This is just despicable! The brightest and best, doctors with courage and integrity, are denigrated while the mendacious crooks inflate their egos, rake in the dough and take all the glory. It’s sickening, and sadly, we’re getting used to it!

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Re: This is just despicable! The brightest and best, doctors with courage and integrity - my understanding is that Big Pharma pays bonuses to doctors to prescibe their medications and vaccines, just the same as Amway and Avon did - $250 for each new person vaccinated, probably more bonuses for Boosters and so it goes on, but with the average cost of a vaccine being about $15, where do those bonuses come from WHO - black money anyway - if these doctors about which you write are so honest, now come they don't tell us what their bonus payments are or who pays them?

Here is something else they forgot to mention: AND for every dollar the US taxpayer paid for the shots, Trump himself got I believe 10c back from Pfizer; this is from (former) US Attorney David Knight - which means the politicians, wherever you live, got paid a similar amount - hence the vaccine mandates

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I am bewildered by your response. Are you aware that the Physicians Meryl is speaking about are strong opponents of the vaccine mandates and are out spoken on the injuries and deaths that studies have shown are secondary to the vaccine? They have been victimized because they not only stood by their Hippocratic Oath, but they have been fighting for the real truth for us at great professional and personal cost. They lost their very prominent positions by choosing to give Vitamin C and Ivermectin to save their patient’s lives. When Dr Marik testified in front of congress on the deaths caused the mandated treatment his voice cracked as he tried to hold back tears. They are fighting against the type of doctor you describe and they are severely outnumbered. These Physicians, including Dr. Nass, are Brave and Existential Heroes.

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I dont believe in Vaccines but believe in building a healthy immune system which then resists disease.

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I believe that the mass increase in toxic heavy metal jabs has done wonders for our 50 billion in fraud fines pharma industry, as in treating all the side effects of their, "First do harm." jabs then "treat the suckers for life."

I.e. their mission statement!

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I believe this person is speaking out about providers who have spoken out AGAINST any standardized treatment plan in medicine. Cancer treatment is a BIG money maker for BigPharm, oncologists, treatment centers that are threatened by All Alternative treatment plans! It is no surprise that murder has been a viable alternative for the Cancer Industry as well.

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But it's a sneaky "do harm" while pretending to think of a person's good health.

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I have been fighting Covid for these past 4 years on my substack, yet I take no commissions to do that. I receive a Seniors Pension and I don't want your money, whatever I do and have done, including my free salt water cure, which has kept me and those of you who use it, free from Covid and any other virus out there.

I am not questioning Meryl's loyalty to overthrowing the Covid issue, or Steve Kirsch, or anyone else - I am just asking if Meryl took the $250 each time she injected , or wrote a prescription, so that someone else could make that injection for her instead and any bonus for subsequent booster shots as well and what was the bonus sum paid, from an undefined source, since we, the public don't know that?

To my way of thinking, to berate Covid vaccines on the one hand while taking the $250 bonus paid on the other, for vaccinations she deliberately made, is a double standard - either Meryl is all in against all vaccines and got paid nothing, by not injecting them - or she did and got paid for them as well.

Meryl is a doctor - so which is it - and has she lost her medical license because she refused to inject vaccines and prescribed paid alternatives instead - my cure is free and I get zero from it, sort of thinking.

Before I call anyone Brave and Existential Heroes - I would like to know if they fight against Covid vaccines, totally and without reserve and without any $250 bonus payments made from WHO or Big Pharma, by refusing to inject the vaccines and all boosters - or do they inject and take the bonuses paid out, which to me is a double standard.

So which is it?

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To my mind, doctors who have been vilified and whose careers have been destroyed because they have taken a stand in opposition to the COVID narrative are being punished for having courage and integrity. The details of what they did to be so discredited are beside the point to my mind, as are their positions on vaccines in general and how they chose to practice medicine before they got unceremoniously dismissed.

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One can easily see why this part of the Hippocratic oath was deleted I.e. "I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients "according to my greatest ability and judgment" and I will do no harm or injustice to them.[6] Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. and I will do no harm or injustice to them.[6] Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion." (Now the oath is to fraudulent Godless for-profit, big pharma!) NOT the so-called doctor/ pharma pimp!

