STOP ALL SHOTS FOREVER. This is suicide of a civilization. The dogma that vaccines are beneficial and necessary was built upon bad science from the very beginning. There are still too many vaccine apologists muddying the waters. Homo sapiens never faced extinction for lack of shots throughout the millennia of known existence. However, these toxic bioweapons (and I do mean all of them) are clearly marching humanity to sickness, infertility and death, and their persistent deployment will create the conditions for extinction. I’m just stating the obvious… it’s my specialty.

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After humans discovered proper sewers/waste disposal and handwashing/hygiene nearly all plagues vanished...it was always poop, always... After humans started playing God with vaccines, a lot of mysterious new problems started including man-made chimera viruses created from "research"... We never needed vaccines...we just needed soap/water and sewers...

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You're not called, "Schooler" for nothing!

As a kid, growing up, I surely got a few "vaccines" but if I could do it all over again, I'd refuse if my parents would let me. They're ALL, and I mean AAAAAAAaaaall a scam. in my humble opinion, anyway. Wherever there's big money, the vultures will gather as my dad used to say. It's as simple as that really. Does anyone truly think that philanthropy has even a mite to do with big business or any of these agencies supposed to be "watching" the fort? This recent expose of mass destruction, right out in everyone's plain sight, blatant for all to see, and even QUOTE what the designers have to say, is an act of WAR, it's just as simple as that. How would you expect the Nation to react, if it were an actual bio-weapon developed in China, for instance, SECRETELY, wherein their population was given some form of protection, or antidote and a killer virus were unleashed upon us? Would that NOT be an act of "WAR" whether declared by them or not???

Personally, I think every single one of the perps should stand before a military tribunal for a short but sweet end to their campaign. And then THIS time around, let's please not make the SAME mistake again, but REMEMBER.....remember! Never forget! It's been said before, but we forgot.

God bless us in this time of trial and WAR.

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That is exactly correct 💯

ALL vaccines are scam.

All of them are designed to induce suffering and death.

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the president should NOT be acting as a salesman (or a customer for that matter) of a drug company

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I think they OWN him. He, and most of Washington, are an excellent object lesson in "The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil."

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He can certainly be a customer😎 In mho

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a customer for himself, yes. the more the merrier but he shouldn't be buying 170 million doses unless he intends to take them all

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So funny!

Great comment, Carolyn🥰

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Best comment.

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Maybe he’s got them in an IV drip

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Ahahaaha! Mine too! All four boosters to boot!

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That's great--my only comment is that at this stage of the game, no DOD biodefense contractor is going to do a study, much less report negative results of a vaccine study, if the DOD doesn't want it to. SO I am curious to know the story behind the story.

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Maybe we need to print more money to fund more tech to solve this problem. Maybe we need to implant vaccination devices in people to push an update to our immune system whenever a new biological threat is identified by very responsible people who love us and would never lie to us. 🙃

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Haha! The number of people who think this way astounds me. I would not have believed it if we hadn’t lived through the last three years in real time.

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If you want to know the Story behind the story, it's a very deep, dark rabbit hole to explore, but definitely worth the time. I never used to like history, especially as a student, when my question was always, "How does yesterday help me today?" I was never very bright, so I have an excuse.

Later in life, as decades came and went, I realized that I had better find out the truth as it had been claimed in the Bible. (KJV). The history of the Hebrew Nation, I learned, was a foreshadowing of the coming Messiah. Everything pointed forward to the Cross and His Crucifixion, prophetically. After His death and Resurrection, everything pointed backward to that same point in time. It was the most monumental Sacrifice ever forward and backward. Once this is accepted and digested to our ability, many other questions which one might have, come to follow and be made clear. Satanic beings, and the "father of lies" himself are actively manipulating circumstances and the minds of mankind to do his bidding. He desires to hurt the Savior's heart by hurting His creatures. i.e. us. And this is why we see so much killing, mutilating, baby sacrifices, etc.

I'm sorry for the long response, but how can one condense eons of time in a few paragraphs?


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My first thoughts as well.

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Hi Meryl, I think you mean "i.e." rather than "e.g." in your title. Keep up the great work.

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I always get those mixed up, too. I have a cheat sheet somewhere...

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I remember it because e.g. (“egg”) sounds kind of like egg-sample. Brilliant, I know! 🙂

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Truly brilliant!

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It's pretty easy; i.e.= in effect e.g.= example given

There's so many abbreviations, a cheat sheet would help me too!

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that is interesting indeed. it looks like this show is coming to an end. people have reached a vaxx tiredness point.

a key sale point of these vaxx has been that helps elderly, but does it really???

here are two different point of views, with mike yeadon providing arguments, whereas the first no argument just a statement, as in "trust science" fauci argument (whatever that means).


