It took the Nazis 9 years of mission creep before they rolled out the holocaust. This film by John Kirby and Evan Dominguez takes us from there to here in 34 minutes.
It is terribly effective, beautifully done. Show it to everyone you know!
Dr. M - I am famous for losing friends on a massive scale....and I'm warned by my family that I'm NOT ALLOWED to speak about these things to their friends - the back of my car says it all - I've got bumper stickers "Hand's off our Children" - and I'm flying my beloved American flag UPSIDE DOWN - which signals a nation in distress - Vera is a Godsend - and I sent it to my entire email list - screw everyone - if they're not smart enough to watch it and learn - I can't save them. THANK YOU FOR BEING SO COURAGEOUS AND WONDERFUL - you know all of us out there love and support Vera and all of the wonderful physicians and CHD who have made me see the light and I continue to try to spread the word.
She is 100% correct. History is repeating in real time and humanity is targeted for extinction. This is an excellent video.
Dr. M - I am famous for losing friends on a massive scale....and I'm warned by my family that I'm NOT ALLOWED to speak about these things to their friends - the back of my car says it all - I've got bumper stickers "Hand's off our Children" - and I'm flying my beloved American flag UPSIDE DOWN - which signals a nation in distress - Vera is a Godsend - and I sent it to my entire email list - screw everyone - if they're not smart enough to watch it and learn - I can't save them. THANK YOU FOR BEING SO COURAGEOUS AND WONDERFUL - you know all of us out there love and support Vera and all of the wonderful physicians and CHD who have made me see the light and I continue to try to spread the word.