This is a much-appreciated update with good simple unquestioned data. What we call “obvious”, even a. “No-brainer”.

Alas, i know precisely what response my health-profession educated kids would make if i were to even mention the facts. It isn’t the facts themselves that matter, really. Its the subject matter alone. The topic. Once the mind is decided, the wall is up; there is a new phenomenon implicit here. A name for it eludes me despite attempts, many of them facetious, humorous or absurd.

Close-mindedness was never, in my 60 years, suddenly thrust upon someone.

No doubt child-parent competitiveness, or some such thing has a role. But it goes beyond just that. It isn’t just the naive wisdom of youth im seeing. These high-level functioning, intelligent people have slid down a slope that could only have been paved and teflon-coated by those covidian demoniacs running the world to its end.

Sorry to rant; i doubt this isn’t the only parent observing this yet un-named closemindedness confined mainly to the jab topic. Thoughts appreciated!

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Same problem here

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Gee whiz, thanks for sharing, Meryl.... makes me feel less alone & less like I’m a dummy at communicating! Very sad & eternally frustrating....❤️🙏

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Same here.

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It’s so shocking im 46 so not your generation but I only know about 8 people any age who have cottoned on to what’s happening. Intelligent people, thinking people, people who value the freedom to travel to think to talk openly - well on any topic but this and now gender and the proxy war and refugees. I’m at a loss to really understand it. I’m so disappointed turns out the globalists were right, they’re all stuck with the mentality of slaves.

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Political correctness has taken over! Proper speech matters more than truth!! It has been creeping since the Clintons foisted it upon us back in the 90s

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P.Corr. Is something i irreverently attempt to avoid whenever possible. For example, the customer is always right. Mr grocer guy will just have to suffer that gem of truth as his staff do.

Its great fun. Kick me out. Cancel me. Feather in my cap.

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Yes. Intelligence, IQ are nearly irrelevant, perhaps detrimental. My wisest prof told us that the worst thing the university could do to someone was to confer upon them a degree. An anointing of knowledge. That is, the very thing we sought as students( an open mind) could be shut forever.

It is the non-material things besides facts that matter in the mind and its proper use. Faith, hope, trust, in things unseen. The stuff Mom taught me. With such strength and confidence it fractured any attempt to topple it.🙏🏽

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Yeah the more educated, the more degrees, the more status the person person has; eg one of my friends is a doctor- used to be quite a rebel - a person who saw the injustices of the world -is just totally convinced by this. It’s jaw dropping in its absurdity. Can they continue to get away with it? The longer it goes on, does that mean the less likely they are to ever see the diabolical truth? Every day they swallow more of this outrageous bs is a shock to me; I keep thinking now come on this time they can’t not see it.... but oh how wrong I am.

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Sadly, the truth is such a heavy burden. Only one gentleman, i believe an older, seasoned Australian politician, sat on a chair, turned on the camera and very sincerely apologized for the societal carnage of lockdown. Now there were plenty of unforgiving comments his way, but most folks agreed with me that there are such things as repentance, suffering, contrition, absolution and forgiveness. Yes, im Catholic( the evil jesuit pope-hating kind)

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could seek justice patiently yet promptly, render fair civil judgment, and leave eternal judgment and punishment to God. To make up for the fact that We(I) slept while the demoniacs ran roughshod over civilization. We would have witnessed more brave people fessing up and working to emancipate us all. And ensure that Truth is never silenced nor cancelled ever again. So that even the high IQ folks could see the light.

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> Sadly, the truth is such a heavy burden

well said and true on many levels

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Jessica, I am not sure if they're "stuck" with the mentality", I certainly hold out some hope, but I believe you hit the nail squarely.

It's been propaganda and indoctrination for decades by virtually the same type /cast of bureaucratic, political, tech complex, corporate , perpetrators, merging into a National Security State/ now becoming a globalist security state by means of cronyism and monopoly for so long, it has manifested as a brainwashing

of convenience, versus breaking through to parallel systems that are egalitarian and free.

Those systems are not easy to attain, starting with the problem of our relationships to convenience, and relearning self reliance.

