I judge any person only by his/her deeds. Deeds: Jeffrey Sachs went to the UN security council to request an investigation into the Nord Stream pipelines explosions 10 months ago.


Sachs again went to the UN asking to end the wars in Ukraine and Israel in Nov 2023


Yes, he was an economic advisor to Gorbachev, but who said that his advice was listened to or that the US allowed to fulfill his recommendations?

It's not the "right" moment to go against the "system" when the tyrannical system gather the speed and tries suppress the opposition, if it's his idea to "ingratiate" himself.

I would rather say that Jeffrey realized, just like so many of us, that we have been had.

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Does a leopard change his spots?

"The Harvard Boys Do Russia". https://www.thenation.com/article/world/harvard-boys-do-russia/

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Leopards do change their spots. Didn't Bret Weinstein state that he and wife were vaccinated against Covid-19? It's a sign of a mature and honest person, to examine what happened and admit they were wrong, and try to do something to correct. Sachs strikes me an academic who sincerely believed in the system, and was horrified to discover the levels of corruption, evilness and stupidity exalted, just like the rest of us.

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Bret changed his opinion. Not his MO. He did not design a method of predatory capitalism that he brought to country after country, serving globalism and oligarchs for decades and now pretending to care for the world's poorest--some of whom are that way because of him.

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There were a lot of loopholes in the Soviet legislation/customs rules which allowed the private individuals to take advantage of them. Like, for example, raw aluminum wasn't allowed to be exported as strategic resource, however exporting spoons/forks made of aluminum were ok to export. One of the first Soviet nouveau riches exported aluminum made spoons/forks to China to such an extent that just his "Communist party membership dues" exceeded 1 million roubles - just a singular example. Many in power and KGB connections ended up with fortunes allowing them to grab for next to nothing the shares of the privatized state owned factories. What the above had to do with Sachs?

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Lets be realistic, in 1990, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Sachs was just 35 yo when did he manage to become the mastermind "designing predatory capitalism?" I listened to his videos describing his recommendations to Gorbachev at the time. Nothing of what he recommended was implemented by Gorbachev or by the USA. Gorbachev, for all his good points, was so enamored with his own image in the West, he just let the country's economy slide, Sachs or no Sachs. Gorbachev's conflicting economic policies regarding privatization were crooked and conflicting, allowing the local Nouveau riches to grab the state owned infrastructure into private hands, with or without help of the western capital.

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He was a wunderkind who was perhaps the youngest full professor or dept head ever at harvard. Oppenheimer became director of the Manhattan project at age 38. Don't let age fool you.

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This is true - Gorbachev didn't implement his recommendations because he felt Poland was too different to Russia. This is true yet the consequences were disastrous and Government decisions can't be blamed on Sachs

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Very unlike that any totalitarian system to become anything like republic or democracy... Look how long takes US to become not corrupt empire: still in process?

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Reality check required, Pioter! US, like any other empire, is corrupt. It just happens that US is corrupt beyond any known estimates...

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Predatory capitalism, hah? Do tell more about it please

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Blackrock and the Fed corporation own most of the homes in the USA and making housing unaffordable to further break the family and depopulate the USA.

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It clear you've never lived under the communist regime... It is not the same thing when you read about this it or watch a video...

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LOL - what "newsletter" is it you are writing? I'll make sure to never read your nonsense

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Bret changes his mind too many times, mostly quietly. He was very certain SARS COV2 must have evolved because that's how evolution works; it creates new things. When it became clear furin cleavage could have evolved by any known mechanism, Bret become a born-again conspiracy theories and without any official apologies, began his new propaganda. No admission of wrongdoing...

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I get it, Tomas, as someone, who never makes mistakes, you point to every you notice, to feed your feeble self-esteem.

As someone who makes mistakes every freaking day, I give no damn to either Bret’s mistakes or (non)acknowledgements of wrong doing.

Since when following science is wrongdoing? Perhaps if you cared more about science and logs in your own eyes than finding (nonexistent) chips in eyes of others, you had a chance in being a scientist too? 😉

Bret is bigger by miles than either you or I.

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There is a difference between making unfounded assumption (s) vs evidence given, right?

Unfortunately, or fortunately for science, Bret is wrong in both instances and that is the funniest part ( to me).

BTW: I make mistakes. I listen to Bret's assumption and later the so-called corrected evidence.

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No he doesn't. He mulls over b pros and cons in careful consideration. You're a troll out to smear the truth-tellers but it's too late, none of you D.o.D.trolls can hide the truth. You all smell like your controller-billionaires' outhouses, ha ha haaaah!!

