It is being interpreted as doctors having the right to offer or refuse the vaccines, and if there is liability for injuries, it is the doctors themselves that will be liable, not the licensing agency
I am a physician of 50 years but all I wrote for was ivermectin and none of my patients had problems. I would not take the Covid shot and I would not give the Covid shot to anyone. In 2016, at a medical conference in California, it was announced that they had 400 new vaccines waiting for the diseases to appear. It's not possible to make a vaccine if you don't know what you're making it to treat. This is exactly why I knew Covid was a Bill Gates lie to murder people. We must prosecute doctors who work for the insurance industry to harm people for money! Even nurses know to stand up to Doctors and tell them "no", when a treatment will harm a person.
Now we must take the power away from the insurance industry, when they force Doctors to do as the insurance company tells them! this should never be allowed because insurance should not dictate to Doctors.
Yes, and we should never forget the Thalidomide story... the drug from Germany that was untested, used for nausea in pregnant women. So many infants were born with deformities, shortened or no limbs, etc.
According to author Lawrence A. Cohen, in his recent 2024 book "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and..." (I got a copy on Amazon), which is going VIRAL, the Covid Bioweapon was "Murder by Design" (chapter 2) driven by an evil de-population agenda by the Globalist elites, including Gates, the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, and the 1 percent elite. We are the 99 percent! Do not Comply! - Cohen
Brilliant, easy to read book written from a Christian perspective!!! packed with great research on what We the People Must do before its too late.
Years ago, I was amazed how the book, Your Doctor Is A liar, explande how insert disclaimer packet for Lipitor said that it could harm you in many ways, and only beneficial to a few men from age 40 to 50 who had a heart attack, but it doesn't make you life a day longer!
Damn brother. You have it almost right. It isn’t the insurance company that is the problem, it is the government/Pharma collaborative money making machine that directs medical administrators in hospitals and doctor’s groups to mandate standards of care and then only funds those standards; mostly with public money. That drives the BS. Insurance companies would much rather not have so many people get sick and damaged; it hurts their bottom line. They are just too afraid to say anything about it. The actuaries know what is going on.
Not to mention how their toxic mass jabs got childhood disorders like cancer and ASDS from 1 in 30,000 to our now 1 in 30 and still climbing! Soon to be 1 in 1 with disorders, all needing pharma "medicine!"
And Bill Gates is very disappointed with that number. He said so. He also said, “ With a little tweaking, we can increase those numbers in future pandemics.”
Meanwhile "they" continue to maintain the alternative reality we are expected to believe. "They" covers the criminals at Pharma and their partners in the medical complex but also includes the MSM, who are accomplices in murder and maiming, and very possibly eugenics. Today the Guardian has yet another puff piece for the vax - from the headline, it was "about" how anti-vax parents realised in the nick of time they were wrong. I hope this doesn't signpost another attack by the complex.
As a retired RN, I totally agree with you. The insurance companies are definitely a part of this terrible situation in which we find ourselves. God bless you for being a doctor who upholds her oath to first do no harm.
I agree with them. We, the doctors are the responsible. That is a good judgment. It also means that we doctors are finally regaining full sovereignty over therapy. No one, not even a state, no pandemic, and no massive psychological pressure can force us in the future.
Damn, I sure hope so. Standards of care and Medicare as well as govt law and act reimbursements are driving all healthcare now. Hospital admins are doing whatever makes money, and the patients be damned. Doctors are caught in the middle, with techs gutsy ones losing licenses. The entire cohort is damaged beyond repair. Only a complete rejection by ALL doctors can solve it. It is time to start a union of Physicians and fight back against the money grubbers in administrivia of what we still ironically call healthcare.
Big job and big fight. The co-option of medicine by industry and political interests is now entrenched into a globalist cabal.
"The FSMB, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, hosts the 1st International Conference on Medical Regulation in Washington, D.C. Regulatory authorities from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States later come together to form the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA)."
What an optimistic interpretation that is completely wrong unfortunately (at least in Europe). How many medical professionals are even today being persecuted for having dared to challenge the narrative with laws now in place of the "antisemitism" type except applied to perceived "antivax" positions. A recent case near me. A physiotherapist who posted information about adverse effects in his waiting room was dragged before the Medical Council and subsequently made to post a notice in his waiting room stating that he was guilty of spreading dangerous misinformation regarding the COVID vaccine and that patients should be aware of his unprofessional activities. This is not the 1930s but 2025 and still official government-approved policy. State-sponsored unofficial euthanasia is the other ongoing horrific scandal that is kept under wraps.
