Dec 13, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Hello. A personal comment. I receive a lot of email from you. Honestly, I cannot read them all. However, I feel deeply that what you are doing, what your are trying to bring to light, is so important to all of us. You are, in your own way, in your own professional battles, a critical defender of the freedoms and rights that we all sadly take for granted. We indulge in a "luxury illusion" that we cannot afford. These rights are not assured or guaranteed. These rights need to be defended and protected with great vigilance. Thank you for standing for us. Keep sending out those emails!

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

As someone astutely observed, the WHO is proposing are an international, profiteering/racketeering platform, under the guise of a world health (wealth) initiative, for the benefit of a few, at the expense of the rest.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

this is a great list

but seems to me we should defund, withdraw and prosecute the WHO as a cartel under RICO (triple damages).

at this moment we could also prosecute as a terrorist organization under the patriot act, although i would like to see that dismantled

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Defund the WHO( World Hell Organization )

I’m very grateful to Dr. Meryl Nass for watching our & humanity’s back. These psychopaths want to eventually enslave all of humanity.

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Meryl, I got to break it to you! None of the treaties are Constitutional they all fail. The Treaty of Paris was signed by 4 Esquires. I've read several Indian Nation Treaties and they are all bogus. Consider this in addition:

We hold these truths to be self evident.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to

(1) dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and

(2) to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should

(3) declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Over the last 5 (five) years our ARTICLE I Section 1 social compact aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly has established these facts (docket numbers and proof of service at www.orsja.org) among many:

1. Oregon is the last of the several states of the Confederation and perpetual Union styled The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859.

2. South Carolina broke the perpetual Union for the second time, Rhode Island and Providence Plantation broke it first and returned, causing color of law, from 24 December 1860.

3. March 1861 the start of Martial Law later codified by E.O #100 and the Lieber code and later FEMA. Verified by the US Army still in effect 2018, except on Oregon.

4. Matthew Deady wrote 2 (two) Oregon history books, paid for by our Oregon legislature. Both were frauds, they deny Amendment 13 anti title of nobility thus giving authority to Lincoln’s Amendments 13 and 14.Both are bogus. Causing the paradox 13 TONA the Amendment is not and should be; ARTICLE VII (Amended) is and should not be.

5. ARTICLE VII (Amended) and (Original) November 8, 1910 was unlawfully added to our Oregon Constitution. Causing a de facto = illegal or illegitimate governance. Color of law, incorporated, subdivision of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. Government is not Incorporated.

6. June 2018 our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly established the 1st Amendment Assembly and petition for redress of grievances; ARTICLE I Section1 social compact and became the de jure provisional government on Oregon.

7. A Jury Pool was formed by de jure men and women; Grand jury 6 (six) times with Presentments and True Bills; Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction located in Amendment VII Civilian Court of record whose jury verdict has no appeal in fact. 5(five) times with the lawful elimination of 1 governor, 2 US Senators, 1 House Rep., 89 Oregon State legislators, , the entire judiciary, 36 Sheriffs, 42 executives by name. Oath breakers without honor unfit for a position of trust.

8. There is not one proper oath to the proper Constitutions with God Included among those required to have oath and bond. On Oregon.

Now it is up to you. We are not deceived. All those involved are hereby notified. If you want to occupy an office or position where an oath is required you will take a proper oath or be removed. Without proof of a proper oath you may not receive remuneration.

So, there is the felony, next comes misprision of felony, then accessory after the fact; which morphs into misprision of treason then treason without the proper oath to the proper Constitutions with God Included.

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Its not so much WHO as it is WHY. Why negotiate with the mafia?

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Dear Meryl, you must be one of the brightest en sharpest woman walking this planet; your insights are concise and sharp, always.

I do worry about the Geoengineering aspect as well.

It is a giant encompassing crime which makes us all terribly vulnerable.

The WHO has ties with it, no doubt, just like it has ties with the bio-gain-of-function industry.

We urgently have to start looking into the WHO - Weather modifications and geoengineering connections with gof - pathogen - applications.

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Hear, Hear! You are helping push this over the tipping point, Warrior Sister.

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The Constitution amounts to less than a speed bump....more like a punch line. These jokers are the personification of sinister. Tough to fight an assemblage of fiends bereft of soul....let alone a reflection.

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I think you asked the right question at the end of your article. Why would we ever give these people all these rights over us after what they didn't do anything right during the pandemic. And they mucked up royally on every imaginable section of the fear mongering campaign. I'm not sure how so many people believed this was a real vaccine of that it would work without the time it takes to develop a good one. Very happy I didn't take any. They didn't even keep good statistics on the gene therapy they gave to the planet. How are you supposed to develop a good system if you don't know what went wrong in the last one. I've never encountered a poorer run system ever. We cannot let these agreements happen.

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The masters club think they're going to wear us down. Tyrants do that. Then they get . . . . .

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That is one hell of a list. It raises the question, does our current government have any legitimacy at all? The whole international structure erected post-WWII appears to be a facade that the powers that shouldn't be ignore as they please. It is well past time to bring this out into the open. Bless you for what you are doing.

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Time to dissolve that Evil enterprise!

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Thanks for the fight for us!

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Sorry Meryl, may I respectfully point out that the WHO topic in this episode is now irrelevant because the WHO no longer exists! Here's why.

Edict of the People! Dated November 2023.

We, the world's population, have declared that since Bill Gates has invested enormously into the finances and therefore the CONTROL of the (now CORRUPTED) World Health Organisation.

This unelected organisation is now regarded as hostile to humanity and therefore ceases to exist!

The WHO is now obsolete!

We the people have declared the CORRUPT WHO finished!

Mick (Unjabbed to live longer)

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