You’re the best! Thank you for ALL you do to help keep us informed!!

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Our government wants us dead.

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We all knew we were being censored...now others may finally know. Great steps forward!

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I don't understand why everyone persist's in using the language, "Biden did. . ." when it is clear that his puppeteers are the ones "doing" . . .are we distracted by this misdirection relative to the true actors in the Biden Administration (or are the true actors actually in the current Administration?) . . .who are the actual actors conducting this clown show. . .why isn't there more effort aimed at uncovering these silent agents so that they can be exposed by their real names?

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Biden is the official criminal minister of lies. He is extremely stupid, according to this description:


You can throw Obama, Kerry and just about every politician out there into the same classification. Most are classic dupes; they stand for nothing but themselves. Peace.

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Dah? Just what does this mean? It’s quite simple. Your government is trying to kill you. You’re a useless eater. Everyone better get together and fight these creeps with everything you have. Don’t be pansies. Tell everyone what you know and how disgusting it is.

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Thank you Dr Meryl. We guessed it, didn't we? It was heartening to see an Interview on Epoch Times this morning, [QLD Australia] with Jan J & AG Landry, confirming top Officials in the White House had ordered that RFK Jr, Tucker Carlson, & Tomi Lahren, [3 confirmed so far] surveillance on their Social Media Platforms. We don't seem to have any privacy any more, & it will be worse if we are turned into Cashless Societies. We must push back on trying not to use out credit cards etc, because we are giving up our Freedom's.

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I hope Judge Doughty isn't suicidal.

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Casey left the PA Senate before C19 nonsense started. The replacement was no better. We moved to FL in 2020 to get out of a blue state.

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I consider Flaherty to be a criminal who should be prosecuted.

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The Dummy couldn't launch a paper airplane.

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The perps need to be executed, or this will continue to happen, and get even worse with the use of so-called AI. Only by eliminating these criminals can we regain our liberties. Our Founding Fathers would not have hesitated one moment. By rough estimate, there are, just in America, ten million Fauci-Virus-Fascists worthy of being separated from their heads. The consequences of letting them off the hook (literally speaking) would be catastrophic.

Never Forget!

Never Forgive!

Never Again!

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Thank you Meryl. The global system(s) will not give up easily. But there are more people awakening in many countries. Similar systems in Australia and NZ to control the narrative....watch WeCameHereForFreedcom.com. And Silenced.co.nz.

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That’s absolutely correct, doc. But former Presidents, including Trump, many judges, security briefers, most senators, congress, governors & state officials, federal appointees—particularly the FBI, CIA, NSA & DARPA…directors, the wealthiest media producers, pharmaceutical weapon engineers & investors—are all guilty of this crime; Treason—punishable by death—but we must not kill them this time so we can end this repeating, generational maddens, forever. We must first start by admitting that none of “them” can claim their “misdirection of facts” has been accidental. There are No Legitimate Laws allowing for Plausible Deniability or Immunity from prosecution to protect any of these criminals. Now say it, over and over and over and over, to all of your intelligent friends and loving subscribers, until you are blue in the face: We The People MUST establish third party Nuremberg Courts—they MUST be established by Us, (NO Bogus Congressional Hearings); We MUST conduct Full Internal Investigations (No Redactions or Lost Evidence), followed by Arrests, Prosecutions—and after found guilty—Life Sentences in super max Mental Institutions at Universities throughout the world, with full student and independent media access so these insane criminals may be interviewed—without the nonsense of security leaks protecting others yet to be discovered and prosecuted —so we can actually learn something from this madness “this time” and begin writing honest history and publish honest scientific studies to make damn sure this really “never happens again”—which cannot just be another slogan from the WWI & WWII era.

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Cancel this, cancel that

Don't discuss

– or question that

Be afraid

Don't offend


Let's pretend

Lipstick pretty

Putty good

Bubble gum

Together stood

The most magnificent looking chair

Golden splendor

With leather flair

Springs and metal

Twisted knots

It all appears

A million bucks

But when you go to sit on it

It falls apart into little bits

And you get shards and daggers in your arse

Welted faces

Shattered glass

Lying there you feel so wronged

The mirage vanished

Siren songs

Led astray

Shattered rocks

What was wrong

With what was got

Wooden chairs

With tarnished chips

Shut away

Thrown in pits

Cast aside

No light of day

Canceled to make

The new one stay.

And now we have a whole world sitting on golden chairs, falling to bits each day and every day.

Because we canceled all the sturdy ones

And sold them lipstick and bubble gum

Dressed in gold

Wrapped in leather

Feeling oh so very clever

...But not anymore.

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Thank you.

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