Yes, this goes against the Nurenburg Code after WW2, after it was discovered how many Jews were forced to undergo medical experimentation (just like Covid bioweapon)... and did you know that many of the scientists who dis those experiments were placed into high positions within the US? "Operation Paperclip" it was called... I learned from L.A. Cohens VIRAL new book "America's Soul Under Siege: THe Implosion of the Middle Class and... " Easy to read... you won't be able to put this book down!
In Australia these forced injections violated the "Nuremburg Code", the "Australian Immunisation Handbook" and the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights -Article 7" of which Australia is a signatory. These three protections all cover the specific issue of humans having the right to bodily autonomy and the right to "voluntary fully informed consent without coercion or manipulation" for experimental medical procedures. Our political dictators criminally mandated these mRNA bioweapons knowing they had nothing to do with people`s health and, they knew the public would not comply if they were told the truth.
I like the doctors being liable. They are the point of contact with the patient who supposedly trusts them. Regardless of their personal problems with paying back HECS debts or loans or anything else. This is about life and death. Politicians and their lackey bureaucrats will always vacillate and work on the costs and benefits to them. You can’t sue the politicians , but by God you can sue the doctors. Take charge of your own health.
Doctors in the US and abroad were paid MILLIONS IN kick backs ... Get the book "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class..." by Cohen. It came out last year (2024) .. its on Amazon and a couple of other book sellers have it.. You will be shocked with the info in this brilliant book!!!!
America was the healthiest country worldwide, before drugs and vaccines got a strong foothold in America. Today America is in 47th place health-wise and at the bottom of the barrel scholastically, because the matter in these shots destroys the body and brain!
Most people are becoming aware of how the AMA was promoted by John D Rockefeller in 1910 in order to promote his patented petroleum-based drugs. He got his men on the board of medical schools to promote DRUGS. He promised doctors Higher Income and Prestige, if they joined the AMA and sold drugs.. He did not promise better health for their patients. In order to be heathy nothing belongs in the bloodstream, except nutrients from decent food. The bloodstream carries nutrients to all the cells and organs in the body. NO OTHER MATTER, except nutrients belong in the bloodstream. All vaccines have toxic natter in them which break down the cells and organs.. The AMA promotes PRODUCTS, which should never be in the human body. Drugs and vaccines destroy health.. its time to dispense with the AMA, too. People would be far healthier, without it. America has gone from the top to the bottom health-wise in the last 70 years, since Americans have depended on medical treatment, NOT care, for their health. This must change! It is a major crime to dispense POISON!
Freedom of doctors is a joke. Try that in a Blue state. Doctors lost their licenses for the freedoms they are supposed to enjoy treating their patients. It is still happening in the US. Is it possible that Europe is farther along in the awakening against these demonic Pharma companies than the US? It appears so.
Those of us who acquired many promise to uphold a "standard" of care allegedly to protect the public. Sounds good, however it is actually the way to discipline by delicensing any renegade. Catch 22. Has not been different in many decades.
The European Court of "Justice" is a Soros-gangrened institution. You don't seem to understand that the logic is that "doctors were never madated to jab and are therefore liable for their actions", exactly the same argument that was used to say that the vaccine injured were never obliged to get "vaccinated" so they have no recourse. It's certainly not a victory in any way and Europe is far worse as it appears that Trump is doing something to root out the rot.
Make Doctors Liable Again.... Back in 2008 I warned the AAP that pediatricians would be held liable for the sequelae of the injections they were giving, so what did the AAP do?
An Amicus brief to the Supreme Court requestion unconditional blanket liability protection from giving jabs and they got it/
If the doctor is liable, perhaps they will think twice before damaging or killing someone.
I got very wary of the doctor asking me if i was getting a vax during a visit. I want to bring some copies of facts on damages the vax has and is doing to ppl, to the clinic. I wonder how that will be received. : )
The doctor I had who tried to vax me stonewalled mewheniied to talk about McCullough so I left. My new doc says regarding the vax "you won't et any push back from me" a very good sign!
