The replacement for Ardern is a worse monster from the WEF psychopath loony bin.

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May be, but than he may be not stay there for long.

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Cut off one head and 2 more grow in its place....It will be a Herculean effort and a very large cautery to destroy these monsters.

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A Scot here ... What finished off Sturgeon was the fallout from her Gender Identity Bill, which was to allow men to simply declare they were women, without recourse to even advice from a medical professional. This culminated in a national scandal where a man who raped two women declared himself female (after first appearing in court as a man) and was to be sent to a women's prison. It woke up a lot of people who had no idea what has been going on for years.

The SNP (Scottish National Party, which would be better named the Scottish Post-Modernist Globalist Party) are an execrable blot on the political landscape. There will doubtless be someone just as bad to replace 'Nippy'.

If only it had been her covid policies which caused her to go, but sadly it wasn't.


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Thank you, Sheila. I appreciate your insight (as a Scot) on this. (I'd read about that incredibly wrong-minded gender policy.)

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ACLU, PETA, LQBTQ ETC. All refused to help on my transing.

This is who I am.

Liberals will not accept my identity. Neither will grocery stores when I start munching lettuce

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Scotland used to be the baddest of the bad. Cruel. My mom was Protestant Scot... Tough, brutal.


how badass is that!!!!!✌

Now, commies have taken over. Great Catholic Monarch will be helping you out.

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Here's hoping there's behind-the-scenes pressure on Justin Trudeau to resign. I don't get the sense there is at all as he continues to defy all political logic. He rules a minority government being propped by a broke third party the NDP. Moreover, he lost the plurality in the last two elections to the conservatives. Three provinces flat-out don't want to work with him. I don't know where the moral authority for him to pretend to govern as though he has a majority mandate comes from.

He spent all his political currency dividing Canadians while ethics violations continue to mount with two in the past two weeks alone from two Liberal MPs. The amount of ethics violations is astonishing. And we're talking flagrant 'let them eat cake' type violations that anyone who understands civics would flag.

It appears most of the criticism against him comes from abroad. In true Canadian fashion, Canadians are late to get the memo.

Observers don't foresee an election in 2023. And this country simply can't move forward with a highly divisive, incompetent and corrupt PM in charge.

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Trudeau (aptly having rude in the middle of his name) - like virtually all of his Cabinet (after the Cabinet reshuffle, likely all, or at least all 'on board') - is a trained WEF Young Global Leader, with the 2nd-in-line on the WEF Board. The NDP isn't itself any more, as the leadership is also a WEF Young Global leader, and who knows who can be trusted?

Governments all over the world have had governments and other places of power and influence infiltrated - as Schwab bragged years ago, when he only had MOST of Trudeau's cabinet as 'theirs' - by WEF agents working to destroy and betray their country, having had their silly little heads turned by flattery and false promises of power and wealth, once they have polished off/controlled their dwindling populations and are no longer anything but 'useless eaters' and disposable themselves.

The WEF made the mistake of having their first effort at this type of indoctrination of predominately the then-relatively-young likely to work out in politics (with other schemes for controlling media and other areas) by selecting for intelligence, this resulting in the questioning of the direction of this school, so that the first one was dissolved and, some time later, the other was started, while this time selecting for the ignorant and not-very-bright - which worked.

We can pretty much tell which these are by their psychopathy and training to babble nonsense/epithets in avoiding questions - even in Parliament/Congress/Court/whatever/wherever - until the questioner gives up in disgust. No empathy, no ethics, no conscience, no shame. (That essentially defining the psychopathic. We just have to recognise it when we see/hear/suffer it.)

Trudeau has no morals and no-one can ever have 'authority' to commit human rights or other crimes. Not even when 'following orders'.

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Unlikely that Deputy PM Freeland would be any better.

She was pretty gleeful about freezing bank accounts last year.