I will provide a link, if no one minds.

If you are not familiar with Whitney Webb, this might be a good conversation to acquaint yourself with her and in this case her writing partner for this piece she is discussing on TFTC podcast.

Discussion starts at 13:15 and addresses these issues and much more.


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You might enjoy Desmet’s book, “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” It helps explain what many of us have observed. I do disagree with the chapter on conspiracy theory. It seems obvious that there is a conspiracy but good points regardless.

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Thank you. My read was Ponerology: the Science and Origins of Totalitarianism. First hand account of the author’s freshman class in 1950s Poland from a budding psychologists view. Lobascewski studied and measured, as you and i are prone to do, the per cent of people who are “demonizable” or gullible believers in socialist gobbledygook. The main course served from a new prof who, for the author, became a lab rat for his own supereducation. The book, like The Gulag Archipelago, was written at very high risk.

You knew Desmet was over the target when the ad hominem accusations flew like wind.

Hey, you’ve heard of the new energy source: leftists’ heads spinning like windmills upon hearing another truth.

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I have to take issue with Desmet's book; stay tuned (shameless plug) to my substack for an in-depth analysis of what he's saying. https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/on-desmet This particular link is not what I have in mind; I'll be having a much more detailed look at what Desmet is saying in the near future. I'll demonstrate what he's actually saying, using his own words.

To install totalitarianism, one of the main ingredients is censorship and control of communication. This happened during Covid. The people who believe in the current propaganda simply haven't gotten off the mainstream news sources; that's really all there is to it. These news sources, as we all know, are being deliberately manipulated. The true believers trust the CDC and FDA and WHO, organizations which in their minds exist to serve the public. They trust The New York Times and The Atlantic. They believe that they're sophisticated and let's not forget that NPR is constantly warning us of misinformation and conspiracy theories.

So is Desmet. Desmet's chapter dismissing conspiracy isn't a fluke: that's his book in a nutshell. We did it to ourselves because we followed Enlightenment thinking and became addicted to a mechanistic ideology. We believe what we do, not because of massive censorship, but because we were all insecure and atomized prior to Covid, and Covid focused our attention and became an target for our anxieties. Then, you see, censorship can arise within the mass formation, but not prior to it.

Really? Is that what really happened? No one orchestrated a campaign of fear with the likely end goal of installing a system of vaccine passports?

In response to "ad hominem" arguments against Desmet, see this critique of Desmet's theory, full of factual references: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/11/investigative-reports/covid-19-mass-formation-or-mass-atrocity/?ref=Unlimited+Hangout-newsletter

Think about this: in our society the great threat to us is mass surveillance. China has already instituted this and the technological capacity to surveil is growing by the minute. Censorship + near-total surveillance= totalitarianism. End of story. Yet Desmet says virtually nothing about this because in his mind, no one is planning anything. There's no conspiracy, only naturally-occurring mass formation derived from Enlightenment thinking.

I'm not making this up.

The rise of totalitarianism is a political problem. Social psychology is then manipulated by those weaving a narrative that maintains their power. Thus, Dr. Malone, a huge supporter of Desmet, could say recently: "As we approach 2023, you are now completing and have survived the third year of the largest, most globally coordinated psychological warfare operation in the history of mankind."

For Desmet, there is no conspiracy. There is no orchestration, no "globally coordinated psychological warfare operation" whose aim is ultimately total surveillance.

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You might be absolutely correct. A lot what you are saying rings true. But can’t both things be going on simultaneously? I witnessed many people who think there actually is a way to control viruses because they believe that “science” is advanced enough to accomplish such a feat. Calling it “mechanistic thinking“ fit perfectly in my mind. People are so entrenched in this idea that “the science” has the answer that they have zero interest in looking into alternative media. They know the censorship is there and they are applauding it as an advanced way to move forward into the future. They aren’t even interested in any alternative view point to Anthony Fauci being the very definition of science.

The total blind obedience to anyone wearing a doctor coat and telling them how to solve the crisis at hand was astounding.

