After governments knew (by 8/1/21) that COVID vaccines did not prevent transmission, there was no reason to require them or the vax passports, which perhaps were the real reason to push the vaccines
I just got off the phone with an old college friend of mine that I haven't talked to in quite a while. He was a science major I was a business major. I feel at a disadvantage.
With regards to what's going on nowadays- I simply said to him the pandemic was a pretext to give a vaccine that more than likely was meant to reduce the world population. That's in a nutshell other words, there was no pandemic/virus -they couldn't pull it out of a corpse -there was no proof. It was a lot of Hysteria, made up, by the way -AND they blackmailed people (take the jab or lose your job- lose your career) to take a vaccine- adults that is- and that they gave vaccines that were untested to little children and that people are dying from them.
He rejects everything I said above. He said I know someone that died of covid he had the flu and then a couple days later he died. He said I got the shots, all of them, and I'm not Dead (he's 60). Then he went on to say "this is 2 years now, if someone got the vaccine 2 years ago, wouldn't they be dead by now?".
I basically said I don't think we can discuss this anymore let's just avoid this and agree that we shouldn't be talking about this because we can't come to any common ground at all... you believe the powers that be, and I don't. I said -you believe the elite the oligarchs and I don't. You don't like Donald Trump but yet Donald Trump is the one that brought us warp speed. Not that I liked Donald Trump.
I just don't know what to say ...I don't want to win. I'm not trying to win, but I think this person is perfectly deluded. I kept asking why are 18 year olds dying? why are young people dying from this vaccine? ...he doesn't have an answer. At the end I said I hope you're right I hope I'm wrong but I don't think that you're right (which means I'm not happy being right). It's so frustrating
We have to agree to disagree, as more information comes out it is unavoidable and the last of us will wake up the important thing here is to stick together no matter what because they think they can come at us again this time we have to say NO.
You're right, I wasn't doubting myself. And I understand he wants to double down because he doesn't want to feel foolish. I just thought why did it have to be him? He was the only trusted friend I had in my young life.
I believe many like your friend, way deep down, know what we are saying is true. Hence the stubborn refusal to look at any data. I tell people that every claim that I make is based on official government data. Let me show you. Crickets. The problem is, once bamboozled, people can never admit their foolishness. Keep in mind that many of these people inexplicably jabbed their youngsters, repeatedly. They also can’t reconcile how they treated dissenters along the way. They simply can’t face the outrageous evil that it takes to foist these “containment measures” upon people. “Ok, the government is perhaps incompetent, but they aren’t actually demons”. Think again sheeple. They all know many people who have at a minimum suffered grave consequences if not inexplicably died. I have a friend who calls the US Government a terrorist organization. He is not wrong. Yet all things Covid, the government was absolutely correct on everything. All failures are Trumps fault. He of course has no explanation as to why NC didn’t “end the Scamdemic” with masks. We had 100% compliance for the first year. He claims we did much better than other places. No idea what he is talking about. Surely some manipulated, surface level data. He desperately clings to the natural origin. I told him I could show him the email trail where Fraudci rallied “the experts” whom all favored a lab leak until the worlds leading serial killer directed them to do an about face and suddenly received huge grants from Dahmer, err I mean Fraudci. No interest. Same answer every time. “I don’t believe that”. All we can do for these fools is say something nice at their funeral. We will outlive them. The further and faster I run from “the experts” , the faster and stronger I get. At least now I know exactly what NOT to do. This started as a nightmare. But will end as a dream, for those with open eyes.
He kept saying how can thousands of healthcare professionals in epidemiologist be in this conspiracy? I said because they we're told what it was they didn't look into it and they want to keep their paychecks cuz they got to make their house payments this is about money. I just couldn't get through to him and yes I think his two sons got the job too multiple ones for all I know. Thank you very much my thoughts are so scattered I can't focus this is a very close friend of mine from college I'm very upset I knew when I got in touch with these people back there that that's how it was going to be they were all going to be like lambs to the slaughter and think I was kook
If nothing else - if everything we say is completely wrong - the powers that be were successful at dividing us. That in and of itself is such a tragedy. If I could have got to this guy in time before he got the shots, he still wouldn't have listened to me. Thank you though, thank you very much!
