The WHO is a dark organization whose main purpose is to promote the use of vaccines, use them to sterilize the population or cull them...they need to be exposed. In their charter they have given themselves unconditional immunity. This is not okay (understatement).

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bill gates (of hell) is the 2nd largest donor. That should tell most of the story.

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My best guess would be definitely. Time to cut the head off the snake.

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Will be crushed.

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Study brought to you by: (you guessed it) BMGates Foundation

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Ole Billy Boy has his fingers in many pies. Me thinks he might be kind of a control freak. Either way, he's a megalomaniac.

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You're too kind. #BillGatesofHell. A Demonic Genocidal Psychopath with a god complex, is a more accurate descriptive term for him.

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Be a shame if something awful happened to him 🤷‍♂️

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The WHO Is A Neurological Illness.


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I Like This Whole Covid Thing.

But Then I Think:


There Goes The Entire Science Fiction Genre.”


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They’ve given the game away by effectively admitting that they expect 3 billion people to suffer neurological disorders from their poison death shots. That’s one hell of a lot of people who will need treatment and help. No doubt some of those will need full time help. I can’t see how govt’s will be able to afford it. Plus, how many will need to be employed to look after them? If the health workers have been jabbed then there is a possibility they too will turn into a patient. What a disaster.

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Similar to “on the spectrum” which has been normalized.

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The bloodstream carries the matter in injections throughout the body ...and this means into the brain,too. Neurological symptoms would be created, when toxic matter enters the brain. What else is to be expected, when Injecting matter, which should not be in the blood stream? Our body was designed to absorb nutrients from the food ingested. The right food contributes to health. The wrong matter in these injections contribute to deadly side effect to the body and the brain. The only thing which should be in the bloodstream are the right nutrients to enhance one's mental and physical health.

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yes, and I believe that the LNP's cross the blood brain barrier, something they didn't test for, of course.

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Crosses the blood brain barrier….what did they expect?

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Normalizing that which they in no small part are causing.

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3 billion? Out of 8 billion 300 million something? What are they counting? Besides all the carnage caused specifically by spike protein, what else? Autism spectrum (phenomenally exacerbated in terms of prevalence by the child vaxes)? Dementia? Cognitive impairment? Maybe they are modelling (as usual totally abstracted from embodied and local realities) based on the age of populations? That anyone over 50 (though, naturally, not from the safe and effective poisons) has at least the beginnings of impairment? Maybe this is pre-advertising for a vaccine for aging and cognitive impairment, mrna no doubt, that miraculous elixir? I want a vaccine that protects against them, extractive vampiric kraken that they all are.

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Of course they are - this is what they do. Just like when you take your car to the garage and they damage it and say that they are all like that and then they charge you to fix what they damaged. At this stage, the only safe thing to do is never take your car to a garage and never go near a hospital.

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No surprise there! Bet there has been a huge number of “ Sudden Deaths” since Tony Fauci’s experimental vaccine came on the scene about the same time his home-made virus made it’s way around the globe from our pals in Communist China.

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This was no lab leak. It was a deliberate release in multiple locations. WHO is responsible, I have no idea!

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/lab-leak-zoonotic-spillover-or-deliberate

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Fuck Tedros!!!

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Conveniently many western countries legalising or about legalise euthanasia... easy way to wipe out 1/3 of the population considering the shots & man made 'virus' have failed at that.

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as always thank you for your good investigative work, doctor.

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