I mainly avoid docs, but they are good at complex diagnosis (as you say) but also emergency treatments, like my brother with a heart attack in Nov. He survived and is recovering nicely. I like the new doc, a younger guy who seems to get it, but as he works in a hospital, would need to be careful of what he says by virtue of the instituion.
I beg to differ on the notion of complex diagnosis. There is never a holistic approach so a complex diagnosis is virtually impossible with each symptom regarded independently and given some chemical to hide the effects. Research the exponential growth of the number of existing pathologies in the past century and you could either argue that they're geniuses at discovering "new diseases" or, more likely in my view, a brilliant way of muddying the waters and allowing countless tests and treatments to be used in "complex diagnoses". Cancer is the perfect example where life expectancy after a diagnosis has barely budged in decades despite the hype.
Being cynical it might be to protect governments from monumental claims but it might also kill stone dead any vax programme given we know much of the testing was based upon relative not actual risk.
As that is already known I’d argue relying on the Pharma data to justify an action is no defence for a Dr.
Insurers will have doubts very robust views re liability which I’d like to think makes Dr actually think before acting.
It also brings to a halt any idea of mandates.
However my experience is the medical profession is woefully ill informed so it then I suggest means training needs to vastly improve and they need to demand access to vastly better data. Ie informed consent.
My own Dr when I challenged why they promoted the covid jab could only say it was “government policy”
Clearly under this case that case the Dr is now liable for adverse effects.
Therefore I’d prescribe a long term diet on non legacy media!
Court rulings like this might be a mute point if the results of the recent Yale study are borne out to be true. That study showed that the vaccine recipients (especially those who got multiple doses), have a type of acquired immune deficiency syndrom. I've seen other studies that showed the spike can stick to CD4 immune cells and once it sticks to the GP120 receptor, the cell commits apoptosis. Over time, the CD4 count of the vaxed declines. The study tried to hide the results but its clear that 2/3rds of the vaxed had significant declines in their CD4 counts. In fact, they might be already in the category of having AIDS based on their low CD4 counts.
An anectdote to back this up: I recently went to a play a friend was performing in. Almost all those attending were middle aged or elderly. They all looked very pale and sickly. One person fell over during admission and puked. I don't get out much, but I don't remember seeing everyone look so pale and sick before in a public gathering.
If it is actually a pathology that a large portion of the vaxed have, then courts and parliments and hospitals, and lawyers, and police etc. will be gone soon. Some illness that is mild to the unvaxed, will wipe out the vaxed en mass because their immune systems have declined so much. This will be a very sad time because so many loved ones will be lost, (as they are now but much more so).
This will lock down society again and get a bunch on the "Vax everyone" bandwagon. I recommend hiding out if possible during this time. Once the mass formed are largely gone, (sadly) then society can be rebuilt from the ground up.
Perhaps the adoption of this will get us away from the obligation to strictly follow "Standard of Care" that puts doctor's licenses at risk in places like California. There is a law here that allows the State to yank a license for just such a "violation."
I am a physician of 50 years but all I wrote for was ivermectin and none of my patients had problems. I would not take the Covid shot and I would not give the Covid shot to anyone. In 2016, at a medical conference in California, it was announced that they had 400 new vaccines waiting for the diseases to appear. It's not possible to make a vaccine if you don't know what you're making it to treat. This is exactly why I knew Covid was a Bill Gates lie to murder people. We must prosecute doctors who work for the insurance industry to harm people for money! Even nurses know to stand up to Doctors and tell them "no", when a treatment will harm a person.
Now we must take the power away from the insurance industry, when they force Doctors to do as the insurance company tells them! this should never be allowed because insurance should not dictate to Doctors.
Yes, and we should never forget the Thalidomide story... the drug from Germany that was untested, used for nausea in pregnant women. So many infants were born with deformities, shortened or no limbs, etc.
According to author Lawrence A. Cohen, in his recent 2024 book "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and..." (I got a copy on Amazon), which is going VIRAL, the Covid Bioweapon was "Murder by Design" (chapter 2) driven by an evil de-population agenda by the Globalist elites, including Gates, the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, and the 1 percent elite. We are the 99 percent! Do not Comply! - Cohen
Brilliant, easy to read book written from a Christian perspective!!! packed with great research on what We the People Must do before its too late.