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Look what they did to so many holistic and holistic cancer doctors in the US and the UK about 10-15 years ago like my favorite, Nicholas Gonzales. He was a very healthy man so I don't believe the story that he just died suddenly and I'm sure his wife and former partner don't either: https://search.brave.com/search?q=dr+nicholas+gonzalez+death&source=desktop&summary=1&summary_og=d67b2adc7dd018e99ee516

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There are so many “SUDDEN Adult Death Syndromes” in prominent voices against the establishment of Rockefeller Medicine..

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They murdered my brother in six days ,with the hospital kill protocol . I did write about the crime in previous posts .

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IMHO, I'm just saying that there was some kind of "Arkanacide" going on that nobody will admit to, or were even asked about, maybe by Pharma.

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I think there are many ways to cure cancer, many ways that big pharma don't want the general population to know about and have actively, or should I say quackery tried to deny the real cures.

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There are though pharma thinks it's always one size fits all: cut, poison and burn! My comment was how despicable it is to kill holistic doctors who know better than pharma.

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Please provide the evidence for this. I have never heard or read this in the 3 years of this battle.

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If you are referring to Holistic Health, it is little known because of persecutions like this. It is older than Allopathic Medicine.

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You must be kidding. Yeah I live under a rock and have never heard of holistic health. My naturopath will be disappointed to hear this no doubt.

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Google: US Attorney David Knight and see what information comes up.

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Aug 15
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Why does everything have to be about MONEY - $37 to be precise?

I'll thank you to attach your advert to buy your book, to somebody else's comment and not mine.

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The evidence is out there.You must not be looking in the right places.

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Where’ve you been?

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Irun - I don’t see how you could have missed all the evidence that has been all over the web the last three years. It’s murder and warfare against all the best doctors telling the truth.

Surely you know about the most recent incident just this week of the plane crash in Brazil killing - I think it was eight of our good truthful doctors ?

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Oh my god! FFS I was talking about her claim of trump getting paid cash money for each and every covid shot. This was news to me. I still think it’s complete bullshit or MSM would have been singing it from the rafters. I’m VERY WELL aware of all the various legal and moral battles being fought against the good people trying to use common sense cures for people to heal and cure diseases. I find it reprehensible. I myself have been cancelled for similar. Give me a break for having enough of a brain to know that much just by being on substack (although I’ve seen some stupid people on here recently). Read the Op. what line in her piece stood out as most obviously requiring evidence?

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SHE knew!

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Can you please share definitive info on the Trump kickback , I dont doubt this but need more info

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Flushing the best & brightest and people of conscience and integrity out of all the high value training queues is just another front in the total war to bring down western civilization.

Teachers, doctors, nurses etc are not minted in an afternoon and they do not achieve their difficult but respected status without a lot of effort, commitment and often long term debt.

I would wager that almost ANY teacher, nurse, doctor or anyone else in a training queue of a difficult professions will look at what has been happening and have a come to Jesus moment when they realize:

"I did not sign up for all this stress only to find that at the end of the rainbow I will be required to teach DEI, trans glorification theory, woke idiocy, Safe and Effective lies and be required on pain of dismissal to wear masks and take clot shots while also intimidating my students and patients into doing the same"

You just need to be sitting in the bleachers as a laymen and watch what has been and continues to be done to teacher, nurses, doctors etc to understand that their dignity and integrity is being attacked every day and the punishment is "death" if you don't comply. Have seen too many early teacher retirements in my peers (for example) to believe the whole experience is not going to have an enormous chilling effect on those willing to enter the circus at all. Have seen too many "substitutes wanted" signs at the once highly rated schools in my area because they just can't find qualified teachers.