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Freeland is the most dangerous person in Canada. How she managed to get this far on a remedial mind, I don't know. She would be worse than Justin by far. Remember, these two knuckleheads have publicly said they would trample on civil liberties to 'protect' Canadians. They're like the mother who has a psychotic breakdown and kills her kids to protect them from a perceived threat.

Unfortunately, they've left behind such carnage to the civil order, I'm not sure we can reverse it.

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Freeland is on the WEF Board - I suspect at least in part because of being from a Nazi family and steeped in the fascist pathology - and is undoubtedly expected to take over from Trudeau, once he implodes.

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I personally don't think she will. She's too toxic and not a leader. The Liberals would be crazy to elect her. At best she'd be interim leader.

Yeh, how she was allowed to keep her WEF seat is a mystery.

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Or maybe because she is about to be investigated:

£600K missing, £107K dodgy loan and now:

Numerous sources have reported in the last few days that Police Scotland have now been given the go ahead by the Crown Office to pursue a criminal case over the missing money.



And don't mention the ferries:


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This is part of the script imho. TPTB have been accelerating their plan to have the public become so utterly demoralized with political corruption that they accept rule by unelected "technocrats" (puppets like the politicians but they don't have to cater to voter opinion) who rule by decree. Some progressive US political activists have even received letters encouraging them to embrace rule by AI which is said to track your every move, thought, and purchase, and thereby "knows your preferences" implying that those preferences help determine policies.

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Yes, I agree. When population is in full on crisis, people always cry out for someone to get control of the situation and it's usually an authoritarian "strongman" dictator. History has repeated this over and over, sadly. Small hope that this time will be different especially with the masses still asleep to the truth.

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That was a next stage mentioned in that "leaked" Canadian document in 2020/21 - get the people pissed enough and angry enough to bring down the existing lot and then demand a new system - one world government.

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Feb 16, 2023
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Hubris - they don't think they can fail and they seem to think they will always be protected and cherished.

Don't seem to grasp they will be dropped when no longer useful.

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Jacinda Ardern was not the first NZ PM to resign suddenly without any credible reason.

On 4 Dec 2016, then PM John Key resigned, seemingly out of the blue. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/john-key-resigns-as-prime-minister-of-new-zealand-cites-family-reasons-for-leaving/QKJAVDGD77CC4LNH323COIUMYY/

This was only weeks after the very strange visit of John Kerry to NZ on the eve of the 8 Nov 2016 Presidential election in the US - the election that gave the world President Trump. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/us-secretary-of-state-john-kerry-quietly-slips-into-nz-ahead-of-historic-antarctica-visit/DSZR6HS2C6LZ2SHWH6YWO2VLSY/

Key's party provided a place-filler PM until the next election, after which Ardern became PM.

I suspect more "instructions" to resign could be identified in the Western vassal states if one went back and looked closely. All the world's a stage ....

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Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein used exactly the same metaphor "I've got nothing left in tank" when he announce his shock resignation in April 2022.


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Time to tank the WEF I guess

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Can you please explain fully what you meant by Mormons being “feeders”

For the CIA? Never heard about this unholy linkage before! Wowow 😳

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Informative link that goes beyond the stereotypes discussed in this thread.

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Dr Nass

while I'm staunchly supportive of you & your work

your mention of Ardern, a long-lapsed LDS with ZERO foreign-language Church mission experience

immediately followed with an aspersion that the LDS Church institutionally seeks to place members into US Intelligence

is intentionally misleading and I dare say

deliberately defamatory

think of me what you will

or not-at-all

but I find that to be beneath the person I read and share liberally


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Let me say 2 things. I thought I was repeating a fact that I had read in several places. I apologize for casting aspersions on a religion, especially since I have known many Mormons and really enjoyed knowing them. And their kids are wonderful--unbelievably sweet, especially considering current childrearing practices in the US. I'm guilty for generalizing.

But certain religious leaders have been essentially been bought off or rounded up by government agents to make their youth available to the government.

