This isn't good enough. The attorney generals of each state should be questioning why a bank is involving itself into environmental concerns that would restrict the agricultural business. They should be Seriously, investigating restraint of trade issues and why banks would get themselves involved in this.

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Net zero: you will own nothing and we will own you.

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Net Zero is People!

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Return to natural balance of biodynamic regenerative farming like Cuba did!

Stop the spraying on agriculture AND our forests - this only creates unsustainable monocultures and develops increasing chances of fires and intensity!

Watch Jim Lee of Climate Viewer explain: https://open.substack.com/pub/climateviewer/p/chemtrails-cause-wildfires?r=1b895l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Hi C,

'Just looked at a brief vid about Cuba and the natural farming there. Very nice. Thanks! I didn't know about it. I think, however, that there is a trend toward natural and a backing away from the "industrial." We've been shell-shocked by Covid lies, and have developed a natural resistance to their propaganda machine. This leads naturally to growing one's own food to whatever extent one can.


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Read Will Harris's book, a bold return to giving a damn, all about how he changed his farm into a regenerative one!

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Haven't read his book, but I have one question: Was the manure he used to do that contaminated from COVID vax jabs to humans or animals? That's the point where the most likely errors might be made.

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IDK but if you call the company, they might answer that question. WhiteOakPastures.com

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Regenerative biodynamic farming came from Rudolf Steiner's time, and that was good to restore the soil back to health. But it used the bowel movements of humans and animals to do that. Do you want the soil growing your food to have BM from all the mRNA vaxxed people with its nanobots? Things they are a changing. What worked needs to re-thought based on today's reality as regenerative and biodynamic may be the right thing when its Salatan's farms but the wrong thing when the mRNA vaxxed animals in huge CAFOs are making the fertilizer for the crops, perhaps being sold to the smaller farmers who aren't properly informed. The vast majority of the people eating organic are not interested in the details, and they are making a lot of false assumptions about their continued safety. Otherwise they wouldn't be drinking beer and beverages owned by Gates.

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Thanks for your comment, if you know biodynamics, EVERYTHING is composted very well prior to putting into the soil. I would be very surprised about the human feces, in all my biodynamic farming books, this is never mentioned. But if the ingested foods are clean and not adulterated by chemical additives, then composted human waste could go on plants that aren't eaten.

My intention is puer, interesting though how anyone can take a good intention (right down to what gets composted) and bring up the shite perspective.

Perhaps Susan and many more people need to reinstall faith in the ability of people to take adequate precautions and if they are biodynamic farmers, doesn't mean they know nothing about the nefarious depopulation plans running amuck.

Putting ideas together that work towards a common goal, rather than pulling a possibility apart is a considerably more inspirational direction.

Our vagus nerve - the intake of our social nervous system starts with our eyes and our other senses which constantly monitor the safety factor in our world directly in front of us. What we ingest, we sympathize or "parasympathize" with, either spike our nervous system, or relax into the calm ~ everything we ingest will impact our nervous system.

So what do we focus on grows inside and out.


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Empty shelves again, maybe 2 dozen cartons of eggs, holes in milk, canned veggies, and fruit. People I know purchase fresh if it is available. I buy fresh, but Not if it has APEEL OR PEELZ coatings. 1 bout of food poisoning is 1 too many.

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UN thugs!

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This must stop! Thanks as always for your service. I would be naively blind-sided while I travel thru the desert with no access to real news. But I guess must have patience - know WHO will stop them soon. The BIG MAN. They did this same trick with manufactured economic crisis during the great depression.

WWII was the most destructive event in world history that led from a cycle of the monetary plenty of the “roaring 20’s,” the scam of the world financial crises of the Great Depression of the 1930’s & the resurgence of evil powers leading to horrors not yet seen. Those trillions they hijacked from the people. Wealth transfer of the greatest ever – straight from the great depression playbook.

Consider the list of effects of financial catastrophes/events have had in society through multiple eras (i.e., Battle of Waterloo, 1913 Fed. Res, Act, the great depression, 2008 financial crisis, etc):

Endless spending cycles (i.e., the roaring 1920’s & current debt ceiling) led to the house-of-cards conditions to lead to bursting financial bubbles & reaping financial hardship.

 Exploiting capitalistic systems, creating money funneling to special interests.

 Ensuring a system of modern-day slaves, ensuring a school system producing low educated population. Systemic processes help ensure the mobilization of societal manpower to propel the Beast System objectives.

