So are we all waiting for the day the US will get and stay out of the UN and WHO forever!

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We in Fascist Governed Australia wont out of the Who ,WEF and UN as well. But when you have Spineless paid off Corrupt politicians and Health care Professionals it seem but a Dream. But Miracles do happen and Trump hopefully is the beginning.

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Would that be Elbow and PH? When you vote for your next party later this year, not much options I'd say - perhaps Pauline is the best bet?

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I agree with you Norman, as an "Aussie" to my core. I invite your attention to a book just released by Trevor Loudon, called "Comrade Prime Minister". If you are not already aware, it will knock your friggin socks off. I suggest going to amazon and search the title, it is there already now. Trevor did a "spine chilling" interview with MelK, it can be seen here if interested. https://rumble.com/v67os74-mel-k-and-trevor-loudon-infiltration-instead-of-invasion-1-9-24.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The%20Mel%20K%20Show

The whole of Australia NEEDS to know this, (Trevors speaks at 12 minute mark to save time)

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Interesting take by Trevor Loudon. However, I think it is worse than that. Morrisson and Hunt (Liberal) forced these killer jabs on the aged care sector and gave the states a green light to sterilise, maim and kill Australians with the mRNA bioweapon jabs that were never tested as a vaccine and would have failed if they were properly tested. A lot of politicians and their health bureaucrats should be charged for crimes against humanity.

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Peter, I COULD NOT AGREE MORE MATE!! I have "lost it" at several lectures when speaking to people about all of this, and one of my main passions is EXACTLY AS YOU SET DOWN. I have stated (or yelled to be more precise) "both Morrison and Hunt among MANY others should be in friggin Jail". They both stood before us (the People they were employed to protect) and LIED. They stated (as you well know Pete) "these vaccines are safe and effective, blah blah blah". And People died. And Peoples Lives have been ruined. And People Families have been split as a result of this horrendous event in Humanity. I am in discussion with Dr Mike Yeadon on this very same subject, and I believe We need to bring these people before the Courts Globally. Thanks again for your comments Pete, I will settle again and finish my morning coffee. Stay well Pete.

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Just briefly Pete, I thought it might be better and with more logic to know that I am the Founder of https://theWILLofAustralians.com.au

We were active in UNITING The People of Australia to many Thousands then along came covid and it all kind of stalled. I am keen to get it back and operational again (in response to Many requests). Just thought it might be of interest to you and Meryl if She was interested as well.

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That is a good dream. In my dream I also want total repeal of the Prep Act, and the 1986 Vaccine “safety” act, though I am not sure the proper procedure that is necessary for that. And while we are at it let’s repeal the Bayh-Dohl Act. Then after that dismantle the public health laws and decouple health from the DOD.

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Congress repeals laws. Usually Congress amends them. Do I have any readers who can suggest how to amend these laws?

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My sincere and number one wish in this moment is for all your dreams to come true. No One deserves it more than you and the rest of us would sure benefit from this one!!

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Amen - depart the WHO and never look back (actively lobby other countries to do the same).

Depart the U.N.

Depart the Paris Climate Agreement.

Depart NATO.

Bring all troops (including the armies in various countries that have been there since the 1960's.

Exit Ukraine.

Exit all support of the nation state calling itself Israel and join the international court in condemning the genocide.

Renegotiate any and all treaties with foreign nations with a view to mutual constraint, and to commerce that is mutually beneficial (tariffs are NOT a solution - they will break our already failed economic system).

End the Federal Reserve bank (here and urge other countries to do the same) and reestablish a constitutional treasury-issued, gold, silver or precious metal-backed monetary system.

Declare a debt jubilee.

Scrap all 3 letter (or 4 letter) agencies and create a minimal federal governance that is soley focused on Constitutional prescribed activities -- leaving the sovereign state who granted limited powers (only those enumerated!) to the Federal Branch.

Reverse ALL executive orders and install term limits, having a robust new set of (regular people, not professional politicians, attorneys and hucksters posing as politicians who are owned by their special interests and not their constituents).