When I try to pinpoint who is driving it and what the conspiracy is, I feel like the proposed answers splinters into thousands of pieces. I watch a lot of alternative media and there is no end to theories on what is going on and the number or people who stand to gain money and power is a list a mile long. It actually makes some sense to consider that perhaps it is a sort of organic conglomeration of LOTS of people taking advantage of the situation. (And covid is clearly not the first “Emergency” that was used to usher in controls) And these dozens of bad actors’ plans aren’t all secret, which, Desmet points out correctly.

I appreciate your thoughts and I’m not exactly sure what I think of all this. My nuanced approach is that it’s complicated and many people can likely be correct at the same time but can be seeing things from different angles. The truth seems to be the most elusive aspect of everything happening since... forever.

I will check out your post. I’m sure it will be very interesting. Thanks.

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Desmet continually circles back to say that Enlightenment Rationality is the problem and this leads to totalitarianism-- almost inevitably, in fact. In one place he says something to the effect: totalitarianism is the belief that reason and logic can solve all our problems. This isn't true, but substitute "rationality" for "totalitarianism," and it is.

Reason and logic are tools. We can think of "the logic of" things-- the logic of building a house, of diagnosing disease, of playing a piano, etc., etc. Logic is a good thing. It's not an evil. There's a logic to concepts, too, and math is simply logical operations. "Mechanistic thinking" isn't bad in itself; the problem is when a few people decide what the greatest good is for the rest of us, and impose that logic on the rest of us. This is a political, not a psychological, problem. This imposition of a "greatest good" is what the Great Reset attempts. My fundamental position is that our greatest good is that we should each be free to determine our own greatest good within the broad constraints of the law.

I don't believe totalitarianism is what Desmet claims it is: the belief in reason and logic. What is totalitarianism? It's censorship of opposition and surveillance for obedience. It's true that people can surveil each other and comply, but this is born out of fear. Terror is always a component of totalitarianism. During Covid, the masses were afraid of Covid and compliant with the CDC and the WHO and Fauci because of massive censorship of views countering what these said, not because they were enthralled by mechanistic thinking and looking for a master.

I don't quite understand why Desmet is doing this; I'm re-reading and taking notes to untangle it. Is he simply confused? Or am I the confused one?

Consider that in a future society, we might all be happy and own nothing and the psychological goal of the state, justified by Desmet's writing, will be to prevent the masses from becoming anxious and lonely. According to Desmet these two things, present prior to Covid and taken advantage of during Covid, are all that's needed for totalitarianism to arise through a mass formation triggered by some fear, and for the masses then to look for a leader to alleviate their anxiety. Thus to preserve social order, no one will be allowed to be anxious and lonely (entertainment? Drugs? Sex and companionship on demand?) Everyone will be happy ... except those who threaten the narrative.

If I'm wrong I'll issue a public apology and re-subscribe to Malone's substack in order to state that apology there. This is a promise.

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I appreciate what you are saying here.

Here’s my two cents. I don’t think he’s saying that “enlightenment rationality“ is the problem. I think he’s saying that the illusion of enlightenment rationality is the true problem. People believe that it’s possible to control nature because some scientist somewhere has secured funding to make lots of charts and graphs to show exactly how we can control the climate, viruses, and anything else you might wish to control that really isn’t under our control. At least it’s not under our control in the way that we are told has been proven “scientifically” in our control.

For example, if you’ve ever studied the history of vaccines you would understand that it’s a lie that most viral pandemics were solved with vaccines and that human health has improved because of them. Most pandemics were solved long before the vaccines were rolled out from simple but profound changes such as clean water, better nutrition, a respect for pathogenic microbes etc. The “science” of vaccines is mostly fraudulent and the motivation for that fraud is hubris and money and of course the alluring draw of mechanistic thinking.