Some think I'm crazy to say they can control the weather...it's not a guess. It's fact. See this video, also think about HAARP's across the world.


If they are really concerned about the emissions they need to stop space travel and drive shuttles... https://www.youtube.com/shorts/U551RV2KtEU

Private air travel, wasteful energy, space travel & other examples do not align w/their rhetoric. People from the event of the “Global Warming concept” flew to COP26 in private jets (approx. 100+ private jets to fly a small group of elite). Space rocket launches create massive amounts of carbon. These may seem like isolated & insignificant incidents, but it alludes to their true belief in their cause. They are only using the global warming mantra as a false-flag event to garner the global control needed for the Antichrist. If they truly believed in their cause they would postpone space research & focus on problems. Why are they so interested in space when we have so many problems on earth?

Not Global Warming – Man-Made: Some of the true global issues which will lead to the prophetically foretold catastrophes:

 Poisoning of world water supplies through irreversible “forever" chemicals.Pollution of waters and farm growth life support capacity.Mass killing of pollinators and sub specifies (i.e., bees and insects).Manipulating and “playing god” with life (seed genetics, poor farming practices, etc).

 Elimination of true regenerative solutions such as grid dependency reduced homes, and high-consumption-free vehicles, unblocking of energy efficient patents, etc.Stopping the covert, purposefully destructive efforts to reduce national food production capacity (i.e., food plant fires, bio-engineering of hybrid versus supply chain destruction and degradation, etc).

 Weather control instruments. There may be some actual effects from too much carbon output, but they are shifting the blame for their purposeful avoidance of factory emission reductions to ensure the cause-effect relationship can be purported as THE primary cause of destructive weather phenomena.

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Excellent summary. Yes HAARP is a significant factor in wether modification, but only one aspect of geoengineering which represents the larger program of the globalists to reduce and control the world population.

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Thanks Larry is there any chance to stop them?

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Make it 4 times. I guess the "badboys" don't want me to follow up. Maybe later.

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Hello Todd,

Your welcome, but I should be the one thanking you for placing your life on the line for our country, though likely unwittingly more for those whom you fight in this present battle for our freedom in your retirement.

I tried to reply to your comment three times, but keep losing it to the ether or wherever. Maybe paranoia, maybe lack of technological expertise, but probably censorship. I'll try again later.

God Bless You,


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Thanks much Christ brother. That is fuel to run the mobile foot carriers in this battle of darkness

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Dear Brother Todd,

How much of the veiled happenings that have evil intent are manifested in their true light? It's the same with warfare tactics, right? You're a military man, and must be aware of the deceptions employed to give advantage in some way or another. It becomes evident, then, that spiritual warfare, especially since it is the underlying object of Satan to gain the advantage, that he would employ every deception at his disposal, in order to gain that advantage. As with military planning, some things which are evident, are promoted as such, in order to obtain trust but carefully mixed in, are the deceptive distractions which reap more than their weight in results.

The same tactics are used by Satan.

Expecting the "Anti-Christ" to come on the stage has become (among dozens of others) such a widely accepted and circulated expectation, as to be a tenet in the Christian churches (most of the Protestant Churches). This carries the weight and potential impact of that which has also been promoted as "Bible Truth" throughout (the vast majority of) "Protestantism:" That being the bold assumption that the Ten Commandments have been abrogated. Breaking God's Law leads to eternal elimination. Assuming a fallacy is crippling, and therefore propagated by those who are of the "dark side," seeking to do the devil's bidding for their own gain. (Priests, pastors, etc...)

The "Anti-Christ" is a SYSTEM of religion, not a specific individual. It's identifying attributes are spelled out in the Holy Scriptures, and cannot be gainsaid. The commission to identify it is the core focus of those who are truly on the Lord's side and hope for eternal life. They are in a war not of their making, but encouraged to partake, because their "Commander" has enlisted them to share the knowledge (light) they've been granted through prayer and study and the accompaniment (indwelling) of the Holy Spirit.

Todd, thank you for your service to the country! We all appreciate the selfless contribution you made us! Now, take the next step, and provide the "protection" so badly needed for those who have been deluded in this "Battle of souls." Unpack the meaning of Rev. 14: 6-12. That's your homework assignment.

'Test on Friday! lol

Your true Brother,


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I've not heard your take on the Antli-Christ. It certainly makes sense.

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Hello Larry D.