I have said these words to people. Right down to I hope you are right and I am wrong, but I really think I am right. Also yes after Mr. Warp Speed Trump had his shots invented AND continued to tout his disability/death shots LONG after Senator Ron Johnson panels of experts talked, long after little Maddie DeGaray and her Mother showed up and showed up and showed up everywhere for the world to see what the shots did, I have to logically question Trump's motives or I might as well be the brain dead zombies taking death shots too.
If everyone was immediately disabled and died after getting the shots then even the brain dead would figure it out. Not all the shots are the same. Not all are from the same company Not all have the same ingredients. If this conversation ever comes up again I would refer him to Howbadismybatch site. Some shots are worse than others. If he says well anyone can type anything in this site. Then how come they don't just have a site for medical professionals then to type in their thoughts?
I believe some shots kill your immune systems at different rates. It also may depend on healthy the individual was in the first place too, what they eat and drink after the shot. Lots of variables that could change the outcome of the shot. Is the cancer causing SV 40 in all the shots? We really don't know what was in every shot.
I applaud your ability to remain friends. Hard to lose a long time friend. Eventually he may wake up and see the light and you may have very well planted a seed to help him. Yep it is frustrating now, but we never always agree with anyone 100 percent of the time. I myself, if given the opportunity, would be sitting in a corner sucking my thumb arguing with former self from twenty years ago if I could. "Don't cave in and get that tetanus shot!" "But the doctor said I should." "But don't, it's poison, and anti-fertility and the doctor is either an idiot, trying to make money and/or a jerk. Just don't do it. " "Butttttt". "No buts, just don't!!!!" See what I mean? Myself from twenty years ago is really stupid. Sometimes I wonder how she ever managed to put her shoes on..
How long ago was your Peace Corps experience? The injections have different ingredients from those given decades ago. And they plan on putting all of them on the mRNA platform.
you might be referring to the SV-40 (Simian Virus 40) that contaminated all the polio vaccine given to the Boomers. The nickname of SV-40 is 'polyoma', meaning 'many cancers', as it induces carcinogenic changes to epithelial cells, which account for much of our cancer burden. Breast, lung, colon; it's a long sad list. Add in all the chemical soup in our food and environment, and we have little hope of a normal lifespan.
I gave up on hoping to be wrong about two years ago, probably when the ropewormies started getting pulled out of dead folks, and some still alive.
The scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape viruganda depopulation agenda is only plain to see for those who didn't take the self dulusion injextions
See Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea’s Substack—Humanity United Now.
My husband’s blood cells were destroyed by two shots. He got out of hospital in June 2023.
We continue to monitor his blood with microscopy.
Fungus has been a recurring problem. Recently so-called “self-assembling construction sites” have appeared.
Dr Ana and others are working on trying to destroy these invaders, but meanwhile she offers suggestions on how to remove/reduce them.
This is thought to be implementation of transhumaism. If I understand what she is saying, the vials/shots contained nanochips that are now populating the blood. Chem trails, contaminated water etc. are also being used to spread these predators(? What can we call them?) and the unvaccinated are also getting them.
Re CBC’s, they may be less necessary for evil-doers’ agendas than I thought. People who have been vaccinated have facial and other tattoos (visible under flourescent light) that will serve to identify individuals. Dr Ana also reviews these.
My family ignores my pleas to pay attention, and I don’t think they will come round in time. I read that if people follow MSM, they will not believe anything said by alternate media. And vice versa. That seems to be true.
I sent him one of her videos; he dismissed it out of hand. Ad hominem. I empathize with your situation with your husband and your family very very much ...thank you for your comment !
Yes! ... thank you very much. I also mentioned to him that if they made it too obvious if people dropped off right away than any idiot could figure it out. In conjunction with that line of thinking, what if he just received saline solution -a nothing injection? A placebo. But then again- he said he got - he said all the shots, I don't know what that means.
I would like to ask some of these people: then how did human civilization make it to this point without a man-made chemical to be injected in us to protect us and sustain human civilization?- it's so ridiculous.
I've sent him some stuff I think I'm bombarding him now. I took a screenshot of this comment and I'm going to give it to him in a couple weeks. Just in case he gets or considers more of these shots, my gosh
The Amherst Mass breakout in May 2021 proved beyond any doubt that any delusion of these bioweapons “ending the Scamdemic” was absolutely impossible. That was a CDC report. And yet the bobbleheads spewed their deadly lies on TV 24/7. Mandates came on the scene well over a year later, after the “efffectiveness” was FAR lower. They LIED over and over and over again. And people are STILL dying. End of story.
