If vaccines do not contribute to autism, or are not the cause, then there world be equal distribution of autism occurring the week before vaccines and the week after vaccines. That is absolutely not the case! The overwhelming majority of behavior changes/autism occur AFTER vaccines!!!

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True however autism is a single issue, not that it is less important.

Malignancy, now oncologists use the term "turbo" cancer common parlance in hot car engines. They clearly have no clue.

Auto Immune disease now occuring much earlier than before, No explanation

Myocarditis in children, never existed before, No explanation

always had Heart Attacks and strokes but massive increase, No explanation

I could continue but we have covered the bases...

None are safe, None are effective // All are harmful, now genocidal

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And, possibly, generally poorer health and ability to recover. It seems all pervasive when you start to question these products...


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The Covid “vaccine “ suppresses your immune system.

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And communities that do not vaccinate do not have autism

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This applies to SIDS deaths too since a lot of them happen just after the well visit where kids get another vax. Or 2-5 at the same time. I’m sure there is a study that shows how safe that is. Right?

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At the beginning of the Covid scam, when they locked us all down, SIDS deaths dropped dramatically because kids were not going in for healthy visits. Vaccines and SIDS go hand in hand, too.

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Yup. That seemed to be proof that vaccines cause SIDS deaths and possibly other disorders. If we had a functioning health system there would be studies on it. But the Amish are already a control group that are ignored.

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America’s med system is vax happy all to make profits for the Big Pharma industry

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And most of us now personally know someone who this happened to. But, we are "conspiracy theorists" according to some... How is it a "theory" when we literally watch our baby or child change overnight right after getting one of these "safe and effective" "vaccines"? No... it's a fact. It happened. How dare these monsters continue to tell parents they are crazy or mentally ill. I'd say the parents who are mentally ill are the ones who *won't admit* that their child/baby changed right after the "vaccine".

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‘ Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.’

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I believe Trump needs to repeal the law Reagan signed to give drug companies complete protection! Why would they bother to keep anything safe if they are protected.

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Trump can't even shut up about his "role" and "achievement" in Covid-19 vaccines and his "you're welcome, Joe." Until Trump publicly acknowledges he was duped into it, or confesses what exactly these vaccines for, we have no hope of him repealing the law Reagan signed.

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I don't think he can afford to bad mouth Operation Warp Speed, but he can vigorously support medical freedom, use of repurposed drugs, and, best of all, rigorous testing for al drugs and food additives. He did not, after all, want to use nothing but vaccines. He was enthusiastic about HCQ until Fauci and the medical cabal stopped him.

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You outlined the issue well. Trump is easily lead/mislead, "he was enthusiastic about HCQ until Fauci and the medical cabal stopped him."

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Trump doesn't apologize. This likely served him well as a businessman in real estate development, it can be a cutthroat business. Weakness doesn't play well.

Now he is in a different role. This is where, I believe, the issue finds root. He needs to be shown a way to back off which maintains his strong ego.

Dr. Peter McCullough has some good ideas regarding how Trump could exit this position while maintaining his sense of self. Mr. Trump needs to listen to Dr. McCullough.

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Please share Dr McCullough's suggestions on how Trump can save face.


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I went looking for the specific piece, which was written and either directly published or picked up by a site and re-published. It might still be out there. I will spend a bit more time, however I think there is enough information here from a Dr. McCullough interview to link as a reply:


This is from May 2024. As you scroll down you will find a YT video which was a complete interview which YT, true to form, took down. Censorship is still quite alive in the former Republic.

There are a couple of other interviews out there, the one I just posted the link for is the easiest to navigate. I'll put in a plug for Vigilant News and also The Vigilant Fox, which I find are good sources for information.

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Yes please share those good ideas. And share them with Mr Trump quickly too.

It seems Trump is actually doubling down with his recent announcment of Stargate mRNA jabs (now with bonus AI) to complement his portfolio of Warpspeed jabs.

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This reply is a repeat of one I just made up-thread. It hopefully will activate a reply note in your email.


I went looking for the specific piece, which was written and either directly published or picked up by a site and re-published. It might still be out there. I will spend a bit more time, however I think there is enough information here from a Dr. McCullough interview to link as a reply:


This is from May 2024. As you scroll down you will find a YT video which was a complete interview which YT, true to form, took down. Censorship is still quite alive in the former Republic.

There are a couple of other interviews out there, the one I just posted is the easiest to navigate. I'll put in a plug for Vigilant News and also The Vigilant Fox, which I find are good sources for information.

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I think the thing that’s the most obvious conclusion is that Trump is in. He isn’t being misled. He has surrounded himself with the most pro mRNA vaccine people he can find. Now his AI program Stargate will be used to formulate new mRNA vaccines and he could t be more excited about it. He knows what people are saying about these vaccines. He said in an interview that he was well aware of what the right thinks of them so he said he has to keep it on the down low because they get upset, but then in the next breath he said how great the vaccines are. Trump is vigorously pro vaccine and specifically pro mRNA vaccine. We have to get past this misguided hope that he will admit to being misled. Never going to happen

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Your assessment skills need a refresher course...

The Art of War...

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Exactly. Specifically designed to formulate mRNA vaccines and Trump is very excited about it. Just like how he was so excited about what Bill Gates told him about his vaccine program. He loves vaccines. He couldn’t be a bigger proponent

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That would be nice but you might as well ask that of 80-90% of physicians, hospital directors, politicians, bureaucrats, UN, WHO, Gates & gang, the military top brass, the list is long, very long.

We can't even get 1% of them admit that 9/11 was a government job, mass murder, the evidence is beyond overwhelming:


Baby steps. We're making progress.

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Let's indulge in an interesting "conspiracy theory" that lately caught my eye.