About anxiety, there is so much free for floating anxiety that it’s almost universal. There are people who need counseling for climate change. That number is properly dwarfed now for the number of people who need counseling for fear of viruses. The media makes a ton of money creating fear and then going on and on about whatever it is that you need to be afraid of that you never even would have thought of I’d you hadn’t turned on the tv. I blame that on the 24 hour news cycle. There is no way that anyone needs to watch corporate news for more than about a half hour to get the days news but that is boring and it doesn’t make corporate media a lot of money so it’s fear, fear, fear all the time has replaced a short synopsis. Of course corporate media is controlled by pharma and probably government (CIA?) so that explains a lot. But even if the media were not controlled by those two entities, there’s no real money in it unless people are afraid. Look what covid did for alternative media! It’s a boom! From fear of what’s actually happening.

Before covid was a thing, most people have been conditioned to fear microbes. This came about from germ theory being adopted by the medical community with wild abandon at the expense of a combination of germ theory and terrain theory. The reason this is so is because it makes the pharmaceutical and medical field a lot of money to blame illnesses on germs and provide medication‘s, surgeries, tests, etc. to treat the symptoms of the diseases ‘caused by all the germs‘.

It’s a fantastic business model and supports the pharmaceutical, medical, insurance, science and public health industry. And probably lots of other industries that benefit from those. I don’t think that was originally built into the massive debacle it is from the WEF. It just grows out of opportunity for wealth.

There was a huge campaign for several decades to trick people into thinking that science had cured most diseases with vaccines. This is of course a completely false notion but people truly believe that because they look at the charts and graphs and it’s a perfect way for the pharmaceutical company to force their toxic medications on healthy people as well as sick people so it works out well for them and the public swallows it hook, line, and sinker. To me, that’s the perfect example of mechanistic thinking. It’s the illusion of logic and truth. I think it is a conspiracy but it’s like a conspiracy running parallel to all the other simultaneous conspiracies that crop up for money and power.

And of course anyone who studies true health understands that if the body is not fed properly and cared for properly, anxiety is one of the (many) possible and probable unwanted results. My children graduated high school within the last six years or so and I don’t think older adults understand the astronomically high number of youth suffering from anxiety disorders. If you look at how people have eaten for the last couple of generations and how messed up their gut health is, it makes perfect sense that there is a serious epidemic of anxiety and depression and other mood disorders. There are other factors of course but poor diet is very causal and powerful. When you add to that physical and emotional effects of social media that most children are addicted to, it’s almost inescapable for youth and young adults. Add to that things like EMFs, poor quality sleep, stressful relationships at home and at school, and you have some serious problems with health and well-being on a massive scale.

For adults, people want good health yet the percentage of adults suffering from chronic disease is also massive. I personally believe that poor diet is the largest factor but there are many causes such as environmental toxins, chronic stress, financial difficulties, failed relationships, etc. This was a huge source of anxiety before the pandemic and since people largely ignore diet and lifestyle, it was a perfect fit and easy transition to transfer their anxiety towards a germ (and this selfish anti-vaxxers who just wouldn’t contribute to the collective salvation- those science-denying jerks!).

I could go on about preexisting anxiety but I really do think it was a huge factor.

People so easily believed that the vaccine makers were making a magical cure for all the hyped up fear that they were experiencing since the beginning of the pandemic, which was rooted in fear that was present before the pandemic. Most people did not want to hear that the answer is within their own power and has to do with personal responsibility of changing their dietary and lifestyle habits because that’s a very simple answer (stop eating processed food and be active) but also a very implementally difficult answer (give up fast, cheap, addictive and easy food and lifestyle). They wanted complicated (mRNA) and easy (injection). We will continue to be at the mercy of mechanistic thinking because it’s easier than facing reality.

My thoughts are kind of scattered but that’s a few things that I was thinking about while reading the book. Perhaps there is only a conspiracy and Desmet’s book has no value other than to shift the blame from the conspirators to the masses of victims but I think people really were looking for something to blame their anxiety on and they didn’t want to take control of their own health to the extent that they would accept free donuts in exchange for an experimental gene based “vaccine”.

Side note... we literally have an overweight friend who sent us pictures of getting his free donut after getting his “vaccine“. Tell me that’s the WEF’s fault. I could give multiple anecdotal examples of this kind of “trust the science” thinking that allows people to continue on in their unhealthy lifestyle while believing they are “safe and healthy” because of the “vaccine”. It’s very religious like (mechanistic thinking) yet they truly see themselves as completely logical because Mr. Science told them how wonderful and smart and selfless they are for ‘following the science‘.