"...when enough capitalists have been weeded out, and tools like social media become ubiquitous and powerful enough, the balance of power begins to shift from the capitalist to the starving blog editors in their multitudes, and the integument of capitalism is burst asunder, like an eggshell cracking or an animal shedding its skin for a new one.
Attempts to prevent, forestall or control this is exactly why the “Great Reset”, the pseudopandemic, the climate scams, depopulation, medical tyranny, and related enclosures of the commons have been unleashed upon us. A covert world government controlled by centralized capital is already in place and we can at least be relieved that it is apparently not interested in an unrestricted and maybe nuclear world war."
Anytime you introduce a gene shot …into a living creature that then produces a protein..
it is gene therapy… it is NOT nor ever will be a vaccine…
The definition of gene therapy is in the paperwork of each company involved in producing these vaccines.. and some one in their legal department quickly drafted up the change in description in order to enjoy freedom from prosecution.
Only vaccines have the umbrella of immunity from prosecution.. gene therapy shots do not… there is no protection against liability… for any injection other than vaccines… period.
Just an analogy to help drive home the ridiculous notion that these shots do anything but destroy your life…. And peace of mind.
If you get stung by a bee.. the bee injects you with venom.. which causes your body to produce an immune response.. if you then get stung by another bee.. you are not immune from bee venom nor can you avoid getting stung at any point in the future…
This is also true of gene therapy .. it will not shield you from disease nor stop you passing on the exosomes you create once the spike protein sheds from your sweat and breath… you become a full time gene transporter… you spread what was put inside you by an unscrupulous company.. does that not make you angry?
The vaccine industry labelled all mRNA vaccines as gene therapy.. it’s in their papers…and that is what you submit to when you consent to being vaccinated… the trick they use.. is “they”
use your government to set up a delivery station.. and if you go under your own volition to receive a shot.. you did it without coercion.. even with the threat of financial consequences.. the industry will always use third party personnel to carry out the dirty work…
While they're at it. This is a good time to admit that although Russia was NO threat to the finnishie foolish fish in Finland, they will become one since these stupid fucks joined NATO Hato to antagonize Russia, who will be prepared to turn Finland into a place for for ants only if the offensive buildup against Russia proceeds, and words to Argentina too, to reverse course and avoid scAmerica input, lest the whole world be nought but one failed scam
Quite clearly that is obvious. This has been planned for decades. Check out the OECD, Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development from 1961. Or their 5 year POM plan, Program Objective Memorandum. Tell us something the citizens of the world are not aware of. Serve your leaders for their crimes against humanity period. End this madness. Talk is cheap
Most Governments worldwide seem to be into the promotion of these so-called vaccines; and they are in the UN. The UN through the WHO, is connected to these bioweapon labs. The WHO is supported by the UN...and the WHO is out to impose its "health" dictates globally. This includes the use of vaccine mandates, etc. These injections are injuring and killing people by the millions and .... these labs should not exist. What is the common thread in all these countries? Is it bringing down the population world wide?
All governments worldwide are connected to the UN and the WHO....and joined in promoting this so-called vaccine. The WHO is out to take over and push its health dictates on the globe. The common interest of all the nations...lowering the world population. Multi-millions worldwide are dead from these injections and many more have been sickened by them. It is now known that the Pfizer injection contained 2 Billion DNA fragments from aborted fetuses; and there are other hidden substances in them too. Pfizer said previously there was NO DNA in them. Our government has furnished one third of the UN it is totally involved in this fiasco too. When will this jig be up?
Respectfully — The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom: Nehls MD PhD, Michae— dr. Nehls offers an explanation that didn’t make me feel better but is worth reading if interested. ((apologies if i mis- posted twice))
I just got off the phone with an old college friend of mine that I haven't talked to in quite a while. He was a science major I was a business major. I feel at a disadvantage.
With regards to what's going on nowadays- I simply said to him the pandemic was a pretext to give a vaccine that more than likely was meant to reduce the world population. That's in a nutshell other words, there was no pandemic/virus -they couldn't pull it out of a corpse -there was no proof. It was a lot of Hysteria, made up, by the way -AND they blackmailed people (take the jab or lose your job- lose your career) to take a vaccine- adults that is- and that they gave vaccines that were untested to little children and that people are dying from them.