What if the vaccine Trump ordered from Moderna on 13-Jan-2020 was to protect people from Fauci/Obama's bred H7N9 bird flu (fatality rate 40%), not SARS-COV2? Trump repeatedly referred to "1917 Spanish Flu." I thought it was his ignorance mixing up 1917 vs. 1918, but he insisted on 1917 again and again.

When Trump ordered the millions of doses of vaccines on 13-Jan-2020, there was only 1 dead on Earth that day from SARS-COV2 in Wuhan.

ONE person on earth.

So most likely, the vaccines Trump ordered that day, weren't for COVID at all. Per this conspiracy theory - Obama funded Fauci and Kawaoka to do Gain of Function on a bird flu strain similar to 1917 Spanish Flu in 2014.

Project: 5R01AI069274-07

Principal Investigator: Kawaoka, Yoshihiro

Awardee Organization: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Total funding: $611, 416

Year: 2014

The goal was to damage China's food supply: eggs and chicken

The virus escaped from the lab and the vaccines weren't for SARS-COV2 but for Obama's H7N9.

Without the vaccines, 5-12 million Americans might have died - maybe that is why Trump still wants the credit for vaccine?

COVID was the cover-up.

Langley is real good.

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Yes this argument was FIRST put forward by John Cullen and Crowdsource the Truth. HIs articles were fabulous deep dives into this and is very convincing.

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Yes, it's John's theory and I think John might be on something with it. I think it needs to be looked at very closely. The above will explain a LOT of currently unexplainable, as to why what was happening went against all logic/common/medical sense.

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I followed him closely until he took a hiatus from the H7n9 angle in order to ipursue the Trump Butler assassination shooter(s). Huge loss. THere is one clip where he shows Trump repeating the words ***2017*** plandemic at least 50 times. Very interesting. His point being that the "jab" was ordered for something else entirely that got out of control. Brett Weinstein interviewed with John and seemed to give a nod to this possibility, as did Malone begrudgingly after first trashing John. I wish John would re-open this research. It was making a whole lot of sense to me.

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The "vaccines" Trump ordered WERE for covid. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/12/11/2020-27455/ensuring-access-to-united-states-government-covid-19-vaccines

The national emergency (and all the ensuing consequences of that) Trump called WAS for covid. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/03/18/2020-05794/declaring-a-national-emergency-concerning-the-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak

What if there is a mouse-sized hippopotamus living in a tea-cup on the far side of the moon hiding in the shadow of a crater.

What if.

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yes what about we who were not vaccinated. we did not die of bird flu or anything else really. we’re still standing here looking around at each other crying our eyes out about the ones who dropped dead, the ones who took the vax who were supposed to survive the pandemic!

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My sister and I both at risk with compromised Immunity did not get vaccinated and nothin.' same with several other friends. There are many we know who did get the vaccines and got covid anyway. I remember seeing the hospitals set up to handle covid patients with rows of empty beds. I have no proof but my gut tells me sump'm's fishy.

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Tons of people lived through Spanish flu, bubonic plaque, etc.

I know people who died of Covid-19 (or whatever it was). Your's is not a valid argument.

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You have just channeled my Inner Dr. Suess. Is there a new Hop on Pop book in my future? :)

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Frankly, nothing would surprise me at all. As wild as this theory is, what we lived through was way more wilder and immune to logic/common sense/medical integrity.

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The federal register would say this. WHAT IF you might entertain ANY source proposing an alternative...maybe there would be a lightbulb in the shadow of the crater...

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Utter BS. If the Federal Register was incorrect Trump would have had it corrected his last time in office. If it was tampered while Biden was in the big house, then Trump would have had it fixed already this round and had those responsible prosecuted. Let go of the hopium. No one is coming to save you. Certainly not a dodgy Epstein-associate billionaire and his 13 billionaire buddies in his administration.

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Explain this though….what about we who were not vaccinated. we did not die of bird flu or anything else really. we’re still standing here looking around at each other crying our eyes out about the ones who dropped dead, the ones who took the vax who were supposed to survive the pandemic!

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Trump wouldn't have known anything about Kawaoka's GoF work or NIAID's funding of it

he would never have been briefed on it

when he repeatedly refered to 1917

it was because that was what he was told by staff was the year of the strain

so as to have him embarrassed when fact-checked

again he was misled and let down by those entrenched interests that preceded his presidency

and worked to torpedo it

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Trump just expressed great excitement about research expanding mRNA vaccine technology for cancer treatment.. Egad...no safety studys as well as a spike protein alert! Was he courted and duped by Gates who was "all excited" about his meeting with Trump on vaccines? Gates -whose parents did a stint leading Seattle Eugenics- made so much money on covid shots as well as on those "free" covid tests the government (taxpayer) paid for. And of course, there are more-than-hints of other goals and creepy practices as described in RFK's book (which no one has refuted although they discredit & personally attack RFK whenever possible).

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The Art of War, Sun Tzu

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Can you be more specific?

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We didn't even know it was a war. Now, STILL, the Booboeoise refuse to believe their eyes... it was a mistake! A few bad apples... no. It is a Pogrom. Factoid: Abortion is killing a foetus. A foetus grows into a human. Since 1972 Feminism, Planned Parenthoods, Clinics etc have allowed/caused ONE POINT TWO BILLION murders... that's a "B" btw.

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Exactly. Trumps ego is his greatest weakness—-he cannot admit he was wrong about the Covid shot.

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Public Hanging I say for ALL Big Pharma drug pushers and ANYONE who assists them !

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Including Mr Warpspeed himself, DJT?

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the anyone is the Medical Cartel but they are used to

get out of jail free passes. Less than 1% speak the truth. Whether they are complacent or complicit matters not.

