Thank you for all of your posts and your incredible testimony at the congressional symposium.. You are Paul Revere bringing the Covid message to the world!

Prayers and Godspeed on your journey.

Bonnie Potter

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Amen ❣️

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Thanks for all you are doing and have done.

I have a feeling you are going to do great in your upcoming meetings and interviews.

May the Lord continue to bless you and your future endeavors.

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Thanks Meryl,

Same for me although I’m laying low and spending lots of time with family between now and the end of the year.

Love and prayers daily, John ❤️🙏🙏

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Comments on this? https://tinyurl.com/7nd7x5re

Things get curiouser and curiouser.

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I've not used it. Too much is poison. maybe a little is good. I simply don't know.

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Really good interview you gave with Mil-CHD. Very comprehensive and informative. Thank you Dr. Nass.

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Just finished watching your interview with Steve Kirsch, which was awesome. I was wondering why most politicians would go along with the WHO treaty/digital ID agenda. I understand plausible deniabilty.

But if implemented it would effect them and their families also. Unless all politicians are given an exemption card?

Anyhow it's all a sinister agenda that benefits us not one bit.

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? Blackmail? Probably lack of knowledge. They are given tasks that no one human can perform: thus they are doomed to fail to understand many of the decisions thaey must vote on.

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Thxs Meryl Best of luck on your upcoming engagement with my fellow Canadian Hero Dr Bridle

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I wonder if they believe they and their families are immune. Those in charge will forget them and their grandchildren will suffer same as mine. I think it’s mind control , threats, blackmail or just STUPID. I will die before I accept digital ID. You know what the Bible says about that? I’m looking upward.

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It's like Doug Ford the Premier of Ontario, Canada. I really feel he did not want to go along with the scam, but still did. He admitted at a press conference if he did not follow what the Health person told him. He might as well hang himself. https://twitter.com/stevelanebitch/status/1378060617353986051?t=K0JurAvj-zlyl97Y88VRag&s=19

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good one

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Love you, Meryl...go kick some ass..... ❤

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Traveling mercies!! And many thanks for the work you do.

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Thank you so much for all that you do and share.

Please don't forget to take care of yourself as well!

Safe travels and exciting adventures.

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I just read this article about you. I love that you went to MIT and your boys are related to a former president of MIT. https://alum.mit.edu/slice/protecting-those-who-serve

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PS. My husband served honorably in the Navy and is now 100% service connected disabled, which happened after he took his second pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. (He had a 70% service connected disability prior to that, while he worked full time). He was coerced by his employer, Joslin Diabetes Center, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, to take the covid vaccine, or else. He requested a religious exception, and got a note from his medical professional attesting that he used his sincerely held religious beliefs to manage his disability, and he still got forced by his employer to vaccinate to keep his job. Thank you for all you have done for our service men and women, and all that you continue to do Dr. Nass. You are a true gem. 💗

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I notice you have a speaking engagement in Estonia, and I want to point out some information I ran across yesterday. Estonia (No. 1) had the lowest rate of infant mortality with 1.6 deaths per 1,000 live births. The US (No. 33) has an infant mortality rate of 5.7 deaths per 1,000 live births. The United States ranked 33 out of the 37 OECD countries. (2018) Estonia, Iceland & Slovenia have infant mortality rates of less than 2 deaths per 1,000 live births!


The precautionary principle would guide the US to scrap their immunization programs, and follow the lead of Estonia which has a much lighter immunization schedule and requires parents to give written consent before any jabs can be given. The US adopted the “written objection”, which then gives the government a free pass to jab babies/toddlers/children/teens/adults with complete legal immunity.

Look at Estonia’s vaccine schedule. While even one vaccine is too many, in my opinion, this schedule is significantly lighter than the bloated US schedule.


For starters, they test pregnant women for Hep B and if positive will give the newborn the vaccine, otherwise no vaccine at birth! The US jabs every baby with the highly toxic Hep B within the first 24 hours of birth, regardless of the mother’s Hep B status. Hep B is contracted through sharing dirty needles and sexual contact. Is this a risk in any U.S. hospital? It’s standard protocol, with absolutely no risk/benefit discussion between doctor and mom & dad.

No varicella (chickenpox) vaccine on schedule at all!

No Pneumococcal Vaccine on schedule at all!

No Hep A Vaccine on schedule at all!

No Meningococcal Vaccine on schedule at all!

No influenza vaccine on schedule at all! The US gives influenza vaccine to pregnant women, then at baby’s 6 month visit, then at 1 year checkup! So THREE flu shots by the baby’s first birthday!!! 😢

“Every adult makes their own decision

Vaccination is voluntary in Estonia and a parent or legal guardian shall make the vaccination decision on behalf of a child.”


In the US, Child Protective Services is used to threatened parents to vaccinate their children or have them legally put into the custody of the government. In comparison to Estonia, and probably many other countries, the US government sounds totalitarian!

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Those are all good, medically appropriate choices for Estonia. I love it. Who knew? The former Communist dictatorships remember...

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Wow! Safe travels!

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Wow, Meryl. Just wow. Thank you so much

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Save travels Dr. Nass. All the best to you on this trip.

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Thank you and drink lots of water.

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Meryl, you state that you realized that the military and US governing people were just force and did what they wanted but you still act like they can be trusted now or controlled somehow. A leopard does not change its spots. Ever! The only successful option is to get rid of these organizations which are not democratic in any way, otherwise you have a tiger by the tail which does not end well. Good luck with that. It is no different with the Maine medical board organization.

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I hope I am a bit more savvy than that.

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