EXPOSED: What They’re NOT Telling You About the RAPE GANGS… | Neil Oliver


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Yes, prosecute ALL the perpetrators, including the wealthy and powerful ones!

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cannot echo it enough!!

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The sooner Nigel is Prime Minster the better for Britain and the world. The most significant UK political figure since Margaret. Thanks for the post. I hope he can use his influence to spring Tommy.

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Tommy is not really Tommy , look who he is really working for . And his real name

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Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon (né Yaxley; born 27 November 1982

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That is well known. What is bollocks is your “look who he is really working for” innuendo. Tell us then.

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A fine Israeli English boy lol

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“lol” - the refuge of the sanctimonious

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I like Nigel Farage a lot. I dare not hope for leaders without shortcomings or flaws; leaders who never say the wrong thing or who always say the right thing. But to say this is a long running disgrace and betrayal of UK citizens by their own government would be a gross understatement. After collecting story links for a period of years on this subject matter, in 2019, I read Peter McLoughlin's "Easy Meat," an exhaustively documented history of the UK grooming gangs targeting young British white and Sikh girls. As I recall this goes at least as far back as the 80s.

Here's an old link to a BBC story from 2014, titled "Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds." It's so old, the images from the article show as dropped out when I pull it up on my screen now. But here is a salient snippet from the story:

"The report found: 'Several [police] staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.'"


Wrt to the UK government, the time to serve as advocates for their own citizens, rather than those who arrive from abroad to demoralize and destroy, is decades overdue. But no, they'd rather arrest Tommy Robinson AGAIN for calling attention to the issue. Shameful, disgraceful, treasonous. And my personal belief is that this has been permitted because it is a component of the larger internationalist plan that includes the medical tyranny and the attack on national sovereignties.

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There's a long-term problem with Nigel's stance on the muslim rape gangs. So as not to alienate the entire Muslim vote, he has said quite clearly - "‘If we politically alienate the whole of Islam, we will lose’" - signifying his hope to separate the "muslim" connection to the grooming gangs (now acknowledged to be spread over far more than the 50 towns already pinpointed). This rationale is the reason for Labour/Starmer's refusal to re-investigate this issue. 80% of British muslims vote Labour and many marginal Labour seats depend on their vote. Moreover, when muslim numbers reach a certain threshold, they put up their own candidates and over time, this will produce more significant problems in the electoral sphere.

A conundrum for Farage.

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Yes Tommy is the Distraction. All Politicians (both side) have know of these goings on ,and did nothing. Why ? Possibly involved in it one way or another.

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And the powers at be allowed what’s his name Saville to continue to criminalize even though even we, in the US, knew what he was doing way over there. What the hell is wrong with you people??

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and now at this late date they are 100% outed

Justice delayed is still justice.

These people are insane, that is what is wrong with them.

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People don’t Care ,as long as it doesn’t affect them. The Rot Starts at the Top and we all know where that is.

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For the Love of the Source of the Universe, could we please focus on the desecration, rape, and mutilation of everything we hold sacred: our children, our pledge of healing…..PLEASE focus on the demonic massacre in Palestine….it is not ‘over there’ - it is in our minds, hearts, consciousness every day as healers….it is ripping our Souls apart.

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Elon got mad cause they killed his progeny by viruganda sterilized his poor boy he will never forgive that

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VERY low level reasoning. The issue is Child Rape, that is the issue...

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Elon is a transhumanist. He is ushering in the great reset. Look into his family's background.

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Go Nigel!!!!!

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Nigel had a big ally in Musk but he slipped up by criticizing Tommy. His character is not relevant when he's fighting for justice for thousands of 11+ girls who were incessantly raped, tortured & traumatized for decades. How can they ever return to normalcy? But no one in government gives a damn. Starmer is a WEF protege & that is a satanic organisation, reporting to the Rothschild globalists, who are self-declared Luciferians. The fact that millions of socialists voted for a satanist, tells you the moral state of the UK working class.

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Musk is a "gadfly" and "agent of change" with the "imp of the perverse", is he not?

He and Trump both spot situations which are grossly imbalanced and inherently primed for change.

Soros also had/has that talent, but nationalist interests differ from globalist interests, though the scope is universal in both camps.

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I pray that is so, Some of the accounts of the attacks are horrific

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