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YES! YES! YES! Trump can't repeal it, but congress can.

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Probably needs an act of Congress first

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I am not clear on American law. Can a president actually repeal a law enacted by the Houses of Congress signed by a previous president? Or can they only repeal presidential directives and administrative regulations?

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It was Congress that did the prep act and gave vaccine makers liability protection. Reagan actually told them they might not want to do that but Congress insisted and so it was done.

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No. Presidents don’t make or repeal laws. That is solely the responsibility of Congress. Of course - that matters only to people who care about and follow our Constitution. Sadly, I cannot think of a single person in government who actually follows the Constitution.

The John Birch Society publishes a list rating how well each elected official aligns with the Constitution. It’s quite thorough and sometimes surprising.

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Excellent idea!

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As Dr. David Martin said--all the information is available, just takes real digging.

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He is in his element exposing the rampant corruption. His efforts are top notch,

for anyone with the bandwidth.

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Truth Seeker--Contact your senators regards RFK confirmation and share widely. .

Dor the many unable to attend or even if doing so, contact your senators. Access below

Invites All Supporters Able To Travel To Come To DC On Jan 29 And/Or 30 For His Senate Confirmation As Director Of HHS. ,

Call your senators........https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?fbclid=IwY2xjawIDv8dleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHYVz8ee4YTFUG0Wy7GhFDO7wKiRSTOPXPcUWowLjzLuIIkxMM3BZvwDhsw_aem_kWvsH_GAa9RxeMORgk_PsQ&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Do not even remember how he came my way but first talk! Then more. Haven't needed anyone else really with his research , facts, details.

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Nowadays it doesn't even take much digging!

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Hannah Poling won her case in court. Those records were sealed.

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It is the greatest cover up in history. And the layers keep being added. Until they no longer can. The RFK Jr appointment is more feared than Trump himself. More than Kash Patel, more than Pam Bondi.

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Excellent and I completely agree.

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Nah, DJT was and is the most hated individual by the Deep State by a huge margin.

However its pointless to play the most feared card. RFK will annihilate the banshees and will be appointed

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Might be a toss up with Trump and Bobby along with Jay Bhattcharya. The US government has a lot to lose if Bobby or Jay get too close to records and data from past administrations.

I have followed the Covid outbreak from the beginning and firmly believe that Eco Health Alliance and Peter Daszak were doing gain of function at the Wuhan lab and there was a leak. Daszak was just disbarred and EHA had its US Gov funding cut off. What most people do not know is the US Dept of Defense was funding research. If all these things are true and credible evidence would surface the US Dept of Defense would have a nightmare on its hands. World opinion would go nuclear.

So in conclusion the true powers that be do not want Bobby or Jay anywhere near that data or records. And they certainly do not want an honest inquiry into Covid origins.

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It seems likely they started it long before Wuhan. Just moved the finishing touches away from prying eyes.

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It is not a toss up, not even remotely close, but irrelevant.

Daszak was defunded. Gubmint agencies manufactured the

mRNA quaxcine. Covidiocy included fake testing and...

lethal treatments...

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Jan 25Edited

It wasn't a leak. It was done on purpose. Fauci's the one that announced there would be a pandemic before the end of Trump's presidency a couple of years before they pulled the covid s*** on us.

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Yes and add to that his vaccines patents and his connection with Moderna and his million dollar prize for his contribution to science supposedly from an Israeli university. With all the dual citizenship Israelis involved in the jab I am guessing kickback.

Having said all that I am still not 💯 sure if deliberate leak. If it was they knew their tracks had to be bomb proof otherwise real bombs might be falling on them.

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If not, we have an extremely sad Congress.

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We do have a "sad" congress

Public failures set the stage, Think Bidenistas, Camel Hair, Libtard Governance, RINO's that have been primaried. That the short list

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Look into the writings of many of the early presidents and you'll see that you are on the right trail.

Also, if you read the arguments of the "anti-Federalists," you'll see that they predicted what would happen. The system was corrupted out of the box., and even by 1822 it was corrupt enough that an excellent book was written about it titled, "Tyranny Unmasked."

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It is all coming out it God wills it so. I pray every day for the truth to continue to be revealed by him. Jesus said ‘the truth will set you free’ referring to himself as the one who came to save. Yet we all believe this applies to everything, as God’s law forbids bearing false witness against your neighbors...the truth will set us free from the medical and government tyranny and open up the eyes of the world.

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actually the virus fraud "trumps" this version that you mention

You are railing about certain individuals tasked expertly to take down components of the Deep State. Perhaps you might want to take a gander at the first 4 days and try to

Accurately Assess...

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And Del Bigtree summed it up correctly refuting the argument about other possible causes of the autism and illness in society.....the only coctail specifically designed to " mess " with our immune systems are " vaccines " ( poisons ) so why wouldn't that be the first place we look to seek answers .....unless we didn't want answers....?🤷🏻‍♂️🦧

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Thanks for mentioning him and his work; he deserves to be mentioned much more often in these threads.

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Re: your point 2:

Please cite single flu vax study that shows any "vaccine -induced immunity"

I can show you study that shows zero "immunity" and a 26% increase in getting the flu from these vaccines.

No vaccine is safe or effective and you can't produce single high quality RCT with placebo control group.

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It depends on the year, 2nd smartest. Some years they give negative efficacy and some years positive.

Happy to cite the work of Tom Jefferson, who as head of the vaccine group at Cochrane reviewed the world literature on flu shots and imho is best situated to discuss them.

I have reviewed flu shot literature on my anthrax blog, especially around 2009.

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Sure, please cite it. I think the risk/reward for these flu vaccines is so awful that I am around 100% certain no one can show they are worthwhile.

