May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

Congratulations to our hero, Dr Nass, for the incredible effort she and a few others have made to stop the globalist attempt to control humanity with WEF/WHO BioFascism.

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Our Esther! ✝️💟

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

WE can't let our guard down! There is too much money at stake!

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Senator Ron Johnson Explains How He Got 49 GOP Senators to Reject WHO Pandemic Agreement


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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

That is most excellent news! Thanks for your part in this fight, Dr. Nass!

But as Del Bigtree said on yesterday's highwire episode, this fight has just begun. And it's not a fight for sissies. Non-compliance, if that's what it comes to, may require significant sacrifice.

I finally made one convert recently. :) Hoping it's a sign that the over-all chaos is making people question EVERYTHING. Chris Cuomo coming out didn't hurt, either.

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Beware of a cuomo. They are not to be trusted.

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No doubt. But an enemy of mine that is also an enemy of my enemy can sometimes be my aid. :)

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Well said. All of us who have been in the know since very early on must keep that extra eye of the "aid".

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

The work has just begun... eliminating "The WHO" entirely is what needs to come next. And then the arrests and imprisonment for the monsters who are using "health" to take over the world.

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass


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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

The WHO is a mere piece of this evil puzzle. They are puppets driven by puppets. It's the puppet masters that are the severely psychopathic dangerous ones that somehow need to be dealt with.

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"They" are too well-rooted, too dispersed, too crafty and secretive, to well-trained, and obedient to their cause, too deleterious, too single-minded, too well organized, too adaptable/resilient, and too many of them to ever be rooted out and prosecuted. These are they whom Satanic influence has put to action. Very few believe this fact. But history will disclose the truth of the matter when investigators lift the cover and realize the Secret Society of the Jesuit Order has attained full control of the world's countries. They even boast to that end! The Mother Church, the Papacy is their sole intent to further and support her dictates. One would NEVER suspect this to be true, but in the end, the Truth will prevail, and that pagan system of religion will be made manifest to the world. That's prophecy.

It seems that she's had her share of exposure already, with all of her horrendous workings during the Dark Ages, and afterward with complicity in the revolutions and wars, and now with the supporting of the C. campaign, all the while blaspheming God with boldness, claiming infallibility as light is shown upon some of her wickedness.

Before downplaying it, or picking up verbal arms, I suggest looking into it. If we do not know what our enemy looks like, acts like, and IS like, how will we avoid being misled, when the enemy's commander in chief, is VERY crafty and battle hardened, skilled in every art of warfare, a former angelic creation, who is hell-bent on the eternal destruction of God's children. (He makes Field-marshal Erwin Rommel look like a toddler)!

In conclusion, there is no long term hope for this world as we know it, under the circumstances. Justice will only be brought back into being, when Christ, the Redeemer performs "His strange work" at the Second Resurrection. Then and only then will there be peace and good-will toward men, on earth. Not before. Evil MUST be finally and eternally killed very thoroughly.

Yours sincerely,


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When you speak of investigators, who are you referring to that will disclose this information that those of us who have been learning the truth are aware of?

When you say "she", who is "she"? From my understanding, it's not a she at the top.

The historical evidence seems to be on target but let's remember not everyone is a Christian and we all need to respect that and realize that it's the citizens of the world that need to come together in peace without overlords "manufacturing it" to establish our true freedom.

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I'd be happy to answer all your questions to my best knowledge. However, I don't save my work, and cannot find what I wrote to which you make comment of. And I can't quite remember what I referred to. Could you be so kind as to cut and paste my sentences and then post your questions or comments afterward, so I can get a grip on things. I'm sorry to have to ask that of you, but it will really help me to sort things.

I'll say this much, now, though. Prophecy has predicted a time in which there will be "no peace" but it will be touted as though it exists. "Peace, peace, when (or where) there is no peace" I believe is the scripture.

