The climate scaremongering stinks as bad as the pandemic fear mongering. There is no climate emergency, there never was a climate emergency and there will not be a climate emergency caused by anthropogenic C02.


Read the recent published peer reviewed paper on Extreme Trends such as Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Precipitation, Floods and Droughts.


"In conclusion on the basis of observational data, the climate crisis that, according to many sources, we are experiencing today, is not evident yet."

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The thing that confuses me about this climate change fuss is the seemingly tunnel visioned response to carbon neutrality and emissions.

What about other industrial pollutants and the knock on effects of say, pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals? Or plastics and micro-plastics? How do those effect the ecosystem both macro scale and micro and how do those effect greenhouse gasses?

What about the economic and business policies like planned obsolescence and the push for constant commercialism. Buy it, break it, throw it away and buy another one and so on. Isn't that wasteful and damaging?

Or globalism and the cumulative effects on the supply chain. I saw a label on my pork chops saying it came from Sweden. There are pig farms 10 miles down the road. Why is my pork coming from Europe? Think about the process of getting it from farm. To factory. To storage. To freighting. To the next wholesaler. To the supermarket to my table. And all the energy and emissions along that supply chain. Why not simplify it and shorten it?

It was global warming. Then it was cooling. Now it's just changing.

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Thanks Meryl! I threw up a little in my mouth trying to read the meandering babbling of endless ESG propaganda.

"A politics of decarbonization is evolving into a politics beyond decarbonization, incorporating matters of adaptation and finance and justice (among other issues). If the fate of the world and the climate has long appeared to hinge on the project of decarbonization, a clearer path to two or three degrees of warming means that it also now depends on what is built on the other side. Which is to say: It depends on a new and more expansive climate politics."

'…more expansive climate politics…' We can stop reading there as the rest of the article is built to support that thesis.

I suppose the message needed to be softened because people are more astute—with more fine-tuned BS meters—but in the end, it is an essay that Klaus himself could have written.

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It will drop 2-3 degrees in the Northern Hemisphere due to the volcanic eruption January 14. It was larger than any man made nuclear explosion and sent tons of ash into the upper atmosphere. It was the largest eruption since Krakatoa. The earth cooled 3 degrees after that eruption as well. I

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The infuriating thing about climate propaganda is the siphoning of resources from actual pollution management to carbon dioxide, aka plant food, green agenda. Watch Suspicious Observers playlist on climate change. Spoiler alert: it’s always been the sun! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZcqdt3LK6d66tMreI4gqIC-

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The real fear we should have is the next ice age….I hope Al Gore doesn’t read this it might give him ideas for his next scam.

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Make fun of them. Non stop. It's antidote to their demoralization, nonsense, lies..😎😎😎

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It is clear now that the climate catatstrophists have been wrong all along. They have based their fear-mongering upon computer models, all of which have been shown to run too warm, compared with observations. Computer models often are proof that GIGO is a feature, rather than a bug. It is clear, from uncorrupted temperature data (that from stations unaffected by the heat-island effect-sites not close to cities, especially airports) that the Earth has been warming since about the mid 19th Century, after the deadly chill of the Little Ice Age, which caused my ancestors to flee Scotland in the late 17th Century. But, the warming has been gradual enough that we can easily adapt. Sea level rise is incremental enough that we can easily adapt. It is clear to me, as well, that, from all the climate science that I have read (I'm a reader, since I Iearned to read in the mid-fifties), that carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gases) plays little if any causal role in this process. In fact, CO2 has greened the Earth. The Tonga volcano (in January, 2022) has seriously cooled the Southern Hemisphere, causing crop failures, but in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the incredible stupidity of the political class which has caused the current crises.

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They need a crisis

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

James Hansen hasn't changed his predictions substantially about temperatures this century. Below is a link to his latest communication. Note that the global temperature is not just going up, but probably accelerating up. In other words, the slope of the temperature change is increasing. I wouldn't put much weight on what the NYT says. Hansen article: https://mailchi.mp/caa/august-temperature-update-a-thank-you-bidens-report-card?e=fea7ad4c72

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ooh its gonna be scaaaary, fa sure....

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Thanks Sister Meryl. I hope you are doing well with the COVID infection.

It seems that we are told whatever is expedient at any time, with an authoritative tone, but really there is a big window of uncertainty about the climate. Human societies have come through big climate changes, though some were wiped out by them, also, especially long droughts. The little-ice-age killed a lot of people.

Bigger than that, and already beginning in Europe, is the loss of cheap energy from oil, gas and coal. That runs our agriculture and transportation, keeps us cool, warm and watered. This time is now upon us. It's best if a person lives where the weather is almost never fatal, the soil is good, and the rain is usually adequate. A lot of people have to move when the life support system breaks down, at least it has always been that way for those who could move, who had found a better place...

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Maybe Klaus and Bill are right.

Perhaps it's time to eliminate the stupid from the population.

Ain't gonna be many left, though.

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It’s the Same liars always lying.. the UN etc the notion of threatening climate change was always manufactured rubbish, always will be..

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

I am really worried about people I know who are worried about heating their homes this winter and being able to afford it - and food is so very expensive. I remember years ago reading Michael Crichton's book "Airframe" - plane crashes start with one small thing and then what they refer to as a '"cascade of events" which causes the eventual crash. We need to be mindful of all people and their needs to survive - technology needs to catch up before we can throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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