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I’m 66...once you hit 65 you are medically in the “elderly” category. People in their 60s are the same as people over 90, to big medicine. It’s ridiculous.

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They should put me in BADASS OLD MAN CATEGORY😎😎😎

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Everything suddenly becomes MUCH MORE DANGEROUS when you go from 64 to 65. Time to vax-up!

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an extra layer of protection as mr. science puts it ...

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I'm 63... I don't my last yrs w bells palsy.

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"Our data support a vaccine update strategy that future boosters should match newly emerged circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants".

Alternatively, with them all being similar to a mild Flu, why bother?

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But, but, but, they’re still talking about “future boosters”.

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When those in positions of authority and control, (including the Justice System) own up to every bit of what they have done, (their intention to conspire to CAUSE harm and DEATH) after disclosing the identity of their co-conspirators and abettors, and they stand in front of a military tribunal, and are sentenced to a quick death, and we all SEE WITH OUR OWN EYES THAT THEY ARE HANGING BY THEIR NECKS, maybe then a new system of truth, transparency, and justice will ensue. The swamp must be totally wiped out, and begin afresh!

My humble opinion.

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The surgeon general is going to be on a live q & a on www.aarp.org/coronavirus. Another push to get the elderly to take the shot. Their website is full of lies. Anybody that wants to join me in asking questions, it could be quite fun to see if he can take the heat.

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Meryl, is anyone looking into cures for the effects the jab has/is causing? So far I haven’t been able to see any studies that state this. I’d like to believe that the majority of humanity isn’t screwed. I know a lot of people who refrained from getting it are very proud to say they withstood the pressures. I’m not here to argue with anyone. All I’m saying is there are millions of people who were not informed (especially college students) that took one or two shots in 2021 and now have seen the alarming data. Surely there’s gotta be something to solve this problem or talking about this any further is really nothing more than a waste of time. It’s not like those who got it can go back and change it. It’s feel like it’s time to start looking for solutions rather than repeatedly saying “I told you so”.

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Sorry Meryl, but I think that, like the previous Swine Flu 'PANDEMIC' the Big Pharms 'cure (strangely called a 'vaccine') always was USELESS, ineffective and Dangerous. In 1976, Big Pharma conned the US government into issuing the a TEMPORARY 'Emergency Use Authorisation' (EUA). After 50+ POST VAX DEATHS were revealed the 'experiment was halted - deemed "too dangerous".

'TEMPORARY' seems to have been assumed as PERMANENT buy Big Pharma because somehow they still own this dubious entitlement to use their poisons without consequence. This time, it's not just 50+ US citizens that die from their PROFITABLE POISONS, but MILLIONS DYING - WORLD WIDE!

Ivermectin was the safest solution to (Fauci's man-enhanced bat Flu) Covid Scamdemic.'IVM' along with other pre-proven SAFE and EFFECTIVE anti-viral medicines have been used successfully for decades. Ivermectin has the Nobel Prize for medicine and is listed in the World Health Organisation in their 50 most important human medicines.

Ivermectin and other similar pre-Covid meds had to be made to 'DISAPPEAR' in order for Big Pharma too qualify for an FDA 'Emergency Use Authorisation' EUA).If other meds existed they couldn't qualify forb their DEADLY injections called 'vaccines'.

In financial collusion, the FDA/CDC and Big Pharma agreed that IVM and other pre-existing anti-virals had to 'disappear' and so they were trashed as being ineffective, dangerous and supposedly made for ANIMALS.IVM 9et al) anti-virals were 'rubbished' and Big Pharma got their EUA.

Then the carnage started - POST VAX injuries & DEATHS were very soon discovered and covered up by all concerned, and these casualties now number in the MILLIONS world wide.

It's all part of the New World Order's plan to depopulate the planet and tio use the injections to achieve this requirement.Those of us that avoided the CULL or perhaps survived the injection are destined to be SLAVES of the ELITE (WEF).

The ridiculous 'Covid Masks, Lock-downs, mandated Injections (mistakenly called a Vax) along with Public segregation (called 'social distancing') enabled new 'Laws' designed by The New World Order (WEF). simply to justify and maximise the DEPOPULATION CULL referred to as Covid 'vaccine'.

This will only get far worse because Bill Gates now 'owns' (by way of financial INFLUENCE) the World Health Organisation. He has just confirmed the appointment of his new CEO for the WHO. This manipulation further exacerbates Gates's influence on the WHO because the organisation is trying to usurp every Nation's Sovereignty on ALL decisions relating to human health.

