"Serious adverse events from COVID-19 vaccines are rare and are far outweighed by the benefits of these vaccines for every age group."

It is amazing how elastic reality is when you redefine it to suit your narrative.

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I suppose if you meant to kill everyone, then 2 percent is rare. Maybe that is what they are saying.

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You gotta betta Theory lets here it 😉

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Nope. You win.

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Huh? I don’t understand your comment.

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It's estimated that the clot shots killed 600,000 to 800,000 Americans. To call this "rare" is absurd.

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Even if it’s only 1000 it’s too many.

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50 is the limit yet crickets from CDC FDA WHO AMA

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Rising daily

Too late, Toto opened the curtain

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OK, BUT, they saved the lives of 14 Trillion Americans, 306 Trillion people across the world. Those numbers Include the 962 Trillion children saved by the vaccines.

"Democracy dies in data adulteration" - el gato malo

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Great sarcasm

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I have heard people talking about the “new “deadly disease in the young. The one that causes them to drop dead on the athletic fields or in their sleep or at a their school desk... you can see the CDC scrambling in their coverup efforts of the increasing numbers of jabbed dead and disabled .Part of their evil plan (to jab every single one of us in ,) was done in order to get rid of the unvaccinated control group and the glaringly obvious comparison in survival rates between the two groups. The main reason was to just get rid of most of us (kill ,disable and sterilize us )and crash the system with the government stepping in with the solutions ( which involves we the people losing what is left of our country and freedoms. These elites need to get sorted.

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I still don't know how they can legally say all this after 3 years and all the evidence...... well, let's have a good laugh, in the meantime..... https://gettr.com/post/p2b66ckef8e

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They can say it with the same unwavering lies a as Mayorkas reaffirms that the southern border is closed. Roughly 1500 troops were sent to the border to help with order but in fact were seen PREVENTING AMERICANS FROM SEEING THE US GOVERNMENT COMPLICIT in migrant transportation in the middle of the night. Coming "soon"to a theater near you!

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...except it's not funny...

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Thank you for your opinion.... not sure why you have to stop here to tell us but ok...usually when I look at the hundreds of things during the day I take what I want and leave the rest....... hope you find what you are looking for.......

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Re: Numbers of adverse vaccine "events:"

Thank you for sharing.

We all appreciate The Village People's contribution towards levity in this monstrous ongoing war on average people. That said, having been declared one of the "Dirty Unvaxxed," and having lost my income as a result, I couldn't have been clearer: IT'S NOT FUNNY.

Not sure why you'd have to stop to castigate those with opinions-- and experiences-- other than your own.

Have a great day!

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"well, let's have a good laugh, in the meantime" is refering to the video not the adverse events.....thought it was obvious....sorry, it wasn't funny to you.....I am unvaxxed so not sure what you are upset about........ probably it's a misunderstanding on both our parts...... did not castigate anyone...... again, some found it funny as it pokes fun at the leaders not the people who were affected, like myself....some choose humour to get through the darkness and that's ok...you don't have to...... have a great day, as well....

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The problem is trying to trace the replies back to the original comment replied to. You have to go up, up, up and up-- ughh!! Yes, pretty funny, "The Pillage People," hee hee..

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Well said.

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Dr. Ladapo did us all a favor by getting this in writing.

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Absolutely correct. The are sealing their fates by committing such nonsense to official communications.

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Oh no, they know they are untouchable. They are part of the DOD tyranny, and know that if they go down, the DOD goes down. And since we are subjects now of unelected bureaucrats, we are all targets, not just Ladapo.

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Brilliant comment! I personally hope to see this used on many courtrooms, in addition to helping to wake people up!

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How do you wake up the hypnotized? Me thinks I am surrounded by zombies.

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I was thinking the same while reading it. It seems too unbelievable that he would literally defend several “benefits” that can be easily disproven in court. They clearly didn’t consult with a lawyer before writing this.

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They have a good strategy. Just blame covid for all the deaths... whether vaccinated or not. There is no trustworthy data available. If somebody dies at home of a stroke or heart attack who checks the vax records? Anybody? Or do they just assume they are all unvaxxed.. you know.. since they died. LOL. We all know the vaccines are safe and effective so no need to check.

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Those who kill don't hesitate to lie about it.

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Incredible that they have the gall to say these things. Wonder what the response would be to the under reported by 100 times the 30,000 deaths on their own CDC VAERS data ? Even they admit the under reporting is a factor of 8 times. There should be 100 lawsuits against them for propagating such incredible lies.

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They fail to mention the several countries that no longer give the mRNA jabs to people under 50, some of which have stopped them completely.