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if your namesake is remotely valid then certainly you realize that data can be manipulated in as many ways as necessary..

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Exactly, and we can also expose that manipulation which is precisely why I am open to any research citations claiming that the flu vaccines in any year pretends to show a risk/reward skewing in favor of getting the injection.

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I am also open however evidence changed no fools mind...

It is always a more and more about less and less obfuscation.

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Correct and that really "torques" me. I have a friend who's an infectious disease dude and he's still on board with flu jabs. Many MDs in our family and social circle and they are adamant that the jabs work as advertised to the public. It's really frustrating to me.

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So….maybe it will change someone’s mind who is not a fool but has been manipulated and overloaded with the “facts” from professionals in white coats —you know, the educated ones we grew up trusting and respecting.

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I am open to outing myself as a total fool in my quest to find a single legitimately beneficial flu vaccine based on a quality RCT with large sample placebo control.

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Here are some of the Cochrane reviews that Tom Jefferson was a co-author of:




My summary reading of those is that the vaccine products did reduce the incidence of influenza infections and ILI, but it was uncertain whether hospitalizations and deaths were reduced as a result, for all 3 age categories (youth, adult, old). Documentation of adverse effects seems to be mixed, except for some products where risks were higher.

They have no comment on phenomena such as immune priming or evolutionary pressure on variants, nor on non-specific effects such as all-cause morbidity and mortality, nor on long term effects such as dementia (e.g. due to cumulative aluminum load).

TrustTheEvidence substack is currently reviewing the UKHSA's decisions about bird flu vaccines (to wit: ill-documented and poorly-justified).

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Did you bother reading, say, your first link? It shows almost no benefit, and the risk was poorly studied and documented (deliberate):

"Vaccines increase the risk of a number of adverse events, including a small increase in fever, but rates of nausea and vomiting are uncertain. The protective effect of vaccination in pregnant women and newborns is also very modest. We did not find any evidence of an association between influenza vaccination and serious adverse events in the comparative studies considered in this review. Fifteen included RCTs were industry funded (29%)."

Surely, even if the above were true (it's not and I could go much more granularly but won't now), the benefits to flu vaccination are a statistical rounding error, if that. Also, longterm adverse events were NOT studied whatsoever.

Just based on the 1st link, Meryl's 2nd point, "the yearly flu shot for everyone (even though this will reduce efficacy when “the big pandemic” occurs and you might need vaccine -induced immunity), and (also see this re flu shots)" does not hold up whatsoever.

Author's coverup conclusion, "Healthy adults who receive inactivated parenteral influenza vaccine rather than no vaccine probably experience less influenza, from just over 2% to just under 1% (moderate‐certainty evidence). They also probably experience less ILI following vaccination, but the degree of benefit when expressed in absolute terms varied across different settings. Variation in protection against ILI may be due in part to inconsistent symptom classification. Certainty of evidence for the small reductions in hospitalisations and time off work is low. Protection against influenza and ILI in mothers and newborns was smaller than the effects seen in other populations considered in this review."

"Probably," but not really, with all kinds of potential longer term risks.

Etc. & etc.

PS the 29% of RCT's that were BigPharma funded skew the whole study to show benefit, and just by increasing vitamin D levels would have radically superior benefits than any of these poisonous injections that are nothing more than scientism fraud.

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yes i read them. healthy people getting infected by seasonal flu is not a problem because it is almost entirely not fatal. as you noted, adequate vitamin D levels would reduce severity. the costs and risks of the vaccine are clearly higher than the benefits. the rest is poorly studied or industry biased.

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also meryl, can you cite an historical example that proves when a ""big pandemic” occurs" a flu shot can help stop or in some meaningful way attenuate said "big pandemic?" in other words, has there ever been a proven instance in any given year when a flu vaccine in any way stopped a "big pandemic" or made it just a regular pandemic?

i am genuinely curious which historical event you were thinking about and/or which study led you to believe that the flu vaccine could achieve such a result.

thanks in advance.

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Some folks believe that getting a flu jab may reduce the severity of the resulting illness. Is there anything to the concept? Seems like rationalization to me.

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Have also reviewed thousands of Peer Reviewed studies on nearly as many topics. Now it is common to insist on understanding the funding charade which is problem #1. As you mention Cochrane has a stellar reputation. However I do not waste my time anymore as its more and more about less and less..

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Here's what Anthony Fauci et al said about flu vaccines in their article published in January 2023:


"As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases."


To which I responded: "Really?!?!?! So what is this, just out and out fraud?"

See my email to Anthony Fauci and co: The biggest crime in history...the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine scam, 27 April 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/the-biggest-crime-in-history.the-influenza-and-sars-cov-2-vaccine-scam.pdf

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Thanks for not calling him Dr. The elf on the shelf is a genocidal maniac.

He believes the pardon exonerates him however international laws do not honor such pardons. He must stand trial in one international jurisdiction.

DJT just stripped him of SS protection. The elf rose to prominence from the AIDS debacle and the genocidal drug AZT. Mengele by comparison is a kid with a pea shooter. We most definitely will hear more...

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It's even worse than the not so good Dr. Mengele 2.0 admitted.

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the common argument is antibody titers, that is a most incomplete component of immunity...

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Yes... "We must end all vaccine mandates."

And that means ending all vaccine 'exemptions'...which should never have existed in the first place, as vaccinating practitioners should have been obtaining valid consent before the medical intervention of vaccination, and that includes people being free to decline the intervention for themselves or their child if they so choose.

How can there be an 'exemption' to NOT have a medical intervention? How has this travesty been allowed to continue so long, with the complicity of the medical profession and the legal system?

