You are a precious person. You are single handedly marshalling humanity to a safer place. When this nightmare is over and the criminals are being prosecuted for conspiracy, crimes against humanity, injuries and mass murder, I hope you’ll get the hero recognition you so dearly deserve.

J Harris, MD

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What is ETA of the Bird Flu Plandemic? Need to stock up on Common Sense.

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Make sure you take cash out of the ATM.

I usually go on Sundays...lots of problems recently.

Out of money. Out of order.

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Staggering. I predicted the next plandemic right before the 2024 election. Just on time

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do you think they will postpone the election or institute lots of mail-in voting again?

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Pennsylvania planning to cheat again...just like 2020.

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I do believe that is the plan. One or the other or both.

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Thank you for your sane analysis Dr Nass. It is indeed about $bundle and I would also add control of populace. Don't think it will work this time, too many people awakening.

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Not only about obscene profits for the sickness industry and pharmakia sorcery AND genocide.

I stand against ALL evil.

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It is time for all of us to stand against ALL evil.

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I have tried several times to answer you, the system will not let me say:

To stand in the Name of Y.a.h.u.s.h.a, who has been given all authority and power.

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from your lips to God's ears!

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OMG a real yuuuuge pandemic. Fully qualified for EUA status for the miraculous mRNA cure! 14 cases diagnosed! Heaven help us!

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This numbers will soon change when the evil cdc and hhs change them!

Then it will be on the headlines and MSM that the birdie flu is up 3,000 % ! at least.

Let’s see who jumps for more Bioweapon injections.

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The numbers will change when the government start spraying the bird flu bioweapon in chemtrails.

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Im not sure why they expect me to even believe the 14 "cases". Who diagnosed them and how did they diagnose them? I dont buy any of it.

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Thank you dr Nass for this important information to use their own data for the next lies.

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Remember, it's a pandemic if no one is threatened, no one gets sick and no one dies. It's the ramped up fear that rules the pandemic. You could die from some deadly organism that you cannot see and that they cannot prove exists. Your silly brain takes over, you lose all reason and bingo...you are now another rat for the experiment and most rats are murdered by these deadly drugs.

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This is all coming to a head with the Kamala Harris coup d'etat, the avian flu "plandemic," the cancellation of the election, and the coming communist takeover.

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Waiting for the VA to offer the bird flu vaccine to veterans.

"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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"which gave hospitalized patients massive doses of HCQ and in which nearly 500 subjects who were given the overdoses died"

Seems if this were a scandalous lie, would you not leave yourself open to litigation for saying it? If a class action law suit can not be successfully propagated for this tiny murder, we are lost. Did none of the 500 have relatives that know what happened?

How the hell can professionals legally kill 500 people? Oh right for science.

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And a special thanks to Fraudci and team for making a nothing virus dangerous with his gain of function work!

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These "planetary emergencies" are the inventions of the ruling class. The only real emergency that they didn't invent is the one where they lose control, but that is an emergency only to them, while for the rest of us its just an emergence.

This is all a banking agenda, because usury sucks all the money up to the useless eliters where its just hoarded and the economy ceases to function normally and then comes revolution, so they’re trying to control everything digitally, after they drastically and quietly reduce the population.

Except they can't, because the people are going to stop them by putting them in jail for their crimes.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

Thank you for this information. I tried explaining the fact there is no need for a vaccine for something like this to someone whose eyes have not yet been opened to truth. This person came back at me with, "Well I would like to know if being prepared with vaccines is something that always happens 'just in case,' because if it is, then this time is no different." I have no idea, and I don't know exactly where to research that. I absolutely believe any need for vaccines is a total farce, but I would love an answer about this. ***This person specifically mentioned the H1N1 vaccines that were prepared for the bird flu around 2008 as an example of having vaccines available "just in case" of a pandemic.

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Jeremy Farar makes me queasy ill. And Tedros ain't no dammm doctor.

His PhD is for being a

Parking helper dude, who wants a tip for saving your space for you on the public street....

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Just out of curiousity, how do these numbers for Bird Flu compare with Monkeypox?

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