Dr. M - I am famous for losing friends on a massive scale....and I'm warned by my family that I'm NOT ALLOWED to speak about these things to their friends - the back of my car says it all - I've got bumper stickers "Hand's off our Children" - and I'm flying my beloved American flag UPSIDE DOWN - which signals a nation in distress - Vera is a Godsend - and I sent it to my entire email list - screw everyone - if they're not smart enough to watch it and learn - I can't save them. THANK YOU FOR BEING SO COURAGEOUS AND WONDERFUL - you know all of us out there love and support Vera and all of the wonderful physicians and CHD who have made me see the light and I continue to try to spread the word.
They’re ramping up again, apparently. I believe part of the plan was to build-in a distrust, though. To create and identify a hated class of people that they could manipulate the public to hate too, via media. Media is a tool of government (IC), especially psychological warfare. As fear and anger are manipulation devices, they have kept a steady diet of propaganda to keep people reactionary. I have found that I must detach myself from most of the favored tools, the top being social media. Look to God. Not man.
As with anything taken to extreme though, I believe they went way too far. 16% compliance for the new "vaccine" is indicative to me of the failure of the global elite.
I think that must be partially what digital currency is about... compliance. However, an enemy to deal with within is worse than one on the outside. Our national debt is too high to ever pay off and many nations are holding our debt. There are a whole lot of things going on at once, much of it I believe, intentional misdirection. Lots of bright shiny objects, always distracting and redirecting. So, my plan is to stay calm, pay attention...and look to the Lord. None of this surprises Him.
about time they failed at something; but they have more pandemics in the pipeline, and imo, intend to kill slowly over time until they have gone as far as they wanted to.
'Life' is terminal. In a fallen world, disease and death are a given. I would certainly prefer that neither my government nor other entities have the desire, power and ability to shorten it. However, my hope is in the Messiah Jesus. I know that when I close my eyes for the final time here, I will enter into eternity with my Lord.
Wow. Quite sincerely and honestly, this is likely the most profoundly impactful and important 30 minutes I have seen and heard in all my 64 years. It is all in front of us. Very easy to see if you make the effort to look. And basically impossible to disprove or deny given what we now know. Unfortunately it gets way worse from here unless a massive amount more people wake up, and very fast. This video needs to go viral and EVERYONE needs to watch it, ASAP. They then can make their choices from there. Informed consent. Meryl, thank you for your tireless and epically important work. Thank you for posting this!
Depopulation by any means necessary has been the long game for over a century and a half. The elites of the allied countries activle supported nazism and any other convenient ideology to divide and conquer, distract and ultimately run away with the spoils. The technologies ofATT, FORD AND IBM WERE KEY TO NAZI EXTERMINATORS INDUSTRIAL GENOCIDE. ALL OF THEIR HEIRS LURK IN THE SHADOWS. P
The Jewish Zohar states that all Gentiles are to be exterminated and sent to hell, read; 'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch.
Karl Marx stated in his newspaper in 1849; "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust".
This is why I will never follow your 'logic' on this issue. Hitler saved all of Europe from demonic communist takeover and similar mass slaughters of Christians to those which occurred in Russia. In fact Stalin carried on executing Christians right through WWII and even up till 1953 when he died, I wonder how the 'freedom-loving' armies of the other Allied nations would have reacted if they had known that at the time, but of course, treacherous and psychotic infiltrated Jewish dictators like Churchill and Roosevelt kept their hypnotised slave goy armies heavily blinkered so as to cause them to actually suicide their own Gentile peoples.
The NWO today is the JWO, along with the plans to depopulate 7.5 billion people, it is really nothing to do with saving the planet, it is about ultimately removing all non-Jews from the entire planet, just with a new facade placed over the Jew bit, so that people will not so quickly be able to see the connection between the Jewish-intended NWO and the NWO proposed by the WEF.