Blessings Sharon, you are in the fraction of 1%
Expect good things to happen.
Do not confuse coertion with force.
I will always stay true to my ethics! First do no harm...!
Years ago, I was amazed how the book, Your Doctor Is A liar, explande how insert disclaimer packet for Lipitor said that it could harm you in many ways, and only beneficial to a few men from age 40 to 50 who had a heart attack, but it doesn't make you life a day longer!
Damn brother. You have it almost right. It isn’t the insurance company that is the problem, it is the government/Pharma collaborative money making machine that directs medical administrators in hospitals and doctor’s groups to mandate standards of care and then only funds those standards; mostly with public money. That drives the BS. Insurance companies would much rather not have so many people get sick and damaged; it hurts their bottom line. They are just too afraid to say anything about it. The actuaries know what is going on.
You also almost have it correct. Be careful about the word mandate. It is Big P and their henchmen well over 99% of the Medical Cartel.
Insurance actuary tables: 17 million dead (very conservative estimate) world wide from the Quaxcine (mRNA) countless more disabled.
Still climbing the curve.
Not to mention how their toxic mass jabs got childhood disorders like cancer and ASDS from 1 in 30,000 to our now 1 in 30 and still climbing! Soon to be 1 in 1 with disorders, all needing pharma "medicine!"
And Bill Gates is very disappointed with that number. He said so. He also said, “ With a little tweaking, we can increase those numbers in future pandemics.”
Meanwhile "they" continue to maintain the alternative reality we are expected to believe. "They" covers the criminals at Pharma and their partners in the medical complex but also includes the MSM, who are accomplices in murder and maiming, and very possibly eugenics. Today the Guardian has yet another puff piece for the vax - from the headline, it was "about" how anti-vax parents realised in the nick of time they were wrong. I hope this doesn't signpost another attack by the complex.
What a pity all doctors are not like you Sharon.
As a retired RN, I totally agree with you. The insurance companies are definitely a part of this terrible situation in which we find ourselves. God bless you for being a doctor who upholds her oath to first do no harm.
I agree with them. We, the doctors are the responsible. That is a good judgment. It also means that we doctors are finally regaining full sovereignty over therapy. No one, not even a state, no pandemic, and no massive psychological pressure can force us in the future.
Damn, I sure hope so. Standards of care and Medicare as well as govt law and act reimbursements are driving all healthcare now. Hospital admins are doing whatever makes money, and the patients be damned. Doctors are caught in the middle, with techs gutsy ones losing licenses. The entire cohort is damaged beyond repair. Only a complete rejection by ALL doctors can solve it. It is time to start a union of Physicians and fight back against the money grubbers in administrivia of what we still ironically call healthcare.
Big job and big fight. The co-option of medicine by industry and political interests is now entrenched into a globalist cabal.
"The FSMB, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, hosts the 1st International Conference on Medical Regulation in Washington, D.C. Regulatory authorities from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States later come together to form the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA)."
I'm from Europe, and I would join that union right away.
Are you quite sure you're on the right side ? 🤔 You clearly haven't read the history of fsmb or of its close ties with the AMA...
What an optimistic interpretation that is completely wrong unfortunately (at least in Europe). How many medical professionals are even today being persecuted for having dared to challenge the narrative with laws now in place of the "antisemitism" type except applied to perceived "antivax" positions. A recent case near me. A physiotherapist who posted information about adverse effects in his waiting room was dragged before the Medical Council and subsequently made to post a notice in his waiting room stating that he was guilty of spreading dangerous misinformation regarding the COVID vaccine and that patients should be aware of his unprofessional activities. This is not the 1930s but 2025 and still official government-approved policy. State-sponsored unofficial euthanasia is the other ongoing horrific scandal that is kept under wraps.
My doctor never pushed the Covid shots and I never got one. She’s a keeper.
Especially if she actually learned something about health, which means she continued to learn or even began learning post grad...
Health AND NUTRITION!!!!! If you remember this GREAT N WORD, you will almost NEVER NEED the BAD D WORDS of DRUGS/SHOTS!