He rejects everything I said above. He said I know someone that died of covid he had the flu and then a couple days later he died. He said I got the shots, all of them, and I'm not Dead (he's 60). Then he went on to say "this is 2 years now, if someone got the vaccine 2 years ago, wouldn't they be dead by now?".
I basically said I don't think we can discuss this anymore let's just avoid this and agree that we shouldn't be talking about this because we can't come to any common ground at all... you believe the powers that be, and I don't. I said -you believe the elite the oligarchs and I don't. You don't like Donald Trump but yet Donald Trump is the one that brought us warp speed. Not that I liked Donald Trump.
I just don't know what to say ...I don't want to win. I'm not trying to win, but I think this person is perfectly deluded. I kept asking why are 18 year olds dying? why are young people dying from this vaccine? ...he doesn't have an answer. At the end I said I hope you're right I hope I'm wrong but I don't think that you're right (which means I'm not happy being right). It's so frustrating
We have to agree to disagree, as more information comes out it is unavoidable and the last of us will wake up the important thing here is to stick together no matter what because they think they can come at us again this time we have to say NO.
People have short memories when fear attacks one’s soul. I’m thankful for ALL THE DOCTORS, & medical teams who are even still pursuing truth.
You're right, I wasn't doubting myself. And I understand he wants to double down because he doesn't want to feel foolish. I just thought why did it have to be him? He was the only trusted friend I had in my young life.
I believe many like your friend, way deep down, know what we are saying is true. Hence the stubborn refusal to look at any data. I tell people that every claim that I make is based on official government data. Let me show you. Crickets. The problem is, once bamboozled, people can never admit their foolishness. Keep in mind that many of these people inexplicably jabbed their youngsters, repeatedly. They also can’t reconcile how they treated dissenters along the way. They simply can’t face the outrageous evil that it takes to foist these “containment measures” upon people. “Ok, the government is perhaps incompetent, but they aren’t actually demons”. Think again sheeple. They all know many people who have at a minimum suffered grave consequences if not inexplicably died. I have a friend who calls the US Government a terrorist organization. He is not wrong. Yet all things Covid, the government was absolutely correct on everything. All failures are Trumps fault. He of course has no explanation as to why NC didn’t “end the Scamdemic” with masks. We had 100% compliance for the first year. He claims we did much better than other places. No idea what he is talking about. Surely some manipulated, surface level data. He desperately clings to the natural origin. I told him I could show him the email trail where Fraudci rallied “the experts” whom all favored a lab leak until the worlds leading serial killer directed them to do an about face and suddenly received huge grants from Dahmer, err I mean Fraudci. No interest. Same answer every time. “I don’t believe that”. All we can do for these fools is say something nice at their funeral. We will outlive them. The further and faster I run from “the experts” , the faster and stronger I get. At least now I know exactly what NOT to do. This started as a nightmare. But will end as a dream, for those with open eyes.
He kept saying how can thousands of healthcare professionals in epidemiologist be in this conspiracy? I said because they we're told what it was they didn't look into it and they want to keep their paychecks cuz they got to make their house payments this is about money. I just couldn't get through to him and yes I think his two sons got the job too multiple ones for all I know. Thank you very much my thoughts are so scattered I can't focus this is a very close friend of mine from college I'm very upset I knew when I got in touch with these people back there that that's how it was going to be they were all going to be like lambs to the slaughter and think I was kook
you have soooo much company being unable to red pill a family member or friend. Your experience is nearly universal among us kooky anti-vaxxers
If nothing else - if everything we say is completely wrong - the powers that be were successful at dividing us. That in and of itself is such a tragedy. If I could have got to this guy in time before he got the shots, he still wouldn't have listened to me. Thank you though, thank you very much!
And epidemiologist not in ( I voice to text )
Thank you very much- everything you said rings true!
I have said these words to people. Right down to I hope you are right and I am wrong, but I really think I am right. Also yes after Mr. Warp Speed Trump had his shots invented AND continued to tout his disability/death shots LONG after Senator Ron Johnson panels of experts talked, long after little Maddie DeGaray and her Mother showed up and showed up and showed up everywhere for the world to see what the shots did, I have to logically question Trump's motives or I might as well be the brain dead zombies taking death shots too.
If everyone was immediately disabled and died after getting the shots then even the brain dead would figure it out. Not all the shots are the same. Not all are from the same company Not all have the same ingredients. If this conversation ever comes up again I would refer him to Howbadismybatch site. Some shots are worse than others. If he says well anyone can type anything in this site. Then how come they don't just have a site for medical professionals then to type in their thoughts?