Thank you, Dr. Nass. Love your "mission creep"! Most people don't want to think about the insidious lead-up to the Holocaust. Vera is a great gift to us all, and so are you.
Those who have been controlling the narrative write history and vice versa.
And, many of the behind the scene nazis have been evacuated to South America and importantly to the US and given key positions. Some of the minions were executed, yes, but not the real perpetrators (many big industrial families), who got further enriched by the war thanks their roles as industrials. One of these families is a very private German family who owns and develops the technology behind the digital ID system. Their views and roles have not changed a bit.
The excellent books Hidden History - The Secret Origins of The First World War by Docherty and Macgregor and their following book, Prolonging The Agony, tell about how WWI was deliberately instigated by an 'elite' group comprised of media moguls and politicians funded and directed by Natty Rothschild, involving even Winston Churchill (his mother was a New York Jewess called Jerome) as First Lord Of The Admiralty at the time, with that 'elite' also behind the instigation of the 1917 Jewish-led Russian Red 'Revolution' in collaboration with agents in America, even being in touch with the group who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, though that assassination itself was not the real cause of WWI.
In public Churchill craftily played the part of advising the public against the growing dangers of the spreading malevolent Jewish Bolshevism in Russia and elsewhere of course. Bolshevik revolution was even intended in France but failed, Trotsky actually wrote the constitution for the Mexican revolutionary government.
The 'Anglo-American' 'elite' group , many of whom were senior employees of the big banks with principal Rothschild shareholdings even went to Russia posing as International Red Cross delegation members and workers, only to give money to various armed groups, to bribe some to stand down, to fund others to actually use arms.
WWI could have been over in a matter of less than 3 months or so, but a major German metal refining plant close to the French border that was essential to the war effort in Germany was deliberately left undamaged when it could have been blown to pieces, thus leaving almost the entire capacity of Germany at that time to continue producing arms still functional, but the real purpose of the 'Brtish' elite then was to keep the war going as long as possible, to enable more mass casualties to occur even in civilians in Germany, supposed embargoes were faked to allow food supplies and other supplies necessary for continued arms production to continue to reach Germany from America and England especially via neutral European nations, and only when the war ended were physical embargoes preventing food reaching Germany then really enforced leading to mass starvation there.
Churchill said even in WWII, that what had been most difficult before WWII was not how to prevent war from starting, but how to get it started, and not how to stop war as quickly as possible once it had started, but how to keep it going as long as possible, and then of course, mass starvation was enforced again on the German people after WWII as well in a more or less direct continuation of what had occurred in WWI, with the entirely malevolent Churchill even stating that war would be forced on Germany whether it wanted it or not, and it did not, either in WWI or in WWII (at the outset of WWI the Kaiser out of all the leaders of nations involved then was the very last to mobilise his troops and did so only very regretfully).
Churchill stated that the intended destruction of Germany that had not been completed in WWI would be completed in WWII, and that the reason was really nothing at all to do with German National Socialism or who was running Germany. Churchill stated that the real reason was just to destroy German society and industrial capacity, to break Germany up into small pieces. This was done so as to then make Europe vulnerable to the simultaneously planned communist Jewish-led invasion from Russia that could otherwise not take Europe with a powerful Germany blocking its progress.
Of course today, people in the main are still constantly misled by an absolutely incessant barrage of TV programs and Hollywood movies to believe that 'duh nazis' were intent on world war and world conquest and exterminating everyone else, these are complete lies of course, but those evil objectives are precisely actually what the Jewish religion and Marxism openly state as the objective of the Jewish people in this world. Marxism is entirely Jewish as you will see confirmed by rabbinical quotes.
