I'm now enrolled in Nass University with an MD-Poli-Sci minor for another year. It's a bargain. Thanks.

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Thanks for this Meryl. In the second part when you are describing actions you said that an organization "without power" proposed something. I believe that you mis-spoke and meant without legitimate bureaucratic power but that is how it is done. You fund some agent and use "your" people to give them "power" by recognition. None of this is organic. The only purpose of these organizations, committees and agencies is to have the ability to restrict and control when that is desired. The foundation has been laid and it is desired now, just like with your licensure board.

Remember the old western movies where a group rides into town and says "There's a new sheriff in town now boys."

Welcome to the wild, wild west, otherwise called The Great Reset or New Normal (a contradiction).

There is nothing but empty unsubstantiated statements that you read from the WHO. Nothing of fact. Just lofty sounding sophistry.

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You and James Roguski have produced an amazing amount of information about the WHO and its related entities. My head still swims from all the organizations, agreements and treaties involved, it's a complex dynamic. I'm still working to get clear in my mind about all these inter-relationships.

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So are we!

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Fantastic show! 💥💥💥

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But OWNERS are the most-equal of all animals, aren't they?

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