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Inverted totalitarianism, explained by Sheldon Wolin, explains everything you said. Medical science has been captured by industry. Mechanistic thinking isn't the problem; corruption of science is. In fact I'd say that inverted totalitarianism-- which, by the way was an idea I introduced to Malone (he publicly thanked me for this) and which he then wrote a marvelous essay on about a week later-- is the true handle on what's happening today, and not the psychology of which Desmet speaks.

This corruption hasn't been caused by the anxiety and loneliness of the masses; in many ways, the corruption and abuse of science, motivated by commercial and perhaps political interests (WEF) and yes, a technocratic/mechanistic ideology held by many would-be dictators (but not, importantly, by the masses) caused any anxiety or loneliness that we see. The corruption was imposed on citizens through massive censorship of opposing views and the demonization of those views, via the capture of public agencies (inverted totalitarianism) that should've been serving the people.

I believe Desmet is putting the cart before the horse. He's saying that we, the people, are the controllers through our ideology, and then the would-be dictators follow (they take advantage of the situation.) Is that really true? Look at all the supposed "necessities" that followed on Covid, virtually none of which was actually necessary at all. Imposed on us. And alternative views were censored.

It was done to us. We did not do it to ourselves, we didn't self-hypnotize into a mass formation.

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We humans are ungovernable by others because we cannot govern ourselves. The moral codes bequested to us by based, spiritually-minded parents were designed to provide us with principles and the conviction to uphold them. And the wisdom to seek truth and avoid the vortex of lies swirling in the minds of those 20+% who would undermine and censor truth.

Your writings feed me.

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it is the height of political UN-correctness to ever use the word 'conspiracy' without the word 'theory' after it these days.

apparently conspiracies are no longer a thing. anywhere. committed by anyone.

those with the most money (and therefore power,) can now shout down even the most obvious observations and the willfully ignorant lap it up like good little doggies.

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Haha! Yes, no conspiracies ever happen (except for the conspiracy of antivaxxers to kill everyone with their anti-science derangement).

I’ve heard that we have the CIA to thank for the smear campaign against anyone speaking about conspiracies. Brilliant

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Thanks! I have read it; I found it very interesting and somewhat comforting in a way but yes I also don’t agree with the conspiracy theory part coz I’m pretty sure this incredible furthering of the globalists agenda isn’t a happy coincidence. Oh also there are parts like the fragmentation of society and the anxiety causing people to be more likely to fall prey to mass psychosis; I currently live in Colombia and people here are very family oriented, God is still alive and transitions are strong, and generally people are pretty cheerful so not really with this generalised anxiety and yet they sucked up the covid vaccination nonsense with gusto. Many still wear masks and queued up for their boosters. Mind you they have other floating anxieties such as a long bloody war so yes maybe the floating anxiety will come from many things.

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That’s very interesting and yes, I think there can be many variations and explanations of what happened. A few things that I thought of that weren’t mentioned in the book is the high level of propaganda that people have been exposed to over the years from pharmaceutical companies about the “miracle of vaccines“ to save everyone from all pandemics and disease outbreaks In the past (which isn’t true of course but that what we all learn in school and on the news etc). I think a lot of people were just completely psychologically prepared for the scientific community to sweep in with a miracle vaccine because that’s all we’ve been taught since we were younger.

The other thing that I don’t remember if the author talked about or not is the idea that certain societies are oriented around the ‘good of the whole’ or the collective. In America, we are not generally oriented on giving up personal rights for the collective (especially amongst conservatives) but I know in other countries it’s more of an embraced viewpoint.

I will say though that my parents are faithful believers and are also very family oriented and they are conservative and they fell for all of it as well. I believe they were hypnotized by the corporate news which they watch every single day. They have since come to their senses to some extent but they kind of don’t even realize what happened or their part in it. Not only did their church leaders tell them to go along with it but they also have childlike faith in the medical system and if any doctor prescribes them any medication or any surgery or anything of the sort, they do not question it at all. They are completely obedient to whatever any doctor tells them. In fact, their church leader is a Doctor (who is retired) so that explained a lot. I belonged to the same church (45 years) until the church leaders told everyone to take the “miracle vaccine” and that was it for me. I’m glad to know the truth about that church but it was a very difficult and painful experience. Anyway, it’s clearly a very complicated situation.