Those financing and creating communism from in the West were entirely Jewish at the highmost levels, but they wanted some political distance from their newly created Russian slave empire and its intended conquest of much of Europe at that time, so rather than having Jewish-led capitalists in the West being seen to create it directly, they then arranged for their created communist Russian attack dog, which was of course preserved throughout WWII by the communist Jew Roosevelt by the lease lease program that provided hundreds of millions of tonnes of war materiel, even whole factories from the American 'land of machines' as the actually Jewish (not merely 'Georgian') Joe Stalin called it, to bolster the Russian war effort, with Germany made by malicious propaganda to appear to be the bad operator who would be made to appear to be behind a drive for world domination. Communism is Judaism, Jewish bankers created it.
It is not a plausible proposition that 'Operation Paperclip' senior National Socialist scientists (many of those scientists were not actually even NSDAP members) came to dominate American politics to continue some notional 'Nazi' drive for world domination. Quite plainly, the war victors were the Jews alone and they would certainly not then place German NSDAP members or other former Germans in place to run America (though they could certainly be used to take the blame for actually Jewish-led CIA programs), the proposition that these defeated German scientists would then be given control of America is just patently silly, yet many still try to purvey that notion as if it is real fact and obvious truth.
World domination involving the total enslavement and ultimately, the total physical destruction of all Gentiles in the entire world is intended by the Jewish religion, and they say so in their own words. World domination has never ever been intended by National Socialism, at the most it was proposed that independent sovereign nations freed from the yoke of enslavement to usurious Jewish banking could then be free to work and prosper together in good health and help assure each other's added security. Even In Africa, large Swastika banners could be seen in an entirely black parade led by African town dignitaries, I have a photo of that parade. General Chiang Kai Sheks' Chinese son can be seen wearing SS uniform as an SS member in Germany itself in the book 'Black Nazis' by Veronica Clark, a hard copy of which I possess.
The clue is in the name 'National' Socialism.
After the controlled America and Britain and other so-called 'Allies' utterly destroyed Germany, it is not plausible that top Germans were then purposely infiltrated into America to dominate American politics, though of course a very carefully constructed web of propaganda is constantly maintained against National Socialism, the latest Jesse Eisenberg silly holocaust film of course included, to perpetuate the various lies that TPTB need to make people feel how bad National Socialism is, when the German people themselves benefited greatly from it and were very happy under it, apart from a few entirely malevolent partisan type organisations like the Jewish White rose for example. Many other nations could have been similarly liberated from economic slavery also by being inspired to adopt similar paths to that of NSDAP-led Germany, but were sadly prevented. Nothing that was even alleged to have occurred in Germany could ever genuinely justify the holocaust perpetrated on the entire German people by terrorist fire bombing and high explosives bombing, forced mass starvation and mass rape by invading Russian troops.
If you read the official German-issued NSDAP party book of the time on actual philosophy and practice, the official party document from the time itself clearly states that the NSDAP in Germany is only a temporary emergency measure, created in special circumstances of grave national danger to the German people, it is stated that the NSDAP will be dissolved once their safety is assured, so the notion of a thousand year reich under some martial law or whatever that most people erroneously hold in their minds is not valid or realistic at all, it is pure Jewish Hollywood fiction and war propaganda that is still vigorously maintained today just as the Jewish-named British war propagandist Sefton Delmer said it would be.
The original NSDAP official party program that I have a hard copy of states clearly that the party will be dissolved once the danger to the German people is passed and then an obviously more relaxed type of regime introduced, with the provision being stated that in the event of any future grave threat presented by imminent invasion for example, then the same type of NSDAP could then be reinstated temporarily and only temporarily to deal with that problem. Quite plainly, such an arrangement could never possibly have world domination and the extermination of all others as its objective, thus the continued propaganda against National Socialism itself is entirely fraudulent in its purported reasoning.
But the Jewish NWO is literally ultimately intent on the total physical extermination of all Gentile humanity in the entire world, which would you prefer?
Check out the Noahide Laws, accepted already for future implementation by the US and the UN when one world government comes in, one of those laws alone will authorize the physical executions of 6 billion human beings just for 'idolatry', for practicing Gentile religions throughout the world.