I believe some shots kill your immune systems at different rates. It also may depend on healthy the individual was in the first place too, what they eat and drink after the shot. Lots of variables that could change the outcome of the shot. Is the cancer causing SV 40 in all the shots? We really don't know what was in every shot.
I applaud your ability to remain friends. Hard to lose a long time friend. Eventually he may wake up and see the light and you may have very well planted a seed to help him. Yep it is frustrating now, but we never always agree with anyone 100 percent of the time. I myself, if given the opportunity, would be sitting in a corner sucking my thumb arguing with former self from twenty years ago if I could. "Don't cave in and get that tetanus shot!" "But the doctor said I should." "But don't, it's poison, and anti-fertility and the doctor is either an idiot, trying to make money and/or a jerk. Just don't do it. " "Butttttt". "No buts, just don't!!!!" See what I mean? Myself from twenty years ago is really stupid. Sometimes I wonder how she ever managed to put her shoes on..
Thank you very much!
How long ago was your Peace Corps experience? The injections have different ingredients from those given decades ago. And they plan on putting all of them on the mRNA platform.
you might be referring to the SV-40 (Simian Virus 40) that contaminated all the polio vaccine given to the Boomers. The nickname of SV-40 is 'polyoma', meaning 'many cancers', as it induces carcinogenic changes to epithelial cells, which account for much of our cancer burden. Breast, lung, colon; it's a long sad list. Add in all the chemical soup in our food and environment, and we have little hope of a normal lifespan.
probable origins:
Long, but so worth t.
I have friends who are the same. But because it is a decades old friendship, we have agreed to disagree and just ‘do not mention the war’!
I’d like to be wrong too but it is not turning out that way.
I gave up on hoping to be wrong about two years ago, probably when the ropewormies started getting pulled out of dead folks, and some still alive.
The scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape viruganda depopulation agenda is only plain to see for those who didn't take the self dulusion injextions
See Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea’s Substack—Humanity United Now.
My husband’s blood cells were destroyed by two shots. He got out of hospital in June 2023.
We continue to monitor his blood with microscopy.
Fungus has been a recurring problem. Recently so-called “self-assembling construction sites” have appeared.
Dr Ana and others are working on trying to destroy these invaders, but meanwhile she offers suggestions on how to remove/reduce them.
This is thought to be implementation of transhumaism. If I understand what she is saying, the vials/shots contained nanochips that are now populating the blood. Chem trails, contaminated water etc. are also being used to spread these predators(? What can we call them?) and the unvaccinated are also getting them.
Re CBC’s, they may be less necessary for evil-doers’ agendas than I thought. People who have been vaccinated have facial and other tattoos (visible under flourescent light) that will serve to identify individuals. Dr Ana also reviews these.
My family ignores my pleas to pay attention, and I don’t think they will come round in time. I read that if people follow MSM, they will not believe anything said by alternate media. And vice versa. That seems to be true.
I sent him one of her videos; he dismissed it out of hand. Ad hominem. I empathize with your situation with your husband and your family very very much ...thank you for your comment !
Yes! ... thank you very much. I also mentioned to him that if they made it too obvious if people dropped off right away than any idiot could figure it out. In conjunction with that line of thinking, what if he just received saline solution -a nothing injection? A placebo. But then again- he said he got - he said all the shots, I don't know what that means.
I would like to ask some of these people: then how did human civilization make it to this point without a man-made chemical to be injected in us to protect us and sustain human civilization?- it's so ridiculous.
I've sent him some stuff I think I'm bombarding him now. I took a screenshot of this comment and I'm going to give it to him in a couple weeks. Just in case he gets or considers more of these shots, my gosh
This COVID scam has been the worst scam for controlling the population and we have been like lambs to the slaughter ❗and it appears to be continuing ❗
The Amherst Mass breakout in May 2021 proved beyond any doubt that any delusion of these bioweapons “ending the Scamdemic” was absolutely impossible. That was a CDC report. And yet the bobbleheads spewed their deadly lies on TV 24/7. Mandates came on the scene well over a year later, after the “efffectiveness” was FAR lower. They LIED over and over and over again. And people are STILL dying. End of story.
To answer your question: It's all about the CBDCs.
