So few people understand how the b*den family has acquired funds from many years in “public service.” Enemy nations found this family was easily compromised. A young freshman senator was suddenly buying the most expensive home in Delaware - the DuPont mansion and grounds. Then the huge beach house on a $174,000 salary. Then refinanced the homes 35 times! Every 17 months! So much going on and will be exposed by the House of Representatives.

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A very liberal member of my family believes he made all his money on book sales. <Big eye roll>

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What is it with these ignorant liberals! My husband’s brothers, wives and kids all took the stupid pills!! They are worse than ever! God help us!

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That’s hilarious. Ok if that were true, he made $8 million by selling the classified documents that he wasn’t supposed to have. And the author then tried to erase all the recordings but they were restored.

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Yeah, just like Zelensky on his "comedies."

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Like Hunter's artworks...

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"public service" = serving up the public on a platter. (sort of like an old Twilight Zone episode)

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A demented POTUS apparently hell-bent on the proxy war with Russia no matter what, and ultimately regime change, who is up to his ears with his addict son in dirty Ukrainian money, and has been using Ukraine for his own ends for at least a decade. I'm not American, so I don't know what it feels like to have such a blatantly crooked and dangerous person inside the Oval Office.

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This serves to highlight my quiet insistence that we fund research into psychopathic behaviors. We need to screen and remove psychopaths from positions of power.

That this character wanders around with the keys to nuclear Armageddon at his finger tips, and does not pass some sort of fitness exam, puts the final nail in the coffin. Our system has failed.

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Of course many would say wanting to be a politician, let alone POTUS, is a sign of mental illness. I saw the beginning of a clip from 2009 of the then vice- POTUS with his shirt off, washing the car as if he was in Cool Hand Luke which, to say the least (best way of dealing with it) should have been a worrying sign to the DNC, let alone ordinary (ie sane) Americans. I couldn't watch the whole video, and hope I'm not reminded of it the next time I see that great movie. The MSM used to punish candidates for minor gaffes compared with the ongoing Biden horror show.

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Well if our political processes worked we might not be on the verge of full up technocratic, fascist, totalitarian, dystopian nightmare. Just turn to those wildly profiting in the last 3 decades or so, they have a roadmap. One way ticket to hell.

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The truth will never see the light of day! Mick.

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Doesn't matter if the installed Commander is unwell or in tip-top condition. Not only is he a criminal, he's a controlled asset....an Establishment puppet. He doesn't give a rip about the U.S. and has no authority unless it's at the behest of his handlers. It's all one giant facade. "PRESIDENT" Biden????.....what's wrong with this picture?? America has turned into a punchline.

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"PRESIDENT" Biden, aka RESIDENT Biden...

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But so often it seems the "light's on but no one's home". Absent "resident"....absent minded.....Barely a "resident" even.

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Seems to me the world could be run by AI already. Might be preferable, except for the fact that the program was written by psychopaths.

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Why not, his son is a crackhead who fetches higher prices than Picasso for his art!

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Of course the doc is involved. Anyone that close and personal has a privileged connection. There are many more. When one of those strawberry’s goes bad, the infection grows. Of course it is written about things being revealed. The greed and the srong hands take the pot as the house does not run out of money. The ones whom have a money connection are comming to light.

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Strawberries? Reminds me of the Caine Mutiny which may be more apt here than it should be.

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I see Jamie Raskin is copied on the letter. I've seen enough videos of committee hearings to know that there will never ever be enough evidence of rot to move people like Raskin and Dan Goldman to fulfill their "oversight" responsibilities wrt this president. Nor is there any threshold beyond which Merrick Garland's professional curiosity would be stimulated.

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Yeah, isn’t Raskin a major lib?

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Major piece of 💩! Deplorable like the rest.

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They're going to throw him under the bus and try and make Geert's prediction disappear... that was what he was brought in for.. when he was V.P. he showed the same traits of a bumbling criminal... they obviously need a dementia patient to blame a democide on if that's even him.. when will people realize an attempt on the lives of every United States citizen was perpetrated and successfully in alot of cases and many more to come EXTERMINATED... What do people nor understand about the phrase "GREAT FUCKIN RESET" means they want you gone systematically until they get you all to a manageable level the you become zoo animals for them.... I'm not tolerating this any longer... they frail weak mentality to not call a spade a spade....for God's sake it'll be what's digging the holes to bury your children.... I said 20 years ago NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION I SAID 18 YEARS AGO AT THE BRISTOL DAY PARADE TO MARINA PETERSON THAT THE ENTIRE FBI WAS CRIMINAL... YOU KNOW BY NOW THEY MURDERED OVER 2000 AMERICANS IN 9/11 ....YOU SIMPLY KNOW THIS NOW AND IF YOU DONT, YOUR GONNA GET WHAT YOU DESERVE.... NO MAN IS AN ISLAND AND IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FUCKING LEMMINGS ANY MORE... IM DONE CRYING MYSELF TO SLEEP.... Humbly, they are exterminating you with your own tax dollars.

.. nuff said

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Yes. With our own money. And now they are gonna take money away..take every asset you own..and if you don't die or get euthanized...they will put you in the 15 minute gulag where you will eat crickets for protein and maggot milk.

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Yes my dearest, 100% truth ❤️

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Far too many believe the Great Reset is just conspiracy theory. 🐑🐑🐑

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It's funny too, it's happening right in front of their faces. Sad

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b-b-b-b-but TRUMP!

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Of course Biden's doc tor is crrooooked.

He is a doc tor....

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and the crackhead son is sitting in on important meetings? God help us...

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Doctors are required to keep medical information confidential with one exception and that is when the life of another is threatened by such confidentiality. If a patient tells a psychiatrist that s/he is going to kill someone the physicians duty to preserve life overrides confidentiality. If an airline pilot does not meet all the requirements to safely fly a plane, the doctor has authority to suspend that license unttil further testing and or investigation takes place. WHY IS BIDEN'S MENTAL STATUS NOT SUBJECT TO THE SAME RULES APPLIED TO PILOTS, BUS DRIVERS AND DRIVERS OF REGULAR CARS? This man hold the lives of others in his power and as such he does not have the confidentiality afforded to those not in control of the lives of others in his day to day work. But equally important, if not more so, the physician in posession of this knowledge is bound by professional standards of ethics to FIRST DO NO HARM AND THAT MEANS HARM TO THE PATIENT IN FRONT OF YOU AS WELL AS OTHERS WHO YOU CANNOT SEE. DO NO HARM MEANS HARM TO ANY HUMAN. Biden's doctor needs to be charged with wreckless endangerment of human life; given a fair trial and hung.

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This is an astute point. The doc probably has a responsibility to protect the public under Tarasoff. Other doctors in DC where he practices could report him to the medical board for an ethical violation.

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To paraphrase King Richard III, the "Kingdom for an honest man."

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“And the walls come tumbling down!” From Joshua fit the battle of Jericho”. It has all been predicted. We still need to do our parts!

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Wow this is a huge deal. Should have come out years ago.

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I just heard the a Parkinson's Dz specialist has met at the WH 5 times over the last year.

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Biden Inc. is quite the con

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Hunter and Jill are now the acting pretendsodents

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Our so-called president is a sock-puppet with his wife's hand up his behind.

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