A great start in this important case to protect our first and most important freedom. God willing, the judge's view will survive the full case and inevitable appeals. Justice is not swift, and in your case, Meryl, the process they put you through to clear your name is the punishment. I hope you make them pay the price for what they are doing to you, for all our sakes.
A great start in this important case to protect our first and most important freedom. God willing, the judge's view will survive the full case and inevitable appeals. Justice is not swift, and in your case, Meryl, the process they put you through to clear your name is the punishment. I hope you make them pay the price for what they are doing to you, for all our sakes.
A great start in this important case to protect our first and most important freedom. God willing, the judge's view will survive the full case and inevitable appeals. Justice is not swift, and in your case, Meryl, the process they put you through to clear your name is the punishment. I hope you make them pay the price for what they are doing to you, for all our sakes.
And in the meantime, Dr Nass is helping push back against other entities - like the WHO - which attempt to take away our rights.