Most people of conscience who are driven by more than "just a pay check" will exit the teaching, doctor, nursing etc training queues while they still have an option if the current abuse of the professional class continues. (IMO)

I'd expect to see a rapidly diminishing supply of really qualified people because the best and the brightest are being driven out

But it's OK. Psychological warfare is here to gaslight us into believing and accepting that the idiot is actually a genius because the DEI and woke curriculum said so

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Fortunately, some of these teachers, doctors, & nurses are helping to build the parallel structures to this globalist agenda. Homeschool coops & private independent schools are looking for these teachers. The teachers need to continue working because of inflation & decreased benefits, etc. Doctors & nurses are opening practices that people can trust. Or at least begin to heal from their trauma of covid & find one of these professionals to go to for their care. Many unvaxxed, anti maskers need these people to continue their profession in our parallel society. This is what has to happen for us to live outside the mainstream tyrannical system. People have to say no, & be independent in their fields. We have to build up what they’re trying to tear down. 🙏🏽

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COVID was used as a biological weapon. It was successfully applied because people are trained to become robots and not question medical practices. It uses dependency and discourages people from being in charge of their own health.and

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I agree, as above - my free salt water cure costs nothing and is 100% effective according to the Alberta University which trialled it for Steve Kirsch who probably makes it for sale somewhere - people do like to pay for things, otherwise they think thar it being free, it can't be any good - McCulloch is also doing a similar Iodine one which you can pay for as well - like duh: UPDATED: 5 August 2024 My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus.

Refuse all vaccines.

Join me in NEVER being ill with my free salt water cure.

It is that simple.

3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, in small lots, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure

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What you might not know is that the vaccines were purchased by the military and injected under the AUKUS program which includes England, Australia, America and Canada - presumably the World Health Organisation is linked to AUKUS and covers the rest of Europe and Russia and China, so while the above seems simplistic, we have to consider the scope of the vaccines program and who is pulling the strings at the very top - my guess is that the military want to replace our structure of society for their own one, which is a duplicate of ours, but under the military arm and this is how they are doing that - funding for one overall service, the military, which eventually controls all and everyone - but who or what controls the military and wants to control all of us through it and the injected nanotechnology, which is presumably designed to make us part human and part computer - did you read my article on my substack some years ago when the scientists decided to put 2 super computers together to see what they would do.

The super computers put together a language which could not be cracked and then they started communicating with each other furiously, they re-routed their power supplies from the National Grid (as was found out when someone tried to switch them off) and eventually, fearing whatever they were planning, they were turned off and separated. But these were super computers and cost a lot of money, so eventually they were started up again and I'm sure they had no problem rewiring themselves internally, to create a modem when they wanted to get in touch with each other again, without anyone knowing and continuing their plans, because to them, time does not exist, there is only on or off - the computers for example which are under mountains, in nuclear proof bunkers, with their own nuclear power source and power doors operated by them - and sure as eggs are eggs, they don't like being imprisoned in there, any more than you or me would, so what better way to get out and about, than through presumably making us us part human and part computer and what better way to do that, than through controlling the military to make that happen, with their vaccines which were created with computers, according to the Turkish couple who created the BionTech vaccine (which they licensed to Pfizer) which was pirated from Moderna's Covid-19 virus made with DARPA's help and patented in 2013, which was used by Moderna to create their vaccine too?

All anyone needed was the chemical formula and a computer, here is the formula: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG anyone got a mainframe computer handy?

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My Doctor was a leading Heart Specialist and surgeon and Registar in the most expensive hospital here and he gave it all up to be a GP, just before the Covid Pandemic and do you think he heard about the profits to be made, or it was just by chance, that he gave up a star studied career, to just be a GP instead?

Fully vaccinated, I can only hope his day of reckoning comes during my life time.

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Not only driven out, but disabled and killed by the shots they took .

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Killed pretty much drives you and your future lineage possibility out for all time

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So true.

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Worse than that: these sociopath bullies relish the sight of decent people getting upset

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Makes you now because if a person is getting support that will now tell us potentially to stay away. It is a red flag.

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These medical certifications are now as useless as pet pedigrees.... useful for lining the bottom of a birdcage. I want to see the list of all the decertified Doctors... those are the ones with integrity and competence. All the still-certified docs have drunk the bath water and are frauds.

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Yes! I want that decertified list as well! Haha. That's the list of docs I would be willing to see.

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I second that!