Here's the absolutely ginormous scandal...


Because the community has been told a tissue of lies about disease threats, and about 'vaccine solutions'.

The community has been penetrated and poisoned by an assault of needles and their contents...wielded by a medical 'profession' which just 'followed orders', see: Just ‘following orders’? Who in the medical profession stood firm against the moral disintegration? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/just-following-orders

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Circumcision also contributes to autism.

Any highly traumatic mutilation, "surgery", pain/injury that the baby's nervous system detects makes fight/flight/freeze to off like crazy, pumping cortisol into the babies body from the adrenals and DISRUPTING THE BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER....

This disruption makes boys that are preyed upon by kid cutting circumcisers particularly vulnerable to vaccines because their blood brain barrier (BBB) is already compromised.

This is probably why you say more autism in boys than girls in the USA and more autism in circumcising regions than non circumcising ones. Look it up.

Imagine living in a country where they say you have liberty and freedom, but you don't even own your own private parts then get thrown into the selective service system at age 18 to be cannon fodder for those that mutilated and violently sexually abused you.

Fauci and Bill Gates spent millions of dollars through and with the WHO to mutilate the genitals of as many African baby boys, adolescents, and adults as they could!

Fauci and Bill Gates call circumcision a surgical vaccine, yet Europe has far lower STDs and teenage pregnancy than the USA does - double digit percentages lower.

There are lower divorce rates and lower domestic violence rates when you comparing circumcising cultures to Europe. Source: Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma by Dr. Ronald Goldman. Turns out sexual trauma can lead to relationship issues...who would have thought?

Why don't I hear any health freedom COVID jab whistle blowers speak out against the face and disgusting sexual abuse that is circumcision? Americans really do treat their boys and men like pond scum.


Let's not forget about the circumcision violent male genital mutilation child sexual abuse solely perpetrated upon boys for a hundred years in the so called land of "freedom and liberty" USA, so much freedom yet men don't own their own cocks.

Not to mention all of the disgusting and debased cruel jokes about circumcision and the shaming of foreskin in crappy Hollywood garbage films and banal sitcoms.

Men don't have basic genital integrity and body autonomy for a century in a land where people see themselves as world leaders and the most moral and ethical! Such evil misandrist hypocrisy.

Women talk about my body my choice, and society is blind to the routine sexual mutilation and fight flight freeze trauma that is perpetrated upon baby boys.

Also, women have optional motherhood, but fatherhood is forced and at the mercy of the woman and the state. Men don't have reproductive rights either.

Then there's the male only draft, but I digress.

Circumcision is violent blade rape.

Europe, Japan, the majority of the world - knows better.

That's actual rape culture.

Foregen is a biotech company raising money for the final phase 3 of 3 human trials on GoFundMe.

They are regenerating foreskins through regenerative medicine to reverse circumcision mutilation.

They've already had successful phase 2 animal trials and have received millions on donations.

They're almost ready to be public.

Over 6500+ species of mammals have foreskins, it is not a mistake.

It has the majority of nerve endings and sensitivity of the penis. More pleasure, lubrication, less excessive friction WHICH ACTUALLY REDUCES DISEASE TRANSMISSION! YES, YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT. CIRCUMCISION=MORE FRICTION=MORE MICRO CUTS AND ABRASIONS=MORE HIV TRANSMISSION AND STDs - look it up.

European medical associations know how disgusting and crippling circumcision is.

Iceland almost banned circumcision but the selfish ADL and the USA pressured them not to. They will vote in a few years again to try to ban it again.

I hope they do.

Any culture that circumcises is not ethical or modern, but they are child sexual abusers and traumatizers.

No argument about it.

Also, they sell baby boy foreskin cells online as HFF, neonatal human foreskin fibroblasts, for $500 a vial in Sigma Aldrich and other biotech firms.

Circumcision and foreskin is a billion dollar industry.

Cosmetic companies can test their product on foreskin fibroblasts and then say they are CRUELTY FREE on their packaging! Why! Because they didn't test on the precious animals! Animals that are cared for more than human baby boys.

If you care about boys, say something.

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I will. It is a voluntary procedure. Jews do it 100%. When I was young I never heard of a Jewish child with autism.

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I don't thing circumcision is related to autism but he should not be done. They do that without anesthesia. They strap the baby to a board. It is horrific to watch pictures of that. There are reasons why it is there. It protects the gland.

Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital by Professor R. McAllister


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All trauma, ACEs, adverse childhood events, increase odds of autism.

Any mammal with a nervous system can be traumatized. Babies are born with nervous systems, they go into shock, have seizures, throw up, go into deep freeze hibernation, preparing the body for death because if you can run or fight back that is what your body does, deep freeze.

It is somatic preverbal trauma. This is neurobiology. You don't have to "remember" it consciously to have you nervous system detect it as a threat...

Any disruption in the blood brain barrier, BBB, from intense trauma like circumcision will make the baby more vulnerable to all the vaccine garbage being pulled into him, too.

Higher odds of autism based on two pathways.

Searching using a handful of databases, journals, search engines, or books on the topic of circumcision will corroborate that.

Also, anecdote of parents that say their son was never the same after the circumcision and he wouldn't latch on to the nipple to breastfeed, he cried without consolation.

This is barbaric baby rape of the most violent order and has no place in the modern world.

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I agree. Thank you for bringing this up to our attention.

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But to Dr. Nass's point, Jews have being doing this for millennia; if your point were true, then Jewish males would have higher rates of autism. (I'm not in Jewish circles, but this would have been well-known outside them.)

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It's not about anecdotally recognizing more autism among those that are circumcised, but looking at the connection.