Of course, the Jewish 'religion' itself is just another front, there is no genuine spiritual reasoning behind this by any Jew, what is occurring is just a simply intended total conquering of this planet by military means on physical, mental, even psychic means, and a total replacement of all it's human inhabitants by an entirely malevolent and non-spiritual invading soul group.
Vera's birthday is April 17, born 1937. She preserves and protects herself well. Her mind is so sharp, her passion, power and courage to inform constant, and her impeccable memory--A hero like non other!!
it was great, scary but great. her hands are lovely.
i take a great issue with Bari Weiss, who i otherwise respect, when she says you can't compare vaccine and mask mandates to the Holocaust. oh yes you can and the people who do it best are actual Holocaust survivors
Very powerful. Vera is a fearless warrior who deserves all the credit she can get. While most people her age just want to sit at home an moulder she is still engaged! I lived thru "Dress Rehearsal" with the "AIDS Epidemic" as many of us did but I saw what was Really happening along with a handful of others such as Dr. Peter Duesberg who gave up his career to stand up for Truth in Science and was destroyed by Gallo and Fauci and Ho who, unbeknownst to us, were creating the future Blueprint for Covid 19. Poor Peter, such a brave and unsung hero who stood almost alone in the world of science and was destroyed as other "scientists" lined up for "the dole" from Gallo and then Fauci. I had no idea at the time where it would lead but when I saw Fauci standing behind Trump and take the microphone I knew we were in BIG Trouble... I now believe they were waiting for Trump and while seeming to resist at first he may have been in on it was well.
Trump certainly facilitated it and for that reason must Never occupy the Whitehouse again in my opinion. He overturned the Constitution and sent us down the Rabbit Hole to end all!
Totalitarianism can brook no dissent, no intelligent critiques, nothing but agreement and whatever coercion that takes to get compliance, including death. In some parts of the World dissenters were killed... never forget that and this was applauded by our media....
As much as I think Trump has been completely on the wrong side of the vaccines, he's also not a scientist or doctor, and the Pharma cabal duped him, (as well as the entire country), about the mNRA toxic poison. I don't see that in any way he violated the Constitution???? On the other hand, Biden not only violated the Constitution, but every human right, every shred of decency, with his vaccine mandates.
Being useless "disposable" eaters, or the exploitable compliant will be how all of humanity is divided under a future multi-regionally managed One World biosecurity technocracy. Organizations like the WHO heavily funded by Gates, China, US, etc.. will proclaim health emergencies and demand "mandatory" mRNA experimental toxins to be dispensed (equitably) to everyone. 😱
As a worldwide central bank digital currency network is established financial accounts will be attached to medical records and all other personal data. In this way, no one can say "no," unless they prefer becoming a "useless disposable." So in effect, Chomsky's dream will come true the "noncompliant" will be removed from civil society as the "compliant exploitables" remain ongoing experiments for the transnationalist thug bankers, techno/fascists, the military, and of course the psychopathic transhumanist eugenicists.
This also explains why during the scamdemic the apparatchik ghouls seized the opportunity to infiltrate all elementary schools as well as universities demanding compliance for the most inane unscientific illogical policies. The "creepos" know that it's important to create a future generation of "noncritical thinkers" who'll blindly do as they're told. That's why it's imperative to stop these sadistic monsters dead in their tracks before the planet becomes a One World biosecurity concentration camp.
As time rolls on, it has been evident, altho not to our MSM, that too many within our political leadership, select billionaires, select scientific areas, and select sub-sets of our intell agencies have nill respect for lessons of Nuremberg or revelations thereof. Actions relevant to COVID-19 are the latest, but shameful lists go back many decades. On the world stage we’re not the nice guy, and we experiment or use results thereof upon our own and others.
She is 100% correct. History is repeating in real time and humanity is targeted for extinction. This is an excellent video.