During the Vietnam war, Seventh Day Adventists were conscientious objectors. Their church leaders made a deal with the army such that Adventist youth instead became human guinea pigs at Fort Detrick. This is fact.

With COVID, many religious organizations were given money to push the vaccines, including Jewish organizations--I know this for a fact. The federal government even has a list of 17,000 organizations and well known people who got drawn into this effort.

It seems Ardern found her way to the WEF and to great power on her own. Apologies for suggesting otherwise.

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Here is an example of how Jewish rabbis are being coopted by the state, even today


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Thank you for your reply and apology👍

what remains is the claim that the institutional LDS Church or its ecclesiatical leaders are "a feeder to the CIA"

your reply cites another sect and another faith

NOT the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or its appointed leadership

unless/until you can demonstrate the claim with unbiased well-regarded sources

the aspersion abides

Thank you again!


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Mormon youth usually spend two years in missionary service, often in foreign countries where they learn the language and live like the locals. Because of this, they make good recruits for agencies seeking language and cultural ability. That’s a giant factor, whatever others may think.

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The Mormon church underwrites member business incubation, and they greatly prize, and hold many, government work contracts. There is no question that the CIA is the power and money behind many businesses, especially the media giants. In the Utah desert are found several huge data centers where every email, text, and call or post you ever made is stored. The Mormons hold a belief about being global administrative types when Jesus returns, so have a natural fit with government bureaucracies with a global reach.

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I have read that Mormons are committed to overwhelming the system which they see as somehow unrighteous. In this twisted vision, inflicting suffering on others hastens the end of the world and the exaltation of their bizarre creed. Can't vouch for this, but anyone supporting the deviancy of the CIA is obviously in opposition to God.

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None of that is true. Just FYI.

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Well I hope not, but I really suspect anyone who can / does support the CIA. I used to believe they felt a mission to protect the country but I have been disabused of that belief by observing their actions and inactions.

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link yer sources


you can't vouch

so you perpetuate the slander


and you ARE on God's side?

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Tangentially, there's a very active Mormon Transhumanist association. Human Capital Market researcher Alison McDowell traveled to Utah to one of their forum presentations to publicly question their alliance with projects aiming to create a digital prison for humanity.

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I don't know that it's related but the wayward youth industry is making a killing there, sometimes literally. Parents pay a fortune to have their kids abducted in the night and taken into the mountains where they hike by day and pitch their own tents at night, carve their own eating implements, and make their own fires to cook their food and stay warm. I know this firsthand from a survivor, who also believes it changed her life for the better. Maybe, but it's extremely lucrative and traumatizing for life.

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Yeah because totalitarian maniacs are so concerned with unity……

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Uniformity, lol. They want us predictable, controllable, terrorised - and mostly dead.

Indeed, it might well be expected that the perps have the same script for all those puppets being replaced; their models tend to be simplistic and 'one-size fits all' for to-be-manipulated societies.

Limited perceptions encompassing only their own ego and desires would be typical of the psychopaths behind this, and we've seen how corporations - which have been enabled and actively encouraged to be lawless in pursuit of maximised profits, specifically for (big) investors - quash creativity and have pretty much run out of innovative small companies to take over (to gain their patents), before moving on to take over, to try to turn the world into their (pathogen?) factory.


But now, they'll pretend to care; here, in the face of the planned global famine, there's apparently a limit of only a few fruit trees and chickens even in the countryside, no matter how large one's yard might be - just to show how 'Green' they are and how concerned with public health, that they must limit us to a diet of such as toxic, nutrient-devoid synthetic 'foods' and chitinous insects known to be inflammatory and toxic to most mammals, if consumed.

Of course, they're also blocking much of the available sunlight, to shut down everything from Vit D production and plant growth to solar panels, while the grey/white-out of the sky resulting from the heavy atmospheric spraying and various ground sources that we're certainly having here much of the time causes a 'Greenhouse warming effect' as part of the only type of propagandised Mad Scientism real-world support that they can create for their 'climate change' excuse for freezing and starving us all. With whatever toxins raining down upon the thereby further-poisoned (and acidified) world...

