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Well, the word has been made devoid of meaning, like "safe and effective" or "Western democracy."

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no, that REDEFINITION of the word vaccine to include gene modification treatments (introduced by CDC/FDA/NIH et al.) is the BIGGEST DECEPTION of all in the covid crimes.

Yes, children were dying after normal vaccines already, but what is happening now, is an exponential increase in damage, due to the NEW TECHNOLOGY which would require a clear personal consent to become a partly PATENTED GMO object!!! That redefinition, a huge LIE, is the crime for which people should land in jail. Just my opinion.

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It's a huge deception for sure and it has contributed to some people beginning to distrust both the word and the idea.

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Praying for your safety there and for the ppl of Japan.

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People of Japan better get their affairs in order and get ready to be snuffed out. I guess we in America are going to be in the same boat. Makes me sad for my children. Will be saying out goodbyes at some point. Already affected by c-19 V. Dying now.

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So sorry to hear that. It's criminal what Big Pharma and the globalists have done. Prayers for you!

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And the Ringleaders the US Military. D % O % D

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or D $ O $ D

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Not surprising given the anthrax jab fiasco and the "Gulf War Syndrome."

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The problem is that sa-mRNA is transmissible and could spread around the world by plane, and because it is RNA, it is mutating and could potentially get out of control, molecular biologists say.

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Masaki -- assume you have read the article by Dr. Nagase where he explains those risks you cite (that virus mutated by the vaccine can live outside the host, and it has inter-species transmission capabilities) - are you reading about this by others, why aren't people like Corbett or Nass discussing these points that you (and Dr. Nagase) raise?

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Maybe we've figured out why the dinosaurs became extinct -- they started messing around with mRNA.

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There’s hope Melissa. Go on jw.org , examine all the evidence , and like me , a mother of 7 , grandma of 15, and great-grandma of 6, sleep easy. Soon the Creator of the universe will dispense justice. Not long to go now on his timeline! Sending love and best wishes to all truth lovers in the whole earth from here in England

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Posted yesterday on Brighteon:

Japan Declares Pharma Execs 'Enemies of the State' for Role in mRNA 'Massacre'


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The head of Japan's PMDA since 2019 has been Fujiwara Yasunori, who had been at the National Cancer Center (JP) for a long time, but when he was at Hopkins he was told, "We're going to create a Japanese version of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), so please go there."

In other words, the PMDA was created as a subsidiary of the FDA.

Fujiwara has openly stated something very dangerous: "We will also pursue quality from now on. By quality, I mean not only the speed of the review, but also the aim of increasing the number of first-in-the-world approvals."

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Have you realised that Japan is the first nation to take up the new SA-mRNA injections they call 'vaccines'? (SA = Self Assembling). The next threat to humanity!

Many historic injections and vaccines, that were once regarded as relatively SAFE, have been recently re-invented with dangerous mRNA technology. This technology is proving DEADLY, as it continues to be seriously unreliable and unpredictable in producing excesses of unwanted dangerous Spike proteins.

The next 'advancement' on Big Pharma's list of DEADLY VACCINES is going to be SA-mRNA. (Self Assembling mRNA), which has already been taken up by Japan. Watch out for the imminent rise in Japan's 'Excess Deaths'.

Why would anybody accept any unproven injection, from manufacturers like Pfizer who enjoy impunity (ZERO LIABILITY) for their injections that can KILL or MAIM?

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Ready to overthrow those who conspire to depopulate the planet.


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Thank you Mr. Mic from Hooe. You have been enthusiastically speaking out since the beginning of Cov19. Please keep up the good work until the BioTech faction is extinct.

A paper was published on December 15, 2022 by two researchers, Christin Schmidt and Barbara S. Schnierle, from the Department of Virology, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut.


In May 2023, molecular immunologists and doctors who sensed the trend toward practical application began to sound the alarm. However, when you look at the educational backgrounds of public health doctors in our country, they are all middle-class people in elementary and junior high schools, and to be frank, they are all people who are stupid and failed to become normal clinical doctors. They probably cannot understand the meaning of the content and its effects on the human body. These people make up the licensing authorities. Therefore, they are driven by pharmaceutical company propaganda.

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None are safe, none are effective. All are harmful. If people do not comprehend this, at this late date...

Then if they offer their arms, that is their choice...

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Satanic Bioweapon to depopulate… scientist or not, best explanation IMO .

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Kamala wants "medicare for all" which translates to no more private insurance only government health care. I'm uncertain how much of a difference it will make with these vaccine attacks, but keep in mind if you only have one source of healthcare they can easily insist you get the vaccine du jour, or no help with anything else.


I'm wondering about the shedding from a replicon vax.

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“I'm wondering about the shedding from a replicon vax.”

I too worry about this as all my clients are vaxxed and it’s caused me issues as I breathe in their dead skins cells and their exhaled air.😑

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Shame on me, I hadn't thought of what doctors might go through.

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Unless they start holding people down and jabbing stuff into them by force, Big Pharma is just going to lose big-time on this. And if they do that ... well, there are still more of us than them.

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Or withhold their pay checks from them. Then what? That would be easier no?

Dont worry its all on this little plastic car you are going to get. No its not. Only when they want it to be. Access Denied.

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You are absolutely right, Freedomisnotfree. I live in New Zealand. They did pretty much exactly that here last time. Many of us managed to survive without getting jabbed, anyway. It's all a matter of forming a community of like-minded people. After a couple of years of imposing relentless propaganda and ridiculously draconian "thou shalt not" measures, our WEF Young Global Leader of a Prime Minister realised that she was so hated she was going to lose the next election by a landslide. So she resigned and ran away. Her successor then did lose the next election by a landslide. Many lives had been wrecked, but on the upside we learned how to survive genuinely totalitarian rule. Don't trust the medical profession, MOST of the politicians or any of the mainstream media. And EXPECT most of your friends and relations to shun you. OK, shrug. We're still alive -- which increasingly many of the friends and relations who complied and took the jabs are not.

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Those poor citizens. Unbelievable and beyond tyrannical. Praying for them all.

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You know what would be awesome? Everyone there said "nope, not going to work today." it would shut down the entire country. The money lost would be astronomical. But that's how you'd get their attention.

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Ignorance or criminality?

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Dont be an idiot.

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But you can be, right?

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That the "pharmafia supported" bureaucracy continues the vax racket should be a red flag already. Instead of prioritizing antigen production, emphasis should be on "killer T-cells" aka T lymphocytes. That implies proper food and physical activity, as explained in simple language in this "Global South" article.


But the gang-owned bureaucracy continues as depicted in this quote attributed to Einstein:


Not to forget that in a society based on merit, well-educated individuals, even when (temporarily) out of job or retired, are considered "investment in human capital" instead of WEF & ilk "useless eaters".

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Pray tell, is anyone healthier because they have taken any vaccine or mRNA poisons? Are we seeing children and young adults healthier because they were injected with 30-60 vaccines in their first two decades of life?

Our bodies can keep us much more healthier than any drug interventions which may be good for emergencies only, not long term health. Has any of this mRNA crap ever been in long term trials? Now they want to inject us with constantly evolving mRNA poisons that may never stop replicating until you are dead? Well, that's their plan...murder by injection.

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It would be good to look into the Amish. In principle, they don't take vaccines, shots or medicines, and their life expectancy is more than 10 years longer than the average American. (Probably the best in the world.) There are Amish hospitals only for those with serious injuries or illnesses.

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