Lets face facts. If you provide enough money to criminals, you can literally market, profit from and mandate poison to children. They used the ample money we gave them to protect our health, to kill and injure us.

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“This has caused concern among healthcare professionals, with some studies claiming that overreaction by regulators may have led to a decline in industry standards (1, 2).”

May have...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

May have led to a decline in their already low standards, corrupt practices, and illicit dealings?

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Nailed it!

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I like to say: the bar is on the floor at this point. its just laying there and its a free-for-all

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as Bret Weinstein recently said "at this point, i wouldn't go to a doctor for a broken arm!" i see a return to herbal tinctures, splints and home remedies.

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Hey, I GOT RID of my high blood pressure in just DAYS going to a very experienced and well-trained old-country-style acupuncturist who's a master herbalist and taking the herbal teas and remedies. This, after being scolded by my M.D. who told me I would be having a heart attack or stroke in the next five years, and wanted to put me on amlodipine, a drug that's causing swelling of the ankles in one of my friends who's taking it-- well, that is is kidney damage. No way, Jose. I'm sticking with my L.Ac. (no pun intended... heh heh..).

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exactly! you are almost always better off NOT following doctors' orders and going with your gut. and that's the problem- imagine a world, not too far off, where only automatons are doctors, only the brain dead ones who follow CDC "guidelines" to push whatever the latest drug their overlords at big pharma want them to push. imagine mandated blood pressure and cholesterol levels- if you go one point about the "desired" number, central control is notified and a drone comes to your location and forces a pill down your throat.

imagine losing all the knowledge of herbalists, acupuncturists, etc and only having one world medicine as designed by klaus schwab and bill gates?

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We don't have to imagine that world any longer, it's already here... but not all M.Deities are ghouls. My latest lipids test show I have higher HDL at 54 and lower triglycerides at 167 out of something like 800 on the high end. So, according to Pradip Jamnadas, M.D., a cardiologist and cardiosurgeon whose dietary protocols I follow, that's what you want--but if it's the other way around, you WILL have a heart attack or stroke. Dr. J is also east Indian of Hindu background and recommends daily meditation. Bill Gates is a dinosaur and he will go extinct in the next five years as more people stop feeding that little TROLL. "Trolls that don't get fed die." That's a quote from Robert Malone. Don't feed their damnable system in general and it's a boycott. That said, my eye doctor save d my sight after an accident. Good docs ARE out there, you just have to follow your gut.

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Johnson & Johnson didn’t provide safety information with their shots because they expect people to seek the latest information online. Interesting. I thought “doing our own research” was part of Vaccine Denial and very bad and foolhardy. Hmmmm.

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when they block anything other than "safe and effective" from every social media platform amd search engine its kinda hard to get any real information online. J&J knew that the only thing online was propaganda pushing the jabs, snd no true information was reachable for most of the public thanks to tech and governmenet run intereference.

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When asked for comment, J & J spokes-shill said, “we’ll, we tried’, shrugged and walked off.

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“And to clear up any confusion, by saying we tried we actually meant did nothing”

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If they were honest, they would say these things. I can’t believe people still trust these outfits.

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I claim a moratorium on Emergency Use Authorizations would serve the public interest.

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I think we've misunderstood the meaning of EUA. It seems to mean their approved use is to CREATE an emergency.

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They brainwashed people into believing that cancer patients were denied effective treatments due to the bureaucratic safety testing. Yes, we all know how government is bad at everything it does. Worse, there are real examples of low-profit treatments being suppressed. So we *know* they are corrupt and possibly psychotic, and yet we still give them total power with these emergencies....that they actually created.

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Gov't is really good at one thing: killing.

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An Ayurvedic proverb: When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need.

If we all eliminated dependency on processed foods....big business again, we'd feel confident in our health and not be 'feared' into vaccines.

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When was the last time these clowns proved there was any medical emergency? Were people dying in the streets? It's all theater for the FDA and CDC to justify their putrid existence. They have outlived their purpose, if they ever had one other than to cater to big pharma's demands.

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Normalizing “emergencies” to keep the fraud going. It’s all about money and control! You don’t matter. This is what happens when we the people let government grow this big. Wake the hell up people!

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Government can be a force for good in an actual democracy or republic. The key is to keep money out of it. Corporations are not people and money is not speech. The Revolution was as much about the British East India CORPORATION as it was about King George III.

Work toward a Constitutional amendment that makes that clear.

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In short, the informed consent rules don't actually apply to "EUA" products. "EUA" is a DoD concept. See Katherine Watts Substack and Saysha Ladpovdova's for long details.

So yes, the fact that they are increasing the amount of "EUA" requests is concerning- basically they are trying to (purposefully or otherwise) get rid of proper informed consent. The next question you ask yourself, should be, "Why?".🤔🤔🤨

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It's probably not new to see a market wide outcome line up with a hidden network of cash-incentives that influenced millions of household decisions at the kitchen table... but its messy to sort them all out -- they came in different shapes. To HCP's: cash incentives were disguised as not-losing a job. But worse: it was not losing all/any job in the future. (pulling med license). That can make a good person do bad things.

For healthcare consumers: loss of job, and (worse) benefits. Terrible treatment by a representative govt.

I'll end with my question: why is this EUA still active? The damages to meaning of term 'emergency' are beyond repair already

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Certainly the regulatory capture is complete. But to compound our problems further, the DoD is running cover behind the scenes and planned the whole damn thing from jump.

The courts are captured as well, but if they weren't, there is no standing against what was set in place.


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This is all happening because "Big Pharma Billy" Gates has declared the years 2020-2030 to be The Decade of Vaccines... "the better to harm and kill you with, my dear."

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I reckon he lied - he doesn't intend to take a whole decade for the mass cull. The damage will be done & dusted by 2025.

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44 minute mark. The DOD ran the whole COVID operation as a counter measure war... The FDA has no authority and is just pretending.


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Are we all so sure that drugs were "safe and effective" even before the covid vaccine proved they are not? As someone who has used only natural medicines for my entire 72 years, I have always known that drugs often have more serious side effects than treating the same issues with natural alternatives. Anti-vaxxers, of whom I am one, always knew that no matter how good the specific disease reduction might be from the vaccine, the harm from the adjuvant can cause significant injury.

We know how much trouble is caused by blood thinning drugs, blood pressure and blood sugar regulation drugs, mood altering drugs et al. The evidence has been there forever that none of these drugs is safe (although some might imaginably be effective). We have a mental blind spot in our entire mainstream medicine infrastructure that has reduced medicine from effecting cure to managing symptoms. And that management of symptoms more often than not causes new diseases that also need management. When I now see a doctor, I ask for cure - of whatever has sent me to a doctor that I have not managed to cure on my own behalf. They look at me stunned. The word CURE is now one of the most dangerous four letter words in the English language. You can almost see the poor assailed doctor making the sign of the cross between you and them, as they scream internally and hate you with their eyes.

Why are we so surprised now that doctors have entirely sold us down the drain with covid? They have been doing it for at least my lifetime, not to this extreme, but pretty bad nonetheless. What doctor does no get their customer on life time medications given half a chance? Cure is bad for business.

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Then I watched this. The floodgates, are more open than ever.


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