First make pharma liable for the safety of their products. No liability can only lead to massive abuse, injury and death. This is a no brainer and anyone that thinks otherwise is not living in this world.

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Yes, turn over that dastardly 1986 act and hold every last one of these bastards responsible! Break their backs, Sue them, until they are no more!

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Maybe "first" should be no longer having ANYTHING to do with pharmacological alchemic concoctions... And kick these snake oil vendors to the curb.

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We can't even get temporary restraining orders to stop the normalization of myocarditis in children and you think we can raise enough money to compete with those who bought enough 'patriots' to pass that 86' fed law.

I don't know how but we have to move beyond magical thinking. These bastards want us dead and have left no stone unturned in the effort. An amnesty deal with an expiry date perhaps. I would be curious how many non-psychos are uncomfortable with their roles in this new holocaust. All the historic Nazi connections are unnerving.

They call Putin a Nazi, what does that make the guys running Zelenskyy? Klaus Schwab's dad? Who's filling Biden's coffers? These guys buy into legit companies and then get to break every, and I mean every rule in the book. With innumerable law firms at their beck and call, our only option seems to be trying to reason with Judges, who let these things happen in the first place. Legal immunity, well of course, murderers need that! Sorry cranky will shut up

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There is of course one other action we can take, it may be coming faster than we think.

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Voting right? Just kidding.

JFK said those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. I ain't a fan but not much of a bystander either. We should just stand by and watch the world go full up cesspool and calling us out for being ethical and honest? If that's the easy way, I am up for a bit of hard work.

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Yep! I'm 99.999999% sure this is so clear to Bobby Kennedy and everyone on the panel that no one thought to specifically bring it up. He did talk about getting pharma ads off TV, and shifting the entire focus from pharma / infectious disease to wise, integrative medicine focused on healing - and not causing - chronic disease. And ending gain of function research, which brought so many diseases.

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“Personally, I think we need to make Scientific Misconduct a crime. It isn’t.”

I had no idea this was the case, and I cannot believe it isn’t prosecutable as fraud!

What do we need to do to make this happen?

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Objective medical research is greatly overshadowed by goal setting design for a financial outcome. Proving scientific fraud is difficult because of its nature. Consequently those caught cheating get a slap on the wrist and not jail time.! It’s up to Congress to fix it, but they are all manipulated by big Pharma, and it will not happen.!

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Manipulated? Hell, every last one of those swamp creatures is profiting bigly from all of their Big Harma stocks. They are all 100% bought and paid for by the Big Harma mafia! It’s really not hard to see.

What I would give to have a nice drone stop by pfizer and blow them to smithereens! Ditto for the swamp. You cannot redeem evil.

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We need more scientifically trained prosecutors.

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MAA- in all sincerity ( and schaudendippity-doo-dah )

the 'science' is mostly gamed to pump the fiat system-

(ergo(t) the fraud is baked in...n'est-ce pas ?)


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Seems the system does more harm than good, so do away with it. Would rather die of Polio than from an injection designed to kill me.

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"Everybody needs" the healthcare system? How clearly are you thinking today?

Sorry to burst bubbles, but nobody needs anything remotely like the "healthcare system" you refer to.

They need to run as fast and as far away as possible.

People need to take responsibility for their own health outcomes. Period. And those who are unable to have loved ones or neighbors who can advise.

"Everybody's afraid of it." is sadly not true enough. More people should be afraid.

"Everybody needs it." is 180 degrees off from the truth.

It may take looking at things from a different angle to understand this, though.

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Indeed. Instead of healthcare, there's a system of profitable disease management that would go bankrupt if patients were healed. Eventually it might dawn that many industries have been set up in similar fashion, emphasizing the importance of the dictum "self-reliance is the highest virtue" (quote from swami Sivananda who was MD).

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Yes, I’ve been saying this for years. Take responsibility for your own health! A good place to start is in the kitchen. It’s not a hard concept to eat real food, drink pure water, get some sunshine and move a bit.

Funny thing, not once in my Bible reading did I read of a Harmacy in the Garden of Eden, lol 😆.

Hippocrates said it best...”Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food “. Pretty simple concept. What’s incredible, is that it Works!

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You state a heroic stance that is timeless.

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Thanks! And it is not that hard to understand either. For a non-physician, anyway.

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One. Hundred. Percent. Hard to like this comment enough.