NOONE. Should be mandated to be vaxxed. ESPECIALLY BABIES
Yes, this goes against the Nurenburg Code after WW2, after it was discovered how many Jews were forced to undergo medical experimentation (just like Covid bioweapon)... and did you know that many of the scientists who dis those experiments were placed into high positions within the US? "Operation Paperclip" it was called... I learned from L.A. Cohens VIRAL new book "America's Soul Under Siege: THe Implosion of the Middle Class and... " Easy to read... you won't be able to put this book down!
In Australia these forced injections violated the "Nuremburg Code", the "Australian Immunisation Handbook" and the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights -Article 7" of which Australia is a signatory. These three protections all cover the specific issue of humans having the right to bodily autonomy and the right to "voluntary fully informed consent without coercion or manipulation" for experimental medical procedures. Our political dictators criminally mandated these mRNA bioweapons knowing they had nothing to do with people`s health and, they knew the public would not comply if they were told the truth.
And pregnant women ….none zero nada .
I like the doctors being liable. They are the point of contact with the patient who supposedly trusts them. Regardless of their personal problems with paying back HECS debts or loans or anything else. This is about life and death. Politicians and their lackey bureaucrats will always vacillate and work on the costs and benefits to them. You can’t sue the politicians , but by God you can sue the doctors. Take charge of your own health.
Doctors in the US and abroad were paid MILLIONS IN kick backs ... Get the book "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class..." by Cohen. It came out last year (2024) .. its on Amazon and a couple of other book sellers have it.. You will be shocked with the info in this brilliant book!!!!
One brave pediatrician disclosed the following:
Had she used the Pfizer Quax on her 6000 patients during Covidiocy, she would
have been paid 1.5 million from Pfizer. Yes peeps it really is that bad!!!
From the taxpayer, not Pfizer
America was the healthiest country worldwide, before drugs and vaccines got a strong foothold in America. Today America is in 47th place health-wise and at the bottom of the barrel scholastically, because the matter in these shots destroys the body and brain!
Most people are becoming aware of how the AMA was promoted by John D Rockefeller in 1910 in order to promote his patented petroleum-based drugs. He got his men on the board of medical schools to promote DRUGS. He promised doctors Higher Income and Prestige, if they joined the AMA and sold drugs.. He did not promise better health for their patients. In order to be heathy nothing belongs in the bloodstream, except nutrients from decent food. The bloodstream carries nutrients to all the cells and organs in the body. NO OTHER MATTER, except nutrients belong in the bloodstream. All vaccines have toxic natter in them which break down the cells and organs.. The AMA promotes PRODUCTS, which should never be in the human body. Drugs and vaccines destroy health.. its time to dispense with the AMA, too. People would be far healthier, without it. America has gone from the top to the bottom health-wise in the last 70 years, since Americans have depended on medical treatment, NOT care, for their health. This must change! It is a major crime to dispense POISON!
IMHO, it should ALWAYS be the drug makers who are at fault!
Then no doctor in his right mind would want to take on that risk. This is good.
I loved my doctor's I can't believe they would do this everybody claims safe and effective. Now shorten your life.
Freedom of doctors is a joke. Try that in a Blue state. Doctors lost their licenses for the freedoms they are supposed to enjoy treating their patients. It is still happening in the US. Is it possible that Europe is farther along in the awakening against these demonic Pharma companies than the US? It appears so.
let us examine licensing, shall we?
Those of us who acquired many promise to uphold a "standard" of care allegedly to protect the public. Sounds good, however it is actually the way to discipline by delicensing any renegade. Catch 22. Has not been different in many decades.
The European Court of "Justice" is a Soros-gangrened institution. You don't seem to understand that the logic is that "doctors were never madated to jab and are therefore liable for their actions", exactly the same argument that was used to say that the vaccine injured were never obliged to get "vaccinated" so they have no recourse. It's certainly not a victory in any way and Europe is far worse as it appears that Trump is doing something to root out the rot.
Make Doctors Liable Again.... Back in 2008 I warned the AAP that pediatricians would be held liable for the sequelae of the injections they were giving, so what did the AAP do?
An Amicus brief to the Supreme Court requestion unconditional blanket liability protection from giving jabs and they got it/
and the assumption is they do have liability protection
However the reality is much different...
Now that the Feds have paid up for many Quax injuries we will soon
have private company liability. The attorneys will clamor on as they too grift.
If the doctor is liable, perhaps they will think twice before damaging or killing someone.