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I heard Bret in podcasts considering the vax but did not take any of the death shots. They didn't trust any of the novel meds from the get-go.

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Sage Hana articulates very well the roles of Bret, Pierre, Robert and others. Our presented "heroes" are on record stoking fear of the virus and the measures needed to mitigate. Bret wanted to lock down harder, Kory pushing masks etc etc.

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Sachs was a part of a system for 30 years and he didn't notice it was corrupt? I guess he is just a typical academic just without conscience...

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Many academics live in their heads, didn't you notice by now?

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Because there is a difference between being an academic and being a wise academic.

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I don't dispute that. But there is absolutely nothing unwise in what I hear coming from him recently.

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Michael C. Ruppert wrote a chapter on the looting of the FSU and how many billions that enriched the Harvard endowment in his magnum opus titled Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the end of the Age of Oil, a 2004 NYT bestseller and a copy of which, ironically, sits in the Harvard Business School library. Touche.

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Mr Sachs also helped ruin some of former east bloc or pro-Russia economies. The people of former Yugoslavia will not forget his expert advises that were equally effective as the NATO/US bombing of Serbia in 1999. Yes, we all make mistakes and hopefully learn from them, but he NEVER admitted any wrongdoings. No repentance, no forgiveness.

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People change their opinions during their lifetime. Why not mr. Sachs?! At least he makes public all his interventions.

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I think it's at least possible that the Jeffrey Sachs of three years ago is gone. It's possible that the Covid experience -- from the inside on Lancet but also just as a critical observer -- woke Prof Sachs up to what the real goals of the globalists are. It's possible that he was a true believer, and now he's in a genuine rage that he himself was so duped.

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I am all for people changing their minds - we aren’t in fact going to get anywhere unless many people change their minds, but I agree this seems more like shape shifting. What you need in a case like this is some coherent explanation volunteered by Sachs about why he apparently changed course.

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"a crack to include lab leaks, carefully avoiding mention of the possibility of deliberate release"

Lab leak is not possible; deliberate release is not only probable, but it seems that is what really happened.

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Maybe he took the Red Pill. His article is well reasoned.

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Yes, Mr Sachs has wheedled his way into the globalist Pope Francis’s Vatican, as well. Giving speeches at Catholic conferences and being appointed to the Vatican’s Academy. Same cast of characters pushing this WHO/WEF/UN agenda.


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Wow, just wow! Stunning the shift fully exposed.

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Great link- there’s a lot of negative history and mistakes that people are noting of Prof Sachs — and the Lancet hx and free speech hx mentioned by Dr Nass are very important to recite and rebuke — Dr Nass has earned that right on a cross with courage — yet Sacks has tremendous clarity and plain speaking in his discussion of Ukraine and Gaza. His breaking with the establishment narrative on Gaza is courageous and honorable at this time. It’s also very helpful. I saw his chat w RFK about the Lancet Commission subterfuge hx and being misguided. Coming clean on it was helpful to our cause and we cannot get to enough strength to overcome the NWO and murder cults unless we have a really big tent. A really huge tent. If the guy wants to get on the right side and bring his influence, then let him. We don’t have any perfect leaders at all — all fall short in the fallen world. Though I have a different take — I also say God bless Dr Nass and her straight forward questions about what he’s up to.

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Totally agree. When he held a press conference and said, "all the evidence collected by Lancet over two years suggest that sars-cov-2 came from a U.S. lab of biotechnology" -- that took some courage. How can we fault him for coming around? People who've spent too long on the wrong side should not be condemned to stay there. We need everyone we can get.

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Maybe comparing apples to oranges here? You start out with Sach's view on foreign policy and the waste of money that gets transferred to the military-congress-media…..complex and then go on to talk about his views on the Rona scam from 3 years ago. Lots of people have changed their minds on this and John Campbell is one of them. Is there anything current on Sach's views on the Rona scam?

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Meryl has written an excellent summary of the adventures of Jeffrey Sachs whom we should trust a lot less far than we can throw him. For those interested in his coming-of-age story, his myth of origin, I recommend “The Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein (whom I do not otherwise recommend for anything). Just find him in the index and read those pages, a key passage from which describes the “oopsie” that cost Russia about 10% of its population.