The Truth is always targeted by those who "gain" from its subversion. And it seems that it has become more of a "standard" anymore, than a disgrace!

We find Truth in God's Word, and so knowing this, it is dangerous to apply one's paradigm to the Bible, rather than vice versa. Things which appear unsightly and hard to imagine or swallow, MUST be weighed, assimilated, and swallowed whenever Truth is discovered to be evident.

I note this because the subject of the (REAL) "Anti-Christ" is a sore-spot, and will cause disruptive violence among the disillusioned. It has been the aim of Satan to steer the minds of souls away from truth, whether it be a simple matter of "policy" or of deeply laid plans of his. It's a WAR that ensues between Christ and Satan, which we are commissioned to partake in.

With that in mind, consider the eleven or twelve characteristic, identifying traits that God has placed in His Word, regarding the identity of the "anti-Christ." The Bible authors were "given" the words to write, which God ordained to fill His Word. Often they didn't know the meaning themselves. God was careful to design the wording so as to not wake the ire of the ruling/influencing entities of the time.

If you, brother Larry, will seriously pray for understanding and then open your Bible and follow along with qualified pastors, who have the Truth, you will discover a concerted effort to delude, and misdirect the average Christian's understanding regarding this subject. And your question will be answered in full:






The list above is of qualified Godly pastors who are dedicated to unveiling the Truth. These links are concerned with the "anti-christ's" identity.

The main stream "Protestant" movement had a strong beginning, but Satan has infiltrated the movement, and polluted the Truth through means we are likely to be unaware of. But the Bible, if prayerfully studied, will NOT lead any astray. If your heart is in it, it will not let you down.

Sincerely your brother,


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Nice I got my WARNO aka homework. Can't wait to get back to laptop to report 😂👍

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HI Brother Tod,

Yes, for sure. 'Will be looking forward to receiving more from you.

Be blessed. Remember that God looks upon the heart. If we desire to KNOW the truth, and to obey it, so that we do not offend the Great God of Creation, and repent of our sins (setting them behind us) and trust the redemption capacity of Jesus, we WILL be "saved" on that Great Day of (The FIRST) Resurrection.

Yours for as long as time lasts,


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Maybe it's time for people to boycott these big banks and pool their money into a farmer owned bank.

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Maybe the answer is to revoke their license to operate in the state. Would it be possible for the individual states governors and representatives to pull the licenses for all these banks and their subsidiaries and ban their ability to operate anywhere in the states? I don’t know if it’s possible but if so it would certainly hit them where it hurts, also directing banking business to local credit unions etc.

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Good luck with that

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This is exactly what needs to be happening. The bankers are all violating their fiduciary duties to their shareholders as well - it is criminality of the highest order but because they are so big they are getting away with it - But they should have their licenses revoked, the banks should be seized, and closed down, and their assets sold off and the money used to re-compensate the victims of this COMMUNIST BANKERS ATTACK ON MANKIND.

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We need banks that only do business inside of one state, whose entire board of directors and all officers live inside that one state, and all bank buildings are located only in that state. The loans they make should only be inside of that one state. We need banks that agree to always accept all currencies and to provide all currencies, especially cash.

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Where were their questions four years ago? Do they know about the nanobots in both the shotted and unshotted people? They should have been screaming against it in 2019 or even before!

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Carbon-negative countries already exist and Panama is one of them.


Key issue: maintaining forests and / or reforestation. Now remember what the Gates gangster has been doing in the US.

Instead of per country, net-zero should be a global issue as tropical countries have a more favorable climate to rapidly sequester CO2. That it didn't happen could hint at a different agenda: the "evil cabal members" think they can do with far less humans so the "useless eaters" have to be eliminated ASAP. Hence simultaneously running biowarfare agendas with "safe & effective" so called "vaccines".

The major environmental and health issue in the ( IMO not very) "civilized" West is industrial production of addictive health damaging crap food which in the carbon negative Buddhist Bhutan would be impossible (violating ethics).

Hence the primary issue for the West is to eliminate the influence of cabal members and the best way would be confiscation of wealth and using that to rebuild countries, their environment and restore the health (mentally and physically) of inhabitants.