This seems innocuous, but beware, this will enable the WHO to declare the next 'FALSE PANDEMIC'. Again, they intend to impose UNIVERSAL masking, UNIVERSAL Lock-downs, UNIVERSAL DEADLY INJECTIONS (mistakenly called 'VACCINES') and impose penalties (including financial and penal) on all that question their ulterior motives.

The WHO is the 'strong arm enforcer' of the New World Order which is run by the world's Elite under the guise of the World Economic Forum. Their self imposed leader Adolf Schwab states "The public will own nothing but they will be happy - eating bugs" (paraphrased).

Gates is part of the Elite Club and has publicly stated "VACCINES are the most lucrative investment I ever made". Gates also believes the planet is vastly overpopulated. Join the dots; More vax to further his enormous wealth, more vax-related DEATHS to satisfy his DEPOPULATION Goals, and the complete capitulation of all of us 'sub-humans' into Slavery for the Ruling Elite! Gates is buying up non-meat food production and is now the largest land owner in the USA! (more dots) which bizarrely, at this time, they are immune from all/any LIABILITY.

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None of them work...unless the goal is to enhance underlying disease and create new heart disease, strokes, and cancer...

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In the title, I think it should be "i.e.", not "e.g.". 🥲

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Why indeed. It's important to ask that question. If they are invested in public health, why do they refuse to look at the evidence of harms of this shot's precursors, which are likely to be replicated in the latest product. Why do they spend much less, rather than much more, time testing for safety and effectiveness. Why do they eschew simple, early treatments? Further, is there more than one reason, i.e. is it simply greed? Does greed explain it completely?

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IMLO, "No it cannot explain it completely" There is a line which MOST people, even those in super high positions of control and trust, would honor under "normal" circumstances. And so when we come to find out that in the deep dark recesses of cathedrals, (as one e.g. human sacrifices (usually young children or babies) are sacrificed in some devilish, bloody ritual, we MUST ask the obvious question, Is there a devil that promotes these things? Certainly, these things cannot be done in the open, or heads would roll! Secrecy is a tool that is evil, and effective. Secret societies are therefore evil, and should not be allowed to exist among us. But they're very crafty, having a devil at their helm, maneuvering the "ship" with great skill and patience. The "Jesuit" order, or the so called, "Society of Jesus" is at the top of the food chain of secret societies. They run the show, taking their orders from the "Black" (military arm of the Vatican) Pope. And they run the world, everything you can imagine, is controlled and run by this organization, which oversees all the subordinate organizations. So there you have it. The answer to your question is No, greed is not the causative factor which underpins these inhuman campaigns as what we are being subjected to now. But it's a fairly believable pretense.


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I am commenting late on this thread but it was on my list to read and I just got to it today. I have many questions that I do not expect anyone to answer for me but am rather just sharing my feeble attempts to follow and understand this.

It all looks rather circular and unscientific to me.

"or 15–32 days after a BA.5-bivalent-booster from individuals with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection and 2–4 doses of parental mRNA vaccine. "

How exactly do they determine a "previous SARS-COV-2 infection if the subject also had 2 to 4 does of parental mRNA vaccine?

Is not the PCR test judged to be no test at all for "SARS-COV-2 infection", and isn't the antibody test that replaced the PCR test derived from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine ?

I understand from reading this that the bivalent booster "did not produce robust neutralization against" the new Omicron subvariants.

So they booster injection was designed to or intended to produce or induce or is intended to produce or induce neutralizing antibodies but it was found to not do that.

So I understand that the antigen is found to the neutralizing antibodies that come from the regular mRNA COVID vaccine while developing the vaccine and then that makes possible the newer "Rapid antibody test "

Additionally there are at least 10 articles from reliable doctors, and scientists and journalists who document that SARS-COV-2 has never been scientifically "isolated." Dr. Lanka, Dr. Thomas Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman and journalist Jon Rappoport. So I find it hard to see how they can determine someone has had a SARS-COV-2 infection when it sure looks like such an infection is integral to the "COVID mRNA vaccine."

I also was trying to see what the relationship was between the Galveston Sealy vaccine research center is to the Galveston National Laboratory (GNL) - Level 4 Bio-safety Lab. I know both are part of the University of Texas Medical Branch and I worked for that entity for many years, years ago.

I also know that the GNL Level 4 lab was investigated to have had close connections to the Wuhan Level 4 lab.


Vaccines - Wuhan - Galveston National Lab - "programs to foster vaccine acceptance". Not a pretty picture to me.

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COVID variants in US evade bivalent vaccination by 3X to 13X – Cell Dec 13, 2022

Excellent chart is as https://is.gd/bivalentdec13

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