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66 years ago, I relied totally on a pediatrian to advise me on the care of my first child. He told me how to feed him; gave him his shots; and put him on traquilizers at 4-1/2. At this point, a good friend handed me some books and said, "Start reading! You are following the wrong people." I understood what he insinuated...and thought to myself, "What do you know? You are not a doctor!" However, I opened the first book and the first two things I read blew my mind. After reading this information, I never trusted the doctor again and decided to do my own health research. I realized that the doctor was responsible for the poor health of my little boy. I got into the study of nutrition and health, because of a sick child. Doctors do not study health. They study a subject called medicine....and medicine is the antithesis of health.

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Funny your comment reminded me of my Mom, when I tried to steer her for the deadly cancer protocols. She called me seven kinds of crazy, until it killed her.

You don’t need a degree to teach others the benefits of good, sound nutrition. As for being a doctor, that’s a label I’d never want today.

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This is really good.

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I left this evil system and never looked back after I was laid off in March 2020 at a hospital. I saw what they were doing creating fear. Very sad because we all are susceptible to needed emergency care very scary I just put my trust in God.

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Credit for leaving the system, Kelly, and for seeing what was happening out of the gate.

I agree re the need for emergency care--broken bones, cuts, other injuries. That should be a focus of the "alternative health system" -- a place where the injured can go for acute, immediate care.

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No, doc, America’s Health Care System can NOT be fixed. It must be completely abolished. Nothing about what’s considered Health Care in this country is fixable, and those who control and keep trying to justify it are monsters and must be completely destroyed. Being a former Army medic and nurse is very much like working at a chain restaurant as a fry cook you once liked and respected, then becoming not only so sickened about what you learned of it’s inner workings, but terrified—if you were paying any attention. Most individuals within government who control what’s called “education health and security” in this country are evil by design, and I have no plans on salvaging them or any part of “their” offices, just destroying it, starting with the CDC, FDA, USDA…everyone with power at the FBI, CIA, DARPA, NSA, DOD and the U.S. Justice & State Department. Then “we,” with today’s technology, will have the ability to save ourselves easier and cheaper than ever before.

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I've said the same about the political system in the US countless times. Burn it to the ground, and build it back up again so that it works for everyone. Not just the 1% at the top of the food chain.

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Clever name. Just like democracy, I do support restoring Palestine—without having to necessarily burn Nuclear-armed, Satanic Israel to the ground, or punishing rich people in general. But what you say is So true. And though I don’t believe it to be one of my many disabilities, I’m so incapable of understanding most individuals so trapped to the Right vs. Left paradigms; emotion-driven decision-makers. Everyone’s emotional. It’s not abnormal to have emotions or use it as a helpful-guide, and in spite of autism, nobody I know who’s also autistic are emotionless. But most autistics I do know have vary little patience for those who “never change and evolve out of bad ideas & policies; admit when they’re incorrect,” like the compulsory vaxx programmers; the DNA-modification monsters. We peoples evolved with viruses, and “natural immunity,” with a better understanding about sanitation, bacteria and viruses—which is what has saved us from virus-threats—not vaccines. Virus history and what most know today about these threats is a monstrous fraud. I’m Not saying vaccines can’t be made to be legitimate for those who want them, just not under an “everything must be for profit compulsory fear-induced Scamdemic—in which you Must be vaxxed with mRNA gene therapy—program.”✌️❤️🗽

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My handle is inspired by Oded Yinon's 1980's paper revealing the plan of an Israel from river (Nile) to river (Euphrates). Hence the Golan Heights, Syria, Iraq and finally neutralizing Iran.

The false left/right paradigm was designed by TPTSB (the S stands for shouldn't) so that you and I stay at each other's throats to keep us from teaming up against THEM. Sadly, as you mention, the majority of people on this planet can't wrap their heads around that.

When the swine flu and bird flu came along 15 or so years ago the propaganda machine was very transparent, so I didn't fall for it. Three years ago it was much more intense and convincing. In April of 2020 they said in the media here that it's going to take two to three years to develop a vaccine. When the vaxxine was rolled out 8 months later I caught on to the bovine fecal matter, and didn't get the jab. Boy am I glad now that I know my decision was correct.

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Yep. Very glad to hear you didn’t get the vaxx. Have you seen this clip, if it’s still active? It, these rich media personalities still shitting on everyone, infuriates me, still: ( https://substack.com/@jeffreyplubina/note/c-17758908?utm_source=notes-share-action ) …Now we need to work on a cure for those who got the mRNA jab—so those who got it can be in public around others without “shedding” their Bioweapon implants onto (into) the unvaccinated. You left out HIV. I was in the Army when that fraud was unleashed on the public. The senior officers within the medical corps treated those who tested positive horrifically, and the non-medical officers were even worse. Everyone’s still in denial about that mass murder “protocol,” too.

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Healthcare should not be in the hands of the shareholders.