Dr. M - I am famous for losing friends on a massive scale....and I'm warned by my family that I'm NOT ALLOWED to speak about these things to their friends - the back of my car says it all - I've got bumper stickers "Hand's off our Children" - and I'm flying my beloved American flag UPSIDE DOWN - which signals a nation in distress - Vera is a Godsend - and I sent it to my entire email list - screw everyone - if they're not smart enough to watch it and learn - I can't save them. THANK YOU FOR BEING SO COURAGEOUS AND WONDERFUL - you know all of us out there love and support Vera and all of the wonderful physicians and CHD who have made me see the light and I continue to try to spread the word.
They’re ramping up again, apparently. I believe part of the plan was to build-in a distrust, though. To create and identify a hated class of people that they could manipulate the public to hate too, via media. Media is a tool of government (IC), especially psychological warfare. As fear and anger are manipulation devices, they have kept a steady diet of propaganda to keep people reactionary. I have found that I must detach myself from most of the favored tools, the top being social media. Look to God. Not man.
As with anything taken to extreme though, I believe they went way too far. 16% compliance for the new "vaccine" is indicative to me of the failure of the global elite.
I think that must be partially what digital currency is about... compliance. However, an enemy to deal with within is worse than one on the outside. Our national debt is too high to ever pay off and many nations are holding our debt. There are a whole lot of things going on at once, much of it I believe, intentional misdirection. Lots of bright shiny objects, always distracting and redirecting. So, my plan is to stay calm, pay attention...and look to the Lord. None of this surprises Him.
about time they failed at something; but they have more pandemics in the pipeline, and imo, intend to kill slowly over time until they have gone as far as they wanted to.
'Life' is terminal. In a fallen world, disease and death are a given. I would certainly prefer that neither my government nor other entities have the desire, power and ability to shorten it. However, my hope is in the Messiah Jesus. I know that when I close my eyes for the final time here, I will enter into eternity with my Lord.
Wow. Quite sincerely and honestly, this is likely the most profoundly impactful and important 30 minutes I have seen and heard in all my 64 years. It is all in front of us. Very easy to see if you make the effort to look. And basically impossible to disprove or deny given what we now know. Unfortunately it gets way worse from here unless a massive amount more people wake up, and very fast. This video needs to go viral and EVERYONE needs to watch it, ASAP. They then can make their choices from there. Informed consent. Meryl, thank you for your tireless and epically important work. Thank you for posting this!
Depopulation by any means necessary has been the long game for over a century and a half. The elites of the allied countries activle supported nazism and any other convenient ideology to divide and conquer, distract and ultimately run away with the spoils. The technologies ofATT, FORD AND IBM WERE KEY TO NAZI EXTERMINATORS INDUSTRIAL GENOCIDE. ALL OF THEIR HEIRS LURK IN THE SHADOWS. P
You will get plenty more shekels for that one.
The Jewish Zohar states that all Gentiles are to be exterminated and sent to hell, read; 'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch.
Karl Marx stated in his newspaper in 1849; "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust".
This is why I will never follow your 'logic' on this issue. Hitler saved all of Europe from demonic communist takeover and similar mass slaughters of Christians to those which occurred in Russia. In fact Stalin carried on executing Christians right through WWII and even up till 1953 when he died, I wonder how the 'freedom-loving' armies of the other Allied nations would have reacted if they had known that at the time, but of course, treacherous and psychotic infiltrated Jewish dictators like Churchill and Roosevelt kept their hypnotised slave goy armies heavily blinkered so as to cause them to actually suicide their own Gentile peoples.
The NWO today is the JWO, along with the plans to depopulate 7.5 billion people, it is really nothing to do with saving the planet, it is about ultimately removing all non-Jews from the entire planet, just with a new facade placed over the Jew bit, so that people will not so quickly be able to see the connection between the Jewish-intended NWO and the NWO proposed by the WEF.
Thank you, Dr. Nass. Love your "mission creep"! Most people don't want to think about the insidious lead-up to the Holocaust. Vera is a great gift to us all, and so are you.