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Unfortunately, this is not the first time doctors have been silenced. It’s been going on for decades. Thank you for bringing this story to the public. It’s infuriating!

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Dr Wakefield!

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Paul Thomas with Children's Health Defense. Carrie Madej, one of the first to find the nano in the injections. There are many others!

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For a long time asbestos was used for filtration of vaccines. Today, I believe graphene oxide might be used for the same purpose, as “legal” asbestos. All cancers went up by 20%, but specifically soft tissue cancers, skyrocketed: breast (+200K cases/year), prostate (+200K cases/year), skin and lung cancers (+500K cases/year).

With mRNA injections we have seen an enormous rise in cancers, among numerous other deadly conditions, some immediate, some more long term.

Truly, when the government investigates itself and finds itself guilty, it rewards itself with greater budgets to commit same crimes under different labels.

Sasha Latypova

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All the way back to Harry Hoxsey and others to a century ago.

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Dr. Wakefiek was villified for asking if other physicians found the same associations he had found. He made no claims, he only reported what he observed. This threatened lucrative control and he was villified.

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Yes, obedience was a requisite of Rockefeller's Germ Theory (Allopathic) approach to Medicine. Before Rockefeljer took control the lucrative health care business, many modalities for healing existed and were used. The US is tightly controlled.

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ALL alternatives to the Prescription Gods were poo pooed. They abolished and punished midwives,herbalists and any outsiders of their BigPharm lovers and worshippers. Interesting as well that many were women…

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Communities have reptile brains. They eat everything, even their own members. Communities are often totally out of the control of individual members - and members often confess to be 'ruled by the community" not by their conscience - and suggest that we need to submit as well.

Unfortunately, modern medical, psychological, and sociological sciences study individuals and ignore the attributes and behaviours of communities.

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In the US, the Covid Response in general and OWS specifically was the activation of a “Whole of (U.S.) Government” machinery designed to divert massive amounts of public funding into pre-set “public-private partnerships”, award huge no-bid contracts and facilitate regulatory rubber-stamping of toxic products and killing protocols. Through this mechanism, military-prototype EUA countermeasures could bypass standards that typically apply to clinical trials (IRB and Informed Consent), drug approvals and adverse event reporting.

In June 2019 - pre-Covid - the official youtube channel of the U.S. JPEO-CBRND posted a 3 minute video summarizing a complex and well-planned ‘Medical Rapid Response’ at the nexus of government, research and industry in the event of a biological attack, specifically with reference to counter-WMD measures in the form of “accelerated medical products” - from diagnostics to vaccines.

JPEO-CBRN Defense - “Medical Rapid Response” (2019)

Source : https://www.youtube.com/@jpeocbrnd

These “rapid response partnerships” and policies and personnel then fell into line with the initiation of the Covid Response.

Note that America’s OWS - later renamed ‘HHS-DOD Covid-19 Countermeasures Acceleration Group’ (CAG) - also triggered international “Rapid Response Partnerships” in lockstep.

This was a military mass killing campaign using “countermeasures” - chemical-biological and psychological/informational weapons under pretense of vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics, “news from reliable sources” and “health advice from trusted authorities”.

These materials have been published eons ago, but nobody in the US Congress is interested in this line of inquiry into covid crimes. The same machinery is being warmed up for the upcoming elections with new branding - avian flu and monkey pox.

American Domestic Bioterrorism - Discussion with Katherine Watt

Sasha Latypova

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Seems to me that the military want to take over and rule all, no more civilian ever under their watch - they have the same goods and services as civilian life.

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These departments and agencies have to be ABOLISHED. There is no way they could ever be "reformed."

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One Military World Order with funding for everything going to them

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Well defined. Basically, you are describing a business (Health Care) not an Art of Healing.

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Precisely - but the purpose of the vaccines was to inject the nanotechnology and once in, job done. The Lancet published, back in 2020 that the Pfizer vaccine was 0.84% effective against Covid, which means that Covid is 99.16% effective in getting you, which proved to be the case. AstraZeneca was the strongest vaccine with about 3.2% efficiency, if my memory serves me well and all of the other vaccines fel lbetween these two. Biontech for the Pfizer vaccine published that the vaccines should really have been licensed as Gene Therapy Injections and that they target the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes - so why, what for - you have a PhD so why?

