Maurice Strong what a psychologically unhealthy man he was.

A despicable eugenicist and globalist agent.

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How much could he know about world history as a Jr. High drop-out? So he was an actor who practiced self-loathing to counter his nasty industrialism.

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Strong was a useful fool/tool for them, the people you really want to unmask are the ones who molded him, and the ones who indoctrinated him into thinking that the planet could only be saved by killing off billions of useless people, consumers of the planet's precious resources.

The chosen people (prime ministers, presidents, Young Global Leaders, etc.) are all brainwashed into this ideology of the necessity to drastically depopulate the planet. Those that are impervious to these ideas will not be allowed to attain high offices (or at least not helped).

The psychopathic global ruling class has even convinced great numbers of the common population that they (regular humans) are a cancer upon the planet.

https://odysee.com/@N1755L:7/KlausSchwabQuotesI usually call them homicidal maniacs, but any term that addresses their predilection for depopulation will work.



And on the subject of Eugenics, watch the first 40 mins. here to get a good appreciation of the ruling class's never-ending obsession with Eugenics and depopulation: https://www.corbettreport.com/why-big-oil-conquered-the-world-video/

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I'm with you, Richard,

The ones "behind" their actions are the real culprits, but we cannot discount the culpability of those who received and acted out the orders (even if only vague and /or suggestive). Richard, if you can arrange it, please investigate the history and the present workings of the "Society of Jesus" (aka: The Jesuit Order or Secret Society). From all the many sources that finger them as the directors behind the scenes, one can become dizzied. And once settled in ones mind as to this dark disturbing fact, the rest will flow naturally. It all will then make sense that a "psudo-religious" state such as that of the Vatican, is indeed behind the world's chaos and insanity. It's very subtle how the RCC sells herself as caring and loving, when she is Satan's "right arm" to confuse, contort, and convey a laundry list of Anti-Christian tenets and doctrines, while she involves herself in worldly affairs. One might go on and on about this, but better to learn it on ones own, at one's own pace.

But you're absolutely right. Everything you mentioned is "connected." You're observant. No delusions on your end! Just to prime the pump, so they say, let me make this last statement: Close to very single Protestant religion on the globe has signed an agreement with Rome as a legal manifestation of their "unity" and forgiveness. They no longer "protest" anything that the RCC is doing, but rather joined her wickedness through association. It all might seem warm and cozy at first, but the prophet's words, which come from On High, declare that "She is just awaiting the proper time for her to strike." In the Great Controversy book by E.G. White, there are some hair raising statements; all somber, direct, and explicit. There is not ONE single note of humor or ambiguity in ANY of her writings. She's the REAL deal. Once you have fortified your mind with the Truth which that book spells out clearly, along with the reasons behind the actions of the enemy, you will equip yourself with the "armor" of God. From that vantage point your already observant nature will pay great dividends in the quest for enlightenment.

Thanks for your thoughtfulness, and patience,



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Thank you Ray,

I'll try to check it out, I've seen/heard about the Jesuit order being behind world events, in the shadows so to speak, but have not yet dove into it in any depth.

I've also seen a lot of very convincing information suggesting that the people who'd been controlling the British empire for centuries, in the shadows again of course, are still very much in control in the background.

I'm on the dumbphone today, not at home, maybe in the next few days if I can find said information, I could come back and reply again with links.

Thanks again for the suggestion.

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for me, Climate Agenda, AI, Transgender, and mRNA are all interconnected, part of a larger 'transhumanist' dehumanization... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/transhumanism-is-the-extermination

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But note that in order to live, we all need genuine ecological sanity, or close to it. That is what ecology is all about--the interdependence of species in a life-friendly environment.

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seems the self-appointed 'architects of earth' (how lovely) want to destroy that exact symbiosis you speak of

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Indeed so. They seem to have the slogan "Psychopaths of the World Unite! You have Nothing to Lose but Your Humanity!"

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Thanks Dr. Nass and James Corbett. Lots of interesting information. I vaguely remember Maurice Strong, but was too young and naive to know what was really going on. I was one of those people who was duped into thinking sustainable development was a good thing and it would be if it actually was what the name implies. (as the Indigenous tribes or sustainable farmers practice is how I thought it was). This waking up is hard to do. ;)

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One needs to be careful intellectually not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is a HUGE difference between the environmentalism of Native American nations and tribes that actually practiced "sustainable development" for centuries and today are the spiritual as well as the practical leaders of GENUINE environmentalism, and those who seek to divert that concept into directions compatible with the usual corporate control. This is parallel to the misdirection of what is called "left" historically (vehemently working class, anti-oligarch, anti-war) into what passes for "left" today. Some of us have been authentic (original meaning) leftists for decades and are appalled by the convoluted warping of language we have seen into Orwellian terminology.

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Stop being careful and start being lawful. www.orsja.org and Bouvier law dictionary sovereign https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/bouvier/bouvier.htm

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Meryl, there is no gain-of-function or "lab leak" in a virus that does not exist. You're being gas-lighted Do your homework. - NO COVID PANDEMIC - Dr. Denis Rancourt - Sworn testimony and 897 page book of exhibits - http://tinyurl.com/548zk64x

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30 years of patents and molecular biology research culminating in a beautifully staged plandemic sure doesn't disprove the existence of pathogenic viruses. The massively coordinated assault on HCQ and IVM and the frantic cobbling together of the "Proximal Origins" cover-up does prove however that powerful people near the center of the crime surely do believe in such microbial agents.

