
This is the comment I submitted:

Private property should be owned, managed, bought, and sold, by either born or naturalized citizens without any local or federal oversight other than the customary current laws which regulate real estate taxes, etc.

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My daughter, who is of an extremely liberal bent, worked as a business analyst looking for green energy investments for the southern Ute tribe. She was 22 at the time, 15 years ago, and immediately labeled carbon credits as a scam and rife with fraud

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Good for her!

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Thank you for exposing the NeoCons and Communist Leftists for who they are: Materialists.

They worship themselves, power, pleasure and money. Ultimately these ghouls conspire to monetize everything and control everyone through materialism but they're just evil.

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In tandem with digital currency, the big picture is that the government hopes to appropriate all private assets and pay us for them with ration tickets. Even if we are compensated for these "takings", what good is the compensation if they can restrict how and when you are allowed to spend it?

This all seems blatantly unconstitutional, which likely explains why we are starting to see corporate media commentators writing about how the Constitution is "broken', "dangerous", etc. At some point simply ignoring the Constitution and the law will no longer be possible--they are going to have to figure out how to formalize it all by just throwing off the Constitution entirely. With a couple of centuries of legal precedent rendered meaningless, this will give future authoritarians the ability to start with a blank slate and rewrite "law" however they wish.

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Let’s perish the thought and their actions!

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That's why they had to murder Chief Justice Anton Scalia. They put their puppet in his place, John Roberts, a name on Epstein's plane manifests. They just aim to control the judges, who then ignore the Rule of Law and arbitrarily impose any law that serves the Bankster Overlords. Just look what they are doing in Brazil with their Supreme Court judge de Moraes. A total Fascist.

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Studying "Environmentalism" thirty years ago at uni, the language was starting back then, as was partial brainwashing in these courses, but for whatever reason (perhaps the psychology and biology studies I also undertook) it didn't stick.

One of the terms, that I haven't seen appear from my studies back then, but I'm sure we will, to be used to stop you collecting rainwater is "riparian rights"... The rights of a river system to have its flows uninterrupted by human harvest. Sounds reasonable at an environmental level, if you forget the fact humans, and farmers need water for survival and crop/livestock production. They'll go full authoritarian on this at some point, starting with farmers dams, and ending with your rainwater tank.

Never mind the fact city rainwater winds up in storm sewers and not in its natural river catchment, and is also generally too polluted by the time it's in this system to be utilised environmentally, and a rainwater tank actually alleviates excess polluted rainwater in the sewer system.

There's also plans afoot to stop you growing your own vegetables or even having a chicken coop. For the usual false carbon climate change scam, and or avian virus scam



And another one, which is planned for the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand is "native title"... Basically first nations people will be scapegoats as the reason to return all land to "native title"... Unfortunately no first nations people will get any benefit of course as land under native title cannot be owned by anyone, and it will be administered by the UN. So we always rent, and have no right to our property, which therefore means anyone can be housed near or with you, or you can be booted out with no rights. The genius is people will be busy blaming first nations people, when in fact they'll be as powerless as you under this regime, and no one will be blaming the administration who created the trouble.

First nations will also be respected, till eventually the old large nations of US, Canada and Australia will no longer be, and you'll be restricted to tribal nations, which are small, your digital money won't work out of your zone, and you won't be able to leave your zone without permission. The days of driving cross country will be over.

Excellent work has been done on this by Australian UN whistleblower Josephine Cashman... Check out the maps...



These smaller nations will be used to further confine you, along with the 15 minute smart city, you will be in a small country, no more USA or Australia to freely travel, you stay in your UN designated small tribal nation.

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Another words - "we'll own nothing and be happy" (if they get their way). This is government overstepping it's bounds violating their oath of office. The only way to fix this is to enforce the Constitution. We're going to have to start sooner or later 🤷

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The unholy marriage of communist facist totalitarians with corporate facist totalitarians.

The bastard child resides today at the UN and it's institutions.

Neither Trump nor Kamala will be your savior but instead will rule as harshly as the governors appointed by the monarch in the American colonies.

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Obviously Kamala will not be our savior since she and her party are owned body, mind & soul by the Financial Parasite class.

It is also obvious that they hate Trump with a passion, because they don't own him. That won't stop them from trying to control him as they did in his last administration. But we can only hope he will do more damage to their agenda. He did screw them badly by kiboshing the Worldwide TTIP, TPP & TISA corporate subjugation treaties. Hilary would have rubber stamped them, guaranteed.

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Supporting the genocide in Gaza and West Bank? I guess owned is such relativistic term these days.