Repeated Claims of 6 Million Jews Dying Decades Before Hitler Vs Ignored Soviet Death Camp Tolls
Those who have been controlling the narrative write history and vice versa.
And, many of the behind the scene nazis have been evacuated to South America and importantly to the US and given key positions. Some of the minions were executed, yes, but not the real perpetrators (many big industrial families), who got further enriched by the war thanks their roles as industrials. One of these families is a very private German family who owns and develops the technology behind the digital ID system. Their views and roles have not changed a bit.
The excellent books Hidden History - The Secret Origins of The First World War by Docherty and Macgregor and their following book, Prolonging The Agony, tell about how WWI was deliberately instigated by an 'elite' group comprised of media moguls and politicians funded and directed by Natty Rothschild, involving even Winston Churchill (his mother was a New York Jewess called Jerome) as First Lord Of The Admiralty at the time, with that 'elite' also behind the instigation of the 1917 Jewish-led Russian Red 'Revolution' in collaboration with agents in America, even being in touch with the group who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, though that assassination itself was not the real cause of WWI.
In public Churchill craftily played the part of advising the public against the growing dangers of the spreading malevolent Jewish Bolshevism in Russia and elsewhere of course. Bolshevik revolution was even intended in France but failed, Trotsky actually wrote the constitution for the Mexican revolutionary government.
The 'Anglo-American' 'elite' group , many of whom were senior employees of the big banks with principal Rothschild shareholdings even went to Russia posing as International Red Cross delegation members and workers, only to give money to various armed groups, to bribe some to stand down, to fund others to actually use arms.
WWI could have been over in a matter of less than 3 months or so, but a major German metal refining plant close to the French border that was essential to the war effort in Germany was deliberately left undamaged when it could have been blown to pieces, thus leaving almost the entire capacity of Germany at that time to continue producing arms still functional, but the real purpose of the 'Brtish' elite then was to keep the war going as long as possible, to enable more mass casualties to occur even in civilians in Germany, supposed embargoes were faked to allow food supplies and other supplies necessary for continued arms production to continue to reach Germany from America and England especially via neutral European nations, and only when the war ended were physical embargoes preventing food reaching Germany then really enforced leading to mass starvation there.
Churchill said even in WWII, that what had been most difficult before WWII was not how to prevent war from starting, but how to get it started, and not how to stop war as quickly as possible once it had started, but how to keep it going as long as possible, and then of course, mass starvation was enforced again on the German people after WWII as well in a more or less direct continuation of what had occurred in WWI, with the entirely malevolent Churchill even stating that war would be forced on Germany whether it wanted it or not, and it did not, either in WWI or in WWII (at the outset of WWI the Kaiser out of all the leaders of nations involved then was the very last to mobilise his troops and did so only very regretfully).
Churchill stated that the intended destruction of Germany that had not been completed in WWI would be completed in WWII, and that the reason was really nothing at all to do with German National Socialism or who was running Germany. Churchill stated that the real reason was just to destroy German society and industrial capacity, to break Germany up into small pieces. This was done so as to then make Europe vulnerable to the simultaneously planned communist Jewish-led invasion from Russia that could otherwise not take Europe with a powerful Germany blocking its progress.
Of course today, people in the main are still constantly misled by an absolutely incessant barrage of TV programs and Hollywood movies to believe that 'duh nazis' were intent on world war and world conquest and exterminating everyone else, these are complete lies of course, but those evil objectives are precisely actually what the Jewish religion and Marxism openly state as the objective of the Jewish people in this world. Marxism is entirely Jewish as you will see confirmed by rabbinical quotes.