“But the problem wasn’t only that the IMF and the Treasury hadn’t listened to Sachs, it was that Sachs had pushed hard for shock therapy before he had any guarantee that they would—a gamble for which millions [about 12-15 million] paid dearly [with their lives].” p.249

Well, as Richard Fish of Ally McBeal fame put it, “Bygones!” as he was there to make lots of money for himself and others and did so, and as Lewis Lapham put it in his 2006 satirical cinematic masterpiece, “The American Ruling Class,” the main obstacle to personal progress for the conscience-ridden graduates of Yale-Harvard-Princeton is to overcome the idea that doing what’s best for oneself is any different that doing what is best for one’s nation.

Please permit me to make an observation about the Globalist Elite, the CFR, Trilateralists, WEF, Bilderbergers, and the EU overseers: they are run by a degenerate incompetent epigone who match their predecessors’ cruelty and self-interest but entirely lack their competence and capacity for deep long-range planning. Lapham once wrote a brilliant essay in Harper’s describing the rise in the late 1960s of a rival power center to the CFR, viz., the American Enterprise Institute—right wingers, Neo-conservatives, and Zionist Jews. I am incapable of studying their machinations in the detail required to say anything of interest about such a transition, but I formed the impression that the CFR had invited neocons into their bosom in order to tame and persuade them of the best and wisest ways to govern and were then taken over by them. So while admitting the self-confirming use of evidence, I found a series of articles on The Saker’s website shortly before he closed it down. One was titled “Is Andrei Martyanov right in his criticism of US ruling ‘elites’?” I admire Martyanov, have read “The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs” cover-to-cover, learned a great deal from it, and try my best to listen to his sputtering, self-indulgent, horrifically repetitious but absolutely crucial depictions of a grossly incompetent military, political, and think-tank elite (e.g., Council on Foreign Relations), with which I have come with no small amount of trepidation to fully agree. I had stopped subscribing to its flagship magazine, Foreign Affairs, over a decade ago when it had degenerated into a yellow propaganda rag. If you are clever you can also find three accounts from the Saker of his first-hand observations of the neoconservative takeover of the political and think-tank hegemony within the United States during the 1990s. The crude upshot is that instead of being tamed and trained, the sharp-elbowed big-donor-money used their historically tested tried-and-true means of taking over both the State Department and the CFR that had stocked its upper echelon from at least WWII onward. These neocons are convinced that Putin will back down from a nuclear war, and hence feel free to escalate ad nauseam in Ukraine (and Israel) and put the world at genuine risk of immolation for the very simple reason that the U.S. is incapable of winning a conventional war against any of its proposed antagonists. The U.S. will then be faced with a choice between humiliating defeat and nuclear escalation to which they are convinced Putin will yield. The latest flip-flops of Jeffrey Sachs—who does see this danger—are the last futile efforts to reinvigorate Global Governance (quite different from the Neocon Hegemon) after the imagined transition has failed to materialize.

Shortly before his death Henry Kissinger opined that (to paraphrase) “we moved too quickly with immigration,” which I suggest was code for “we thought that other nation states would dissolve or prove impotent so that the destruction of the nation-state of the US and throughout Europe would destroy any prospects for national pride and integrity that might coalesce to oppose us. We believed our own propaganda that Russia was a gas station posing as a nation-state. But we failed to anticipate that other nation-states would not melt like snow into raindrops but would become galvanized with strength and vigor to oppose and possibly defeat us.” Kissinger was one of the great evil but competent architects of the Globalist agenda but he and his cronies fell victim on the one hand to neocon treachery and on the other hand to the horrific mistake of creating a guiding ruling class and bureaucracy dominated by sycophancy, and gross incompetence at every level of strategic planning.

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Thank you, Dr. Nass. Scriptures are replete with numerous examples of how a single individual had dramatic impact upon people in their present day and into history, even today. There is no doubt you are one of those people. I pray God's Blessings on your mission to seek and impart the Truth to people everywhere. God Bless.

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Dear Meryl , ....Jeeze ! .... it's like you're hittin' on all 12 cylinders and I'm just gettin' 6 ! : ( Is there a back-up "Meryl Nass" unit ? .... without you we will be in world of hurt ! God Bless America ! ..... and down-east Maine ! ! !

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Astounding how much evidence has emerged to show that hospitals' OFFICIAL policies engineered Covid cases and deaths. They were literal killing grounds... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/killing-factories-how-official-hospital?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Yes Meryl, good work, you're welcome to say more on that topic and less on 'new biology' that you don't appear to know anything about. Interestingly, (according to Tom Cowan) Jeffery was Tom's sister's boy friend and was a regular visiter to the Cowan house hold when Tom was a kid. Tom issued Jeffery 'The Viral Challenge'. Didn't hear anything back of course.

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