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The genocide in Gaza is trivial compared to the genocide that has already been done with the Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen Wars. And now the NATO/USSA proxy war of theirs in Ukraine, which stands to genocide a large portion of humanity in a nuclear holocaust. Where are all the USSA politicians who are opposed to any or all of the above? A handful. At least Trump is opposed to the Russia proxy War, that's the #1 issue right now. Gaza was just a deliberate distraction so people will ignore their Russia war.

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I hope that Trump is for freedom, liberty, & the constitution.

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Hopium is something I no longer subscribe to. When you cannot understand that invading another nation for "our oil" is an unconstitutional act by the Executive branch then voting for such a person(s) isn't something that should be tolerated in our social compact.

Ask yourself, would you invade another nation without a formal Declaration of War? Might as well be a renegade leader but that is not a President.

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They really want us all living in 15 minute cities and eating the bugs. I wish people would take it seriously. I wonder... what are they going to do with all of the vacant office buildings in the major cities in the country right now? There's so many dangerous issues facing us right now, it's hard to keep track of everything. Stay tuned to as many good journalists, Substackers, etc that you can. We may not be able to focus our attention on all of the dystopia facing us, but every one of us can focus on at least one thing that's important to us. We *can* make a difference. Sometimes, just being aware of what the monsters are doing can make them shrink back into their spider holes!

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Vacant office buildings and shopping malls can be turned into rat infested, mass public housing, the promised 500sq.ft. apartments we will be assigned or also called "pods". All owned by the likes of BlackRock. Likely run by drug gangs. Noodles and bug protein for food. They definitely do not want ANY of us Plebes living in the countryside which will be reserved for the Aristocracy.

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Excellent article, this has been going on for a long time, a great summary of the issues and problems

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Oligarchs taking over. Swinging their money power around in politics. They want to own the whole world and everything in it!

Passing crap Acts in the middle of the night Acting against the power of the people. When does this crap end? Who is driving this agenda?

Whack-a-mole and they come back again and again!

We are losing the ability to keep up with fighting to keep our rights! Every human right is under threat to be grabbed! Generation after generation it gets worse. We are no longer living life to enjoy life, we are fighting to exist!

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This is unconstitutional .

Shwab from the WEF said the c19 pandemic was the perfect cover to implement the great reset.

Say no to vaccine passport mark of the beast which says you cannot engage in commerce if you don’t get the mark.

It’s all part of the plan to take your freedom and liberty away for one world totalitarian government.

The hubris to think that man can control the weather.

The devil is hiding behind the environment .

Our rights are inalienable…

god bless America and the US constitution!

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For the first time secession has seemed like a reasonable way out. The federal government capture by multinational corporations is a behemoth not to be underestimated. So what about we do this?Freedom loving states to the federal government: Thanks but no thanks, we'll take it from here.

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It is absolute insanity to try and sell 'natural assets.' Nature has created them without selling.


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It is going to take me a while to grasp the import of Margaret’s PowerPoint. The hubris of these schemers to run roughshod over our common values of liberty, fellowship, morality and ethics is staggering.

I listened closely to Rosa Koire (and others)when she came on the scene after the 1992 UN conference in Rio de Janeiro. And all that Rosa highlighted regarding Agenda21/2030 has been administered steadily and stealthily and, now, right in our faces.

Did I understand toward the end of Margaret’s presentation that “they”/agents within our fiat government have monetized some $34 trillion of private property here in the US, which represents probably more than half of our citizenry, and put that as a government asset on “their” financial spread sheet? And that figure is securing our $42 trillion national debt that these same rogue coupsters have created? It is all inverted.

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Seems like government shouldn't be able to 'monetize' anything they don't own -- such as private land.

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Then “you will own nothing and happy” ….

Courage, wisdom, compassion, faith, charity, & hope are virtues…

You are a glass half empty, those with hope, our glass is

Half full…

Our rights are inalienable, not from man…

Freedom & Liberty are worth fighting for!

God bless America!

Our freedom, liberty, & US constitution.

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These are life changing issues that will affect future generations big time. We need to stop focusing on quirky laughs while we are marching over the cliff.

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This seems to put a lien on private property without consent, a lien by some corporate entity, in coordination with an :"arm" of the government, reserving wealth to the "government" as a corporate entity, not a utility in service of the citizens of the United States.

This is a camels nose under the tent flap to put liens on all property and environmental services and extract rent, while claiming value for leveraged loans as "collateral".

The Air That I Breathe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7duPNQCp-w4

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