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May I respectfully point out that your entire comment is predicated on the propaganda that the climate is changing because of the collective carbon emissions of mankind - this is propaganda - pure utter communist propaganda - which is coming from the swamp of monarchies, bankers and billionaires that have created the global cooling - then global warming - and now the man-made climate change hoaxes, all as weapons to not only take complete communist style control over mankind with "carbon tracking" but also are taking trillions in profits from their control of all industries that profit, which is largely made up of profit from all their partnerships with the Chinese Communist Party, because almost every industry that profits from this hoax is based in China and the international bankers are their partners -

The CCP knows it is all based on lies, frauds and corruption because China is not doing ANY OF IT - they are busy adding to the already 60% of world's fossil fueled power stations which are in China at the rate of 2 new coal fired power stations a week.

China will be the only economy left standing with cheap energy and it's clear to me in the way that they are beggaring their own people today and stealing all their wealth from 50 years of hard work, that the CCP is trying to bring back the 'China Price' again.

Here's an article I did on the climate change hoax.


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I know what I'm talking about from experience. When living in Belgium, the rise in temperature forced farmers to protect animals with the result that their usual "guests", horse flies, had to look for replacement. With a habit of running in the cool woods during summer, I became target and experienced attacks from fearless flies that only can be killed by smashing them on your skin. With 2 hands and a horde of flies coming at you, you lose unless you can run fast enough to safety. Young children can't and several were killed during that and following years because of the extreme histamine reaction. In the course of events the horse fly issue only got worse.

An recent issue here was relocating islanders:


Another famous example, Mauritius.


I experienced many more verified issues but won't bother arm chair "scientists" with that.

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Jan - you really missed my point.

I didn't say that the "climate is not changing" -

I said the allegation that climate change is a man-made event based on the GAS OF LIFE - CARBON DIOXIDE is a MASSIVE LIE AND PROPAGANDA - and their policies are GENOCIDAL.


It has done since the BEGINNING of time.

The climate changes, the temperatures go up and down and sideways, the oceans rise and fall, the Great Flood came and went, the ice ages come and go, the GEOGRAPHY changes, forests rise and die, deserts are formed - and that is the way it is on our planet. Our job is to live with the conditions and to adapt, adjust and change, which is what we have always done as have all animal species.

If you BUY THEIR LIES - then you SUPPORT THEIR GENOICIDAL SOLUTIONS - and that makes you part of the PROBLEM not the solution.

The solution is not to cut down on carbon dioxide which will REDUCE ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET - the solution is to increase the green cover, the plants, increase food, and decrease the power of MONOPOLY CAPITALISM which is an EXTRACTIVE model that has created HYPER CONSUMERS - the problem is not capitalism it is MONOPOLY CAPITALISM - which drives people out of sustainable lifestyles - e.g. small to medium farming or living in rural communities and close to where our food is grown and produced - and drives the people into cities, removes them from any contact with the natural world and increases the rise and rise of Big Agriculture, Big Chemicals, and Big Food - all of which have a vested interest in unsustainable practices for their monopoly market profits.

Your articles about the islanders PROVE NOTHING - the sea causes erosion and has done for the last 100 million years. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH CARBON DIOXIDE - it's just FEAR MONGERING. And for every one of these articles on an island getting eroded I could dig out multiple examples of predictions of islands disappearing that didn't happen and in fact the islands have grown. Because that's what mother earth does.

Did you even bother to look at my article?

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When realizing the "who caused it?" won't pay for the damage, the CO2 issue best is ignored if just because analysis of Antarctic ice cores shows periods with much higher atmospheric CO2 content than now, and life on the planet was thriving. Apart from that, for response-critical professions the limit is 500 ppm (onset of drowsiness) whereas in classrooms values up to 1,500 ppm have been measured. So CO2 still is a non-issue as the arctic is greening too.

The West never got rid of feudal rule summarized as owners of a piece of land and everything the soil and air contains, including all creatures. Nowadays called neofeudalists, they have close to absolute power over the West and intend to add the rest of the world to their possessions whatever the cost in lives and for the environment. And don't forget, those neofeudaliasts own NATO too and are willing to fight longer than to the last Ukrainian. I hope this is clear enough.

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Ah Jan, I see we are not so far apart at all.

Your information about CO2 here is solid.

Like you I have come to questioning the entire 'ownership of land' concept.

Which started with what I call the Crown Monarchy System, which is the basis of all forms of totalitarians, because their doctrines tell us there are just 2 types of citizens, rulers and slaves, even the doctrines of the 3 Abrahamic religions say so, because they define 'God' as king of the universe, earth and all humanity, which makes the representatives of 'God' supreme over all - the very basis of Judaism, Catholicism and Islam's enslavement of their people into feudalism and all its derivations.