Those financing and creating communism from in the West were entirely Jewish at the highmost levels, but they wanted some political distance from their newly created Russian slave empire and its intended conquest of much of Europe at that time, so rather than having Jewish-led capitalists in the West being seen to create it directly, they then arranged for their created communist Russian attack dog, which was of course preserved throughout WWII by the communist Jew Roosevelt by the lease lease program that provided hundreds of millions of tonnes of war materiel, even whole factories from the American 'land of machines' as the actually Jewish (not merely 'Georgian') Joe Stalin called it, to bolster the Russian war effort, with Germany made by malicious propaganda to appear to be the bad operator who would be made to appear to be behind a drive for world domination. Communism is Judaism, Jewish bankers created it.
It is not a plausible proposition that 'Operation Paperclip' senior National Socialist scientists (many of those scientists were not actually even NSDAP members) came to dominate American politics to continue some notional 'Nazi' drive for world domination. Quite plainly, the war victors were the Jews alone and they would certainly not then place German NSDAP members or other former Germans in place to run America (though they could certainly be used to take the blame for actually Jewish-led CIA programs), the proposition that these defeated German scientists would then be given control of America is just patently silly, yet many still try to purvey that notion as if it is real fact and obvious truth.
World domination involving the total enslavement and ultimately, the total physical destruction of all Gentiles in the entire world is intended by the Jewish religion, and they say so in their own words. World domination has never ever been intended by National Socialism, at the most it was proposed that independent sovereign nations freed from the yoke of enslavement to usurious Jewish banking could then be free to work and prosper together in good health and help assure each other's added security. Even In Africa, large Swastika banners could be seen in an entirely black parade led by African town dignitaries, I have a photo of that parade. General Chiang Kai Sheks' Chinese son can be seen wearing SS uniform as an SS member in Germany itself in the book 'Black Nazis' by Veronica Clark, a hard copy of which I possess.
The clue is in the name 'National' Socialism.
After the controlled America and Britain and other so-called 'Allies' utterly destroyed Germany, it is not plausible that top Germans were then purposely infiltrated into America to dominate American politics, though of course a very carefully constructed web of propaganda is constantly maintained against National Socialism, the latest Jesse Eisenberg silly holocaust film of course included, to perpetuate the various lies that TPTB need to make people feel how bad National Socialism is, when the German people themselves benefited greatly from it and were very happy under it, apart from a few entirely malevolent partisan type organisations like the Jewish White rose for example. Many other nations could have been similarly liberated from economic slavery also by being inspired to adopt similar paths to that of NSDAP-led Germany, but were sadly prevented. Nothing that was even alleged to have occurred in Germany could ever genuinely justify the holocaust perpetrated on the entire German people by terrorist fire bombing and high explosives bombing, forced mass starvation and mass rape by invading Russian troops.
If you read the official German-issued NSDAP party book of the time on actual philosophy and practice, the official party document from the time itself clearly states that the NSDAP in Germany is only a temporary emergency measure, created in special circumstances of grave national danger to the German people, it is stated that the NSDAP will be dissolved once their safety is assured, so the notion of a thousand year reich under some martial law or whatever that most people erroneously hold in their minds is not valid or realistic at all, it is pure Jewish Hollywood fiction and war propaganda that is still vigorously maintained today just as the Jewish-named British war propagandist Sefton Delmer said it would be.
The original NSDAP official party program that I have a hard copy of states clearly that the party will be dissolved once the danger to the German people is passed and then an obviously more relaxed type of regime introduced, with the provision being stated that in the event of any future grave threat presented by imminent invasion for example, then the same type of NSDAP could then be reinstated temporarily and only temporarily to deal with that problem. Quite plainly, such an arrangement could never possibly have world domination and the extermination of all others as its objective, thus the continued propaganda against National Socialism itself is entirely fraudulent in its purported reasoning.
But the Jewish NWO is literally ultimately intent on the total physical extermination of all Gentile humanity in the entire world, which would you prefer?
Check out the Noahide Laws, accepted already for future implementation by the US and the UN when one world government comes in, one of those laws alone will authorize the physical executions of 6 billion human beings just for 'idolatry', for practicing Gentile religions throughout the world.