Anything that elevates cortisol chronically, which circumcision has been shown to elevate chronically in baby boys….anything extremely painful (babies feel as much or more pain than adults, you can find this in journals, too, and it's just obvious, but I digress)…

Anything as described like this above, will disrupt the blood brain barrier, making vaccines even more harmful.

Trauma dysregulated the nervous system, makes the baby sense threat with their nervous system - at that point, rest and repair is not a priority, just survival.

This changes gene expression as modulated by threat detection.

Anyone that under survival stress physiology knows this. Irene Lyon, Dr. Peter Levine, Stephen Porges, Vincent Felitti, Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, etc.

There is no place for this violent child sexual abuse, that epigenetically alters baby boys, putting them in survival based stress laden degradation, and sexually damages them for life.

Also the amygdala being more active in baby boys is another factor that seems to enhance the greater autism in boys, too.

Look any of this up.

Having two adverse childhood events gives you a near certainty of some kind of autoimmune disorder/symptoms down the road.

Traumatized humans are sicker. The body, the nervous systems, remembers threats.

Time does not heal all wounds when it comes to this. Our pre frontal cortex can allow us to avoid and be in denial and repress our biological impulses to protect and defend or flee that we never got to express. Those procedural memories are still within the body.

Somatic experiencing and other adjacent modalities heal this. It's the ivermectin of psychology. No wonder mainstream phycologists try to smear somatic modalities like what Irene Lyon and many other teaches.

Circumcision is definitely damaging. Disruption of blood brain barrier will only lead to more susceptibility to vaccines….and if vaccines promote autism, which it really seems they do, circumcision can only make it worse by screwing up the BBB even more.

Make sense?

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This procedure was mandated by God for the Jews; God Himself in the Second Person of the Trinity was circumcised.

I'm not suggesting it's a fun experience, but I don't see how God would have required it if it was as dangerous as you suggest.

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No Mario, you're wrong, dead wrong.

There is no medically valid reason to chop your penis. The procedure is traumatic mind control, and like our previous commenter said, affects the blood brain barrier to allow the medical mafias poison into the babies brain.

Circumcision and quackcines are a NWO lovers wet dream combo 1-2 punch.

They hate babies and they hate mankind. They are not human, they can't be. And if they are, they should be strangled or shot dead.

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Answers To Your Questions About Infant Circumcision

National Organization of Circumcision Information Resources Centers

Educating A New Generation For The Well-Being Of All Children.


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Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital by Professor R. McAllister


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Hey Tony, I am against circumcision. I have posted against it on FB for at least ten years. I have posted here few article about it. Please read it.

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Thank you Mario, my misunderstanding. I went back to your original comment, which is quite clear.

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No sweat Tony. Thanks. :)

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How can a boy or girl 'volunteer' for circumcision?

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Agreed, they can't volunteer.

Meryl is off her rocker saying that circumcision of boys is "voluntary", LOL.

Meryl Nass' comment: "I will. It is a voluntary procedure. Jews do it 100%. When I was young I never heard of a Jewish child with autism."

She is insinuating that the parents volunteer on the behalf of the child - so she doesn't value a boy's ownership of his own body - but, enjoys the parents' ability to perform non-life saving procedures on unconsenting minors - completely hypocritical.

She clearly doesn't care about the consent of the baby boy or that all minors be protected from all non-life saving procedures.

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The American constitution should make circumcision illegal.

Your comment is vague. It is a voluntary procedure?

For who?

It should only be allowed if the individual is an adult and the elect for it.

There also is never a reason for circumcision, all cases of phimosis which are rare can be solved with a wearable stretching device like the NOVOGLANS.

Men should own their own penises.

Foregen is seeking to regrow the foreskin to bring back the nerve endings and pleasure receptors, corpuscles, etc.

Also - look up the links between autism and circumcision. In many search engines and databases.

Your anecdote of you growing up is inadequate.

This is a disgusting child rape. Point blank.

You do good work, but circumcision is demonic blade rape, anti freedom, anti liberty, and misandrist. Pure child torture.

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Do members of that group get autism today?

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I heard the Jews eight day wait helps with blood clotting or something. If I were to choose that (I didn't), I would wait days like the Jews do bc of their historical success. When I decided, I had randomly seen a 60 Minutes re circumcision. The conclusion presented was that it was a tie for and against amongst experts. And later my son and his wife couldn't find any reason to go that route. The subject has always piqued my interest.

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The tenth day is actually optimal for blood clotting.

Not the eighth.

They must've just got to that day from trial and error from all the babies they killed through their demonic baby torturing.

60 minutes and anything American on the topic of circumcision is garbage to be blunt. So much crap they will spee. Crap studies with statistical manipulation just like you see with the COVID jab.

A boys penis is not parental property.

This should be illegal.

Also modern day circumcision is not the same as the kind over 2000 years ago. Look up brit milah versus brit periah.

Milah is the older less severe version.

Modern circumcision is far more severe.

Either way, it's all evil child torture. Anti freedom, anti science anti liberty.

Every medical association in every other country that doesn't cut kids outside of the USA vehemently disagrees with the USA.

Americans are so prone to their echo chamber.

1. https://www.cirp.org/

2. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7702013/

3. https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Anthony_Fauci

4. https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Bill_Gates

5. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmrnvFzPoEloNFlh1lNKzig41vqprZnoc

6. https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/for-professionals/human-rights/

7. https://intactamerica.org/

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Both male and female circumcision is an amputation of physical anatomy inflicted generally without the valid consent of the individual, usually a child or adolescent.

It's a physical assault.

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Circumcision and Clitoridectomy are mutilation. This is a Satanic ritual to feed the Beast. Say no. No more. I do not consent.

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This has to stop!