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There exist 2 kinds of Christians. Those who follow as sheep in, you know, the Flock. And those who generally trust people yet haven’t found reasons to relinquish their individual personal relationship with their Creator. Nor cease good critical thinking.

We know which type won the fight at Fort Henry, birthplace of the American National Anthem. Courage is born of self before one can join such a fighting force and face certain death for freedom. Wallace: “..all men die, some never lived..”

Churchill: “ fear is not much of a strategy.”

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Yes I totally agree with you on that pharma indoctrination - I mean I never questioned vaccines before this. I never questioned climate change either so I used to live in terrible fear that the world was going to end in the catastrophic way they kept telling us. In a way I’m relieved that I’m no longer afraid or that though now realising we are basically being enslaved by demonic satanists isn’t great either 😂

I think the brainwashing is the reason why this happened so easily, and they made that easy with the phones, the toxic poison in that our food is, the simple fact that everyone lives their lives essentially with a totally false idea of why things the way they are; if you never stop to think about it you’re going to fall prey to whatever they tell you as you already live in this fake constructed reality, that doctors are good people, that politicians start out actually doing their work to help society, (people have said that to me) that rich people deserve their wealth coz they’re clever and work hard that education is good and school and university is all about knowledge etc.

so I ageee is complex and it’s completely surrounding us and most people prefer not to know about it coz it’s also bloody depressing news!

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I thought about it a lot also. We basically have 2 choices. 1. Live in fear of what the media tells us to be afraid of (viruses, Putin, climate change etc) or 2. Recognize that the people running the media are trying to kill/control us. It’s kind of funny if you step back and think about it. And dead serious at the same time.

I had my aha moment in my mid 30s when I was constantly ill and all the doctors that were taking my money had no clue why I was sick but kept trying to prescribe toxic medication and surgery and then more invasive, expensive tests. When I finally gave up on them and started doing my own research I realized I was making myself sick by eating crappy food and surrounding myself with toxic chemicals all the time. I had to make major changes and clean up my diet and lifestyle and I have never been healthier. Going on 10 years of very good health. Through this process I realized that all the educational systems and the corporations were geared towards making money and they had no interest in finding actual solutions to the root problems. And corporations (specifically pharmaceutical companies) have a vested interest in not solving the root problems. I have been very skeptical since then and saw through the ridiculous things we are being told to do to avoid a virus that wasn’t very dangerous to most people. Everything they told us to do from the very beginning was the opposite of what a person should do to achieve or maintain good health. It’s a very sad realization.

I guess we can take some comfort that we aren’t alone. That’s helped me tremendously to communicate with people who get it.

Fear is bad for health so I guess we need to choose option 3. Stay vigilant of those trying to harm us and live joyfully surrounded by other wise people!

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Thanks for this reply; this connection with like minded wise people as you said provides immense support and allows me to definitely see the comedy of it all and although I’m not religious I very much believe in God and I have faith that whatever happens all that is required of me is to enjoy the little movements with loved ones, and connect with others with love being of service where I can. At times I know I have to process the fear because it’s definitely a normal response to this evil but as you say we aren’t alone!

I had a rather traumatic childhood so my realization came when I started to uncover the familial abuse that has been in my family for countless generations it made me understand that although my family were abusive and neglectful they were just repeating patterns and where this comes from is this very sick satanic rule we slaves have been living under for a very long time. Being able to see that forgive them and understand the true origin of my suffering was so eye opening; so like you this from the first nonsense scare stories was instantly recognizable as a disgusting psyop designed to enslave mankind.