Of course, the Jewish 'religion' itself is just another front, there is no genuine spiritual reasoning behind this by any Jew, what is occurring is just a simply intended total conquering of this planet by military means on physical, mental, even psychic means, and a total replacement of all it's human inhabitants by an entirely malevolent and non-spiritual invading soul group.
"Mistakes Were NOT Made."
Yes, it was all planned and deliberate
That was a great video Meryl, thanks for bringing it to our attention. 💕
Vera's birthday is April 17, born 1937. She preserves and protects herself well. Her mind is so sharp, her passion, power and courage to inform constant, and her impeccable memory--A hero like non other!!
She has the heart of a Lioness ♥️
it was great, scary but great. her hands are lovely.
i take a great issue with Bari Weiss, who i otherwise respect, when she says you can't compare vaccine and mask mandates to the Holocaust. oh yes you can and the people who do it best are actual Holocaust survivors
Very powerful. Vera is a fearless warrior who deserves all the credit she can get. While most people her age just want to sit at home an moulder she is still engaged! I lived thru "Dress Rehearsal" with the "AIDS Epidemic" as many of us did but I saw what was Really happening along with a handful of others such as Dr. Peter Duesberg who gave up his career to stand up for Truth in Science and was destroyed by Gallo and Fauci and Ho who, unbeknownst to us, were creating the future Blueprint for Covid 19. Poor Peter, such a brave and unsung hero who stood almost alone in the world of science and was destroyed as other "scientists" lined up for "the dole" from Gallo and then Fauci. I had no idea at the time where it would lead but when I saw Fauci standing behind Trump and take the microphone I knew we were in BIG Trouble... I now believe they were waiting for Trump and while seeming to resist at first he may have been in on it was well.
Trump certainly facilitated it and for that reason must Never occupy the Whitehouse again in my opinion. He overturned the Constitution and sent us down the Rabbit Hole to end all!
Totalitarianism can brook no dissent, no intelligent critiques, nothing but agreement and whatever coercion that takes to get compliance, including death. In some parts of the World dissenters were killed... never forget that and this was applauded by our media....
As much as I think Trump has been completely on the wrong side of the vaccines, he's also not a scientist or doctor, and the Pharma cabal duped him, (as well as the entire country), about the mNRA toxic poison. I don't see that in any way he violated the Constitution???? On the other hand, Biden not only violated the Constitution, but every human right, every shred of decency, with his vaccine mandates.
Being useless "disposable" eaters, or the exploitable compliant will be how all of humanity is divided under a future multi-regionally managed One World biosecurity technocracy. Organizations like the WHO heavily funded by Gates, China, US, etc.. will proclaim health emergencies and demand "mandatory" mRNA experimental toxins to be dispensed (equitably) to everyone. 😱
As a worldwide central bank digital currency network is established financial accounts will be attached to medical records and all other personal data. In this way, no one can say "no," unless they prefer becoming a "useless disposable." So in effect, Chomsky's dream will come true the "noncompliant" will be removed from civil society as the "compliant exploitables" remain ongoing experiments for the transnationalist thug bankers, techno/fascists, the military, and of course the psychopathic transhumanist eugenicists.
This also explains why during the scamdemic the apparatchik ghouls seized the opportunity to infiltrate all elementary schools as well as universities demanding compliance for the most inane unscientific illogical policies. The "creepos" know that it's important to create a future generation of "noncritical thinkers" who'll blindly do as they're told. That's why it's imperative to stop these sadistic monsters dead in their tracks before the planet becomes a One World biosecurity concentration camp.
But on the other hand, har har.
Concise Politics — Your Time should NOT be wasted.
As time rolls on, it has been evident, altho not to our MSM, that too many within our political leadership, select billionaires, select scientific areas, and select sub-sets of our intell agencies have nill respect for lessons of Nuremberg or revelations thereof. Actions relevant to COVID-19 are the latest, but shameful lists go back many decades. On the world stage we’re not the nice guy, and we experiment or use results thereof upon our own and others.