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and how do we explain away all of us un-vaxxed people who are 100% healthy and never had covid? yet all the vaxxed folks I know have had covid numerous times and their health is generally getting worse and worse.

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Pure logic. Proves the vaccines don't work, proves the vaccines are deadly, proves not getting the clot shot was the wise course of action.

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They know that no lawsuits will come....the politicians made sure of that....no liability was baked into this equation from the outset.

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Bingo. Because it wasn't the FDA/CDC/NIH, etc al. It was the DOD...and they run this country. We lost our liberties a long time ago...they just let us beleive we lived in a Constitutional Republic.

We no longer do...haven't since 2020.

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As it’s been with all vaccines since 1986

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they have admitted they have not analyzed the VAERS data

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A second grader can analyze the data and know the vaccines are deadly

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Cannot wait to read what Florida Atty Jeff Childers has to say about this. Coffee & Covid away.......!!

Monday is looking like it's going to be quite a day, campers. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tonight, and we'll get there sooner.

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My husband is one of the fatalities, statistic. 😔😡💔😢

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I'm so sorry to hear this. I lost my father, who was 72, to Moderna in June 2021. I did report it to VAERS, in hopes it is preserved for later, non-CDC researchers.

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So sorry ... may there be accountability, soon ...

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so, so sorry, Abigail.

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Thank you

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According to Rochelle, he is not.

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I’m so sorry Abigail..... 😪

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So very very sorry.

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In the very profound words of the best therapist I ever knew, "Never Underestimate Denial!"

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Truly vomit worthy! Will any other State Surgeons General stand with Ladapo?

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I cannot understand why red state AGs & governors are not going after the whole rotten bunch, except that many of the Congress & senators don’t seem sufficiently outraged either

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paid off

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Perhaps they are all invested in the coming social markets that will follow a bankrupted government and strain on the economic system.

One thing about Congress....the ejected “public servants” seem to do just fine financially despite modest paychecks from their posts as elected officials.

Why is that? Consider this....they control policy and say yea or nay to regulation. They are generally the first to know about a future direction which any sector of society will engage in or the path that certain industries or interests will pursue.

How is that? What makes it so? Easy. The private interests, lobbyists and NGOs lobby them and persuade and purchase support in a number of ways....with $$$$, influence, and control.

That means the politicians are situated well in terms of reading the tea leaves of American life and profitability. And they can help the “plans” of those in the private sector along through support and furtherance of certain policies and regulation or lack thereof.

How much thought to they give to the advantages/disadvantages or risk/cost benefit of their constituency? Do they do their own research and consider objective sources that have been fully and aggressively vetted for conflicts of interest....especially in our ever increasingly complex and fast paced world? Or do the play politics and perhaps factor in personal gain and advantage while glossing over the out falls for the average America? The politicians often know that the discontent from the public can be washed away with some money, marketing, slogans and complicit media. I call it prostituting our interests as everyday Americans to those who are at this point consolidating and amassing wealth and technology that will result in those who own the means and machines as having complete control.

Kind of laugh....(although not funny)...makes me think of ‘the capital in the Hunger Games.

Is the complicity within the halls of Congress a product of a nuanced insider trading devoid of ethics and conflict rules (maybe potential conflicts are noted but it has strangely become acceptable and expected, so ignored...as well as the implications) or is it that they believe themselves to be on equal footing with those who pander to them...buying and investing in the relationships, ignoring the growing imbalance of power, thinking themselves protected from any fall out because they hold the keys to the kingdom (but they don’t, definitely not now....if they ever did)

Now the encroachment and arrogance of those pulling the levers has the politicians beholden to the point where the powers that be are stridently entering our lives and homes confident that they already own us....we just don’t know it yet.

What this letter tells me.....they are coming for the children next.

By this I mean, the lack of uptake....the assurances of “safe and effective”....and the targeting the resistance (once again) as sources of misinformation....expect to see a push to add the vaccine to the childhood schedule in individual states.

Who will stand up? Who will say no? How many people will go before their city council’s, school boards, state legislatures....very very very few.

Why? The cost socially remains problematic for most....they may agree that the vaccine is a problem....but they will not risk social capital, being demonized or ostracized or potential uncomfortable situations.

How do I know this? Been there, done that. Fighting the same forces in education. People, every day people, have felt disenfranchised for some time....politically and now even within their own communities. Tolerance or the diversity, equity and inclusion has led to a silencing...again for fear of perceptions. Is all this coincidence? Or are we talking about well orchestrated manipulation and propaganda with certain goals and objectives in mind.

With that...remember the mantra.....”Build back better.”

Well...heck....first they need to tear it all down and then, IMO....they are looking to build the NWO in their image.

So....when they come for the children....think long and hard about whether you will stand up and why it matters.