¨Female genital mutilation (FGM) (also known as female genital cutting, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and female circumcision) is the cutting or removal of some or all of the vulva for non-medical reasons. FGM prevalence varies worldwide, but is majorly present in some countries of Africa, Asia and Middle East, and within their diasporas. As of 2024, UNICEF estimates that worldwide 230 million girls and women (144 million in Africa, 80 million in Asia, 6 million in Middle East, and 1-2 million in other parts of the world) had been subjected to one or more types of FGM.¨...


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Answers To Your Questions About Infant Circumcision

National Organization of Circumcision Information Resources Centers

Educating A New Generation For The Well-Being Of All Children.


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Please note that brevity is often the soul of wit and that you can respect your audience by showing some respect for their time and recognizing that you're not the only one with a message.

Sometimes less is more. Waaay more! Get it?

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I'm not trying to be witty, but informative.

If you define disrespect as reading what you consider to be lengthy text, then by all means, “respect” yourself by reading nothing at all.

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Thank You Edmond for you well thought out comprehensive comment.

Vaccines (Quackcines) are blood poisoning and a crime since their inception (1700's - variolation). The father of the quackcine, Edward Jenner was a Freemason and received Royal Society (government) funding, which confirms that governments are indeed trying to kill us, and are the nemesis/enemy of the people.

All Quackcines are depopulation weapons (DoD 'countermeasures').

Circumcision is traumatic sexual abuse and causes brain damage and is responsible for the atrocious anti-life behavior of the genocide lovers in Palestine/Canaan and elsewhere.

Not all Americans are circumcised, and as more people discover home-birth is safer than technocratic-birth by way of hospital, the percentage will decline.

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Thanks for the reply.

Yeah, it seems that war like, repressed murderous rage, can be reflected in all populations that circumcise - not just Muslims.

Americans, Jews, Muslims.

Murderous rage can just be sublimated and satisfied through…white collar crime, scheming, usury, character assassination, actual assassination.

The same deep seated trauma induced damage will manifest differently based on what that individuals society allows them.

Football is a good way to tackle people without going to jail, for example.

One might be attracted to working with the elderly or children because they seek sadistic control.

Some surgeons just want to cut into some flesh - but, it would be illegal in other contexts…

Sublimation is powerful, and is humans are unknown to ourselves.

Not a fan of any people that ritualistically mutilate children. It's abhorrent and should be severely punished.

Too bad America’s “freedom and ethics” is only selectively applied and misses boys and men.

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Conférence pour la Liberté de Choix en Santé. Montreal 2009. English. 1:48:04 min

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Microvascular Damage

The conference is in English. There is only a 30 sec part in French so don't let you stop there please.

The video on youtube is now banned.

¨Dr. Andrew Moulden recognized that every dose of vaccine given to a person produced microvascular damage whether or not the person was aware of the damage or had debilitating symptoms at the time the vaccines were given. He courageously stepped out of the conventional box of medical diagnosis and treatment, and gave us a new way to look at modern neurodevelopmental illnesses and syndromes.

This series of articles is intended to preserve the work of Dr. Moulden, who unexpectedly died in November of 2013. I want to acknowledge the contribution of this forward-thinking pioneer who worked to explain the truth about vaccine damage. This is article two in a series of four articles about Dr. Moulden’s life work.¨


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Dr Andrew Moulden - What He Told Us Before Pharma Murdered Him 8:55 min


Dr Andrew Moulden - Genesis 1:1-11 5:09 min


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You would be interested in the work of a current author and Substack writer, Marc Girardot. His book is “The Needles Secret” and hypothesis is The Bolus Theory of micro vascular damage, as Dr Andrew Moulden says .

My previously healthy 38 year old son was severely injured by three mandated jabs in 21 to early 22 before Covid was in this country (NZ). It caused severe disability from POTS with underlying cause being vasculitis and fibrin deposition preventing venous constriction. He contacted Marc Girardot on X and had benefit from numerous HBOT sessions over months. Then after this, healing would be sufficient to safely try high dose nattokinase. He gradually increased dose to 14 thousand units a day. Within a week the POTS measurements of tachycardia on standing were back to normal!

Ceasing the nattokinase for 5 days brought a recurrence but resuming the nattokinase has worked. His energy is much improved but he still has the gastrointestinal symptoms of POTS. I will link the Substack post Marc wrote about my son.


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This is very interesting. I will have a look. Thank you. Did he tried Ivermectin, DMSO, Chorine Dioxyde?

Before the covid, I was suggesting this approach:

CEASE THERAPY - Healing Children with Autism with homeopathy to clear the toxic substances.

by Dr. Tinus Smits http://www.cease-therapy.com

They have over 500 CEASE practitioners around the world.


Healing Children with Autism : CEASE THERAPY

¨Dr. Smits discovered in his practice with over 300 cases the foundation of CEASE therapy and came to his hypothisis of what causes autism. In his experience autism is an accumulation of different causes and about 70% is due to vaccines, 25% to toxic medication and other toxic substances, 5% to some diseases. With isotherapy (see below), a form of homeopathy using the causative substances themselves in homeopathic preparation, the toxic imprints can be erased. CEASE Therapy - The treatment of autistic children and even adults has matured through 300 cases taken by Dr. Tinus Smits and is called CEASE Therapy. Step by step all asumed causative factors (vaccines, regular medication, environmental toxic exposures, effects of illness, etc.) are cleared with the homeopathically prepared, that is diluted and potentized substances that were administered prior to the onset of autism. Currently we use the 30C, 200C, 1M and 10M potencies to clear out the energetic field of the patient from the imprint of toxic substances or diseases... CEASE practitioners We currently have over 500 CEASE practitioners around the world. They have all been certified after taking our extensive CEASE training course to assure correct administration of CEASE Therapy. Enter your location below to find the practitioner nearest to you.¨ Read More


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Thank you, I will send this information to my son. He was on ivermectin for a while with no definite benefit and it is prohibitively expensive and hard to get here. He has bought some DMSO but has not tried it yet.

