeup is superior as measured, for the most part, in economically measurable terms.

People will have to decide if the eight billion will simply let this happen as decided by an, in numerical comparison, an insignificant group of actors.

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August 22, 2023
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There are very deep roots to this company

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And look at the DNA database being built using Illumina (San Diego).

That’s also why all the constant “covid” testing was done - biometric collection.

Sleazoid Epstein and Gates were also involved in DNA program.

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There is no reason to trust these clowns who want to mess around with DNA.

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Will anyone sane actually believe the next Covid strain announcement and then comply with enforced lockdowns, masks, segregation from family, DEADLY INJECTIONS and other nonsense?

Will anyone sane really believe that the next batch of DEADLY Covid injections they pretend are "vaccines" are SAFE AND EFFECTIVE??

FACT; Covid Vax KILLS or maims pregnant women or/and their unborn babies! The poisonous crap doesn't stop spreading the man-enhanced virus - but each jab further undermines natural resistance/immunity. It's really 'a depopulation regime', reinforced by injection-induced INFERTILITY!

NO LIABILITY for BIG PHARMA for 'VAX DEATHS' or/and 'VAX INJURIES' is the first clue to consider!

IVERMECTIN SAVES LIVES but Big Pharma can't profit from this WHO-approved medicine.

There's no profit in Healthy People so what can we do to address this problem? Modify a virus that can kill - then pretend we have an injection that works - but in reality, is Human DEPOPULATION!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Crazy is the last word I would use to describe you Meryl. You may be crazy intelligent, crazy creative, crazy courageous, but plain crazy? No. no. no.

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Mothers and Fathers used to pray for healthy children. The materialistic atheists practicing scientism have been pleased to eliminate belief in a Higher Power. So we get CRSPR experiments.

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"... the FDA requested more data to support including female patients of childbearing potential."

The implicit premise here is FDA says, "Sure, go ahead - experiment on fertile human females. Send us what you find out."


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There is no evidence that Jeffery Epstein didn't hang himself either. Just a lot that is missing.

I thought that crisper technology wasn't as exact as portrayed. Am I mistaken?

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I meant Hungary, not Czech. Also what he did in WWII attempting to get Jews into the camps by pulling the out of hiding. He was not much more than 10 yrs old under his father's tutelage. Most in the US who don't research, don't know the horrors he has caused all over the world. His son is worse.

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