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Dr. Sam Bailey Has More than 200 Videos to Explain Why Diseases Are Not Caused by Viruses - http://tinyurl.com/myx57tvr

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Yes I've watched many of them. She is an expert "communicator", but she doesn't engage in 1:1 correspondence, nor does she field comments on her vids. Her arguments are clever and persuasive but they don't offer a satisfactory alternative explanation for many established infectious diseases . For this reason I remain unconvinced by her best efforts to prove the non-existence of viruses.

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Patents and microscopes and comuter simulations don't prove the existence of viruses....No virus has ever been isolated to the rigors of Koch's Postulates, including the alleged SARS-CoV-2. Prof. Denis Rancourt elegantly proves this in his all-cause mortality study - https://tinyurl.com/28n79ra3

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I've reported for years that THE STRONG CITIES NETWORK is a tribute to Maurice Strong. Fake school shootings (Sandy Hook and Parkland and dozens more) are contrived and the City that hosts the crisis actor event is awarded a Strong Cities Network moniker.

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Directly related to this, have you seen this Dr. Nass?:

Also related to Agenda 21/2030 and to the bio-technological obsessions that we witness today taking over as priority over everything, over health, over the damaging injuries happening in the 10s of millions all over the world today.

Listen if you will, to 8 mins. here, Patrick Wood explains where it all stems from, Patrick Wood's testimony regarding the 1992 bio-diversity Summit... start from 19:19 min., and to 27:50 for the crux of the Agenda 21/2030 and the bio/Pharma complex that has been built and is still being expanded.


Maybe I've already linked this in another comment that you would have already seen, if this is the case, my apologies for bringing it up again.

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Very informative talk. As a Canadian, I know the "legend" of Maurice Strong, but I learned a few extra things today. Thanks for this great piece, Meryl and James!

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So, what do you make of this, Dr. Nass? https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1745909716725710921

Seems to me, we’re either being fed one load of horse-poop or another.

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May Mr. Lira Rest in Peace. Wishing so much strength, comfort, peace and justice for his family!!! He will never be forgotten for his amazing bravery and integrity!

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Terrific discussion of the globalist, eugenicist fraud Maurice Strong, and the economic raptor-parasite posing as peacenik Jeffrey Sachs. The UN and the W.H.O. are front agencies for global predators that Strong and Sachs pretend to oppose.

Thanks Meryl and James.

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The ICJ correctly cited a quotation that the genocide in Gaza is a genocide of children, largely. And yet Children's Health Defense has the indefensible stance of its founder, RFK, Jr urging the genocide onwards, actively participating, willing it. The hypocrisy is truly astounding and notable. You don't even make a public statement. He should be removed from his own organization for failing at the foundational level on Gaza.

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Great talk. I've been listening to Dark Horse a long time and have absolute faith in Bret Weinstein's integrity, for many reasons, but I think we all forget that people have very different cognitive styles and that one's cognitive style influences one's life direction. I once thought I'd have a nervous breakdown with this oceanography teacher listing the chemical formulas for salts on the board, expecting us to memorize them, and, totally flummoxed, I asked him "why??? why are we memorizing these??," and he looked at me disdainfully, and said "because the salts influence the salinity of the ocean which causes the weather" (you idiot lol). Completely different cognitive styles, his deductive, mine boundarilessly holistic, all over the place, seeking the large, whole picture. Lots of styles in between those and I suspect researchers and dissidents come up against the clash of those styles and think it means something suspicious.

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What you call "the environmental movement" existed in individual people's hearts and minds long before someone like Maurice Strong came along. Don't distort what environmental consciousness stands for by making the mistake of BLAMING IT ON THOSE WHO MAY HAVE CO-OPTED IT! That's myopic thinking. Yes, be aware of how the UN and the WHO and the WEF (and global corporate capitalism, don't forget that!) are using issues for their own nefarious purposes. Most important of all, figure out ways to resist them. But don't put the cart before the horse.

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Meryl why not examine 9/11, JFK, RFK, MLK, because it does not move us toward a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. Neither did this. www.orsja.org a solution instead.

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Include OK city explosion in your abbreviated list. Wako, and Ruby as well. It's all tied in together in ways that boil down to a sludge of evil, cooked up in "hell's kitchen" by the Master chef himself. Trying to separate the ingredients once cooked together, is futile. You can make out some carrot and potato hunks, but the rest is indistinguishable. I don't even try anymore. Instead, there is a MOUNTAIN of quality info regarding the "Hope" of Salvation through God's Redemption Plan. All we have to do is humble ourselves and join the WINNING team!

Best of everything,


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Ray, I'm married to a born again Christian. You humble yourself in front of the tyrant. Not me! My God mentioned in the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America does not require me to be a WINNING team coward. You recognize the evil and you expect God to fix it for you. Wrong. When you see it and acquiesce to evil you are evil. Writing about it is not action it is intellectual inaction. Stand and deliver Ray. God cannot declare for you. Only you can do that. Or as you stated you won't. Your loss. Join the band wagon when it passes down victory lane. Right there with the 62.5% that will not speak truth to the de facto. I'm seeking the 3%. www.orsja.org

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It's true that American industrialists were instrumental in funding Germany and Adolph Hitler with IBM the most notorious. Now the blow-back is coming from Israel for it was the Zionists who were the 20th Century agents of the British and American Empires to displace and eliminate Palestinians by genocide in order to control oil and gas reserves in the middle east. Edwin Black's book "The Transfer Agreement provides the history.

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Instead find or form your Jural Assembly take action join the 3%.

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