I definitely opt for option 3 also! Plus hopefully soon escape to a self sustainable life in the country enjoying this beautiful paradise while it’s still possible. Bless you and thanks for taking the time to respond :)

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That's not good enough for big pharma and the WEF and gates. We have had numerous useless boosters to pump up the injury and death stats to please the psycho elites. More than 100 vaccines and many with mRNA technology in development just waiting to be forced unto the public in the years ahead.

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Meryl, your investigative work is truly world class remarkable and so very important in exposing truths. I will have to say though, in all my travels for truth thus far, this Germany data is the most sobering. Let’s do some math...Germany deaths - codes for “died suddenly”. Roughly 8K extra deaths per qtr after vax introduction. Or 32K per year. Way worse than a Vietnam. And this is just Germany. Scaling to the US adult population that’s about 130K people in the US dying suddenly in 2021 (considering % vaccinated in adult populations in each country). And silence from the MSM, censoring on social media, and rage from libs when you criticize the vaccines. Then take it further....130K would be just for 2021. 2022 maybe slightly less since many have stopped getting jabbed, so call it 225K died suddenly thus far since the start of the miracle vaccines. You say that is ridiculous? So take 225K/ 50 states. Thats 4.5k per state. Divide by 356*2 to include both years of vaxxing and you get 6 died suddenly’s per state per day. Slips under the radar screen, especially for those in the cult. But on a grand scale, and including the delayed deaths and wounded, it’s definitely WW III. Someone please convince me I am wrong and/or nuts!

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Surprise Surprise? I think not!

But this will matter little because NO LIABILITY for DEADLY VAX MAKERS!

KEEP ON JABBING 'til we're all gone! An unsubtle Depopulation CULL!

Thanks Meryl! If I modified your analysis into letter form and gave it to our local surgery (several Doctors practice there) I think they would ignore it.

I've continuously sent warning information, to my Doctors, regarding the Efficacy and Safety of the DEADLY Experimental Covid Vaccines, but I never get a response. It seems like a 'Policy', perhaps adopted by ALL UK NHS Doctors they all seem to participated in the Covid Vax CULL?

It's so bizarre that this seems to be the case - perhaps world wide. That infers a collaboration, perhaps Formal Instructions from 'above'! Could this really be the case?

I've asked pointed questions throughout the Vax farce but I never receive a response - even a centrally prepared general 'avoid the question' political type answer. Avoiding the unanswerable issues like;

Why do Vax makers use avoidance of responsibility for damage resulting from their 'medicines'?

Why is there no Informed Consent obtained before applying the poisonous injections?

Why are Vax related Injuries & DEATHS never discussed - implying they don't exist suggests Vax DEATHS are so rare they are 'unimportant'?

Why does the media, particularly the BBC, incessantly report, and exaggerates, Covid Stats, but never Flu stats?

Why does the media, particularly the BBC, never mention anything negative about Covid Experimental injections? Particularly 'vaccine related injuries & DEATHS'?

If LIABILITY was reintroduced, Covid would disappear into insignificance and Pfizer, et al, would be BANKRUPT! LIABILITY = COMMON SENSE!

Mick from Hooe (IK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!

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If there were a rush amongst the general public to buy life insurance, this would cause insurance companies to raise prices and might be a very effective form of political protest, as it would cause even more people to become aware of the problem of excess mortality.

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It looks too late for life insurance. A document from an american insurer is circulating showing ineligibility of claims due to the new status of the jab victims. GMO humans they now are, pawns and property of the evil cabal. Only a benign government can force all that money back into the families of the jab-bereaved, lest they join the thousands of homeless helpless starving souls in tent camps. Im not holding my breath for that to happen. The Chinadian government obviously would love to see us all slowly or quickly die off.

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Unfortunately there was no mainstream media presence at the hour long press conference. I haven't seen anything in the mainstream media here in Germany either. Complete silence.

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FYI: I uploaded a LinkedIn Post based on an article (as in THIS COVID New Letter) by Jane Orient, M.D., Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: “After the COVID-vaccines rollout, putative vaccine-induced sudden death tripled in Germany (Dec 13, 2022).”

