Apr 29Liked by Meryl Nass

They shifted from a treaty to a set of platitudes with devilish details to be worked out in secret later. What a shambles.

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you HAD to know that they were not gonna ride off into the sunset just because us plebs are raising a stink.

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These shifty shafters are trying to slither to an Agreement, which is worse for loopholes.

Further down I commented with a quote- about pursuance if the constitution. Everything must align with that. It isn’t. Case closed

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moving past impasses


They must mean. . .

Impasse as in those who rejected totally the juice they rolled out in '20

They will keep rolling out


until somebody has the brass to tell them to


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It won't be our wussy country. (I'm so ashamed.)

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biden and admin (use term loosely) is all in. i think we need to quite Who and give money to plebs. No one with a thinking mind trusts any of them.

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that's a big NO SH**, Sherlock. ;)

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That train left the station in Jan '21

We are about ready for someone to stick a fork in us

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I was trying to go with something cleaner than what I was thinking.

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I know. . . . ;-)

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Apr 30Liked by Meryl Nass

Clown world. The only good thing to be said about this is that they are being forced to confirm what are their most important objectives.

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Hi, Meryl -- This is not in lieu of the Pandemic Agreement. It is the draft resolution for accepting the treaty and the changes to the IHRs. It means that the powers that be at WHO still anticipate finalizing the treaty and bringing it to a vote.

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Let's talk--I think a treaty and IHR amendments will be brought to a vote, if possible (if they think they can win) but I think this document is intended to allow One Health and the PABS system to be put aside for later negotiations because they could not come to agreement on them, but need them... so this is the fallback position.

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Keep your back to the tree at the bus stop, or they'll sneak up and give you a wedgie. That's just how they are.


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in the meantime, the PTB and their lackey MSM are full steam ahead with the bird flu fear porn. its mind-blowing that they think ANYONE in their right mind is actually gonna fall for it... wait, sorry, no. I'm sure some mask-wearing bozo somewhere actually THINKS they can 'catch' avian flu from the milk from a supposedly infected cow. but fear not, Biden assures us all that the milk supply is safe (sigh...)

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Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases


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I read that as: "doctors predict epidemic of porn-brain diseases".

My presbyopia makes jokes for me.


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Entry into force - this is the key clause - the rest is just padding!

Just give us the keys to your car - we will drive your where you do not want to go - you can have your say from the back seat!

T-r-u-ssst me says Kaa!

Not good, not good at all!

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EXIT THE WHO, DEFUND THE WHO ARE THE ONLY OPTIONS. AS with all governments, they will continue deferring, manipulating, changing language, postponing and deceiving WITH HOPES OF TIRING OUT those standing in the way. They have met their match!

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In an awful hurry to get anything signed, as they know that either good candidate running for our president will put a stop to this evil. Yuval Harari (Schwab's right hand puppet) said so himself, "if Trump is elected, it will completely derail the plans". This is fact, not anything but. Light will illuminate the darkness and love will win over evil, but we have work to do. Thank you Dr. Nass so very much!!

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Yes we definitely want these people to "define the modalities". Do you suppose Tedros actually THINKS in this kind of meaningless mealy-mouth gobbly-gook language or is obfuscation an effort and a tedious chore for him?

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In order for this to work they will need national health access and that we know they just Will not do! In Europe though it should be easy enough to implement at this point.

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An agreement isn’t covered by the constitution

To Quote -


I have a few key points to make about these international Agreements, like the IHR:

First, they’re a widely accepted and deeply embedded CON, HUSTLE, AND SHELL GAME…

Originally designed to give more power to the President and Executive Branch—grossly violating the basic meaning of the Constitution and its Checks and Balances.

The Constitution says nothing about international Agreements. Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 gives the President the power to enact TREATIES with foreign nations—but he must obtain the consent of the Senate by a two-thirds vote.

Clause 2 is often cited to claim the President has the broad power to “conduct foreign affairs,” and therefore to make international Agreements—but this is a REVERSAL of what the Clause actually states.

Again, the Clause only gives the President the specific power to enact treaties, but with the two-thirds support of the Senate. It says NOTHING about the President’s broad power to act like a King when it comes to foreign affairs, by making Agreements.

The invention of international Agreements was entirely illegitimate. There should be no such animal.

It shouldn’t exist at all.

The US originally signing on to the WHO IHR Agreement in 2005 should never have happened. It was entirely unconstitutional. It was an illegal Presidential decision. By George W Bush.

As you can see, the fallacious “Agreement power” is now being used to allow the President to approve the WHO IHR amendments all by himself—thus destroying US sovereignty, unless the Congress acts dramatically to oppose him, by passing new laws or withholding funding.

In the entire history of the United States, I can find NO instance in which a President approved an international Agreement and then the Congress took legislative action to totally destroy (not merely modify) the President’s approval.

Therefore, when the WHO does pass new sovereignty-destroying amendments to the IHR, we are in very deep water.

We need a public uproar. Sustained, and building higher and higher.

We need state governors who will refuse to obey these amendments.

We need bold, smart, articulate passionate lawyers (not bloviators), who will go balls to the wall to show the American public this “Agreements” heist is a shiv in the heart of what America and the Constitution stand for.

Understand something. This country is still full of Covidians. These Left lunatics will trumpet every move the World Health Organization makes. They WANT PROTECTION FROM ABOVE. They revel in the idea of being imprisoned in their homes.

They’ve never wanted freedom.

The millions of us who DO want it have to win this war.

-- Jon Rappoport

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Congress will need a veto-proof majority to stop Biden. He will surely veto any attempt to dethrone his imperial majesty.

It's the COURT's job to nullify unconstitutional power grabs. Put a few more "Wise Latinas" on SCOTUS and it's game over I fear.

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Thank you Meryl, Yes Mam! Another Trojan Horse for dispersal of more Slow Kill Bio Weapons...

Nuremberg.. for the WHO and WEF nothing less..

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Please don’t get distracted from the constitution. They are complicating with further time wasting drivel. Everything must align with ‘pursuance’ of the constitution. It doesn’t. Squashed

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Quoting again as this is a huge huge point to win with the constitution

Health Freedom and the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution


APR 30

The PREP Act is unconstitutional. Perhaps it tried to “pursue” the Constitution, but it failed.

Therefore, the states have every right to reject it and say they will never honor it or obey it. NO MATTER WHAT.

You see? Even the Supremacy Clause had a loophole in it. On purpose. To limit federal power.

To grant the states the power to refuse.

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