Declare open war on anyone who is not a citizen and is residing here without due process (green card, pursuing citizenship through channels). Locate and export them to the other side of the southern or northern border (that is our only obligation - they're not here legally).

Expose the corrupt U.S. Inc corporation (and all those formed by the stat, local, county and governmental bodies that have pilfered tax dollars and invested them and do not report them as assets to their constituents, who are always asking for more revenue, because all they track is that and the attendant expenses.

Dissolve the Decalration of North America and abandon the plans to reorganize the American continent as a region in a global government (the inclusion of Canada, Mexico, Panama, etc. is part of that plan and Trump is following it to the letter).

Impose a mandatory, punitively enforced prohibition on any nanotechnological development, application or use of any kind, and make it retroactive to include any and all existing "vaccines", prescription drugs, anesthesia, etc.

Establish a freedom of choice for all medical care that enabled citizens to choose fomr all forms of helth care and break up the allopathic practices, the pharmaceutical companies and the supporting mechanisms that have promoted western medicine over all other forms of health and healing modalities and practices, and promote those practices and methods that provide true healing, wholeness and well-being.

All courts to revert to common law. "B.A.R" - registered attorneys to be re-trained and re-tooled so that the fake legal system now in place is abolished and true law can be re-established and implemented everywhere.

All DEI, ESG, Equal Opportunity laws and practices are repealed. Meritocracy is the reinging method for determining who is qualified too move forward and to be hired for a particular job and who comes in second, third etc., place and needs to improve. All critical-based laws and practices to be discontinued. It can be discussed and if there is demand, taught in universities as an alternative to truth, but it is not welcome as part of the administration of the affairs of this country (or any other).

Create a transparent disclosure process that enables auditing of every 501c3, etc. entity and determine which are truly fulfillng a legitimate charter and which are nefarious and supporting attacks or resistance to rule of law in our country and abroad.

Restore all monuments, edifices and historic sites to pristine condition as a a sign of respect for those who toiled before us and who, although imperfect and flawed in some ways, were part of the story of who we have come to be and must again be to truly survive and thrive.

Release all prohibitions on religious dissemination of truth. Repeal all "favors" granted by virtue of 501c3 charitable status (they pay taxes like every one else and that includes property taxes for ownership of land, building, etc.)

Establish a template for a flat income tax and specific designations of its use once collected from businesses and individuals, organizations, etc. (no exemptions or caveats).

Establish a strongly urged template for all states to consider in resetting income, real estate, sales and other use taxes so that people and businesses can once again thrive.

Eliminate Federal dollars being handed to State with strings attached. Either eliminate reliance on Fed funds altogether or remove the onerous unspoken implications that today accompany receipt of them.

Completely disassemble and prohibit the use of any voting machines in any and all elections throughout the country - all to be done on paper ballots and hand counted by a designated committee then audited by an independent appointed organization.

That's day one -- we can look at day two as time permits. Term limits? Yes. Investigations and convictions of those who have engaged in treasonous activities opposing the government -- absolutely. Retroactive punishment for all who have supported (policy-wise) undeclared wars, presence of U.S. military as occupying forces in other countries and who have used the CIA & FBI (which will be abolished) for domestic and foreign espionage and actions against the U.S. and other governments to be investigated and punished.

Lets talk more about what the true purpose of an independent, sovereign nation state is and what our role in the global enterprise will be going forward. WE can do this if we are not divided, hostile and bitter and looking only for our "side" to prevail.

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YES, *and*

In Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework ,


Corey Lynn explains the control framework whereby the Bank for International Settlements enjoys sovereign immunity.

But according to 22 U.S. Code § 288 - “International organization” defined; authority of President,

“The President shall be authorized, in the light of the functions performed by any such international organization, by appropriate Executive order to withhold or withdraw from any such organization or its officers or employees any of the privileges, exemptions, and immunities provided for in this subchapter”

and this would include

Immunity from search and seizure of property and assets, wherever located, and by whomsoever held

Archives are inviolable

So basically, we need a President who is willing to do this.