Then STAND UP and say....NOT ON MY WATCH....I decide what is “safe and effective” for my kids....and a mRNA vaccine in order to be able to attend school or participate in life on their terms is WRONG and UNACCEPTABLE.

And remember the more who stand and stand together, the less power they have...,so check your fear at the door and don’t worry about your social capital. Do the right thing and do not be bullied.

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They do not at all consider their constituencies, as evidenced by all the insider trading, ties to China/ Russia/Ukraine/other corruptocrats + exempting themselves from almost every law, EO or mandate to which they subject us

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Just listened to an hour interview with General Flynn. He gives me hope that what we are doing will show results soon. I feel strongly that the Military Tribunals will be very busy prosecuting all the traitors in and out of the government.

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My jaded self says that it's all a show (limited hangout) to calm the righteous rage of the public.

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THAT is exactly it. Laura my dear, you just nailed it all

And yes, we live in the Capital...of the Hunger Games...pretty soon tributes will

be offered. And we, the stupid, will be the tributes. Everyone else, the ones that we thought were not critical thinkers, who took the chance and took the jab, and continue to live, while they amass wealth and continue in their bureacratic grifting jobs, saw further than we did...we all thought we still had a country...well they were smarter and realized it was time to amass wealth and power anyway they could...and they are laughing at all of us here. We actually beleived back in 2020 e still had a country...couldn't see it for the end of the war...and now the mopping up.

All of the lovely posters on Substack...we are the fools, we are the idiots..we are way too moral and too tied to data and what we know...while the masses who continue to listen to MSM and worship Faucie knew all along...it was over. And the only way to survive was to amass money and power.

The laugh is on us.

We don't have the common sense of the people we castigate for being like sheep.

The sheep will have the last laugh...on us.

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Think you can just remove the first word.

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1. They really don't care about their constituency.

2. They DID NOT receive the fake vaccinations.

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1. They love their constituency*.

2. Actually they got the fake vaccinations. Pure saline. ;)

* They are their own constituency.

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Nope, they didn’t

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They are weak and as well brainwashed

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Liars. Liars. Liars. Uddar Pradesh has a true leader who did not lie to his people for money. HCQ and IVM used proactively - ZERO covid. FDA, CDC, etc., we KNOW you lied about everything. We KNOW the shots have ZERO efficacy ( See Mathew Crawford ) and tons of deadly side effects. LaDapo and DeSantis have NOT DONE ENOUGH, along with the so-called AG in Florida - It's the deadliest product in history - and WHY don't you stop it?? You must be on the payroll. ALL elected "leaders" are now fascists. Do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what they say. God sees everything you are doing maggots. Peace. :-)

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Once a liar, always a liar. Satan’s koolaid. Elixir of those caught in their own web.

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Wait, if I remember correctly there is a black box warning for teenagers. So the possibility of death is better than treating a virus with off label pharmaceuticals?

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They make little money on the off-label drugs. Vax up, you peasants!!

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Bizarro World. Courtesy of the CDC, a subsidiary of Pfizer.

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correction: a wholly-owned subsidiary of pfizer.

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When you catch someone red handed and they look at you bald faced and ask "what's your problem", then it's passed time for a vehement and unceremonious smackdown.

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Yeah, don't worry they never went through the proper drug development process and guessed at everything

Especially don't worry that they experimented on humans and didn't do proper pre-clinical work BEFORE they jabbed the world

and super don't worry about the using the pathogenic part of a bioweapon as the antigenic immunogen inverting decades of vaccinology

I hope Ladapo responds

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I hope he sends them a pic of himself doing this: 🖕

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Captured agency - A govt agency, especially a regulatory agency, that is largely under the influence of the economic interest group(s) most directly & massively affected by its decisions & policies -- typically business firms (& sometimes professional associations, labor unions, or other special interest groups) from the industry or economic sector being regulated. A captured agency shapes its regulations & policies primarily to benefit these favored client groups at the expense of less organized & often less influential groups (such as consumers) rather than designs them in accordance with some broader or more inclusive conception of the public interest.

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Everything is captured now, including our judiciary and representatives, and the voting machines.

We are the stupid ones...This is high school. None of us here was popular or in the "clique"...we did not learn, as others did, that you have to belong to the clique to survive.

Welcome to the realization that we will be the first to be eaten. The clique knows we never fit in.

We didn't support the clique and were the outsiders

We know we have lost our country..doesn't matter when. Only the clique members will survive.

We were the outsiders...and we don't have the balls or the killer instincts of the clique.

Our sisters and brothers who were popular tried to tell us...it doesn't matter how stupid the lie is..just go along...or you won't survive.

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Yes. Very upsetting.


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