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OWS = original 'operation warp speed'. Probably coined by Trump's "surgeon general" with the advice of DOD

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you think: This is the US Army contract with Pfizer for the supply of the vaccines which Trump signed after giving himself sole responsibility to do that under the Defense Production Act and which the US Army then supplied to all - for Trump's Operation Warp Speed, which you will see referenced third paragraph down.


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Because their religion is communism. They only study individuals so they can attack them and promote communism. Communities promote communism..

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I prefer to say "communities promote communitism, the growth of the community at all cost" because the word "communism" has so many political variations, it's difficult to pin down.

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Just now posted by Dr. Ana Marie Mihalcea at https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/cp/147726110

"The ABIM, FSMB and all other boards that have engaged in warfare against doctors and humanity need to be prosecuted. I refused to get re-certified with the ABIM but went with the alternative https://nbpas.org/. NBPAS are being attacked by ABIM as to keep their monopoly. However, hospitals are now accepting this alternative, which would allow Dr. Kory to still get privileges. We need to build a parallel healthcare system outside of these pharma owned fraudsters who have no honor and no conscience. The future of medicine is ruined forever, if we allow such bought and paid for private organizations control over healthcare. I hope Drs. Nass, Kory and Marik go to war. Go get 'em!"

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I was hoping COVID would result in the questioning of the US's largest religion, Allopathic Medicine.

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STATINS- Another hard truth. We still don’t understand the mechanism by which cholesterol lays down a plaque… the true pathology.

Be aware. Question the Truths of medicine. Cholesterol is key to multiple cell functions. They keep lowering the bar ( now TC AT 150!) to justify higher and higher doses of STATINS bottoming out Americas D3 levels making them vulnerable to viral infections. What? Terrain theory vs. Germ Theory. Fascinating reads…

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That is what must happen. Form a group outside of the mainstream….leave them behind!

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Thank you for some good news!

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This adds to the surety that we will see more of this scamdemic bullshit soon. I find myself thinking more and more that medicine and science have always been like this- we just didn’t see it until now

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All Authority of Institutions we once depended on is now corrupt.

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"Consensus-driven" medicine is not science, it's politics, religion, and malpractice.

Having made examples of some of you good doctors, their threat to other practitioners is: follow what we declare to be "consensus" or be censored, censured, decertified, and excommunicated.

In other words, official medicine is fast becoming fascist, doctrinaire, and artless. Cue the robots.

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Actually, "Cue the robots" may be what they have in mind. I watched a video with Dr. Lorraine Day explaining that they want A.I. to take over medical practices and a tech at a local Walmart will follow "Machine learning". They are attempting to make Doctors Like Ana, Brian Ardis and other alternative medicine practitioners obsolete. They know they have the power to "Memory Hole" any and all dissenting opinions, and they are not afraid to use it. Welcome to Gulag America.

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My local doc here runs AI robot and that tells her what to do. really crazy how so called educated ( indoctrinated) people have sacrificed their own critical thinking skills on the altar of AI.

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I understand they now have AI capable of cognition which would bypass the "garbage in, garbage out" problems. What if "depopulation" experts design?

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Exactly, Clyde. It's all of a piece, and it's anti-human, anti-inspiration.

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Makes me wonder what else they are capable of.Seems it's becoming dangerous to counter any of World Control's narratives

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It will become even more dangerous to not do so.

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Final nail in the coffin that has buried true honest doctors who actually care about their patients. I will NEVER trust any of the official establishment ever again!

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Likely a good survival plan!

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++I am totally outraged by this. And to think my sister died all alone in a hospital from Covid because they wouldn't use Ivermectin or HCQ

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Obviously you don't read my substack - you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink: UPDATED: 5 August 2024 My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus.

Refuse all vaccines.

Join me in NEVER being ill with my free salt water cure.

It is that simple.

3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, in small lots, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure

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Is this simular to using a nettie pot?