Central Bank Diabolical Conspiracies
not a theory
"...when enough capitalists have been weeded out, and tools like social media become ubiquitous and powerful enough, the balance of power begins to shift from the capitalist to the starving blog editors in their multitudes, and the integument of capitalism is burst asunder, like an eggshell cracking or an animal shedding its skin for a new one.
Attempts to prevent, forestall or control this is exactly why the “Great Reset”, the pseudopandemic, the climate scams, depopulation, medical tyranny, and related enclosures of the commons have been unleashed upon us. A covert world government controlled by centralized capital is already in place and we can at least be relieved that it is apparently not interested in an unrestricted and maybe nuclear world war."
The Bursting Integument
Cos there was nothing to transmit!
Anytime you introduce a gene shot …into a living creature that then produces a protein..
it is gene therapy… it is NOT nor ever will be a vaccine…
The definition of gene therapy is in the paperwork of each company involved in producing these vaccines.. and some one in their legal department quickly drafted up the change in description in order to enjoy freedom from prosecution.
Only vaccines have the umbrella of immunity from prosecution.. gene therapy shots do not… there is no protection against liability… for any injection other than vaccines… period.
Just an analogy to help drive home the ridiculous notion that these shots do anything but destroy your life…. And peace of mind.
If you get stung by a bee.. the bee injects you with venom.. which causes your body to produce an immune response.. if you then get stung by another bee.. you are not immune from bee venom nor can you avoid getting stung at any point in the future…
This is also true of gene therapy .. it will not shield you from disease nor stop you passing on the exosomes you create once the spike protein sheds from your sweat and breath… you become a full time gene transporter… you spread what was put inside you by an unscrupulous company.. does that not make you angry?
The vaccine industry labelled all mRNA vaccines as gene therapy.. it’s in their papers…and that is what you submit to when you consent to being vaccinated… the trick they use.. is “they”
use your government to set up a delivery station.. and if you go under your own volition to receive a shot.. you did it without coercion.. even with the threat of financial consequences.. the industry will always use third party personnel to carry out the dirty work…
While they're at it. This is a good time to admit that although Russia was NO threat to the finnishie foolish fish in Finland, they will become one since these stupid fucks joined NATO Hato to antagonize Russia, who will be prepared to turn Finland into a place for for ants only if the offensive buildup against Russia proceeds, and words to Argentina too, to reverse course and avoid scAmerica input, lest the whole world be nought but one failed scam
How many times were we told that Russia would not countenance having NATO on its borders
Quite clearly that is obvious. This has been planned for decades. Check out the OECD, Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development from 1961. Or their 5 year POM plan, Program Objective Memorandum. Tell us something the citizens of the world are not aware of. Serve your leaders for their crimes against humanity period. End this madness. Talk is cheap
See Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea. humanity United Now Substack.
The vials contained nanochips that were let loose in our blood. They are self-assembling construction sites. Transhumanism.
They are persistent and very difficult/impossible to remove.
The faces of people who have been vaccinated have tattoos that can be seen with flourescent light.
The unvaccinated are also exposed to these destructive forces in contaminated water, food, etc.
Most Governments worldwide seem to be into the promotion of these so-called vaccines; and they are in the UN. The UN through the WHO, is connected to these bioweapon labs. The WHO is supported by the UN...and the WHO is out to impose its "health" dictates globally. This includes the use of vaccine mandates, etc. These injections are injuring and killing people by the millions and .... these labs should not exist. What is the common thread in all these countries? Is it bringing down the population world wide?
All governments worldwide are connected to the UN and the WHO....and joined in promoting this so-called vaccine. The WHO is out to take over and push its health dictates on the globe. The common interest of all the nations...lowering the world population. Multi-millions worldwide are dead from these injections and many more have been sickened by them. It is now known that the Pfizer injection contained 2 Billion DNA fragments from aborted fetuses; and there are other hidden substances in them too. Pfizer said previously there was NO DNA in them. Our government has furnished one third of the UN it is totally involved in this fiasco too. When will this jig be up?
Vaxxed passports were a scam?
"Shazam!", Well Golly Sargent", "Sur-prise, sur-prise, sur-prise!", and "shame, shame, shame!"
Respectfully — The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom: Nehls MD PhD, Michae— dr. Nehls offers an explanation that didn’t make me feel better but is worth reading if interested. ((apologies if i mis- posted twice))