I got very wary of the doctor asking me if i was getting a vax during a visit. I want to bring some copies of facts on damages the vax has and is doing to ppl, to the clinic. I wonder how that will be received. : )
The doctor I had who tried to vax me stonewalled mewheniied to talk about McCullough so I left. My new doc says regarding the vax "you won't et any push back from me" a very good sign!
and the question is, does your new doc know anything about health?
Really that is the question... Most do not. Excellent at basic diagnosis can be expected, it degenerates from there...
I mainly avoid docs, but they are good at complex diagnosis (as you say) but also emergency treatments, like my brother with a heart attack in Nov. He survived and is recovering nicely. I like the new doc, a younger guy who seems to get it, but as he works in a hospital, would need to be careful of what he says by virtue of the instituion.
I beg to differ on the notion of complex diagnosis. There is never a holistic approach so a complex diagnosis is virtually impossible with each symptom regarded independently and given some chemical to hide the effects. Research the exponential growth of the number of existing pathologies in the past century and you could either argue that they're geniuses at discovering "new diseases" or, more likely in my view, a brilliant way of muddying the waters and allowing countless tests and treatments to be used in "complex diagnoses". Cancer is the perfect example where life expectancy after a diagnosis has barely budged in decades despite the hype.
are you suggesting its more and more about less and less?
Most definitely do understand. The time to be careful is expiring soon.
Heart attacks best prevented however that is a hard sell.
Emergency care is a necessity. Signing rights over to hospitals to do "whatever is necessary" including Quaxing is on the admission forms...
Language is obfuscated.
Now while you are healthy, fill out a living will and health paperwork along with your will for financial purposes.
Citizens United versus FEC must be overturned to bring power back to the people.
This is fascinating
Being cynical it might be to protect governments from monumental claims but it might also kill stone dead any vax programme given we know much of the testing was based upon relative not actual risk.
As that is already known I’d argue relying on the Pharma data to justify an action is no defence for a Dr.
Insurers will have doubts very robust views re liability which I’d like to think makes Dr actually think before acting.
It also brings to a halt any idea of mandates.
However my experience is the medical profession is woefully ill informed so it then I suggest means training needs to vastly improve and they need to demand access to vastly better data. Ie informed consent.
My own Dr when I challenged why they promoted the covid jab could only say it was “government policy”
Clearly under this case that case the Dr is now liable for adverse effects.
Therefore I’d prescribe a long term diet on non legacy media!
This decision could be a game changer.
Court rulings like this might be a mute point if the results of the recent Yale study are borne out to be true. That study showed that the vaccine recipients (especially those who got multiple doses), have a type of acquired immune deficiency syndrom. I've seen other studies that showed the spike can stick to CD4 immune cells and once it sticks to the GP120 receptor, the cell commits apoptosis. Over time, the CD4 count of the vaxed declines. The study tried to hide the results but its clear that 2/3rds of the vaxed had significant declines in their CD4 counts. In fact, they might be already in the category of having AIDS based on their low CD4 counts.
An anectdote to back this up: I recently went to a play a friend was performing in. Almost all those attending were middle aged or elderly. They all looked very pale and sickly. One person fell over during admission and puked. I don't get out much, but I don't remember seeing everyone look so pale and sick before in a public gathering.
If it is actually a pathology that a large portion of the vaxed have, then courts and parliments and hospitals, and lawyers, and police etc. will be gone soon. Some illness that is mild to the unvaxed, will wipe out the vaxed en mass because their immune systems have declined so much. This will be a very sad time because so many loved ones will be lost, (as they are now but much more so).
This will lock down society again and get a bunch on the "Vax everyone" bandwagon. I recommend hiding out if possible during this time. Once the mass formed are largely gone, (sadly) then society can be rebuilt from the ground up.
Europe including France and certainly Germany have fallen. Not falling, fallen.
The Medical Cartel and their bosses Big P are fully accountable, now and then.
It really does not matter the intention or belief.
Primum Non Nocere used to mean something (First Do No Harm)
It is way past time for Retribution.
Perhaps the adoption of this will get us away from the obligation to strictly follow "Standard of Care" that puts doctor's licenses at risk in places like California. There is a law here that allows the State to yank a license for just such a "violation."
JustPlainBill thanks for bringing up stand of care …