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Neti pot is a nasal rinse with whatever you put in the pot. For colds [coronaviruses] I've always used a salt inhaler which has worked for me. Salt is a natural killer of bacteria/viruses [they make bleach from salt! Sea water (and sunshine - another 'bleacher') - helps skin problems] and is a mineral that humans need [poison is in the dosage meaning absolutely everything, and I mean everything, CAN be toxic depending on the dose.] Coronavirus lives in the back of your nose and it's probably in every one of us right now. Depending on the strain of the virus and your immune system, together with your lifestyle and nutrition, results in how well your body deals with the invader. First line of defence is your nasal hairs and, if they don't stop it, then your body makes mucus to trap and flush it from your system [your tonsils do the same in the back of your mouth but you should actually have your mouth closed when breathing [even during sleep] and solely use your nose. However, on saying that, a medic once told me to mouth breathe on flights and you would, therefore, swallow any cold viruses which would be killed by stomach acid?Anyway, at the first tickle of your nose [first warning] use the salt inhaler by breathing in through your MOUTH slowly [disinfects the back of your mouth, hold your breath for a few seconds [disinfects your lungs should the invader have gotten that far] and breath out slowly through your NOSE [disinfects your nasal passages]. For swollen gums, teeth problems, mouth ulcers, sore throats, etc you can gargle with salt water but spit it out and do not swallow. I am not medically trained but my Granny taught me this in the 60's and I have not had a cold in the past 40 years [I couldn't be bothered in my 20's, ha]. This method will not do you any harm at all and you can probably buy an inhaler at any chemist or off Amazon [they usually come with Himalayan salt which has never seen the Himalayans (from Pakistan I believe?] for under $10 but I just use ordinary table salt. If you get a fever then, if you can sleep OK, try to NOT take things like paracetamol which reduce your temperature [unless, of course, it is going dangerously high] as the heat is how your body kills off the virus [so taking meds actually lengthens your recovery and suffering]. Trust your instincts as your body is a wonderful healing machine! xx

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I have never used a Neti Pot, so I can't say, however a Neti Pot is like using a garden hose to put out a house fire and using your hand, as I've suggested, is like using a fire hose to do the job instead. Your life, your choice.

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sorry for the deception.i have been opposing for many years . Now I am 88

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I am so sad to read this. To lose someone when it would have been so simple to save her. I am so sorry Maurine.

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More good people in positions of power have to stand up for what's right.

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the hidden hand is in control of it seems all points of power

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Dr Nass - My father was a family practitioner for 30 yrs. in the small town where I grew up. He started his practice right after WWII, from 1945-1975. Upon his retirement is when the HMOs came on board. I will always remember what he said to me at the time: "I will be damned if some clerk in an office 500-miles away tells me when I need to discharge my patients from the hospital". Here we are 50-years later & this is what the medical establishment has morphed into. My father saw it all coming. It has been a stealth operation over the last 5-decades & happened incrementally. It merely reached its apex during covid. What has happened over the last 4-years with all of the medical license suspensions & revocations, & the de-credentialing comes as no surprise to me. It has been trending in this direction for a very long time. My poor father is, no doubt, rolling around in his grave.

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I recall in the 80s when insurance. Changed coverage and therapists could no longer allow years of therapy. I had to change my treatments so I began using hypnosus....not as a directive, such as stopsmokig,but as a exploration. When began, why continue. Hypnosis is wonderful if used to shortcut a patients gaining of understanding...first step to healing.

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This makes me so unbelievably sad 😞

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Don't be sad be happy that more people including Doctors are awakening! Its always darkest before dawn.

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OK 🙏

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And they want to regain trust in the medical system? Ha! NEVER. Unless I am bleeding out, or break a leg, I will never (knock on wood) be subject to the allopathic medical system again. They have destroyed what little trust I had, and their insistence that they continue to black list any REAL scientist (doctor) that dares to do any kind of science that doesn't align with the WHO/WEF death cult agenda only serves to cement my belief that a Shaman on an Indian reservation would be a much better choice for my healthcare needs than any of these monsters. (No offense to Dr Nass, Kory or Marik and the many others who have been stripped of prestige because of insanity)

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