I see Communism as a repeat of the monarchial structure of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church with god stripped out and replaced with the religion of Atheism to allow the psychopaths to rule with the rule of Might is Right. Was it Lenin who said 'He who has the guns rules.'

We live under the joint power of the globalized Money Monopoly and Monopoly Capitalism created by the monarchies, bankers and billionaires who I call the true communists. Here's an article I wrote on it.


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Ivan, some focus on the so called positive ( = self-amplifying) feedback loops whereas others also take negative feedback loops into account. That explains some of the differences, and then there's the issue that's there isn't a reserve planet for experimentation. But even when experimenting, the dictum in science and engineering I was taught is "err on the side of caution!". This has been ignored in order to maximize profits and with truly horrific results like the many deaths and disabled because of "safe & effective vaccines". IMO all MDs prioritizing the Hippocratic Oath over this pharmafia racket deserve a badge of honor and some artist could make one, angering "the evil cult" to the extent that even the most woke individuals realize to have been scammed beyond imagination.

For millenniums people haven't changed much so it's safe to presume that the evilness shown by the racketeering gang (health, environment, food, wars) also has done much harm long ago. The most obvious case regards the "split" resulting in Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. A major difference is the issue of mandatory celibacy: the best tool to install a system of power based on blackmail and corruption. Similar deceiving issues exist in Eastern religions but none to the extent of Western institutionalized corruption.

As communism (brought as Bolshevik coup in Russia) could be described as one of those corruption-based ruling systems the better issue might be to at least transform it to something worthwhile and constructive, instead of just analyzing its potential for "going off the rails".

One of the best examples of Western capitalism "off the rails" has been described as the Peterson principle, summarized as "wrestling yourself to the highest position that can only be maintained by applying all available dirty "stay in power" tricks". IOW the meanest possible persons (psycho- and sociopaths) rise to ruling positions. The example how it could be was given by the Japanese, who after US occupation were taught capitalism 1.0 and applied that within the mindset of Japanese culture. So managers earned a little more than subordinates and did the job because they both loved it and were very good at it. Quality of products greatly increased and so did inventiveness with the result that the US had to "act against a competitor". The major reason why Western styled capitalism has been so popular is because of the initial material wealth it brings. The (incorrect) association between wealthy and well-being can be attributed to European colonialism which was accompanied by Catholic clerics converting the "heathens". That way, Western-styled corruption (and materialism) was installed on all continents.

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The Net Zero Banking Alliance shows us the true EVIL of the international banking industry, which is operated by the International Money Cartel, and in turn is owned by the monarchies, bankers and billionaires, who I maintain are the true COMMUNISTS because they are the richest people in the world who are funding and orchestrating all of the ATTACKS ON MANKIND today - every single one of them.

The international bankers are a POLITICAL FORCE and always have been, but they hide in their boardrooms and jerk our chains with interest rates, flooding the economy with fiat fake money, stealing all the gold with that fake money, creating inflation, creating economic booms and busts, and transferring the assets upwards when they break the system of debt expansion which is the pivotal economic warfare strategy that bankers have been using since 1694 when the International Money Cartel opened the Bank of England and began increasing their banking wars on mankind with the Central Banks Cartel.

All of the poverty, misery and scarcity in the world is created by the bankers Money Monopoly, and their Monopoly Capitalism model, which is often called Neolliberalism, and it is code for allowing the richest people in the world to rape, pillage and plunder every nation on earth.

These people are not content with the riches and abundance that they have taken from humanity over centuries, and in the monarchies cases over millennium, no - they want it all. They will not be happy until they've taken every last thing off every last human on the planet, and starved those their predatory behavior has impoverished to death!!!!!!


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Its worse than that its a revolution

Is it too late to wake up?

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The bankers are the true communists, and they are the enemies of mankind.



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In all honesty, with my 30 seconds of reading this, I couldn't really figure out the details, BUT, I can't help but think they are ramping up the b.s. because of this election year.

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It's not as if they don't know what they're doing, and the effects that their actions will have. Clearly they're doing these things purposefully and with full knowledge of the impact on civilization. Seriously, who would do these things, what kind of monstrous ego is capable of destruction on this scale, and why?

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Depopulist marxist technocrats that's who.


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The peasants should have been getting restless a long time ago!

Government makes wolves shepherds!

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My blood boils.... I've had it with these monsters who quite literally want to take over the world. I can't believe I'm witnessing this in my lifetime.

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