And another deception, which is related, comes to mind regarding "coming together." If the differing religions of the world "come together" but they don't acknowledge Christ as the ONLY "door" or "way" to the Father, and to eternal life, then as many as trust in their false-hope laced traditions, will be lost eternally.

Further, our "true freedom" is God granted, as you well know. It will be stepped on and coercion will take its place soon. And the "peace" which will be touted, will be fleeting and a deception in and of itself.


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Addendum: Important misstep should be corrected:

The "Peace, good will toward men" in Scripture refers to Christ's birth and FIRST advent, not His Second advent, when there will be NO ONE left alive upon the face of the earth as it will be destroyed by violent cataclysmic upheavals of every sort (except no flooding this time) and the "brightness of His coming will destroy all life on earth (except for the evil one and his demons). "They shall be neither gathered nor buried," because there will be no one to gather or to bury them.

If the Bible is not read, "tradition" will take the place of the seemingly missing parts or the parts which at first seem so uncomfortable, and difficult to bear.

I'm reminded by the things of nature, that our God is a God of perfection and a lover of beauty, symmetry, peace, tranquility, mixed with mercy and justice, so there is nothing to fear if we READ His Word, and follow the Example.


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Here's Igor Chudov on Peter Daszak's dark triad youth:

Drunken Student Stole Madonna Statue's Head, Later Killed 6 Million People with a Deadly Virus He Designed

Very Interesting Past of Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance


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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

Just read about the 22 attorneys general who wrote a letter to Biden saying they oppose and will not adhere to anything of the sort proposed by the WHO.

“We will resist any attempt to enable the WHO to directly or indirectly set public policy for our citizens,” the AGs wrote in a letter organized by Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen.

We are winning and many thanks to you for all of your efforts to get a mass rejection of this totalitarian nonsense. Bravo!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

They will be back even if they have to gin up another pandemic to do it

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

They’re not going to go away without a big fight. They’re bullies and bullies have to be fought and made ro back down. We’re on the winning track and can’t give up. Constant blocking and they will back down eventually. However, this group of the cabal will try to wield their power elsewhere…whenever this serpent raises its head we have to unite and beat it down.

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I'm pretty quick with my cane

And I have a terrific temper

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Lol 😆 I’ve got a cane too and I know how to use it 🤺

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A "serpent" sometimes can bite even when totally dispatched. I've seen where the head is able to do so with nerves, even without the body attached! Now snakes are nasty, but they're not hell-bent on depopulation. They bite usually for food or when threatened

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"Even IF???" Better said, "WHEN they...."

It's a guarantee. Evil minds ensure it!

Thanks be to the likes of Meryll for its postponement! And for all those who are continually praying toward that same end. Thank YOU all.


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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

Dr. Nass,

You will be back in the fray before you know it. But tonight, pour yourself a drink and put your feet up.

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Great suggestion!

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EXCELLENT!!! Thank you for the amazing work you did in making this happen!!

Now.. let’s dismantle the utterly corrupt UN, work on breaking up the EU, and make nationalism great again!😊

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

They will not stop until we stop them

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

Don't let your guard down. These thugs will come up with another kniving tactics

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It is a relief for all of humanity that understands the intent of the WHO, but I imagine it must be especially satisfying, and a relief, for you and your friends that have worked so hard to let people know the WHO's deadly plan. Thank you but that sounds so inadequate.

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The winning must continue until constitutional rule is restored and globalist institutions and the criminals behind them are exposed.

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

Wonderful! Awesome! Fantastic!

Dr. Nass, thank you so much for your efforts.

I did contact the appropriate government representatives to voice my objections to the treaty. You made it easy to figure out who to contact and what to say.

Again, this is GREAT NEWS!!!!!

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

Terrific news!

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

Praise Jesus.

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

It ain't over 'til its over - I will NOT comply, nor stop fighting against this global tyranny!

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May 10Liked by Meryl Nass

thank you so much for all your work on this and the attention you brought to it

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