As a side note, regarding a linked reference '...In five momentous years Jacinda Ardern became New Zealand’s most important postwar prime minister ... ' in part of the quoted section from the Daily Skeptic:


In five momentous years Jacinda Ardern became New Zealand’s most important postwar prime minister

Ardern proved she was more than a happy face as she confronted Covid, terrorism, the climate crisis and more

Jacinda Ardern resigns as prime minister of New Zealand



(Happy face when heavy geoengineering makes it rain on Australians to the point where this floods them out of their homes and the area, etc.!)


Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains


I found this 5 year reference potentially relevant to something else, (although the 'Garblian' article itself, which I admittedly merely skimmed through, seemed simply a now-typical 'Opposite Day' PR white-wash over the bloodstains of her criminally-abusive WEF, et al-agenda-driving tenure,) having just lately read/heard the odd reference implying that we'd been undergoing 5 years of COVID nonsense, when 3 years of it were quite more than enough.

Now beginning to wonder if we're having history 'real-time' re-written in fake time... anyone else been noticing this sort of drift beginning, just here and there? Or is it just me, unconsciously influenced by a previous spate of people noting an apparent obsession of the perps with various numbers/dates?

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Jacinda Ardern: "... I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice. ..."

Nicola Sturgeon: "... There's plenty in the tank ..."

Sounds like the same overlord, who gives them their WEF marching orders, also gives them similar talking points to say. They tell us to be green, but they think in terms of gasoline/petrol for their vehicles ... and i nearly forgot to mention ... for their private jets.

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yes, they are trying to regain public trust in institutions of authority, but they never will. Once they realize that, it will be all truncheons and jackboots, smashing the face of mankind forever. So we have to keep moving away from their efforts, and do not comply.

There are so many wonderful quotes about trust available, that emphasize the irreplaceable nature of it. Once it is gone, it is 10x harder to rebuild, if ever. And once wronged, we can sometimes accept an apology, but will never have reason to believe them again. These people that have broken the world will not be the ones ever trusted on a world stage again; and it was that power they craved, that drove them to commit crimes against humanity.

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Excellent theory, Dr. Nass. I think you came to the right conclusions.

I hadn't heard the news about Sturgeon until your article and I was shocked to hear she's stepping down. Appears her unseen handlers informed her she'd reached her expiration date and presented her with her exit speech. You'd think they'd have come up with a novel excuse to differentiate her from Ardern. Goes to show how little credit they give us for our ability to make associations and read between the lines.

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WEF leaders are disposable placeholders and bagholders all. Trust has been pronounced certifiably dead and mouldering in all the capitols of this corrupted world.

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Meryl, great pick up on the tank comment.

My feeling is this might be a hint to the worldwide electric vs petrol (fuel tank) war. I'm not sure but the analogy is clearly a historical reference to a petrol tank.

While I don't understand what is going on, it seems there is a war between the climate-cult and the petrol industry. (https://thehill.com/policy/international/3627413-here-are-the-russian-oil-executives-who-have-died-in-the-past-nine-months/).

As for them retiring, while I no longer believe in the Q Psyop, a lot of the info seemed to be true. This is what was called "change of batter". They likely have to let the population cool down from the vaccine murders and lockdowns by putting in different leadership for the next non-vaccine phase.

In Israel the right (bibi) was in charge for the lockdowns and warp-speed vax stuff and left right on time like Trump before the coersion stage. Consequently the left lost some of its following (due to the left being responsible for the coersion and dictatorial laws) in the last election and Bibi is back in now.

Interestingly with the lockdowns now being the pushed reason for the excess deaths.

The left is now crying dictatorship and carrying out protests that Bibi is bringing down the legal system.