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Part of the equation is that individuals are not taking control of their own health on average. If people adopted dietary and lifestyle choices that made their health a priority, the system would collapse automatically because most medical services would not be needed. It’s a two way street. The medical system is geared around making money from poor health and at the same time, people would rather take a pill than give up soda, chips, smoking or ice cream or a sedentary lifestyle. (I’m talking in general of course but it’s true of most of the people around me. I just spent two days with friends and family and did not see one single person eat a piece of real food the entire time, out of about ten of us, my husband and myself excluded) The CDC estimates that about 80% of chronic diseases are due to diet and lifestyle choices. It’s hard to complain that the medical system is corrupt and geared towards profiting off of poor health when people generally choose poor health. We have the power to end the current system if we want to.

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Is it possible to solve a problem by addressing the effects instead of the causes? It's a business model for pharma, but it depends upon not solving the problem, as you point out -- "If your doctor or hospital or system keeps you healthy, it goes out of business.".

If it were to turn out that we bring these things upon ourselves, then all the effort poured into stopping this system from doing what it is doing will never be enough. If these problems are the effect and we are the cause, the focus will have to change. It will have to become personal. Very personal.

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Indeed, who can keep a person healthy? Also, unfettered competition is the key to solving the non-riddle of health-captive-care. Lastly, learn how to support homeostasis through the ubiquitous, master regulatory system of the brain and body, the endocannabinoid system.

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Is "unfettered competition" related to "decentralized"? The body is indeed well-equipped to remain healthy when taken care of (and not poisoned), and medical fraud depends to a large degree upon us not believing that. I don't believe, however, that eliminating the present fraudulent system would eliminate disease or injury. I believe there are deeper causes for that, that most of the world has become conditioned to reject and ignore.

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I am intrigued by what just a few changes might be able to do to take alot of money out of the mix. It is so exciting. The upside of health that we are on the verge of witnessing is incredible it seems.

Have come across many amazing pieces of info in the past 3 years....... below are just 2 of them .... there is also something with cancer / parasites / toxins ........... ivermectin, fenbendazole, high dose / liposomal / iv vitamin c and cancer ......... orthomolecular.org select Library, select News Releases; ivtogo.com ; livonlabs.com ; florida sharkman.org protocol ; Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University ; Dr. Hulda Clark books, drclarkstore.com ; Riordan Clinic in Wichita, Kansas

Riordan Protocol for cancer used by 1000 doctors in Japan includes iv vitamin c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7NoUcktt58 The Power of Intravenous Vitamin C with Dr Ron Hunninghake interview by Lisa Tamati Sept 2020 ....... books by Dr Thomas Levy ........ Dr. Robert Cathcart chart https://www.optimalc.com/images/xcathcart-vitamin-c-dose-chart.jpg.pagespeed.ic.9Q4ns_Xv02.jpg .............. so much great information out there once you know to look for it.

1. ************************************************

page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's (a 40 year researcher on vitamin D) published in his 2010 book, "The Vitamin D Solution" ...................... "For some, even physicians, it's incomprehensible that vitamin D can reduce the risk of heart attack by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of common cancers of the colon, prostate, and breast by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of infections [typo in book? infectious?) diseases, including influenza, by as much as 90 percent; reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes by 78 percent in a child who gets 2000 IU of vitamin D a day in the first year of life; decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes; decrease the risk of dementia and depression; wipe out cases of fibromyalgia that have been misdiagnosed; and dramatically decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and other auto-immune diseases. When in doubt, I always go back to this simple fact; every tissue and cell in the body has a vitamin D receptor." end of excerpt from page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's book "The Vitamin D Solution".

2. ********************************************************



Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, April 22, 2005

Vitamin C Saves Lives

Millions die each year from heart disease and stroke, and the overwhelming evidence is that vitamin C supplementation would save many lives.

Two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling estimated that the rate of heart disease would be reduced by 80 per cent if adults in the US supplemented with 2,000 to 3,000 mg of vitamin C each day. According to Dr. Pauling, "Since vitamin C deficiency is the common cause of human heart disease, vitamin C supplementation is the universal treatment for this disease."[1] Heart disease is the number one killer in the US. For those with existing heart disease Dr. Pauling said that blockage of heart arteries could actually be reversed by supplementing with 6,000 of vitamin C and 6,000 of lysine (a common amino acid) taken in divided doses throughout the day. Vitamin C supplementation both lowers serum cholesterol levels and repairs lesions of arterial walls. 1998 Nobel Prize winner Dr. Louis J. Ignarro found that supplementing with vitamin C and vitamin E significantly reduces the risk of developing arteriosclerosis.[2]

A study examined vitamin E and vitamin C supplement use in relation to mortality risk in 11,178 persons aged 67-105 who participated in the Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly over a nine year period.[3] Simultaneous use of vitamins E and C was associated with a lower risk of total mortality and coronary mortality after adjusting for alcohol use, smoking history, aspirin use, and medical conditions.