This question should be put Donald Trump.

Is he willing to Raid the Laundromat?

He can withdraw immunity from the BIS with an executive order.

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The BIS probably has immunity in Switzerland, as does GAVI. Please show me where it has immunity in the US.

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"Almost immediately after World War II, Congress passed the International Organizations Immunities Act, which was signed into law on December 29, 1945. This established immunities, privileges, and tax exemptions for international organizations that might not be considered international organizations under the rules of international laws, such as the Global Fund, for example.

What defines a qualifying “international organization”? The IOIA states: “For the purposes of this title, the term “international organization” means a public international organization in which the United States participates pursuant to any treaty or under the authority of any Act of Congress authorizing such participation or making an appropriation for such participation…”

Once the IOIA was passed, it was by the authorization of the President(s) to grant these privileges to international organizations by executive order. The President also has the authority to condition, limit, or revoke the designation. Whereas, there have been a few that received limited privileges, there does not seem to be any that have been revoked,"


Is Corey Lynn wrong? I doubt it.

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"What could possibly be the attraction of clearing US Treasury futures through London? For the U.S., nothing: this is yet another story exposing the hidden hand of London manipulating the internal and foreign policies of the United States."

It starts tomorrow: people vs. the banks

The U.K. could be in for a bumpy ride...


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Remember, the WHO is but a pimple on the butt of the UN who is doing the bidding of the BIS, other central banks and the WEF/NWO death cult.

We need to expunge the UN from the USA.

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I am with you, I wish and hope for the day that ALL nations leave WHO and WEF! Also I wish and hope for the day USA and Israel are thrown out of UN and no longer have any control over them because right now they have no respect for International Law yet shout and rant human right, freedom and democracy! Sheer hypocrisy and double standards.

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This is what is meant by a "wolf in sheep's clothing." An arch-criminal hiding behind buzzwords. The British excel at this btw. They have been fostering occult deception on the world for 500 years.

Please see this:


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yes absolutely we need to exit the who and seize their assets under RICO

but ultimately getting out of the who is futile unless we also repeal the model state public health emergency statutes


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While I have written about the disaster of MSEHPA since 2001, your "futile" comment is ignorant.

There is plenty to be done, much more than these two items, and they do not depend on each other. Instead of bickering about what is futile, why not try working on the fixes like some of us?

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maybe i am ;)

tbc i'm not criticizing the herculean work you've done. just that we need to do this on multiple fronts

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Here is the full Strategic Prepardness and Response Plan which was build up from January until 15.03.2020. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/strategic-preparedness-and-response-plan-for-the-new-coronavirus

On the 16.03.2020 Austria was the second domino stone of getting into lockdown after Italy.

Economics were sure, Corona is a war against a virus and western world should follow the China way. https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/coronavirus-good-and-bad-policy-response-by-hans-werner-sinn-2020-03/german

And the R&D-Blueprint. https://web.archive.org/web/20200620055748/https://www.who.int/blueprint/priority-diseases/key-action/Coronavirus_Roadmap_V9.pdf?ua=1

And the Strategic Update from middle March. https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/covid-19-strategy-update

These are only the R&D strategeties and agenda’s of WHO, it was a very strategic roll out of adapting the world into planetary management as a whole system approach from UNO, OECD, IMF, Worldbank.

The first global revolution, which was written in 1991.

Heavy stuff.

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Leave the WHO!

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“Jeremy is the current brains (and Wellcome Trust brawn) at the WHO. Is this a man we want to support? Is this an organization the US can trust and benefit from?”

No freaking way!!! 🤷🏾‍♂️

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I share your Dream.

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Thanks for all the info in regard to this chief scientist in the WHO. With a background like his, its easy to understand that the sooner America gets out of the WHO the better. Tedros and all under him are as corrupt as he is, otherwise, he would never have been chosen to be Director. We must stop sending American taxpayer dollars to foreign countries. We have great needs here in America that are not being met.

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Two EOs would be great

1-all previous EOs cancelled

2-no more EOs ever again

Take the EO pens away from these powerful peps.

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