It isn't due to vaccines.
Now shut up and go home. Wash your mouth out with soap. Don't ever let me hear such things from you again!--vaccine injuries being the first medical subject to be powerfully cancelled
Are you as tired of this old saw as I am?
“We don’t know what causes it, but the one thing we do know is that it is not vaccines.”
“We don’t need to study whether autism is caused by vaccines, because we already know it isn’t.”
I used to think such remarks were due to either ignorance or Big Pharma’s largesse. With a helping of virtue-signaling.
I no longer believe that.
Based on the utterly wrong:
Hepatitis B vaccine program (the unnecessary, day-of-birth vaccine to prevent a sexually transmitted disease),
the yearly flu shot for everyone (even though this will reduce efficacy when “the big pandemic” occurs and you might need vaccine -induced immunity), and (also see this re flu shots)
the COVID “vaccine” debacle,
I now believe that there has long been a secret plan to use vaccines against the population.
And so any challenge to vaccines in general, or even one vaccine in particular, had to be snuffed out. This has been going on for many decades.
And that is why tightening vaccine mandates both at the state and then federal level (despite a long-held belief, even by CDC, that the feds had no legal right to impose vaccine mandates) became so important.
I now believe the people who came up with this plan think that broad vaccination programs and mandates will serve them in future, entitling them to inject us with whatever they want, since we have been conditioned to seek a vaccine remedy for whatever dread infection they come up with. These people are perfectly fine with inducing serious chronic illnesses in large swathes of the population. This is why the autism rates continue to increase, and why developmental disorders are rampant. And why the deadly COVID shots keep being given, while the public health agencies play dumb.
When you vaccinate a baby on the first day of its life, before it leaves the hospital, you have perfected a method by which no one knows whether the vaccine injured the child or whether the child was born with a disability.
When you scare people enough, and convince them there is no other possible way to save their lives but your wonderful new shot, they will fight to be first in line for the experimental potion. Or at least they would until now.
We need to end all the biological warfare/Gain of Function research and development and incinerate whatever has been produced—everywhere. Our own State Department has blocked this from being accomplished for the past 25 years. Now is the time to strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention and end this form of warfare for good.
We must end all vaccine mandates. And if we can’t do that, we have to end the PREP Act, and make all experimental products strictly voluntary. No special rules or MOUs for military service-members, or healthcare professionals, or teachers or anyone else, that are designed to skirt existing laws on informed consent that prevent coercion from being applied.
We must pass a law that defines a new crime with a severe penalty: knowingly participating in medical injury or murder, whether by vaccines, drugs, medical devices or other means.
Addendum: The withholding of treatment should also be a serious crime.
This is our first chance to make this happen, and Trump is the only President brave enough to do so. Pray we can accomplish it.
If vaccines do not contribute to autism, or are not the cause, then there world be equal distribution of autism occurring the week before vaccines and the week after vaccines. That is absolutely not the case! The overwhelming majority of behavior changes/autism occur AFTER vaccines!!!
I believe Trump needs to repeal the law Reagan signed to give drug companies complete protection! Why would they bother to keep anything safe if they are protected.