A landmark study following over 85,000 nurses over a 16-year period for a total of 1,240,000 person-years found that vitamin C supplementation significantly reduced the risk of heart disease.[4] Intake of vitamin C from foods alone was insufficient to significantly effect the rate of heart disease. High quantities of vitamin C from supplements was essential to provide the protective effects. The study adjusted for age, smoking, and a variety of other coronary risk factors."

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Meryl, you are trending in the right direction. What we really need is to do to government bureaucrats (and elected reps, for that matter) what the government has no trouble doing to company executives it does not like: attaching CRIMINAL penalties to their actions.

The government almost always exempts itself from even civil penalties for wrongdoing, and if they are to be paid, we the taxpayers are forced at gunpoint to come up with the cash. But if the individuals in CDC, IRS, HHS, NIH, FDA, you name it were facing possible criminal penalties for malfeasance, the entire system would fix itself quickly.

"They" will whine that no one will go into government if they face criminal penalties for malevolent acts. Well, we would all be better off for that, too.

Right now the real problem is that the enlightened self-interest of those who are supposed to be looking out for the populace is aligned with everyone else but the populace. Making the individuals have skin in the game at the individual level would change a lot of this, and would do so quickly.

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THIS is why our pols (& bureaucrats) can't be allowed to have one cent more than their poorest constituent, or to exempt themselves from what they dish out to the public, or to get any benefits which everyone else doesn't also get. At the very least, POVERTY would end abruptly. As it should.

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Is it possible to stop the scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape bioweapon?

Womanity is in deep Doo Doo, first need is to stop the bleeding

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The BASIC error is treating the material BODY - while censoring the SPIRITUAL nature of humans - as easily proven every day in "Near Death Experiences" - that are carefully ignored or ridiculed.


The second biggest error is ALLOWING harmful DRUGS with carefully designed & intentional "SIDE-EFFECTS" that create new disease - as in Vaccination or Chemo-therapies or in Anti-depressants that are carefully engineered to make REAL escape from depression a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE.

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When I saw this topic, I knew I would start preaching. I hope that I say something here that gives hope and faith and love to you.


The old medical system with county hospitals for teaching the medical students was a better system in my opinion.

I feel that what is happening in biological research and defense laboratories crosses the line of what is morally right. There is no monitoring and evil is being conjured up there.

Just feed your mind with what is good and right and just. Do not waste your sufferings. Offer them up for the glory of God.

Acknowledge God in all your ways and He will direct your paths.

Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.

John 14:6


Whatsoever you do, do it from the heart, as to the Lord, and not to men:

Colossians 3:23


And be not conformed to this world; but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God.

Romans 12:2


Discipline is the price of freedom.

Cling to family and friends and support and take care of each other.

One of my favorite movies.


Our Daily Bread

King Vidor director


I like to learn about my Catholic Christian religion of the very oldest videos from early 1990s from this youtube channel.

Here is the listing of the those oldest videos in descending order.

(You may have to press "oldest" button to get this order.)


Take care of your soul and avoid bad influences from certain people and from this wicked world system

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Public healthcare should "not" be so intertwined with the DOD. That problem was evident during the scamdemic when mandates were enforced for the experimental mRNA toxin eliminating bodily autonomy.

Tax dollars pays for big pharma research so why should these companies use that research to secure billions. Either nationalize big pharma, or put huge price caps on what they can charge for prescription drugs.

Private hospitals are "ripoff machines" excessively overcharging patients and insurance companies.

In addition, "healthcare insurance" is another shakedown business.

The entire medical system functions in a way that has little to do with healthcare and more to do with extorting money from patients or from compromised government agencies.

That being said, more emphasis should be placed on "preventive care" and alternative homeopathic treatments. A type of medicine totally ignored in medical schools.

If a population is fit, they'll probably have a more powerful immune system to fight off the numerous toxic elements within the environment and food supply.

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The last verse of Genesis>"A Trick of the Tail">"Entangled comes to mind.

Well, thanks to our kindness and skill

You'll have no trouble until

You catch your breath

And the nurse will present you the bill!"


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I think the "remainder" of the bill is mailed to your home as you probably wouldn't be occupying a hospital bed unless you had the appropriate insurance. So you're relapse resulting from stress might be delayed a few weeks. But the good news is that the first hospital stay might've satisfied your deductible.

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