Every morning I wake up hoping the previous 3 years were a nightmare with scary clowns in it. I guess this is the new reality. The scary clowns are running the government and all public health agencies.

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There is an agenda being pushed by a cabal that has nothing at all to do with health. This is an assault, and the sooner people realize that these agencies are an enemy, the better. We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Your snarky synopsis made my day! Here's hoping the uptake for the fall COVID vax is even less than that of the bivalent booster...

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Maybe they missed the memo, people's lives have been destroyed from the shots.

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Why are they saying it is over? Geert Vanden Bossche says there is still a full probability of a lethal variant arising among the jabbed. Karen Kingston reports today that Pfizer says a full third of the jabbed had side effects. Do the jabbed have such weakened immune systems that they will drop as soon as a new 'pandemic' is announced by WHO? And *them dropping* will be blamed on the new disease rather than the mistakes of covid jabs? I suspect the more they say covid is over, the closer we are coming to that next release. Thank you Dr Nass, I no longer have the stomach for these presentations.

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Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Meryl, you might be interested in this tribunal of Dr Trozzi....I am not going to lie....it's VERY hard to sit through this and not punch a wall.......

"Ontario ER physician, Dr. Mark Trozzi, steadfastly stuck to his oath to protect his patients but now faces the loss of his medical licence as a 7-day tribunal hearing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) begins Tuesday, June 13 @9am. To watch the tribunal, email tribunal@opsdt.ca to receive the zoom link. "

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Anything coming from the Medical Industry I take with a grain of salt. It should drop the word medical and put in The Mercenary Industry...which was set up by J.D. Rockefeller over 100 years ago to operate in this manner. It knows almost zilch about health and healing, with the most important course most doctors take in med school being accounting. The AMA was promoted by Rockefeller to sell his patented petroleum-based drugs. He got doctors to join by promising them higher income and prestige...nothing about better care for their patients. Vaccines have not been proven to even work....and many are losing any trust they once had for those whose incomes depended on dispensing drugs and vaccines. It looks like its all about the Science of money???

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VA still pushing covid shots giving veterans one more chance to die for their country.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

I listened/watched some of the dribble that constituted this Zoom type meeting. ALL of the participants are platinum card holding members of the “Vax-for-all, all the time” industrial complex. The main thrust of the convo was ‘geez, do the words 2023-2024 or periodic give the wrong impression of our campaign, or should we call it a campaign at all, because people may confuse it with the flu vax, and we don’t want that to happen, ‘cause we don’t want to confuse a seasonal vax with a vax that, we’ll, we don’t know if it’s seasonal or not yet, so ...’ . Really, these people are so entrenched in their clueless perspectives they wouldn’t know a cough from a sneeze.

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Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023

Thanks for watching the meeting, I couldn't bear it. How long do they get to claim ignorance? I hope the dead haunt them.

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The Bivalent vaccine barely worked you say? It doesn’t work at all!!!!!!!’ It only harms and kills, PERIOD!

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Yes. Many. But I cannot vouch for their accuracy

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All the Americans should sue pfizer, CDC and FDA.

We have no other choice since they are not listening to us

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Meryl: Dr. Reid Sheftall here; fellow MIT grad (physics, '78), general, plastic, and congenital cardiothoracic surgeon, 1st to set the world straight on the IFR (in parallel with Drs Levitt and Ioannidis), first to claim the lockdowns were the exact opposite of what needed to be done and why, first to warn about viruses getting in the blood and going to distant organs with CD8 T-killers doing cell destruction there, the only person to show we reached herd immunity to the Wuhan Strain without a single person fully-vaccinated (1/11/21 even though the MDTV Mafia said we needed 90% of the population vaccinated to reach herd immunity), first to show (using calculus) the vaccines weren't blocking transmission (1/15/21), etc.

The government and JHU said there were 1.1 million total deaths in the US by 1/1/2023 but there were only ~145,000 deaths total in the three years and that was "with" and "from" covid AND included the ~50,000 deaths- 25,000 in NY alone- resulting from the 5 governors sending the vulnerable back to nursing homes to keep ICU beds open (which was never needed- the hospitals were relatively empty, that's why mercy ships turned around and went home), and iatrogenic deaths from ventilator use, Remdesivir and neglect (some hospital patients dies of dehydration!.) ~35,000 of these iatrogenic deaths. That leaves about 60,000 or 20,000 per year for 2020, 2021, and 2022, equivalent to three mild flu seasons. I proved all of this in my book.


I'm very upset about what they did to you. Ask your lawyer to contact me. I'll help in any way I can: Rsheftall@alum.mit.edu

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I hope we get accurate numbers of those who take the new vaccine. Hopefully it's at least as low as the number that got the last one. I want a reason to believe that there will be more non-compliance in the next pandemic.

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