Likely we are headed to civil violence and radicalism. With the right now installing the dictatorship laws and in the next elections the "guardians of democracy" the left will be voted back in to save us after the laws are in place.


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I wonder if it has occurred to the narrative-builders that blaming lockdowns for excess deaths will make it much harder to re-impose them at a future time. That very argument could then be turned against lockdowns.

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The German Foreign Minister made it clear that they don’t care what we think and elections don’t matter.

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They don't seem to have a problem with inconsistency... seems for 99% of the population they can't put 2+2 together.

And yeah, they put out a lot of info, but as my teenage son says - they aren't going to tell us their battle plan. Looks like lockdowns and maybe even viruses might not be on the books for a while. Seems like they will stir the population first for a while with internal violence, civil war like stuff for a while to radicalize people for the next phase.

Historically, tyrants always moved the populations around to keep them from being stable. I have a nasty feeling where the earthquake and sinkhole stuff is going. (in Israel our highways are suddenly having huge holes suddenly appearing in them).

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The Green movement and Petro movement are the same people. They are creating false scarcity to raise prices and have never been more profitable.

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Anything is possible - just pointing out a number of petro execs have died recently. Looks like a turf war.

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The world is conducted by stupid people who are sure they are brilliant. Other characteristic is the total lack of empathy and a mindset of servant. They are not political figures, but pathetic, servile clowns. The problem is that they managed to do their directed job: people were killed and injured, human lifes have been and are destroyed. In a certain sense they won.

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They are actually are very smart, but they want you to blame incompetence. The puppets aren’t very bright though.

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I don't think the WEFers give a hoot about rebuilding trust. I think they booted the worst of the female leaders who went too far, as an empty gesture. Notice how Justin T. - male - is untouched, despite being the worst; and not a single opposition party leader in Canada, male or female, has questioned the narrative or criticized him, to date. WEFers may be willing to concede that Covid gene jabs were a mistake, and pretend this is a sincere apology, which millions of suckers will fall for, but everything else in the way of public health that is totalitarian, cruel, harmful and useless will continue to be forced upon us.

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There is hope. There ARE some provincial Western Canadian leaders who have been defying Trudeau.

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This is interesting. And while Meryl states right up front she may be wrong on her associations/criticisms/questions, she may be right. No question there is plenty to unpack. First the temporal coincidence of announcing they are standing down from leadership within a few weeks and seemingly out of the blue. Both grads of WEF Young Leaders program. Both over-ardent fans of all things vax. Both in trouble at home politically. And Sturgeon was in trouble for over playing woke transitioning measures. If both were "nudged" (I use this as a double entendre) and this represents a signal from on high at WEF that change is needed in order to preserve the mission, why two females? One 40, the other 50, or thereabouts. Is this just a coincidence? As Bannon says, "there are no conspiracies, and there are no coincidences."

Why not Trudeau? Why two women? Is this a signal from the old boys network at WEF that the recent flooding of the field with females may need to slow down? I have no idea if I am right or wrong. But why, if these announcements are not just a random pairing, two women. Two women who resign suddenly, one who has been head of Scotland (not a head of state, but some such thing) and the other the head of a sovereign (sic) nation, and say it has nothing to do with stress, but it does are asking for folk to think women can't handle the strain. If the good ole boy higher echelon club at the WEF made these two do it, and not some of the guys (Trudeau), then it suggests something at a deeper level about how women will handle top jobs. I may be wrong, for sure, but why two females to take the fall?

Maybe Crystia Freeland will be next to fall as Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister in Canada. But that probably won't happen as she is actually on the board of the WEF at the parent level. She should be safe.

Maybe someone will establish a list and act as market maker for folks to bet on who will be next.

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Do you mean the women WEF-trained leaders "can't handle the strain" of lying to their constituents while imposing mandates leading to their deaths?

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Plus her riding loves her. Note to self: Don't move to Freeland's riding.

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