COVID-19: Do You Have Enough Life Insurance? – Arizona Daily Independent


[Jane Orient, M.D., Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, jane@aapsonline.org]

https://www.infosperber.ch/gesundheit/enorme-zunahme-ploetzlicher-todesfaelle-seit-anfang-2021/ (German version)

I provided the Source—National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), which insures 72 million lives. The graph below shows real occurrences of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

Summary: After the rollout of COVID-19 injections, there was a sharp, unprecedented spike in unexpected deaths, a 1,000% increase. The KBV denies a causal relationship to vaccination. The cause of the deaths is not COVID-19, but it is still unknown. Authorities have not done appropriate studies to investigate a vaccine connection (or publicize data). Mainstream media failed to attend a press event where data analyst Tom Lausen explained the figures below, which he calls a “risk signal.”

Millennials (aged 25 to 40) experienced an 84% excess mortality in the fall of 2021, which coincided with vaccine mandates and boosters (comparable to the Vietnam War-size event).

Uploaded the figure from the article referred to it with the URL that had over 4,000 hits before removing it after a few hours. It was removed by LinkedIn yesterday. The excuse given was misinformation: It stated the jargon, "We remove false content or information that presents “untrue facts" or events as though they are true.”

Then last night, I uploaded the figure with basic information related to the article's source. Within a few hours, over 11,000 accessed it, and more than 50 made comments. Then LinkedIn removed my entire account (it seems permanent without informing me).

A typical biased censoring process to favor WHO, CDC & US govt. by all Social Media platforms. Except for Twitter, thanks to Elon Musk, other platforms are getting worse concerning censorship. Consequently, autocratic administrations propagate WHO and CDC misinformation via these platforms.

I had over 16,000 followers on LinkedIn, but it did not bother me. I do not conduct any business using these platforms, nor have any conflicts of interest related to science and medicine. I have no vested interest in ANY of these social media platforms.

These kinds of discriminatory acts, violating our free scientific speech (the truths as we know), must be stopped.

Kind regards

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Following the changes in life insurance premiums could be interesting going forward.

BTW, the Med Director--a nice German lady--at the large hospital core medlab I previously worked at (jab refusnik) begged me to stay pleading "please tell me you still believe in science". I'm soooo tempted to send this to her. She wouldn't read it... too 'busy', which was the common excuse when I challenged her with confounding data.

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From tom's online KBV search engine, I get


I46.1: Plötzlicher Herztod,so beschrieben

2.872 Diagnosevorkommen in 2021


I46.9: Herzstillstand,nicht näher bezeichnet

18.722 Diagnosevorkommen in 2021


R96.0: Plötzlich eingetretener Tod

9.809 Diagnosevorkommen in 2021


R96.1: Todeseintritt innerhalb von weniger als 24 Stunden nach Beginn der Symptome,ohne anderweitige Angabe

4.663 Diagnosevorkommen in 2021


R98: Tod ohne Anwesenheit anderer Personen

496 Diagnosevorkommen in 2021


R99: Sonstige ungenau oder nicht näher bezeichnete Todesursachen

20.507 Diagnosevorkommen in 2021


From Tom's database, I get 2872+18722+9809+4663+496+20507 = 57069

From Tom's published chart, he gives 15198+13403+13637+14831 = 57069


So as far as his database goes, the graph appears accurate.

Database can be found here: https://corih.de/KBV-Daten/index.php

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I have looked for the data at the KBV analysis institute (zi), and they claim a *REDUCTION* in these death codes - not an increase!


I found the source of this analysis, as pdf.


Somebody's lying. Need to investigate this one more before spamming it everywhere.


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I still find it hard to have a conversation with family members who are vaccinated. My brothers their wives, adult children are all Vaxxed up not sure of their booster status. I’m sure at least half went back for boosters. They are college educated or more they see this information and or run across as they’re on social media. I can’t believe they buy into this “vaccine” madness. In the past two years I found myself invited less or they had a “small party” and was not invited to birthdays, graduations and now holidays. I have my own groups of friends.

I wonder how others in the same position are handling family issues due to the jab.

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Such good advice, get life insurance before we kill you. These bizarre people and their words are starting to sound normal, maybe that is the plan.

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