So far the advice from Marc has been the only effective treatment. It took 2 years and a chance appointment with a locum GP to get the diagnosis of POTS which was confirmed by the cardiologist. The allopathic medications were no use or made it worse. The cardiologist said there is no research being done on it.

I think Pharma knows it is a vaccine harm (eg teenagers and Gardasil) and that is why doctors have little awareness and diagnosis is delayed for years

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Great information! Thank you. I read about DMSO on A Midwestern Doctor’s Substack where there are several posts about it. I have macular degeneration with no sight loss yet. I have avoided seed oils for 6 years and it has not progressed. We cooked in the “heart healthy” seed oils for 40 years and according to Texan ophthalmologist Dr Chris Knobbe they are the major cause of the increase in MD.

Link to the Substack on DMSO


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According to Dr. Andreas Kalcker, CHLORINE DIOXIDE denatures Spike Protein from Covid/Graphene “Vaccine.¨ If this is the case, a lot of people could be help. 4:28 min https://www.bitchute.com/video/rlPfXIer4Rwk/

Forbidden Cure - Andreas Kalcker CHLORINE DIOXIDE 12:27


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Bottle one : Mineral Solution - Bottle two : Activator solution

Mix one drop of each in a small amount of water. Wait one minute for the mixture to activate. Then add water. No more then one drop at the beginning. After few days, follow your feeling.


Andreas Kalcker Official Website : https://andreaskalcker.com/en/

Here’s what you need to know about chlorine dioxide (ClO2), the “universal antidote”


A Kerry Cassidi Interview : FORBIDDEN HEALTH ANDREAS KALCKER 1:00:44 min


DR. ANDREAS KALCKER : https://kalckerinstitute.com/ contact@kalckerinstitute.com

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Beginners Kit

This kit includes 1 bottle of mineral solution + 1 bottle of activator solution (5 ounce bottles).

The kit employs the latest 1 : 1 ratio as suggested by all of the most recent & updated protocols...


Now only $31.90!


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Forget Big Pharma. They just want to keep people sick.

The first time that I took Ivermectin, I felt Joy in my belly.

If he has already DMSO at hand, he should take it right away.

I know how to buy Ivermectin at a very low price. I bought mine here. I am following Brooks Agnew for at least ten year. It is safe.

He found a nice way to do it. You buy the report and he orders it for you from India. Few weeks later, you will receive the package at home.

IVERMECTIN 12MG 100 TABLETS $78. Free Shipping


Hydroxychloroquine HCQS-400 90 tablets $89. Free Shipping https://brooksagnew.blog/ivermectin-report/?awt_a=1187c&awt_l=4pAnF&awt_m=hqafFGy9fzF8a7c

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If vaccines don’t cause autism, and are perfectly safe, then why are we allowing the manufacturers to be free of liability?

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People (particularly anxious young mothers) must accept that there is not a pill for every ill.

Most childhood viral infections are relatively mild, of short duration and diminish to a complete cure with no ongoing disabilities. In fact, childhood viral infections stimulate and strengthen the immune system thus producing resilience to future microbial threats. Multiple vaccinations interfere with natural immune processes and therefor suppress natural resilience.

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100% ^^^

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Meryl - Yes, we need all these legislative and political initiatives, but above all we need to spread information through the public. And your work here has been centrally important. Day after day, hour after hour, you're piecing together a story of medical assault on humanity for anyone willing to read it.

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I am praying. This has to stop and the truth revealed. I would like to help make this happen and am available to do so. Let me know how I can assist as a RN and former hospital accreditation surveyor.

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Also, CHD points out there have not been any studies regarding the combinations of vaccines commonly given together at the pediatrician's office. Even if by itself a vax doesn't cause autism, it's more likely that giving multiple jabs to a child could overwhelm his/her immune system.

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No Autism in Vietnam Before Bill Gates and His "Vaccines" O:40 sec


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Our family is friends with a Vietnamese immigrant family and their son has ADHD. I was explaining to the mother that likely the so called "Vaccines" he received (vaccines don't actually exist, they are chemical weapons for eugenics and creating permanent pharma customers), damaged his microbiota, so now his metabolism, protein folding and gene expression isn't functioning properly. It is a neuro-immuno-mitochondrial disease. You can also have fungal dysbiosis creating mycotoxins which poison you. True Autism may also be brain damage directly due to the heavy metals in those with genetic inability to clear them.

The microbiota has been shown to be damaged by injection with chemical weapons called "vaccines". I personally had extreme digestive effects both times I received the MMR poison. The microbiota is needed to produce secondary bile acids needed for gene expresion, and fungal dysbiosis can result in mycotoxins which impair the brain. I didn't give the mother any advice about how to fix the microbiota much, but suggested started with a ketogenic diet like described at BrainEnergy.com and also by using TUDCA, sodium butyrate and phospho lipids . The boy also has chronic constipation. The people injecting this poison cannot possibly test to ensure the microbiota is not damaged.

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TUDCA is good. It cleans the liver and the gallbladder. Triphala also. You have to tell them to detox as much as possible. Those vaccines are full of toxins and heavy metals and probably parasites also. Ivermectin, Chorine Dioxide, DMSO and more.

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It don't help with how many were exposed to Agent Orange. Deadly stuff.

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Required, listen to The Jackson Report. He did a deep dive on the polio vaccines, At Del Bigtrees theHighwire.com . Connecting the dots.

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